How to set Selection.Start in VBA? - vba

I have a problem with adjusting selection inside of a table. I have a function that goes through a document word by word to analyze it's contents looking for specific patterns. Unfortunately, in tables Char(7) character breaks the selection - when it's selected, all cells become selected automatically. To work around this problem I store the proper Selection.Start parameter.
Here is my code:
If InStr(Selection.text, Char(7)) > 0 Then
Selection.start = selStart
Selection.End = selStart + (Len(tekst) - 2)
End If
Well, it did not help. I can see, while debugging, that selStart is 441 and Selection.Range.Start is 427 (427 would be the beginning of the cell, when the word I'm looking for is on the position of 441). In the next step... Selection.Start still is 427.
I've also tried another aproach using MoveStart and MoveEnd but no matter what I do, the Selection.Start doesn't change.

Well of course!
I can't move Selection.Start, while Chr(7) is in the selection! Everything works perfectly when I move Selection.End fisrt...
If InStr(Selection.text, Chr(7)) > 0 Then
Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1
Selection.start = selStart
End If

Maybe a different approach is in order: rather than manipulate the selection, iterate the Document.Words collection. Something like:
Sub PreccessAllWords()
Dim doc As Document
Dim wd As Range
Set doc = ActiveDocument
For Each wd In doc.Words
If wd.Text = "Foo " Then
wd.Text = "Bar "
End If
Next wd
End Sub


Macro for Adding Text To Begining of Every Paragraph

I am trying to create a Word macro that will go through a large document that I have and add the text "SAMPLE" to the beginning of every paragraph.
The document contains a Title page, Table of Contents and Headings throughout and I would prefer none of these have the "SAMPLE" text on them, just the paragraphs.
Below is some macro code I have found on various sites and kind of pieced together to do somewhat of what I want. It does place the "SAMPLE" text at the beginning of some paragraphs but not all, usually only the first paragraph of a new section within my document. And it also places it at the end of the Table of Contents and Beginning of the Title page.
I am brand new to macros in Word so any help is appreciated or if there is a better way of doing this perhaps? There might even be some unnecessary bits in this code since it is pieced together from other samples.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Par As Paragraph, Rng As Range
For Each Par In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
If Par.Style = "Normal" Then
If Rng Is Nothing Then
Set Rng = Par.Range
Rng.End = Par.Range.End
End If
Call RngFmt(Rng)
End If
If Par.Range.End = ActiveDocument.Range.End Then
Call RngFmt(Rng)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub RngFmt(Rng As Range)
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
With Rng
.End = .End - 1
.InsertBefore "SAMPLE"
End With
Set Rng = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Provided your Title, Table of Contents and Headings etc. don't use the Normal Style - as they shouldn't - you really don't need a macro for this - all you need is a wildcard Find/Replace where:
Find = [!^13]*^13
Replace = SAMPLE: ^&
and you specify the Normal Style as a Find formatting parameter. You could, of course, record the above as a macro, but that seems overkill unless you're doing this often.

Select and format pasted article in word

I have many occasions that I have to copy article from web-page, paste to word and format in a certain way. I had this code to auto paste and format. However, it only work once, and it just doesn't change the font of the pasted article later on.
Sub Macro1()
Dim artic As Word.Range
Set artic = Selection.Range
'keep bold word bold and avoid paragraphs to cluster into one
artic.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
'paste and select pasted article
artic.Font.Name = "Calibri"
artic.Font.Size = 10.5
artic.Font.Italic = False
artic.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
End Sub
If you set a breakpoint at artic.Font.Name = "Calibri" so that the code stops after artic.Select you'll see that the Paste method does not include what's been pasted. Generally, artic will be at the beginning of the pasted content.
This means the code needs to be able to locate the position just after where the Selection was before pasting. It also depends on whether the paste occurs at the end of the document, or not.
The following sample code worked for me in my tests. It uses two Ranges: one for where the content will be pasted, the other for the end position after pasting.
(Responding to request for more clarification about the Word object model): Think of a Range object like a selection, with the difference that there can be many Range objects, but only one Selection. When manipulating a Range it often helps to think of using the keyboard to reduce or expand it. Pressing the left- or right-arrow keys will "collapse" a selection to an insertion point; holding Shift and pressing these keys will expand/reduce a selection; holding Shift while clicking somewhere else in the document will also do that. Think of setting Range.Start or Range.End as the equivalent of this last. The start or end point of the Range is being arbitrarily set to another location in the document.
In the case of the first If in the code below the Range is being reduced/collapsed to its starting point (think left-arrow key), then moved one character to the right (think right-arrow key). This puts it beyond where new material will be pasted, so extending the paste point's end to this Range's starting point will pick up everything between the two.
Sub TestPasteAndSelect()
Dim artic As Word.Range, rng As Word.Range
Dim bNotAtEnd As Boolean
Set artic = Selection.Range
Set rng = artic.Duplicate
rng.End = ActiveDocument.content.End
If rng.Characters.Count > 1 Then
'selection is not at end of document
rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart
rng.MoveStart wdCharacter, 1
bNotAtEnd = True
End If
'keep bold word bold and avoid paragraphs to cluster into one
artic.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
'paste and select pasted article
If bNotAtEnd Then
artic.End = rng.Start
Set artic = rng.Duplicate
End If
artic.Font.Name = "Calibri"
artic.Font.Size = 10.5
artic.Font.Italic = False
artic.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
End Sub

