LinkedIn OAuth Request with no Verifier - api

Hi everyone, i am currently writting a lib to make generic OAuth Requests in C#.
The first part, of getting a Token and a Token secret is working for Twitter and Linkedin already ( RequestTokens ), but as soon as i jump to the Authorization part it does not work for Linkedin,but it does for twitter.
Useful Informations
I am currently using a method to generate AUTHORIZATION_URL for the Request. For Example :
Same for Twitter,using its own url. Both services are getting a correctly generated URL, and the window that pops up when i copy it in the browser is correcly.
After the user hits the button, different things happens depending on the service.
1 - Twitter : The browser redirects me to the Callback Page, and on the url there is a Verifier that i am currently parsing and storing it. Perfect.
2 - LinkedIn : In the sample i have,everything works just as twitter does, but when i use my own lib, there is no redirect for the callback url,instead, i am getting redirected to a url with a oob? tag, and a verifier number is shown in the screen, instead of appearing in the querystring.
What should i do to make sure that the OAuth method i will be using is the Normal one,instead of the Out Of Band method. I am making sure that the CALLBACK URL that i set in the lib, is being used for the Signature on the First Request (REQUEST_TOKEN STEP). Also, twitter works when i do this.
Any idea of whats happening ? Let me know if there is any useful information i can add to make sure that my question will be as complete as possible.
Thanks in advance

I solved it.
I forgot to add the Callback parameter to the Signature in the BaseGenerator,instead, it was commented.
Thanks anyways for everyone


Is there any way to get a Bearer token now, since Robinhood has changed the API again?

We keep playing this cat and mouse game with I have a trading app which used to trade stocks with Robinhood, but they keep changing the unsupported unofficial API to make it difficult for traders to use. I know that many people are doing the same thing and I want to reach out to them to see if there is a new answer. The latest problem is when I try to get a Bearer token using the URL the API returns the following JSON: {"detail":"This version of Robinhood is no longer supported. Please update your app or use Robinhood for Web to log in to your account."}. This started happening on 4/26/2019.
Has anyone found a work around for this, yet, or have they finally beaten us into submission?
A more complete solution (not need browser):
Use requests.session.
Obtain the login page by making a GET request to "".
At this point the session's cookies will contain 'device_id'.
Obtain this device_id and use it in making the oauth2 token request to "" also add in the data request "challenge_type" (either "sms" or "email").
This request will fail with a 400 error code. Robinhood will send an SMS message or Email with a temporary (5 minute) code.
Also at this point use the 400 response's body to get "id" from "challenge" inside of the JSON object.
Confirm the challenge by making a POST request to "" where CHALLENGEID is the same id mentioned in the first failed /oauth2/token/ POST request.
Make the same POST request to "" and include in the header "X-ROBINHOOD-CHALLENGE-RESPONSE-ID" with the value CHALLENGEID.
You can reuse a device_id with user/pass after this even after logging out.
Be cautious with storing device_id as it is the result of user/pass login and successful SMS/email 2FA.
Just got it working. At the risk of them seeing this post and changing it more, here we go:
First, you're going to want to log into your RH account in a web browser
View Source on the page, and look for clientId - it should be a big hex number separated by dashes
Add that number to your POST requests to /oauth2/token under the field device_token
There's probably another way to retrieve the device token, and I'm not even sure it's unique, but that way should work.
Good to be back here after a very long time.
Not sure if anyone is still looking for answers to this, but I have a very simple solution.
At Robinhood's login screen, enter your username/email and your password, press F12 on your keyboard to bring up the console panel and switch to the "Network" tab then wait for the page to load completely. (During this time you will see a list of items being loaded rapidly depending on the connection speed.)
At this time you can keep clearing the list by clicking on the button highlighted in the below image.
Click on button highlighted repeatedly until the list is empty
Now, log into your Robinhood account. At this point your console should display a list similar to the one shown below.
Look for the name "token/", most likely it will be the second one you get all the information you need. And this information will be under the Headers then Request Payload
I was able to find this with past knowledge and experience of web scraping for fun. And also, I needed to know this as well, since I recently started doing trades via Robinhood.
Hope this help you curious ones out there.
For my Robinhood account I am using Google Authenticator for my 2FA. What I have so far is that I send the original call that I was sending before to This is giving me a response of:
I then repeat my oauth token request, but this time providing the value from Google Authenticator (so my GUI has to prompt me to fill it in) with this payload in the request to
and then I am getting an access token in reply

