Cygrunsrv & autossh : A way to embedd remote commands in the command line? - ssh

I'm using cygrunsrv and autossh on windows XP to create a service building a tunnel to a remote server but i also want to create another tunnel from the remote server to another server.
I can achieve it with this command line :
autossh -M 5432 serverA -t 'autossh -M 4321 serverB -N'
but when I want to set it up in cygwin through cygrunsrv to make it works as a service :
cygrunsrv -I TUNNEL -p /usr/bin/autossh -a "-M 5432 serverA -t 'autossh -M 4321 serverB -N'" -e AUTOSSH_NTSERVICE=yes -e AUTOSSH_POLL=20 -e AUTOSSH_GATETIME=30
It's not fully working. The service is creating the tunnel correctly to ServerA but it's not sending the autossh command "autossh -M 4321 serverB -N" to ServerA.
I tried to escape the quote but all my efforts didn't make any difference and I'm not seeing any command sent in the autossh logs.
I think the problem is related to pseudo terminal that is not created through the cygrunsrv.
I'd like to know if there's a way to fix my cygrunsrv command line to make it work or should I consider a different approach ?

Lionel, try removing the AUTOSSH_NTSERVICE=yes from the cygrunsrv invocation. As /usr/share/doc/autossh/README.Cygwin explains:
Setting AUTOSSH_NTSERVICE=yes in the calling environment ...
change[s] autossh's behavior in three useful
(1) Add an -N flag to each invocation of ssh, thus disabling shell
access. The idea is that if you're running autossh as a system
service, you're using it to forward ports; it wouldn't make sense to
run a shell session as a system service. (If you think this reasoning
is wrong, please send a bug report to the author or Cygwin maintainer,
and tell us what you're trying to do.)
Despite what the above says, it seems that you may have a good reason for not wanting -N (which suppresses command execution) in your service's ssh invocation. Removing AUTOSSH_NTSERVICE=yes should take care of it. It will have a couple of other minor disadvantages, but you can probably live with it. Read the rest of README.Cygwin for the details.


Why use -T with ssh

To test ssh I read you need to use something like ssh -T
According to man ssh:
-T Disable pseudo-terminal allocation.
-t Force pseudo-terminal allocation. This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote
machine, which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services. Multiple -t options force tty alloca-
tion, even if ssh has no local tty.
but I'm still not clear, even after reading this, what the purpose of using -T is when testing SSH.
I read up on pseudo-terminals ( but that didn't seem to help.
To have interactive prompt in your ssh shell, you need to have allocated PTY also on the server side. It is done automatically when you call ssh host.
When you allocate this PTY on server, then your local terminal and the remote one are exchanging some additional messages (Terminal control characters), which give the remote shell information about the size of your local terminal, the remote can update title of your window and so on. This is something you really don't want when you want to transfer files or just pass the output "as it is". It would modify that and you would get generally something else. Again, this is done automatically in case you use scp or just noninteractive script as ssh host my_script.
So far good. You don't need the switches. But things might not be always so simple.
You might want to invoke some interactive shell as a command, for example ssh host /bin/zsh. This would work, but it will not be interactive. In this case, you need to use the -t switch to make it working properly: ssh -t host /bin/zsh.
The same thing can go other way round. You might have server set up, that it will give you some output regardless the command you ask for. In that case, you really don't want to mess it up with any terminal control characters and then you might want to use ssh -T host to avoid this clutch.
You can consider the -T also as the way to safe resources on server and as some "second line of defense". You can disable the TTY allocation in the server configuration, but what if ...
The most common use case for the -T switch is
ssh -T
to verify that you have set up your ssh keys properly to authenticate to github.

