can we use DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges without losing data? - sql

I'm using DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges DB initializer class in Entity-framework-4.2. Problem is it creates a new database and old data is lost. I used seed method of this class to enter some new values. But in that way I cannot preserve my old data.
Does anyone know a way to drop and create a DB when model changes, without losing existing data?
Thank you.

No it is not possible with built-in database initializers and writing custom initializer preserving data would be very complex task. As alternative you can use Code First Migrations instead of initializers. Migrations allows incremental development of your database.


When should we use the advanced parameters of save()?

Normally we save an instance into the database simply with, but Django uses in its source code. Also, it uses['last_login']) elsewhere.
This somewhat confuses me. To make things worse, the document for the save() method is extremely simple:, force_update=False,
using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, update_fields=None)[source]
If you want customized saving behavior, you can override this save()
method. See Overriding predefined model methods for more details.
The model save process also has some subtleties; see the sections
It doesn't even contain the explanation of those parameters!
My question is: how do I know when I should use the advanced parameters of save()? If I'm implementing a custom model, I would definitely write
I've done a couple of experiments myself, like change to, and nothing went wrong, but I don't want to be surprised someday. Also, the parameters must be passed for some reasons, right?
The answer is you will know when you need to :)
For now resort to this practice
class MyModel(models.Model):
def save(self,*args, **kwargs):
# do whatever
This way you make sure that you don't accidentally drop any of those mysterious, parameters. But let's try to demystify some of them.
This is to facilitate the use of multible databases in a single django app. Which most apps don't really need.
If save() is passed a list of field names in keyword argument
update_fields, only the fields named in that list will be updated.
This may be desirable if you want to update just one or a few fields
on an object. There will be a slight performance benefit from
preventing all of the model fields from being updated in the database
So the link to the source code is a specific instance where they have used this feature. Quite useful to keep track of when a user logged in for the last time without updating the entire record.
force_insert vs force_update
These tell django to try forcing one or the other operation. Also explained to some extent in
The example of I believe is redundant when you only have one db, usually defined as "default
. This example simply points out that if you have multiple dbs, you can pass in which of multiple dbs to use when saving.
update_fields is also handy when you keep a reference to an instance for a long time (for example in a middleware) and the data might be changed from somewhere else. In these cases you either have to perform a costly refresh_from_db() on the instance to get the newest data from the database, or when you only want to override specific attributes you can omit the refresh_from_db() call and just use save(update_fields=['attr1', 'attr2']). This will leave all other attributes unchanged in the database except for the ones you specified. If you omit update_fields in this case all values would be overwritten in the database with the values of your cached reference to the instance, leading to information loss.

Renaming a core data property within an NSManagedObject class

I want to rename a property, sortOrder:
to sequence, within an NSManagedObject class.
(example illustration only)
And have followed the steps of Lightweight Migration.
The challenge is that the Lightweight Migration doesn't actually affect the NSManagedObject class (FormItems).
So the code still uses the sortOrder property. I can run a refactor-rename through XCode to change the code, but will that then break my backwards DB compatibility due to the renaming within the class?
What am I misunderstanding here?
Lightweight migration should work as expected. This statement
The challenge is that the Lightweight Migration doesn't actually affect the NSManagedObject class (FormItems).
is not necessarily true. It LW migration should affect all changed entities.
You can refactor your code to use the new name and
Create a new model version.
Make the changes to the property after changing to the new model version.
Make sure the persistent store has the right options.
NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption and
As described by #Mundi, you need to create a new model version.
After that, you need to rename sortOrder as sequence in your code.
In mapping model, value expression for attribute "sequence" would be $source.sortOrder. This will retain all previous values after migration.

Should we create Model Classes when we use Core Data?

I am working on an iPad application, that requires me to store data locally if the user doesn't have internet access and later on sync with the back-end database.
For local storage, I am planning to use Core Data with SQLite.
I am using Core Data for the first time and it seems, it retrieves entity and store entity in the form of a dictionary.
So should I be creating Model classes at all ?
What is a good design for such application.
I have a DataEngine class whose responsibility is to store entity on a server or local DB based on connectivity.
Now I am little confused If I need to create a Model class and ask individual model classes to save themselves using NSMangaedObjectContext with a dictionary representation Or just directly save data instead of creating a model object and asking it to do it ?
Should I be using a Moel class for each entity and that will server as interface between JSON representation that coms/goes from/to server.
and the representation I get from managedObjectContext.
Or shall I compeletely rely on the entity and relation ships that Core Data creates ?
I'll do this backwards: first some things for you to check and then some ideas.
Check my own question.
I'd say that on your custom categories you can do the interface between the JSON representation and your classes.
You should also check RestKit which can do already much of what you need.
You're talking about two separate problems as far as I can understand:
Syncing local data to the server based on connectivity;
Using model classes.
Problem 1
I think you should have a class with the common code and each of your model classes should have its own mapping (to map between model and JSON) and saving methods.
Another class, that may be your DataEngine class, takes care of saving the right objects at the right time.
Take a look at RestKit as it helps with the mapping and the saving. I'm not sure about the syncing though.
Problem 2
I think you should have model classes. It helps a lot to work with objects and you have then a place to save methods for finding different kinds of data.
For this my question might be useful for you because you can create a CoreData model with generated class files and update it whenever you want while keeping your custom code.

