Toggling panel visibility isn't working when they are stacked -

I have a form that has two views. These views are controlled by radio buttons on top of the form.
Here is the program:
Notice how the Radio button for Number Converter is selected.
Here is what it looks like when you select the Text Converter radio button:
That isn't right. I have it set to hide the panel containing the number converter and show the one containing the text converter when you click that one. It hides the number converter but doesn't show the text converter.
Here is a picture of the text converter panel:
Here is the relevant code:
Private Sub frmCalculator_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
rdoNumberConverter.Checked = True
End Sub
Private Sub rdoTextConverter_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles rdoTextConverter.Click
pnlTextConverter.Visible = True
pnlNumberConverter.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub rdoNumberConverter_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles rdoNumberConverter.Click
pnlNumberConverter.Visible = True
pnlTextConverter.Visible = False
End Sub
Everything seems right and I can't figure out why the text converter doesn't show up. I've determined that it has something to do with the fact that both of the panels are right on top of each other because when I move them apart, the visibility toggling works perfectly.
Here are the supporting pictures:
So how do I make it work when they are on top of each other?
I tried using BringToFront() and SendToBack() to make sure the visible panel is in the front and it didn't make a difference.

Make sure the TextConverter panel isn't "inside" the NumberConverter panel.
From the designer, move them into different places so that they do not overlap at all.
Then in code, move them into place:
textConverterPanel.Location = numConvertPanel.Location
Your visible, not visible toggling should work then.

The issue is the panels becoming embedded, as pointed out by #LarsTech. This occurs if you use the GUI to move them to the same location.
If you want to overlap them at design time, create the second panel in a different location. Then in the Properties of the panel in the final location, copy the Location, and paste it into the Location property of the second panel. This will move it to the proper location in the Designer without embedding one into another. This can be repeated for as many additional panels as needed.


DataGridView resets to top when clicked after mouse scroll

I have a DataGridView control on a TabPage of a Windows Form application.
When the user moves the mouse over the DataGrid and uses the scroll wheel, the grid scrolls as expected. But when the user clicks in a cell on the screen, instead of the cell receiving focus, the DataGrid resets to the top and requires the user to scroll down again. This response is non-intuitive since it's not immediately obvious that the cell you thought you clicked on isn't there anymore.
I would be happy to prevent the DataGrid from responding to the scroll wheel until the user clicks in the grid, or preferably to maintain the current actions except not resetting to the top when first clicked.
From what I've researched here, it appears that the DataGrid is rebinding because I'm resetting the binding when the tabpage is entered (since the database might have been updated by one of the other tabs.
Private Sub TabPage1_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TabPage1.Enter
End Sub
In LoadTACTable():
dbGetList("spSelectTACList", dtTACs, 0, 100000, Nothing) ' Record numbers are 0 based
bsTACs.DataSource = dtTACs
With gridTACs
' TOTAL Grid width = 1380
.DataSource() = bsTACs
(Showing only part of the code for brevity.
Is there a way to see if the TabPage is already displayed when entered? Or, is unnecessary to reset the gridTAC datasource every time I retrieve the data from the SQL database to the dtTACs datatable using my dbGetList() sub?
There are several possible solutions to your problem. One would be to not automatically rebind the datagrid but let the user do it by clicking some refresh button. That way the user would not see non-intuitive behavior.
You mentioned that the contents of one tab may need to be refreshed when the contents of other tabs are changed. Whenever the contents of a tab is changed and can affect other tabs, you could flag these other tabs (for example, by adding a star to their titles) to indicate that they no longer have the latest data. The user would then know that the tab needs to be refreshed.
There might be other solutions, but it is difficult to tell without knowing more about your use case.
With the guidance above, I believe I solved the issue:
I created a flag:
Dim TabDirty As Boolean
Then I set it in the TabPage.Leave handler:
Private Sub TabPage1_Leave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TabPage1.Leave
TabDirty = True
End Sub
Then I just check it when I enter the TabPage:
Private Sub TabPage1_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TabPage1.Enter
If TabDirty = True Then
TabDirty = False
End If
End Sub
So far, this appears to work - the grid is not getting reset when clicked, but I will do a bit more testing to confirm that the data is refreshed when necessary.

