Is there any use to duplicate column names in a table? - sql

In sqlite3, I can force two columns to alias to the same name, as in the following query:
SELECT field_one AS overloaded_name,
field_two AS overloaded_name
FROM my_table;
It returns the following:
overloaded_name overloaded_name
--------------- ---------------
1 2
3 4
... ...
... and so on.
However, if I create a named table using the same syntax, it appends one of the aliases with a :1:
sqlite> CREATE TABLE temp AS
SELECT field_one AS overloaded_name,
field_two AS overloaded_name
FROM my_table;
sqlite> .schema temp
overloaded_name TEXT,
"overloaded_name:1" TEXT
I ran the original query just to see if this was possible, and I was surprised that it was allowed. Is there any good reason to do this? Assuming there isn't, why is this allowed at all?
I should clarify: the question is twofold: why is the table creation allowed to succeed, and (more importantly) why is the original select allowed in the first place?
Also, see my clarification above with respect to table creation.

I can force two columns to alias to the same name...
why is [this] allowed in the first place?
This can be attributed to the shackles of compatibility. In the SQL Standards, nothing is ever deprecated. An early version of the Standard allowed the result of a table expression to include columns with duplicate names, probably because an influential vendor had allowed it, possibly due to the inclusion of a bug or the omission of a design feature, and weren't prepared to take the risk of breaking their customers' code (the shackles of compatibility again).
Is there any use to duplicate column names in a table?
In the relational model, every attribute of every relation has a name that is unique within the relevant relation. Just because SQL allows duplicate column names that doesn't mean that as a SQL coder you should utilise such as feature; in fact I'd say you have to vigilant not to invoke this feature in error. I can't think of any good reason to have duplicate column names in a table but I can think of many obvious bad ones. Such a table would not be a relation and that can't be a good thing!
why is the [base] table creation allowed to succeed
Undoubtedly an 'extension' to (a.k.a purposeful violation of) the SQL Standards, I suppose it could be perceived as a reasonable feature: if I attempt to create columns with duplicate names the system automatically disambigutes them by suffixing an ordinal number. In fact, the SQL Standard specifies that there be an implementation dependent way to ensure the result of a table expression does not implicitly have duplicate column names (but as you point out in the question this does not perclude the user from explicitly using duplicate AS clauses). However, I personally think the Standard behaviour of disallowing the duplicate name and raising an error is the correct one. Aside from the above reasons (i.e. that duplicate columns in the same table are of no good use), a SQL script that creates an object without knowing if the system has honoured that name will be error prone.

The table itself can't have duplicate column names because inserting and updating would be messed up. Which column gets the data?
During selects the "duplicates" are just column labels so do not hurt anything.

I assume you're talking about the CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT command. This looks like an SQL extension to me.
Standard SQL does not allow you to use the same column name for different columns, and SQLite appears to be allowing that in its extension, but working around it. While a simple, naked select statement simply uses as to set the column name, create table ... as select uses it to create a brand new table with those column names.
As an aside, it would be interesting to see what the naked select does when you try to use the duplicated column, such as in an order by clause.
If you were allowed to have multiple columns with the same name, it would be a little difficult for the execution engine to figure out what you meant with:
select overloaded_name from table;
The reason why you can do it in the select is to allow things like:
select id, surname as name from users where surname is not null
union all
select id, firstname as name from users where surname is null
so that you end up with a single name column.
As to whether there's a good reason, SQLite is probably assuming you know what you're doing when you specify the same column name for two different columns. Its essence seems to be to allow a great deal of latitude to the user (as evidenced by the fact that the columns are dynamically typed, for example).
The alternative would be to simply refuse your request, which is what I'd prefer, but the developers of SQLite are probably more liberal (or less anal-retentive) than I :-)


What is the best type for status in sql table?

I need to store status of an entity, but i'm stuck with question of what is the better sql type. I'm using postgresql and see following possibilities:
Separate reference table
Enum is not bad even if i will add new statuses and now it seems to be more simple and clear then reference table. Is it right?
And another question is what is better option for performance in select queries? Enum is similar to int, but reference table turn to query with join or where exists query to filter by status.
Help me to understand what is better?
If the status might be in more than one table, then I would recommend a reference table. This ensures that the statuses are consistent.
Within a single table, you could use a varchar() column with a check constraint. However, I would probably still lean toward a reference table.
A reference table has another advantage beyond consistency. It makes it easier to store information about the status -- for instance, short names, long descriptions, "default" values for certain attributes, and so on.

