8192x8192 UIView Lag - objective-c

I'm making a game using UIView.
I use a large (8192x8192) UIView as the map area, (the game is birds-eye-view) with a UIImageView stretched across it displaying a grass texture.
This uses heaps of memory, doesn't run on older devices and nearly crashes Xcode whenever I try to edit it...
Is there an alternate method of creating a 8192x8192 map, but without being laggy?

If it's possible to tile your graphics, something involving CATiledLayer would probably be a good fit. CATiledLayer allows you to provide only the images that are necessary to display the currently viewable area of the view (just like Maps does).
Here is some example code for displaying a large PDF.


NSImageView with high-resolution image causes extreme slowdown when resizing the window

I am creating a simple photo filter app for OS X and I am displaying a photo on an NSImageView (actually two photos on top of each other with two NSImageViews, but the question still applies for a single view too). Everything works super, but when I try to resize the window that contains the NSImageViews, the window (which also resizes the NSImageViews) resizes very slowly, at about less than 1fps, creating a negative impact on the user experience. I want resizing windows to be as smooth as possible. When I disable resizing the image views, the window resizes smoothly, so the cause of the slowdown is those NSImageViews.
I'm loading 20-megapixel images from my DSLR. When I scale them down to a reasonable size for screen (e.g. 1024x768), they scale smoothly, so the problem is the way NSImageView renders the images. It (I assume as the result of this behavior) tries to re-render 20MP image every time it needs to redraw it into whatever the target frame of the view is.
How can I make NSImageView rescale more smoothly? Should I feed it with a scaled-down version of my images? I don't want to do that as it's a photo editing app that also targets retina display screens and the viewport would actually be quite large. I can do it, but it's my final option. Other than scaling down, how can I make NSImageView resize faster?
I believe part of the solution your are looking for is in NSImage's representations. You can add many representations to an image with addRepresentation: I believe there is some intelligent selection done when drawing. In your case, I think you would need to add both representations (the scaled-down and the full resolution bitmap) to NSImage. I strongly suspect drawRect: should pick the low resolution version. I would make sure "scale up or down" is selected in NSImageView, because the default is scale down only, which may force your full resolution image to be used most of the time. There are some discussion in Apple's documentation regarding "matching" under "Setting the Image Representation Selection Criteria" in NSImage, although at first sight this may not be sufficient.
Then, whenever you need to do something with the full image, you would request the full resolution image by going through the representations ([NSImage representations] returns an array of NSImageRep).

ipad frame max size is not enough

I'm developing an ipad application about 2d drawing.
I need a UIView.frame size of 4000x4000. But if I set a frame with size 4000x4000 the application
crash since i get memory warning.
Right night I'm using 1600*1000 frame size and the user can add new object (rectangle) on frame. User can also translate fram along x and y axis using pan gesture in order to see or add new object.
Have you got some suggestion? how can I tackle this problem?
Well, I would suggest what is used in video games for a long time - creating a tiled LOD mechanism, where only when you zoom in toward specific tiles, they are rendered at an increasing resolution, while when zoomed out, you only render lower resolution.
If the drawing in based on shapes (rectangles, points, lines, or anything can be represented by simple vector data) there is no reason to create a UIView for the entire size of the drawing. You just redraw the currently visible view as the user pans across the drawing using the stored vector data. There is no persistent bitmapped representation of the drawing.
If using bitmap data for drawing (i.e. a Photoshop type of app) then you'll likely need to use a mechanism that caches off-screen data into secondary storage and loads it back onto the screen as the user pans across it. In either case, the UIView only needs to be as big as the physical screen size.
Sorry I don't have any iOS code examples for any of this - take this as a high-level abstraction and work from there.
Sounds like you want to be using UIScrollView.

Objective C iPad Animation with large images - What method to use?