Testing for "hard" page break

How can I test whether the insertion point is at the start of a new page created by a manual page break? It seems like it should be as simple as checking if the preceding character is CHR(12), but that doesn't seem to work.
If Selection.Type = CHR(12) Then
Selection.TypeText Text:="HARD PAGE"
Selection.TypeText Text:="NO HARD PAGE"
End If
Is it just a syntax error or do I have the wrong approach here?
You have to move the selection (or the range) backwards. Selection.Text (or Range.Text) always returns the character following the IP. Of course, you may not want to actually move the selection. That means you can work with a Range object to do the testing.
Since you have to move backwards, anyway, to test whether there's a hard pagebreak, I've put it in a loop so that the selection can be anywhere on the page, to begin with.
Also, I've added a check whether the macro has started on the first page, since you'd otherwise go into an infinite loop, moving backwards from the Selection to the next page.
Sub CheckWhetherHardPageBreak()
Dim rngToCheck As word.Range
Dim pgNr As Long
Dim pgNrChange As Long
Set rngToCheck = Selection.Range
pgNr = rngToCheck.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
If pgNr = 1 Then
MsgBox "Can't start on Page 1"
Exit Sub
End If
pgNrChange = pgNr
Do While pgNrChange = pgNr
rngToCheck.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
pgNrChange = rngToCheck.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
'Extend the selection to include the following character
'So that ASC() works
rngToCheck.MoveEnd wdCharacter, 1
If Asc(rngToCheck.Text) <> 12 Then
'Move it back before the previous character
'as the character immediately following a hard page break is Chr(13)
rngToCheck.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -2
End If
rngToCheck.MoveEnd wdCharacter, 1
If Asc(rngToCheck) = 12 Then
Selection.TypeText Text:="HARD PAGE"
Selection.TypeText Text:="NO HARD PAGE"
End If
End Sub
I think you might be intending to use Chr(13) or Chr(10).
More information here:
Stack Overflow: What are carriage return, linefeed, and form feed?

Word VBA: how to select found text rather than where the cursor is positioned

This is probably simple but I can't get it to work.
I need to search through my document, find words that contain the string 'alog' and add 'ue'. For example, 'catalogs' --> 'catalogues'.
The above works fine but I can't get the next bit to work: if a found string already has 'ue' after the 'log' I don't want to add another 'ue'.
The subroutine accessed from the macro is below. I've tried adding the following lines into the 'while execute' part, but 'selection' always turns out to be the word where the cursor happens to be.
With Selection
.Expand unit:=wdWord
End With
How do I i) select the content of the found range and ii) expand that new selection by two characters to see if those two characters are 'ue' ?
Many thanks.
Sub do_replace2(old_text As String, new_text As String, Count_changes As Integer)
' Replaces 'log' with 'logue'
' Ignores paragraphs in styles beginning with 'Question'
Dim rg As Range
Set rg = ActiveDocument.Range
With rg.Find
.Text = old_text
While .Execute
If Left(rg.Paragraphs(1).Style, 8) <> "Question" Then
rg.Text = new_text
With ActiveDocument.Comments.Add(rg, "Changed from '" & old_text & "'")
.Initial = "-logs"
.Author = "-logs"
End With
Count_changes = Count_changes + 1
End If
rg.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Sub
I'm not quite sure I follow the first part of your question "How do I select the content of the found range". The rg variable already contains the search result. If you want to select it, just use rg.Select. This might be useful in debugging (so you can see where the Range is when you're stepping through the code), but there isn't really any other reason to use the Selection object in the code from your question. You can just use the Range object instead.
As to part 2 of your question "How do I ... expand that new selection by two characters", all you need to do is add 2 to the .End property of the Range. Since you're only using this for a test (and because the .Find method can be dodgy), test this on a copy of rg:
With rg.Find
.Text = old_text
While .Execute
If Left(rg.Paragraphs(1).Style, 8) <> "Question" Then
Dim test As Range
Set test = rg.Duplicate 'copy the found Range.
test.Collapse wdCollapseEnd 'move to the end of it.
test.End = test.End + 2 'expand to the next 2 characters.
If test.Text <> "ue" Then 'see if it's "ue".
rg.Text = new_text
With ActiveDocument.Comments.Add(rg, "Changed from '" & old_text & "'")
.Initial = "-logs"
.Author = "-logs"
End With
Count_changes = Count_changes + 1
End If
End If
rg.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With