Create database model using columns names (no FK, no relation)

I have a database with no FKs, PKs and not any documentation to show what tables relates with each other. So i'm in big trouble to do a reverse engineering on the physical data to mind how does one table relates to another one. Does anyone knows a tool to create a model based only by the names of columns?
Table A have a column with name ID_NTP_BAZINGA that relates to table B with the column name ID_NTP_BAZINGA.
Hm, it is hard task to do (and I kind of have done it myself), but I can think of some hints to automate your work, for example commands like sp_msforeachdb or sp_msforeachtable might be handy.
To determine FK relations in a way you mentioned, you could use such query:
select * from (
select object_name(object_id) [table],
count(*) over (partition by name) [cnt]
from [DB_name].sys.columns
) a where cnt > 1
which, in your case, would return (among others)
and give you already some insight.
For candidates for PK, one could use sp_msforeachtable with dynamic SQL checking if count(distinct *) is equal to count(*) - this would tell you whether you have unique values or not, and in the end you would count(*) with is not null filter in where clause, so you'll know if you have nulls in particular column.
These are some general hints and exact queries you have to write yourself. This answer will get you started.
This is data archaeology. It's ironic because one of the reasons for developing databases in the first place was to guarantee that data would be better documented than it had been in files and records. One of the best handles on the data model in this case is the application code.
Look at the SQL used by the application, especially at the queries. Retrieval is when data gets turned into information, and that's where you'll get your clues. Pay special attention to the ON and WHERE clauses. You may be able to figure out while columns were functioning as PKs and FKs, even if they weren't declared as such.

SQL Newbie: Use a foreign key for a lookup table being used like an enum() field?

Say I have field Ice_Cream.flavor, with the current choices in lookup table Flavor.flavor.
I use Flavor.flavor like an enum() list, storing the value, not the record ID, in Ice_Cream.flavor. If Flavor.flavor changes, I don't want to update Ice_Cream:flavor. I want it to stay as created.
Should I set up Ice_Cream.Flavor as a foreign key, so I can see the source of the values in my ER diagram, or not?
If you want Ice_Cream.flavor to stay as created even if there is no matching record in Flavor (which is what your question sounds like) then you cannot create a FOREIGN KEY relationship, it will not allow that condition to occur in your database.
Furthermore, if you're storing the actual text Flavor.Flavor string in Ice_Cream.Flavor, there's no particular reason to have a separate RecordID column in Flavor.
IMHO, you do not need a FK here except if you have additional informations about a flavor in the Flavor table beside the name in the column flavor. It is the case because you do not keep an ID, you keep the name AND you want to keep the old value.
I also supposed that you do not want to keep old flavors in the Flavor table or elsewhere except in the Ice_Cream table.
Last but not least, a FK would require that any flavor stored in Ice_Cream.flavor exists in the Flavor table. It is not the case if I understand correctly your question.

SQL Server - Schema/Code Analysis Rules - What would your rules include?

We're using Visual Studio Database Edition (DBPro) to manage our schema. This is a great tool that, among the many things it can do, can analyse our schema and T-SQL code based on rules (much like what FxCop does with C# code), and flag certain things as warnings and errors.
Some example rules might be that every table must have a primary key, no underscore's in column names, every stored procedure must have comments etc.
The number of rules built into DBPro is fairly small, and a bit odd. Fortunately DBPro has an API that allows the developer to create their own. I'm curious as to the types of rules you and your DB team would create (both schema rules and T-SQL rules). Looking at some of your rules might help us decide what we should consider.
Thanks - Randy
Some of mine. Not all could be tested programmatically:
No hungarian-style prefixes (like "tbl" for table, "vw" for view)
If there is any chance this would ever be ported to Oracle, no identifiers longer than 30 characters.
All table and column names expressed in lower-case letters only
Underscores between words in column and table names--we differ on this one obviously
Table names are singular ("customer" not "customers")
Words that make up table, column, and view names are not abbreviated, concatenated, or acronym-based unless necessary.
Indexes will be prefixed with “IX_”.
Primary Keys are prefixed with “PK_”.
Foreign Keys are prefixed with “FK_”.
Unique Constraints are prefixed with “UC_”.
I suspect most of my list would be hard to put in a rules engine, but here goes:
If possible I'd have it report any tables that are defined as wider than the bytes that can be stored in a record (excluding varchar(max) and text type fields) and/or a datapage.
I want all related PK and FK columns to have the same name if at all possible. The only time it isn't possible is when you need to have two FKs in the same table relating to one PK and even then, I would name it the name of the PK and a prefix or suffix describing the difference. For instance if I had a PersonID PK and a table needed to have both the sales rep id and the customer id, they would be CustomerPersonID, and RepPersonID.
I would check to make sure all FKs have an index.
I would want to know about all fields that are required but have no default value. Depending on what it is, you may not want to define a default, But I would want to be able to easily see which ones don't to hopefully find the ones that should have a default.
I would want all triggers checked to see that they are set-based and not designed to run for one row at time.
No table without a defined Unique index or PK. No table where the PK is more than one field. No table where the PK is not an int.
No object names that use reserved words for the database I'm using.
No fields with the word Date as part of the name that are not defined as date or datetime.
No table without an associated audit table.
No field called SSN, SocialSecurityNumber, etc. that is not encrypted. Same for any field named CreditCardNumber.
No user defined datatypes (In SQL Server at least, these are far more trouble than they are worth.)
No views that call other views. Experience has shown me these are often a performance disaster waiting to happen. Especially if they layer more than one layer deep.
If using replication, no table without a GUID field.
All tables should have a DateInserted field and InsertedBy field (even with auditing, it is often easier to research data problems if this info is easily available.)
Consistent use of the same case in naming. It doesn't matter which as long as all use the same one.
No tables with a field called ID. Hate these with a passion. They are so useless. ID fields should be named tablenameID if a PK and with the PK name if an FK.
No spaces or special characters in object names. In other words if you need special handling for the database to recognize it in the correct context in query, don't use it.
If it is going to analyze code as well, I'd want to see any code that uses a cursor or a correlated subquery. Why create performance problems from the start?
I would want to see if a proc uses dynamic SQl and if so if it has an input bit variable called Debug (and code to only print the dynamic SQl statment and not execute it, if the Debug variable is set to 1).
I'd want to be able to check that if there is more than one statement causing action in the database (insert/update/delete) that there is also an explicit transaction in the proc and error trapping to roll the whole thing back if any part of it fails.
I'm sure I could think of more.

