Transition to Modal View Controller with Keyboard Visible - objective-c

Is it possible to present my modal view controller with the keyboard already visible? Currently, the modal's text view becomes the first responder as soon as it's view is loaded, which causes the keyboard to animate coming up from the bottom.
I'd like the keyboard to already be on the modal and be a part of it's transition. Any suggestions?

The keyboard is a separate UIWindow object. It is not in the same view hierarchy as your view controller's view. To make this happen, you would have to dig around in the UIApplication's windows property for the keyboard window and replace its default animation with a custom animation.

You could try putting the becomeFirstResponder code in vieWillAppear, but that isn't the "right" thing to do anyway.
You will probably need to replace the actual keyboard animation with a custom animation to force it to load immediately and without scrolling up.


Animate view and set button backgroundimage conflict

I am making a type of drawer animation for iOS where a button tap in one of my views will expand that view over the other views from the bottom up. All is well, except when I want to change the button image after animation. The animation completes but then returns the view to its original position when setting the button image.
Things I have tried:
Using CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation instead of setCenter; this works perfectly, except I want to also add a panGestureRecognizer to interact with the drawer, present, and dismiss it. The transform doesn't seem to play well with this interaction
Adding the buttons programmatically thinking maybe AutoLayout is fussing with this
UIView beginAnimations as well as UIView animateWithDuration and completion block
Setting breakpoints and verifying that the movement of the view is reflected in the frame of the button before the image is changed; button frame is not still in original position, but has supposedly relocated with the view
It shouldn't matter, but my project is using TabBarController. I made a simpler version of what I'm trying to do with just the one view controller and had the same issue. The green view extends beyond the frame of the view controller's view so that when it moves up it reveals what is off-screen.

How can I make all my buttons "touch up insides"?

I created an app where users can touch buttons on a scroll view to go to another view, but when you scroll, it gets stuck on the buttons, and can only scroll when not touching the buttons.
So I suppose touch up inside would fix this but how would I make all my modal connections into touch up insides?
If you're using the storyboards, then they should be on touch up inside by default.
My guess is that your scrollview has Delays Content Touches disabled, you can set them via interface builder or self.scrollView.delaysContentTouches = YES;

Showing a keyboard in iOS without animating

Does anyone know if there is a way to show the keyboard in iOS without animating it? Or better yet, can you change the animation speed?
The only way I know of, is pushing a view controller which has a view which is made first responder in -viewDidLoad. (viewWillAppear will probably do fine as well)
Pushing it without animation might get you a keyboard popping up without animation.
update too bad, it seems either the view animates into screen (modally or pushed on the navigation stack, with animated:YES) with the keyboard fixed, or the view comes up without animation (i.e. animated:NO) making the keyboard animate into screen again.

How to do a pop-up window with textfields in Objective-C?

In the iPhone Objective-C app, I want to pop-up a window (which is smaller than the main view, and the app does not stop running) when a button is tapped, with textField for the user to input text, and dismiss it when it is done.
This is widely used but I really cannot google the relevant content out.
What view should I use to connect it with the button? AlertView (which seems you cannot add dialogue in), ModalView?
Are there relevant info somewhere?
Make the popup it's own, full-sized window. Put a UIImageView in behind your popup screen, and duplicate the results of the normal window. That way, it will look like a popup window, but it still has the proper animation speed and everything. If you do it as a real popup, the game itself will slow down and look jumpy.
You can create any view and use UIViewController's presentModalViewController: to display a modal view controller (and even animate it).

Can’t tap button after interface rotation

I’ve got a view that has to be presented both in landscape and portrait. The transition between different orientations is done by repositioning and resizing the subviews. One of the subviews is a button (plain UIButton with an image background). When the interface rotates to landscape, the button starts misbehaving – it can only be tapped on its left part, the right part does not respond. When I move the button a bit to the left, the tappable part grows. The button should not be obscured by any other view, it’s clearly visible. When I override the hitTest:withEvent: method in the parent view, I see that the taps in the “numb” part of the button result in nil being returned. I think I have seen this behaviour once before, but unfortunately I’ve forgotten the source of the problem :) Any help?
Ah yes, I forgot to resize the view itself. Thus the button was on the boundary of the view and even though it was not clipped, the part lying outside the view frame was not considered for hit tests.