Running Sudo inside SSH with << heredoc

I' m sure you will find the question similar to many other posts on stackoverflow or on internet. However, I could not find the solution to my problem precisely. I have list of task to be run on remote server, and passing the script is OK! however does not suit to the requirement.
I' m running following from my server to connect to remote server;
ssh -t user#server << 'HERE'
sudo su - <diff_user>
do task as diff_user
ssh -tt user#server << 'HERE'
sudo su - <diff_user>
do task as diff_user
With first option (-t), I' m still not able to do sudo, it says below;
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
With second option above (-tt), I' m getting reverse input/output to current server session, total mess.
I tried passing the content as an script to SSH to run on remote host, however, getting similar results.
Is there a way other than commenting out below?
Defaults requiretty in /etc/sudoers file
I have not tried above though, I know RedHat approved it to be removed/ commented out in future version, whenever that is. If I go with step, I will have get above done in 100's of VM's (moreover, I dont have permission to edit the file on VM's and give it a try).
Bug 1020147
Hence, my issue remains the same, as before. It would be great if I can get some input from experts here :)
Addition Info : Using RedHat RHEL 6, 2.6.32-573.3.1
I do have access to the remote host and once I' m in, my ID does not require password to switch to diff_user.
When you are asking this way, I guess you don't have passwordless sudo.
You can't communicate with the remote process (sudo), when you put the script on stdin.
You should rather use the ssh and su command:
ssh -t user#server "sudo su - <diff_user> -c do task as diff_user"
but it might not work. Interactive session can be initiated using expect (a lot of questions around here).
I was trying to connect to another machine in an automated fashion and check some logs only accessible to root/sudo.
This was done by passing the password, server, user, etc. in a file — I know this is not safe and neither a good practice, but this is the way it will be done in my company.
I have several problems:
tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device;
tty related problems that I don't remember exactly;
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo, etc..
Here is the code that worked for me:
function checkLog(){
readarray -t LINES < "$FILE"
IFS='' read -r -d '' SSH_COMMAND <<EOT
sudo -S <<< '$password' tail $fileName -n $numberOfLines
RESULTS=$(sshpass -p $password ssh -tt $user#$machine "${SSH_COMMAND}")
echo "$RESULTS"
checkLog $1

How to do remote ssh non-interactively

I am trying to connect to a remote host from my local host through the below command.But there was a setting in the remote host that soon after we login it will prompt to enter a badge ID,password and reason for logging in, because it was coded like that in profile file on remote-host How can I overcome those steps and login directly non-interactively, without disturbing the code in profile.
jsmith#local-host$ ssh -t -t generic_userID#remote-host
Enter your badgeID, < exit > to abort:
Enter your password for <badgeID> :
Enter a one line justification for your interactive login to generic_userID
Small amendment: to overcome remote server expect approach is required, but in case local script connects to bunch of remote servers, which configuration may be broken, just use SSH options:
ssh -f -q -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null USER#TARGETSYSTEM
This will omit ask for password in case there is no ssh_key setup, exit silently and continue with script/other hosts.
Puts ssh to background with -f, which is required when calling ssh command from sh (batch) file to remove local console redirect to remote input (implies -n).
Look into setting up a wrapper script around expect. This should do exactly what you're looking for.
Here are a few examples you can work from.
I have upvoted Marvin Pinto's answer because there is every reason to script this, in case there are other features in the profile that you need, such as Message of the Day motd.
However, there is a quick and dirty alternative if you don't want to make a script and you don't want other features from the profile. Depending on your preferred shell on the remote host, you can insist that the shell bypasses the profile files. For example, if bash is available on the remote host, you can invoke it with:
ssh -t -t generic_userID#remote-host bash --noprofile
I tested the above on the macOS 10.13 version of OpenSSH. Normally the command at the end of the ssh invocation is run non-interactively, but the -t flag allows bash to start an interactive shell.
Details are in the Start-up files section of the Bash Reference Manual.