Loop through pages OR page breaks?

I'm basically trying to create a cumulative word count for documents that will put the number of words on each page into its footer and add it to the total words each page. After a lot of looking around, I found that Word doesn't really handle pages the same for everybody and so doesn't have any interface to access the individual pages through.
Now I'm trying to separate each page with page breaks so there's a clear delimiter between pages, but I still can't find how to loop through these. Any clues?
I'm going to post the code I have, but it's only for getting the word count currently. No proper attempts at cycling through page breaks because I don't know how.
Sub getPageWordCount()
Dim iPgNum As Integer
Dim sPgNum As String
Dim ascChar As Integer
Dim rngPage As Range
Dim iBeginPage As Integer
Dim iEndPage As Integer
' Go to start of document and make sure its paginated correctly.
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdMove
' Loop through the number of pages in the document.
For iPgNum = 2 To Selection.Information(wdNumberOfPagesInDocument)
sPgNum = CStr(iPgNum)
iBeginPage = Selection.Start
' Go to next page
Selection.GoTo wdGoToPage, wdGoToAbsolute, sPgNum
' and to the last character of the previous page...
Selection.MoveLeft wdCharacter, 1, wdMove
iEndPage = Selection.Start
' Retrieve the character code at insertion point.
Set rngPage = ActiveDocument.Range(iBeginPage, iEndPage)
MsgBox rngPage.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWords)
'rngPage.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text = rngPage.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWords)
' Check the character code for hard page break or text.
' ActiveDocument.Sections(2).Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text = "bob" 'Testing
End Sub
Finally got it, managed to guess my way through it a bit, taking assorted bits from dark corners of the internet:
Sub getPageWordCount()
'Replace all page breaks with section breaks
Dim myrange1 As Range, myrangedup As Range
Selection.HomeKey wdStory
With Selection.Find
Do While .Execute(findText:="^m", Forward:=True, _
MatchWildcards:=False, Wrap:=wdFindStop) = True
Set myrange = Selection.Range
Set myrangedup = Selection.Range.Duplicate
myrange.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
myrange.InsertBreak wdSectionBreakNextPage
End With
'Unlink all footers and insert word count for each section
Dim sectionCount, sectionNumber, i, sectionWordCount, cumulativeWordCount As Integer
sectionCount = ActiveDocument.Sections.Count
For sectionNumber = 1 To sectionCount
With ActiveDocument.Sections(sectionNumber)
sectionWordCount = .Range.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWords)
cumulativeWordCount = cumulativeWordCount + sectionWordCount
With .Footers.Item(1)
.LinkToPrevious = False
.Range.Text = "This page's word count: " + CStr(sectionWordCount) + " | Cumulative word count: " + CStr(cumulativeWordCount)
.Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
End With
End With
End Sub
And now I've just discovered that if I want to port this macro to an add-in for ease of use for non-techy users I have to write it in VB 2010 in Visual Studio where the API is different. Good luck me!
It sounds as if you have what you need, but I was working on an alternative that I may as well post because it does not require you to add page breaks or section breaks. But you would have to add the same nested field in each footer that appears in the document (I haven't done that part here, but it's not completely trivial because there may be multiple sections and multiple footers per section).
The field code you need to add (in addition to your 'This page's word count: ' text) is
{ DOCVARIABLE "s{ SECTION }p{ PAGE \*arabic }" }
As written, the method may break in some circumstances, e.g. if there are continuous section breaks. I haven't checked.
Sub createWordCounts()
Dim i As Integer
Dim rng As Word.Range
With ActiveDocument
For i = 1 To .Range.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
Set rng = .GoTo(wdGoToPage, wdGoToAbsolute, i).Bookmarks("\page").Range
.Variables("s" & CStr(rng.Information(wdActiveEndSectionNumber)) & "p" & CStr(rng.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber))).Value = rng.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWords)
Set rng = Nothing
End With
End Sub