Facebook Login without JSSDK, how to get token if already authorized previously

So I am updating an older desktop app (written in VB, .net 4.0) with facebook integration and followed the guide found here, and have been able to successfully get a token (by parsing the uri of the embedded webview if it contains "token="). Now my problem is if I try to login with a facebook account that has already approved the app in a prior session, the webview just gets redirected to without any token information.
Do I HAVE to log all of the tokens I generate manually (ie on successful token generation, I can call their profile info, use their FB ID as key and save the token)? Even if I do, since the email and password is input directly into the facebook login window, how do I check if the user already has a token?
Thanks in advance
The access token can change any time, you need to get it everytime. After getting the token, I immediately get the user information and use that ID to find their database information.
I couldn't quickly find facebook information but on google's oauth information it says "The access token is also associated with a limited scope that define the kind of data the your client application has access to (for example "Manage your tasks"). An important goal for OAuth 2.0 is to provide secure and convenient access to the protected data, while minimizing the potential impact if an access token is stolen."
Ok so I finally figured it out myself. My mistake was apparently requesting the access_token directly (ie to try and save time.
I fixed it by making a request for a 'code' instead (ie, which I then use to make a second request to retrieve an access token as documented here:, "Exchanging code for an access token" section a bit lower on the page.
Hope this helps someone in the future, this was very frustrating on my part.

Twitter OAuth with ASP.NET MVC 4 requiring sign-in every time

I'm using the out-of-the-box OAuthWebSecurity.RegisterTwitterClient function in ASP.NET MVC 4. I have set up a Twitter app, and I have enabled "sign in with twitter". The problem is that when I click the button, it makes me log into Twitter EVERY TIME, even if I'm already logged in in a different tab. Note that I have read the following question/answers:
Twitter Sign in page always showing
Simple Twitter Oauth authorization asking for credentials every time
which detail that it needs to go to the /authenticate/ endpoint instead of /authorize/. I have already done this, the URL that it redirects to is:
I have also tried it with the /authorize/ endpoint, but that doesn't work either. Can anyone shed some light on this?
It turns out that the 'force_login' parameter doesn't work how you'd think it would work. If the 'force_login' parameter is present then it will always force a login, regardless if it is true or false. If you remove it, it will work as expected.
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to take this param out.
Sooo, to fix this you could implement the Twitter SDK. Or leave it and wait for Microsoft to fix it; but I wouldn't hold my breath.
This answer works. I've tried it myself.
MVC4's DotNetOpenAuth TwitterClient sample does not respect prior login

Authorization on site objective-c

how can I get HTTPS authorization on site not using UIWebView from iOS?
Their APIs I unfortunately do not have = (
Please help, and sorry for my english, it's Google Translate.
P.S. Username and password to login I can not give because important information is stored there.
P.P.S Maybe there are ways to fill out a form via http UIWebView, but so that it loads only source without pictures?
you need to know the API for the POST or GET (and parameters of the body data). Check the documentation(Configuring Authentication point): documentation

Search Netflix using API without the user being logged in?

I'm trying to search Netflix through their API, but without logging anyone in (because I want to do this on the back-end, not necessarily related to any user action). I'm just starting off with their API so please forgive me if I'm doing something completely stupid. Here's the URL I'm trying to access:
However, that gives me a 400 Bad Request error. Is there no way to browse/search the Netflix catalog without having a user first sign in to my application? Or am I doing something wrong?
Note: I'm accessing said URL through my browser, since I only want to perform a GET request, which is what a browser does by default.
When using OAuth you need to compute a signature for the request, even if you're using 2-legged authentication which just uses your shared-secret and no user token (this means that your application is logged in, but no user is logged in).
If it's an HTTP (as in non-SSL) URL then you need to be using the HMAC-SHA1* signature method rather than PLAINTEXT because you don't want your consumer secret being passed across the wire in plain text.
If they allow an HTTPS URL then you can use the PLAINTEXT method, but you'll still need to calculate it as per and pass that as the oauth_signature query string parameter instead of passing oauth_token_secret. Note that you'll also need to pass oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT as a parameter too.
Also, it might be worth looking at the response that comes back. If they implement the OAuth Problem Reporting extension then that could give you some help with what's wrong.
*or another method that encryptes your shared secret