How do you store a multi-array type of data into a cookie.
For example: [[1, 'foo'], [2, 'bar'], [3, 'foobar']]
I can get it to work with a single dimensional array as such:
cookies[:foobar] = { :value => cookies[:foobar] << ",1" }
and then do
To verify that 1 exists inside the cookie. Not too sure how I can get around this with a multidimensional array
Serialize array into json and store to cookies.
Look at two methods:
The easiest is probably to use one of the serialisation methods rails/ruby provides such as YAML, marshalling or json.
I am trying to mutate an array in my Vue application via Apollo to my Graphql backend.
For example the array which I try to mutate is stored in my schema as:
type type1 {
property1: [BigInt]!
However, when I assign and pass a string to my mutation, i.e. "[1, 2, 3]" something weird happens and a large integer number will be stored, i.e. "5013710821996412394", instead of my list. When I just try to pass an array I am not able to send my mutation and I get the status error 400 for bad request.
What kind of datatype for the array do I need to execute my mutation correctly to my backend graphql server?
Okay it works now with an array of strings. Before I passed an array of integers to my mutation:
array = [1, 2, 3]
Now I have:
array = ["1", "2", "3"]
... and I am able to execute my mutation correctly. :)
I have this json:
"$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List<MyType>",
"$values": [
"$type": "MyType",
"o": 7.54,
"t": 1619002800000,
"n": 3
"$type": "MyType",
"o": 7.53,
"t": 1619005140000,
"n": 3
I want to deserialize it back into a List<MyType>. I thought there would be an easy way to do that some thing like this:
var myList = json.FromJson<MyType>();
but that doesn't work.
I have figured out a way to accomplish my goal but it's a bit messy so I was wondering if there's a better way that I'm not aware of. Here's the messy way I came up with:
var myListOfObject = (List<object>)((Dictionary<string, object>)JSON.parse(json))["$values"];
var myTypes = myListOfObject.ConvertAll(x => JSON.stringify(x).FromJson<MyType>());
I'm not necessarily looking for fewer lines of code because 2 isn't anything to complain about. I'm just hoping there is a way that doesn't require all the casting and parsing and rather can accept the json as is and get it back to the type it came from. Maybe there's even a parameter I can set to tell it to validate types during the deserialization since the full type names are in the json.
You should use the same serializer you used to serialize the payload to deserialize it. ServiceStack.Text uses __type to embed its type information, in a different schema so you wont be able to use ServiceStack.Text to automatically deserialize it into the embedded type.
This likely used JSON.NET which you should use instead to deserialize it, otherwise yeah you can use ServiceStack's JS Utils to deserialize arbitrary JSON as you're doing.
I got a question about a computed object in Vuex.
For example, I need to fetch an X amount of requests and I store the response in an object with ID and response
// In the vuex-state
1: {object-response for ID 1},
2: {object-response for ID 2},
3: {object-response for ID 3},
What I want to achieve is that I create a getter where I can just pass the ID and retrieve the object.
getMyData: state => id => state.example[id]
But now I get the problem, the state receives a new response and updates the object of responses, but the getter getMyData doesn't retrigger.
Is this a good practice?
Thanks in advance
I have a hashmap payload in my flow, I want to compare its 'id' key with 'id' queryparameter to go to specific flow using a choice router. How to give this condition in MuleExpression for Choice router?
Here is the hashmap payload:
#[ == message.inboundProperties.'http.query.params'.id ]
How can i get my json from web api to format only value or null for Option types and Discriminated Unions preferably using Newtonsoft.
I am currently using Newtonsoft and only have to add this to web api for it to work:
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings <- new JsonSerializerSettings()
When i consume the data on my side, i can easily convert it back to an F# item using: JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<'a>(json)
The api will be consumed by NON .NET clients as well so i would like a more standard formatted json result.
I would like to to fix my issue, w/o having to add code or decorators to all of my records/DU in order for it to work. I have lots of records with lots of properties, some are Option.
ex (this is how DU is serializing):
// When value
"animal": {
"case": "Dog"
// When no value
"animal": null
This is what I need:
// When value
"animal": "Dog"
// When no value
"animal": null
This is how an Option type is serializing:
"DocumentInfo": {
"case": "Some",
"fields": [
"docId": "77fb9dd0-bfbe-42e0-9d29-d5b1f5f0a9f7",
"docType": "Monkey Business",
"docName": "mb.doc",
"docContent": "why cant it just give me the values?"
This is what I need:
"DocumentInfo": {
"docId": "77fb9dd0-bfbe-42e0-9d29-d5b1f5f0a9f7",
"docType": "Monkey Business",
"docName": "mb.doc",
"docContent": "why cant it just give me the values?"
Thank you :-)
You could try using Chiron. I haven't used it myself so I can't give you an extensive example, but has some bits of sample code. (And see as well for some nicer syntax). Basically, Chiron knows how to serialize and deserialize the basic F# types (strings, numbers, options, etc.) already, and you can teach it to serialize any other type by providing that type with two static methods, ToJson and FromJson:
static member ToJson (x:DocumentInfo) = json {
do! Json.write "docId" x.docId
do! Json.write "docType" x.docType
do! Json.write "docName" x.docName
do! Json.write "docContent" x.docContent
static member FromJson (_:DocumentInfo) = json {
let! i = "docId"
let! t = "docType"
let! n = "docName"
let! c = "docContent"
return { docId = i; docType = t; docName = n; docContent = c }
By providing those two static methods on your DocumentInfo type, Chiron will automatically know how to serialize a DocumentInfo option. At least, that's my understanding -- but the Chiron documentation is sadly lacking (by which I mean literally lacking: it hasn't been written yet), so I haven't really used it myself. So this may or may not be the answer you need, but hopefully it'll be of some help to you even if you don't end up using it.
I have found the solution that allows me to use Newtonsoft (JSON.NET), apply custom converters for my types where needed and not require any changes to my DU's or Records.
The short answer is, create a custom converter for Json.Net and use the Read/Write Json overrides:
type CustomDuConverter() =
inherit JsonConverter() (...)
Unfortunately the ones I have found online that were already created doesn't work as is for my needs listed above, but will with slight modification. A great example is to look at:
To apply your custom serializer in Web Api for every call, use:
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.Converters.Add(new CustomDuConverter())
To deserialize use (example that will deserialize to DU):
JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Animal>("Dog", customConverter)
type Animal = Dog | Cat
"animal": "Dog"
This will allow you to create a clean Api for consumers and allow you to consume 3rd party Json data into your types that use Option, etc.