Write failed : broken pipe

I have a headless Ubuntu server. I ran a command on the server (snapraid sync) over SSH from my Mac. The command said it would take about 6 hrs, so I left it over night.
When I came down this morning, the Terminal on the Mac said: "Write failed: broken pipe"
I'm not sure if the command executed fully. Is this a timeout issue? If so, how can I keep the SSH connection alive overnight?
This should resolve the problem for Mac osX version: 10.8.2
ServerAliveInterval 120
TCPKeepAlive no
to this file:
Or, if you want it to be a global change in the SSH client, to this file
"ServerAliveInterval 120" basically says to "ping" the server with a NULL packet every 120s, and "TCPKeepAlive no" means to not set the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option (since you shouldn't need it with ServerAliveInterval already set, and apparently it's "spoofable" or some odd).
The servers similarly have something they could set for the same effect (ClientKeepAliveInterval) but typically you don't have control over those settings as much.
You can use "screen" util for that. Just connect to the server over SSH, start screen session by "screen" command execution, start your command there and disconnect (don't exit screen session). When you think your command already done you can connect to the server and attach to your screen session where you can see the command execution result/progress (in case one should be).
See "man screen" for more details.
This should resolve the problem for ubuntu and linux mint
ServerAliveInterval 120
TCPKeepAlive yes
/etc/ssh/ssh_config file
Instead of screen I'd recommend tmux, an (arguably) better competitor to screen
tmux new-session -s {name}
That command creates a session. Any time after that you want to connect:
tmux a -t {name}
there are two solutions
To update server and restart server sshd
echo "ClientAliveInterval 60" | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config
To update client
echo "ServerAliveInterval 60" >> ~/.ssh/config
After having tried to change many of above parameters in sshd_config (ClientAliveInterval, ClientMaxCount,TCPKeepAlive...) nothing had changed. I have spend hours and days to look for a solution on forums and blogs...
It appears that the problem of broken pipe which forbids to connect with ssh/sftp came from permissions settings on ChrootDirectory.
the ChrootDirectory has to be owned by root/root with 755 permision
lower permissions 765/766/775... won't work but strongers do (eg 700)
if you need to give a write permission to connected user, you can give it in sub-directories.
if chroot is owned by sftpUser:sftpGroup, it won't work neither...
chroot-> root:root 755
---subdirectories-> sftpUser:sftpGroup 700 up to 770
hope it would help
If you're still having problem after editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config or if ~/.ssh/config
simply does not exist on your machine then I highly recommend reinstalling ssh. This solution took about a minute to fig both "Broken pipe" errors and "closed by remote host" errors.
sudo apt-get purge openssh-server
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openssh-server
jeremyforan's answer is correct, however I've found that if you are trying to use scp it is necessary to explicitly point it to a config file configured as described, it seems to not obey the normal hierarchy of config. For example:
scp -F ~/.ssh/config myfile
works, while omitting the -F still results in the broken pipe error.
Ubuntu :
ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=5 -o ServerAliveCountMax=1 user#x.x.x.x
I use an ASUS router with two internet input lines. I appoint my IP to a certain line, and it works.

Which is the best way to bring a file from a remote host to local host over an SSH session?