nHibernate: determine property value before save

we are currently evaluating whether nHibernate supports the requirements for our project. We share the database with another application so that we are not completely free as regards changes to the schema.
Some columns are filled with unique and consecutive numbers (e.g. for invoices). The next number is determined by a stored procedure that also implements a locking algorithm so that the numbers are guaranteed to be consecutive.
On the one hand we could define a trigger on the respective tables that sets the value for the column when an empty or special value is provided. This would require changing the existing database definition - though it might be the most reliable way to implement this.
In order to avoid the change of the database definition we are trying to solve this in the nHibernate ORM. We've first tried to implement a user type that calls the stored procedure in NullSafeSet if an empty value is provided. Unfortunately, the connection and transaction of the provided command are not set yet when NullSafeSet is called.
How can we solve this with nHibernate?
Thanks in advance,
If you decide to go with trigger route, then you'll need to add generated attribute to your property mapping.
Generated properties are properties which have their values generated
by the database. Typically, NHibernate applications needed to Refresh
objects which contain any properties for which the database was
generating values. Marking properties as generated, however, lets the
application delegate this responsibility to NHibernate. Essentially,
whenever NHibernate issues an SQL INSERT or UPDATE for an entity which
has defined generated properties, it immediately issues a select
afterwards to retrieve the generated values.
Aside from that, I'm not quite sure how would you call stored procedure from NHibernate issued INSERT, without adding a trigger or default constraint on column.
Looks like NHibernate has a notion of class persisters, through the interface IEntityPersister. Maybe you could hack something out from that.
The persister attribute lets you customize the persistence strategy
used for the class. You may, for example, specify your own subclass of
NHibernate.Persister.EntityPersister or you might even provide a
completely new implementation of the interface
NHibernate.Persister.IClassPersister that implements persistence via,
for example, stored procedure calls, serialization to flat files or
LDAP. See NHibernate.DomainModel.CustomPersister for a simple example
(of "persistence" to a Hashtable).
You could start from NHibernate's source.
If you have the ability to add triggers to database, that would probably be the best, straightforward way, without investing too much time to fight with NHibernate's internals.

Model View Controller: Does the Controller or Model fetch data off the server?

For example: Let's say I'm grabbing a list of names and saving it to an NSMutableArray. Do I implement the method of actually calling the server to fetch the data in the controller (UIViewController) or the model(Friends object)?
It's a design decision that depends on what you're trying to accomplish. If your model only makes sense in the context of a single service, or if you want your model to provide access to all the data on the server, then build the connection to the server into your data model. This might make sense if you are, for example, building a client for a service like Twitter or Flickr.
On the other hand, if you're just grabbing a file from a server and that's the end of it, it may make sense to do the communication in the controller. Controllers tend to be less reusable and more customized for the particular behavior of the application. Keeping the specifics about where the data comes from out of the model makes the model more reusable. It also makes it easy to test -- you can write test code that just reads a local file and stores the data in the model.
That's a good question. I think the best way is through a controller because it decouples your model from requiring the other model to be present for it to work properly. Although I don't think you violate "proper mvc" by doing it in the model either.
I think you want to put it in the model. What you'll do is interrogate the model for the data and then the model will handle how to populate itself whether it's from an internal data store or an external one (like a server).
One approach is to use the repository pattern. To do this, you create Repository objects in your Model folder and you place all of you database-related methods in them. Your controllers call the repository classes to get the data. This allows you to separate the real model objects from the database accessing methods.
I use the MVCS pattern (Model-View-Controller-Store), which I discovered in Aaron Hillegass's book "IOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide" (
The store is specifically designed to fetch the data, whether it comes from a server, a local file, a persisted collection, a database, etc.
It allows to build very evolutive applications. For example, you can build your application based on a web service, and the day you want to persist your data, you juste have to modify the store, without having to modify a single line of code in your controller.
It's a lot like the Repository Pattern ( (cf BobTurbo's answer)
I'd personally make a DAO, or data helper class. It's very hard to follow the strict MVC in objective C when things get more complicated. However, putting it in the model or the VC is not wrong as well.