I have postorder array of a BST tree size n how do i show there is only one BST that can be constructed form it. I know I can rebuild the tree if I add nodes from right to left but how do I show there is only one right tree?
I have tried saying there are two possible trees and tried showing it is not possible but got stuck
It is possible only because it is a BST. Recall that for a Binary tree to be a valid Binary Search Tree:
-Left subtrees' values must be less than root's value
-Right subtrees' values must be greater than root's value
-Left and right subtrees must be valid binary search trees.
Because we know this must be the case, we can reconstruct the tree given a list of elements in post-order. The last element in the array (at pos n), is the root. Find the right-most element bigger than the root, and that's the root's first right-subtree. Find the element closest to the end of the array that is smaller than the root, and that's the left element. Recursively apply this to get the tree.
11 <----root
9 is the right-most number smaller than 11, so it's the left sub-tree
and 12 is the right-most element bigger than 11, so
/ \
/ \
9 12
Now, our root is 9, and the right-most number smaller than 9 is 8, so tree becomes
/ \
/ \
9 12
/ \
And the next number bigger than 9 is 10, so the final tree is
/ \
/ \
9 12
/ \
8 10
Try and convince yourself that there are other possible valid binary search trees with these points, but not ones that produce identical output on a post-order traversal.
So I have some code that does essentially this:
REAL, DIMENSION(31) :: month_data
INTEGER :: no_days
no_days = get_no_days()
month_data = [fill array with some values]
WRITE(1000,*) (month_data(d), d=1,no_days)
So I have an array with values for each month, in a loop I fill the array with a certain number of values based on how many days there are in that month, then write out the results into a file.
It took me quite some time to wrap my head around the whole 'write out an array in one go' aspect of WRITE, but this seems to work.
However this way, it writes out the numbers in the array like this (example for January, so 31 values):
0.00000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000 60.0000
70.0000 80.0000 90.0000 100.000 110.000 120.000 130.000
140.000 150.000 160.000 170.000 180.000 190.000 200.000
210.000 220.000 230.000 240.000 250.000 260.000 270.000
280.000 290.000 300.000
So it prefixes a lot of spaces (presumably to make columns line up even when there are larger values in the array), and it wraps lines to make it not exceed a certain width (I think 128 chars? not sure).
I don't really mind the extra spaces (although they inflate my file sizes considerably, so it would be nice to fix that too...) but the breaking-up-lines screws up my other tooling. I've tried reading several Fortran manuals, but while some of the mention 'output formatting', I have yet to find one that mentions newlines or columns.
So, how do I control how arrays are written out when using the syntax above in Fortran?
(also, while we're at it, how do I control the nr of decimal digits? I know these are all integer values so I'd like to leave out any decimals all together, but I can't change the data type to INTEGER in my code because of reasons).
You probably want something similar to
WRITE(1000,'(31(F6.0,1X))') (month_data(d), d=1,no_days)
The use of * as the format specification is called list directed I/O: it is easy to code, but you are giving away all control over the format to the processor. In order to control the format you need to provide explicit formatting, via a label to a FORMAT statement or via a character variable.
Use the F edit descriptor for real variables in decimal form. Their syntax is Fw.d, where w is the width of the field and d is the number of decimal places, including the decimal sign. F6.0 therefore means a field of 6 characters of width with no decimal places.
Spaces can be added with the X control edit descriptor.
Repetitions of edit descriptors can be indicated with the number of repetitions before a symbol.
Groups can be created with (...), and they can be repeated if preceded by a number of repetitions.
No more items are printed beyond the last provided variable, even if the format specifies how to print more items than the ones actually provided - so you can ask for 31 repetitions even if for some months you will only print data for 30 or 28 days.
New lines could be added with the / control edit descriptor; e.g., if you wanted to print the data with 10 values per row, you could do
WRITE(1000,'(4(10(F6.0,:,1X),/))') (month_data(d), d=1,no_days)
Note the : control edit descriptor in this second example: it indicates that, if there are no more items to print, nothing else should be printed - not even spaces corresponding to control edit descriptors such as X or /. While it could have been used in the previous example, it is more relevant here, in order to ensure that, if no_days is a multiple of 10, there isn't an empty line after the 3 rows of data.
If you want to completely remove the decimal symbol, you would need to rather print the nearest integers using the nint intrinsic and the Iw (integer) descriptor:
WRITE(1000,'(31(I6,1X))') (nint(month_data(d)), d=1,no_days)
say "1 10".split(" ")
returns (1,10)
When I use those 1 and 10 as arguments to the sequence operator [...]
say [...] "1 10".split(" ")
returns just (1) while it's supposed to return (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) I guess it's because the output of the split function is interpreted as string.
How to solve that problem? Thank you.
If you want numeric behavior then coerce to numerics:
say [...] +<< "1 10".split(" "); # (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
This uses a << hyperop to apply a numeric coercion (prefix +) to each element of the sequence generated by the split.