When connecting to remote hosts via ssh, I frequently want to bring a file on that system to the local system for viewing or processing. Is there a way to copy the file over without (a) opening a new terminal/pausing the ssh session (b) authenticating again to either the local or remote hosts which works (c) even when one or both of the hosts is behind a NAT router?
The goal is to take advantage of as much of the current state as possible: that there is a connection between the two machines, that I'm authenticated on both, that I'm in the working directory of the file---so I don't have to open another terminal and copy and paste the remote host and path in, which is what I do now. The best solution also wouldn't require any setup before the session began, but if the setup was a one-time or able to be automated, than that's perfectly acceptable.
zssh (a ZMODEM wrapper over openssh) does exactly what you want.
Install zssh and use it instead of openssh (which I assume that you normally use)
You'll have to have the lrzsz package installed on both systems.
Then, to transfer a file zyxel.png from remote to local host:
antti#local:~$ zssh remote
Press ^# (C-Space) to enter file transfer mode, then ? for help
antti#remote:~$ sz zyxel.png
zssh > rz
Receiving: zyxel.png
Bytes received: 104036/ 104036 BPS:16059729
Transfer complete
Uploading goes similarly, except that you just switch rz(1) and sz(1).
Putty users can try Le Putty, which has similar functionality.
On a linux box I use the ssh-agent and sshfs. You need to setup the sshd to accept connections with key pairs. Then you use ssh-add to add you key to the ssh-agent so you don't have type your password everytime. Be sure to use -t seconds, so the key doesn't stay loaded forever.
ssh-add -t 3600 /home/user/.ssh/ssh_dsa
After that,
sshfs hostname:/ /PathToMountTo/
will mount the server file system on your machine so you have access to it.
Personally, I wrote a small bash script that add my key and mount the servers I use the most, so when I start to work I just have to launch the script and type my passphrase.
Using some little known and rarely used features of the openssh
implementation you can accomplish precisely what you want!
takes advantage of the current state
can use the working directory where you are
does not require any tunneling setup before the session begins
does not require opening a separate terminal or connection
can be used as a one-time deal in an interactive session or can be used as part of an automated session
You should only type what is at each of the local>, remote>, and
ssh> prompts in the examples below.
local> ssh username#remote
remote> ~C
ssh> -L6666:localhost:6666
remote> nc -l 6666 < /etc/passwd
remote> ~^Z
[suspend ssh]
[1]+ Stopped ssh username#remote
local> (sleep 1; nc localhost 6666 > /tmp/file) & fg
[2] 17357
ssh username#remote
remote> exit
[2]- Done ( sleep 1; nc localhost 6666 > /tmp/file )
local> cat /tmp/file
Or, more often you want to go the other direction, for example if you
want to do something like transfer your ~/.ssh/ file from
your local machine to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the remote
local> ssh username#remote
remote> ~C
ssh> -R5555:localhost:5555
remote> ~^Z
[suspend ssh]
[1]+ Stopped ssh username#remote
local> nc -l 5555 < ~/.ssh/ &
[2] 26607
local> fg
ssh username#remote
remote> nc localhost 5555 >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
remote> cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2ZQQQQBIwAAAQEAsgaVp8mnWVvpGKhfgwHTuOObyfYSe8iFvksH6BGWfMgy8poM2+5sTL6FHI7k0MXmfd7p4rzOL2R4q9yjG+Hl2PShjkjAVb32Ss5ZZ3BxHpk30+0HackAHVqPEJERvZvqC3W2s4aKU7ae4WaG1OqZHI1dGiJPJ1IgFF5bWbQl8CP9kZNAHg0NJZUCnJ73udZRYEWm5MEdTIz0+Q5tClzxvXtV4lZBo36Jo4vijKVEJ06MZu+e2WnCOqsfdayY7laiT0t/UsulLNJ1wT+Euejl+3Vft7N1/nWptJn3c4y83c4oHIrsLDTIiVvPjAj5JTkyH1EA2pIOxsKOjmg2Maz7Pw== username#local
A little bit of explanation is in order.
The first step is to open a LocalForward; if you don't already have
one established then you can use the ~C escape character to open an
ssh command line which will give you the following commands:
remote> ~C
ssh> help
-L[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request local forward
-R[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request remote forward
-D[bind_address:]port Request dynamic forward
-KR[bind_address:]port Cancel remote forward
In this example I establish a LocalForward on port 6666 of localhost
for both the client and the server; the port number can be any
arbitrary open port.
The nc command is from the netcat package; it is described as the
"TCP/IP swiss army knife"; it is a simple, yet very flexible and
useful program. Make it a standard part of your unix toolbelt.
At this point nc is listening on port 6666 and waiting for another
program to connect to that port so it can send the contents of
Next we make use of another escape character ~^Z which is tilde
followed by control-Z. This temporarily suspends the ssh process and
drops us back into our shell.
One back on the local system you can use nc to connect to the
forwarded port 6666. Note the lack of a -l in this case because that
option tells nc to listen on a port as if it were a server which is
not what we want; instead we want to just use nc as a client to
connect to the already listening nc on the remote side.
The rest of the magic around the nc command is required because if
you recall above I said that the ssh process was temporarily
suspended, so the & will put the whole (sleep + nc) expression
into the background and the sleep gives you enough time for ssh to
return to the foreground with fg.
In the second example the idea is basically the same except we set up
a tunnel going the other direction using -R instead of -L so that
we establish a RemoteForward. And then on the local side is where
you want to use the -l argument to nc.
The escape character by default is ~ but you can change that with:
-e escape_char
Sets the escape character for sessions with a pty (default: ‘~’). The escape character is only recognized at the beginning of a line. The escape character followed by a dot
