Dropbox API for Erlang [closed] - api

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Closed 4 years ago.
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is there a good dropbox API for erlang ?
It is possible to use REST to work with dropbox.
Is there a good REST helper library for erlang ?
Thank you.

Erlang definately has its own HTTP client, but I haven't come across a client REST library, but it shouldn't be too hard to roll your own on top of the client. There isn't an SDK for Erlang but AFAIK all the dropbox API SDK's revolve around wrapping the REST API anyway.

If you still interested, I've been working on it, and here is result — https://github.com/StepanKuzmin/erlang-dropbox


How can i get hold on skyscanner API? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm building a platform and i would like to use Skyscanner API, however i've been sending emails for the last couple months requesting the API access and no answer until now. Anyone has a better way to communicate with Skyscanner API team? Thanks in advance.
Try RapidAPI's SkyScanner integration.
You can use the Skyscanner API on RapidAPI Hub. It has a lot of endpoints that you can test and connect to. RapidAPI support team is also very active so that you can pass your request to them. They have up-to-date API there, and everything is working as expected.

SOAP libraries for iOS application develop in Objective-C [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to develop an iOS application that uses SOAP to send messages to the server.
I've been searching, the results that always comes up are the Sudzc and wsdl2objc and both of them are not what I need. Then I saw csoap, is it a counterpart of ksoap for iOS?
If not, is there any other SOAP libraries for iOS that I can use?
I am in the search of the same thing. Till now I found this:
I check it and see if it helps, I am a very beginner for objective-c though
A bit late, but try this:

Examples of Push APIs [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Looking for examples of Push APIs, other than the websocket or the comet or the pubsub.
Need examples specifically for communication between two systems (versus Client/Browser - Server). In other words it doesn't have to be over HTTP.
PubSubHubbub A simple, open, server-to-server web-hook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol as an extension to Atom and RSS.
They also have a wiki page for comparing different protocols.
There are several somewhat evolved APIs for this. Here is one for jQuery. Here is a blog post describing how to implement this in ASP.NET. It's a difficult framework to idea due to that pesky constant connectivity thing.

Any Snail Mail APIs Recommendations? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm building a web application and i want to send Snail Mail automatically by server side, Is there any good APIs for that? ( i don't mind about the cost )
P.S. I'll hate you if you say it's not programming related, and i bet many coders here would love to know.
Here's a list of mailing services I found with APIs, or something close to it
https://click2mail.com/ (REST and SOAP)
http://www.postalmethods.com/ (SOAP)
http://l-mail.com/ has an 'integration' account. It is not clear how automatable sending a letter is.
http://www.cfhdocmail.com/ (SOAP)
http://www.ezgram.com/ has an HTML based interface you might be able to reverse engineer
https://www.trypaper.com/ (REST)
https://www.lob.com/ (REST)
I just found Postal Methods API. I haven't really seen any others.

Twitter clone with API similar to Twitter? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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As we all know, Twitter consistently has problems keeping their service up and running.
There are literally dozens of Twitter clones out there. Does anybody know of a Twitter clone with an API that is as similar as possible to Twitter's API as possible?
Thank you.
identi.ca is twitter clone based in the opensource status.net solution with a twitter-compatible API: http://status.net/wiki/API
Take a look at identi.ca:
Now that microblogging has been around for a while, there are some other options than http://status.net (previously http://laconi.ca).
There are probably more, but this is the first I'd seen - try googling for "microblogging twitter clones" if you haven't yet.