I'm trying to build a weather application on the iPad but it seems that I need some help in animation. Say I'm animating a Radar, so the radar source files have 10 gif/jpeg pictures in 900x700 pixel size. I've tried the UIImage animation technique using the tutorial here:
but it seems that loading 10 images that big is too much for the iPad to handle and its crashing due to memory warnings. I'm researching other techniques to animate but I can't seem to find something that will do this efficiently.
I've looked at others like Core Animation using sprites, and Cocos2D with sprites. Can someone point in the right direction the best way to animate these big images? (keep in mind that these images are dynamic and changes often so the sprites will have to be recreated on a server and fetched from the iPad to do the animation). Thanks
OpenGL only creates textures with dimensions at powers of 2. In the case of your images, that's 1024x1024, which is a meg of memory per image. Still, that shouldn't be a problem with the iPad.
First, investigate using Xcode's profiling tools to ensure the images aren't being repeatedly loaded into memory at each loop of the animation (likely by way of new objects that aren't sharing cached textures). That could solve your problem from the start.
Second, I recommend using Cocos2D if only for the easy handling of textures and caching. Toss the images into a CCAnimation, pop that into a CCRepeatForever, run it with a CCSequence. When you're done hit CCTextureCache to release unused textures.
Third, lower your animation framerate to 30 or less (if only for this animation). It may be the iPad, but you making a weather app. Not a video game.
Finally, downgrade the size of your image. Justify all you want, but a large radar animation will not sell your app. And just because a website might already be playing that animation beautifully, remember that a desktop has vastly more memory and power than any smart phone.
Try breaking the animation image into into smaller parts and animate those instead by treating each components as sprites. It would be best if you use primarily code (CoreGraphics) and draw your radar "by hand" instead of just using images as if they were animated GIFs.

maskToBounds:YES affecting scroll performance

I have several UIButtons on a UIScrollView. I want the buttons to have rounded corners, so I call maskToBounds: on each of them. When I do this and run on the device, the scrolling framerate is pretty bad (it works fine on the simulator). Any ideas on a workaround for this problem?
You're causing the view to be composited offscreen with that call to masksToBounds:, which slows things down quite a bit. Are you rendering custom button images? If so use UIImage -stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: with an image which is the minimum width to encompass it's rounded edges. This allows the GPU to handle stretching the image in the most efficient way possible, while still giving you a button made out of an image. There is a session in the WWDC 2011 videos on Drawing in UIKit - watch that, as it addresses exactly this problem, and a few others you're likely to have.
A few alternative methods:
Tweeties implementation of fast scrolling, by drawing everything manually
Matt Gallaghers implementation of custom drawing. This is the method I use, as it's easy to maintain

Using Core Animation/CALayer for simple layered painting

I would like to create a custom NSView that takes a layered approach to painting. I imagine the majority of the layers would be the same width and height as the backing view.
Is it appropriate to use the Core Animation classes like CALayer for this task, even though I don't expect to need much animation? Is there a more appropriate approach?
To clarify, the view is not meant to be like a canvas in a Photoshop-like application. It more of a data display that should allow for user interaction (selecting, moving, scrolling, etc.)
If it's display and layout you're after, I'd say that a CALayer-based architecture is a good choice. For the open source Core Plot framework, we construct all of our graphs and plot elements out of CALayers, and organize them in a regular hierarchy. CALayers are lightweight and use almost identical APIs between Mac and iPhone. They can even be made to respond to touch or mouse events.
For another example of a CALayer-based user interface, my iPhone application's entire equation entry interface is composed of CALayers, including the menu that slides up from below. Performance is slightly better than that of my previous UIView-based implementation, but the same code also works within my preliminary desktop version of the application.
For a drawing program, I would imagine it would be important to hold a buffer of the bitmap data. The only issue with using a CALayer is that the contents property is a CGImageRef. To turn that back into a graphics context for doing further drawing can be a bit of a pain. You'd have to initialize a new context, draw the bitmap data into it, then do whatever drawing operations you wanted to do, and finally turn that back into a CGImageRef. You probably wouldn't be able to avoid doing a number of pretty large memory allocations, which is virtually guaranteed to slow your program way down.
I would consider holding an off-screen buffer for each layer. Take a look at the Quartz CGLayerRef object. I think it probably does what you want to do: it's an off-screen buffer that holds things you might want to draw repeatedly. You can also quickly get a CGContextRef whenever you need it so you can do additional drawing. And you can always use that CGContextRef with NSGraphicsContext if you want to use Cocoa drawing methods.