(‘.’) closes the connection; followed by control-Z suspends the connection; and followed by itself sends the escape character once. Setting the character to “none” disables any
escapes and makes the session fully transparent.
A full explanation of the commands available with the escape characters is available in the ssh manpage
When a pseudo-terminal has been requested, ssh supports a number of functions through the use of an escape character.
A single tilde character can be sent as ~~ or by following the tilde by a character other than those described below. The escape character must always follow a newline to be interpreted
as special. The escape character can be changed in configuration files using the EscapeChar configuration directive or on the command line by the -e option.
The supported escapes (assuming the default ‘~’) are:
~. Disconnect.
~^Z Background ssh.
~# List forwarded connections.
~& Background ssh at logout when waiting for forwarded connection / X11 sessions to terminate.
~? Display a list of escape characters.
~B Send a BREAK to the remote system (only useful for SSH protocol version 2 and if the peer supports it).
~C Open command line. Currently this allows the addition of port forwardings using the -L, -R and -D options (see above). It also allows the cancellation of existing remote port-
forwardings using -KR[bind_address:]port. !command allows the user to execute a local command if the PermitLocalCommand option is enabled in ssh_config(5). Basic help is avail‐
able, using the -h option.
~R Request rekeying of the connection (only useful for SSH protocol version 2 and if the peer supports it).
Using ControlMaster (the -M switch) is the best solution, way simpler and easier than the rest of the answers here. It allows you to share a single connection among multiple sessions. Sounds like it does what the poster wants. You still have to type the scp or sftp command line though. Try it. I use it for all of my sshing.
In order to do this I have my home router set up to forward port 22 back to my home machine (which is firewalled to only accept ssh connections from my work machine) and I also have an account set up with DynDNS to provide Dynamic DNS that will resolve to my home IP automatically.
Then when I ssh into my work computer, the first thing I do is run a script that starts an ssh-agent (if your server doesn't do that automatically). The script I run is:
ssh-agent sh -c 'ssh-add < /dev/null && bash'
It asks for my ssh key passphrase so that I don't have to type it in every time. You don't need that step if you use an ssh key without a passphrase.
For the rest of the session, sending files back to your home machine is as simple as
scp file_to_send.txt
Here is a hack called ssh-xfer which addresses the exact problem, but requires patching OpenSSH, which is a nonstarter as far as I'm concerned.
Here is my preferred solution to this problem. Set up a reverse ssh tunnel upon creating the ssh session. This is made easy by two bash function: grabfrom() needs to be defined on the local host, while grab() should be defined on the remote host. You can add any other ssh variables you use (e.g. -X or -Y) as you see fit.
function grabfrom() { ssh -R 2202: ${#}; };
function grab() { scp -P 2202 $# localuser#; };
localhost% grabfrom remoteuser#remotehost
password: <remote password goes here>
remotehost% grab somefile1 somefile2 *.txt
password: <local password goes here>
It works without special software on either host beyond OpenSSH
It works when local host is behind a NAT router
It can be implemented as a pair of two one-line bash function
It uses a fixed port number so:
won't work with multiple connections to remote host
might conflict with a process using that port on the remote host
It requires localhost accept ssh connections
It requires a special command on initiation the session
It doesn't implicitly handle authentication to the localhost
It doesn't allow one to specify the destination directory on localhost
If you grab from multiple localhosts to the same remote host, ssh won't like the keys changing
Future work:
This is still pretty kludgy. Obviously, it would be possible to handle the authentication issue by setting up ssh keys appropriately and it's even easier to allow the specification of a remote directory by adding a parameter to grab()
More difficult is addressing the other negatives. It would be nice to pick a dynamic port but as far as I can tell there is no elegant way to pass that port to the shell on the remote host; As best as I can tell, OpenSSH doesn't allow you to set arbitrary environment variables on the remote host and bash can't take environment variables from a command line argument. Even if you could pick a dynamic port, there is no way to ensure it isn't used on the remote host without connecting first.
You can use SCP protocol for tranfering a can refer this link
The best way to use this you can expose your files over HTTP and download it from another server, you can achieve this using ZSSH Python library,
ZSSH - ZIP over SSH (Simple Python script to exchange files between servers).
Install it using PIP.
python3 -m pip install zssh
Run this command from your remote server.
python3 -m zssh -as --path /desktop/path_to_expose
It will give you an URL to execute from another server.
In the local system or another server where you need to download those files and extract.
python3 -m zssh -ad --path /desktop/path_to_download --zip
For more about this library:
You should be able to set up public & private keys so that no auth is needed.
Which way you do it depends on security requirements, etc (be aware that there are linux/unix ssh worms which will look at keys to find other hosts they can attack).
I do this all the time from behind both linksys and dlink routers. I think you may need to change a couple of settings but it's not a big deal.
Use the -M switch.
"Places the ssh client into 'master' mode for connection shar-ing. Multiple -M options places ssh into ``master'' mode with confirmation required before slave connections are accepted. Refer to the description of ControlMaster in ssh_config(5) for details."
I don't quite see how that answers the OP's question - can you expand on this a bit, David?