Normalization Help

I am refactoring an old Oracle 10g schema to try to introduce some normalization. In one of the larger tables, there is a text field that has at most, 10-15 possible values. In my mind, it seems that this field is an example of unnecessary data duplication and should be extracted to a separate table.
After examining the data, I cannot find one relevant piece of information that could be associated with that text value. Basically, if I pulled that value out and put it into its own table, it would be the only field in that table. It exists today as more of a 'flag' field. Should I create a two-column table with a surrogate key, keep it as it is, or do something entirely different? Am I doing more harm than good by trying to minimize data duplication on this field?
You might save some space by extracting the column to a separate table. This is called a lookup table. It can give you a couple of other benefits:
You can declare a foreign key constraint to the lookup table, so you can rely on the column in the main table never having any value other than the 10-15 values you want.
It's easy to query for a concise list of all permitted values, by querying the lookup table. This can be faster than using SELECT DISTINCT on the main table's column. It also returns values that are permitted, but not currently used in the main table.
If you change a value in the lookup table, it automatically applies to all rows in the main table that reference it.
However, creating a lookup table with one column is not strictly normalization. You're just replacing one value with another. The attribute in the main table either already supports a normal form, or not.
Using surrogate keys (vs. natural keys) also has nothing to do with normalization. A lot of people make this mistake.
However, if you move other attributes into the lookup table, attributes that depend only on the lookup value and therefore would create repeating groups (violating 3NF) in the main table if you left them there, then that would be normalization.
If you want normalization break it out.
I think of these types of data in DBs as the equivalent of enums in C,C++,C#. Mostly you put them in the table as documentation.
I often have an ID, Name, Description, and auditing columns for them (eg modified by, modified date, create date, create by, active.) The description field is rarely used.
Example (some might say there are more than just 2)
ID Name Audit Columns...
1 Male
2 Female
Then in your contacts you would have a GenderID column which would link to this one.
Of course you don't "need" the table. You could have external documentation somewhere that says 1=Male, 2=Female -- but I think these tables serve to document a system.
If it's really a free-entry text field that's not re-used somewhere else in the database, and there's just a single field without repeated instances, I'd probably go ahead and leave it as it is. If you're determined to break it out I'd create a 'validation' table with a surrogate key and the text value, then put the surrogate key in the base table.
Share and enjoy.
Are these 10-15 values actually meaningful, or are they really just flags? If they're meaningful pieces of text and it seems wasteful to replicate them, then sure create a lookup table. But if they're just arbitrary flag values, then your new table will be nothing more than a mapping from one arbitrary value to another, and not terribly helpful.
A completely separate question is whether all or most of the rows in your big table even have a value for this column. If not, then indeed you have a good opportunity for normalization and can create a separate table linking the primary key from your base table with the flag value.
Edit: One thing. If there's some chance that one of these "flag" values is likely to be wholesale replaced with another value at some point in the future, that would be another good reason to create a table.