Regarding sequence and range behavior with string endpoints:
SO Why does the Perl 6 sequence 'A' … 'AA' have only one element?. What's described in the linked SO applies to the sequence you've specified, namely "1"..."10".
The open Rakudo issue Sequence operator with string endpoints and no explicit generator produces unintuitive/undocumented results.
SO Why are some of my ranges insane?.
What you've written is equivalent to:
put gist "1"..."10";
(say is equivalent to put gist.)
A gist of "1"..."10" is (1).
That's because the gist of List.new("1") is (1) just like the gist of List.new("a") is (a).
And "1"..."10" evaluates to a List.new("1").
Why? I'm not sure yet but I'm exploring the available info.
Let's start with the doc. The doc for the infix ... op says:
The default generator is *.succ or *.pred, depending on how the end points compare
say "1" cmp "10"; # Less
which presumably means the sequence starts calling *.succ.
And then:
say "1".succ; # 2
say "2" cmp "10"; # More
It seems this results in the sequence immediately terminating after the "1" rather than including the "2" and continuing.
I'm continuing to search the bug queues and examine the code around the area that #wamba++ linked in their answer to the above linked SO "Why does the Perl 6 sequence 'A' … 'AA' have only one element?".
As usual, raiph is giving the correct answer, but I find something missing about why it really does not work.
Main thing is that [] is a reduce operator, it's not applying whatever is inside it as an infix operator except as a side effect. For instance, this works:
say [+] <4 8>.words; # OUTPUT: «12»
But only because there are two components, and the reduce [] is applied to them, having the same effect. Ditto for ...
say [...] <4 8>.words; # OUTPUT: «(4 5 6 7 8)»
However that's not what you are looking for. You have two operands, a single operator, you want to call the operator itself. Which you can of course do by using its fully qualified name
say infix:<...>( | <3 5>.words ); # OUTPUT: «(3 4 5)»
as long as, of course, you flatten (with | ) its arguments to make it match the signature of an infix operator.
As usual, TIMTOWTDI. So do whatever suits you the best.
I have two questions:
What is the difference in presentation between hexadecimal ASCII And hexadecimal number?
I mean that when we say
var db 31H
How we can find out if we want to say Character a or we want to say number 31H.
Why this application goes like this?
1- a db 4 dup(41h)
2- b dw 2 dup(4141h)
I thought that this two lines will be run in the same way but in the second line when I want to see the variables they will be 8 8bits and in each one is number 41h.
But it must something wrong because dw is 2 8 bits and we are saying make 2 of 2 of 8 bits and it must be 4 8 bits not 8 8 bits.
The answer to the first question is simple: in a computer's memory, there is no ASCII, no numbers, no images ... there is just bits. 31H represents the string of bits 00110001; nothing more, nothing less.
It's only when you do something with those bits (display them to a screen, use them in a mathematical operation, etc) that you interpret it as meaning 1 (which it would in ASCII), or a (in some other character encoding), or 49 (as a decimal number), or a particular shade of blue in your colour palette.
How to know the size of a declared variable in GMP??or how can we decide the size of an integer in GMP?
in manual it is given that this function allocates 1limb(=32bits for my comp) size to the "temp"....
but it is having 9 digit number only..
SO i dont think that 32 bit size number holds only 9 digits number..
So please help me to know the size of integer variable in GMP ..
thanks in adv..
mpz_sizeinbase(num, 2) will give you the size in 'used' bits.
32 bits (4 bytes) really can be used to store only 9 decimal digits
2^32 = 4 294 967 296
so only 9 full decimal digits here (the 10th is in interval from 0 up 4, so it is not full).
You can recompute this via logarithms:
let's ask google
log base 10(2^32) = 9.63295986
Everything is correct.
You can check the number of limbs in a debugger. A GMP integer has the internal field '_mp_size' which is the count of the limbs used to hold the current value of the variable (0 is a special case: it's represented with _mp_size = 0). Here's an example I ran in Visual C++ (see my article How to Install and Run GMP on Windows Using MPIR):
mpz_set_ui(temp, 1073741824); //2^30, (_mp_size = 1)
mpz_mul(temp,temp,temp); //2^60 (_mp_size = 2)
mpz_mul(temp,temp,temp); //2^120 (_mp_size = 4)
Give the EBNF specification for the language L that is made up of the chars a, b and c such that sentences in the language have the form
L : sqsR
-s is a string of any combination of the characters a and b
-sR is that same string s reversed
-q is an odd number of c's followed by either an odd number of b's
or an even number of a’s.
What I have so far:
L -> S
S -> {a}{b}Q
Q ->
If this is right, I'm still not really sure how to produce from Q and also how to represent S in reverse.
This is a string that starts and ends with the same string, but reversed:
X -> aXa
-> bXb
This is a string with an odd number of c's:
Y -> cY2
Y2 -> ccY2
I've left out some crucial bits, but hopefully this can get you started.
Try building the first two parts from the middle out
You can force an odd number of repetitions by starting with exactly one item and adding N*2 additional items (for integer N). This should suggest how to force an even number as well