How to hide a DataGridViewButtonCell

I have a DataGridViewButtonCell in my DataGridView and I wanted to set the property Visible to True.
I have tried:
DataGridView1.Rows("number of row i want").Cells("number of cell i want").Visible = True
Unfortunately it says that the property visible is read only.
Here is the code:
Private Sub DataGridView1_CellClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellClick
'does not work
DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(6).Visible = True
End Sub
Does anyone knows how I can achieve this?
There is no actual way to hide a DataGridViewButtonCell. Currently I can only see two options:
Use padding to move the button over as shown here. I will provide similar VB.NET code
Set the Cell to a DataGridViewTextBoxCell and set the ReadOnly property to True
Use Padding:
Private Sub DataGridView1_CellClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellClick
If DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(6).GetType() Is GetType(DataGridViewButtonCell) Then
Dim columnWidth As Integer = DataGridView1.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Width
Dim newDataGridViewCellStyle As New DataGridViewCellStyle With {.Padding = New Padding(columnWidth + 1, 0, 0, 0)}
DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(6).Style = newDataGridViewCellStyle
End If
End Sub
Use DataGridViewTextBoxCell:
Private Sub DataGridView1_CellClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellClick
If DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(6).GetType() Is GetType(DataGridViewButtonCell) Then
Dim newDataGridViewCell As New DataGridViewTextBoxCell
DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(6) = newDataGridViewCell
newDataGridViewCell.ReadOnly = True
End If
End Sub
Both of these should give you the effect of not showing the button.
This is really a perspective issue. From a programmer’s perspective, simply ignoring the button clicks on the buttons I want to disable is very easy to do and takes just a few lines of code.
From a user perspective, this situation would play out like this… the user clicks what appears to be a valid enabled button, and nothing happens. The user did not write the code for this… so at best the user will think the computer is not responding to the button click or at the worst… would think your coding skills are dubious!
The same situation happens if the button is missing. The user is not going to know why it is missing… but will most likely come to the same conclusion described above with a non-working button.
In another very simple approach, let say that all the buttons are enabled and we have a list of the button indexes we want to disable. The users presses one of the buttons, we check the disabled button list and if the clicked button is one that is disabled, simply display a message box to indicate why this button is disabled. This approach says to the user… “Here are a bunch of buttons, guess which ones are enabled”…
The DataGridViewDisableButtonCell and DataGridViewDisableButtonColumn wrappers solve all of the above issues… the button is visible so the user wont question where the button went if you set it to invisible and it is greyed out. “Greyed out” is something most users understand and will relieve the user of having to “guess” which buttons are enabled.
You can create a wrapper for two classes: the DataGridViewButtonCell and the DataGridViewButtonColumn.
The link How to: Disable Buttons in a Button Column in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control to the MS example is one I have used before using C#, however there is a VB implementation at the link also.
Below is a picture of the result of using the two wrappers described in the MS link. For testing, the picture below uses the check boxes to left of the button to disable the button on the right.
IMHO, using this strategy is user friendly. If you simply make the button invisible or read only, then the user is possibly going to think your code is messed up and not have a clear understanding of WHY the button is missing or doesn’t work. A disabled button indicates to the user that the button is not available for that item. An option would be to have a mouse roll-over indicating why the button is disabled.

Tooltip display in VB.NET

Using either the Designer properties or by programming it directly, I cannot seem to get a tool tip to display the way I thought I should be able when I hover over the control.
For instance, although I can display the text I want, no matter what I set as the AutoPopDelay (I want 30 seconds) or as the background color (I want a Yellow), the tool tip always comes up for the default 5 seconds on a gray background only.
Below is the sub that I programmed. What am I missing?:
Private Sub lblUploadFileTypeHelp_MouseHover(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lblUploadFileTypeHelp.MouseHover
ToolTip1.OwnerDraw = True
ToolTip1.IsBalloon = True
ToolTip1.BackColor = Color.LemonChiffon
ToolTip1.AutoPopDelay = 30000
ToolTip1.Show("Sample text to display", lblUploadFileTypeHelp)
End Sub
IsBalloon is being taken into consideration before OwnerDraw.
You would need to handle your own drawing to get a custom display.
Have a look at the MSDN code sample MSDN Tooltip

Show Continuous Progress Bar on DataGridView Fill

I have two forms (Main.vb and Schedule.vb). Main has a toolstripmenu and a panel. When "View Schedule" is selected from the toolstripmenu, the Schedule form is opened within the Main form's panel. So it opens as a "sub form". This works perfectly.
Private Sub tsmiScheduleView_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tsmiScheduleView.Click
Schedule.TopLevel = False
Schedule.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Right
Schedule.Size = New Size(pnlMain.Width, pnlMain.Height) 'anchors will be disrupted if form does not open to fit with main
End Sub
The problem happens in Schedule.vb, there is a DataGridView there that gets populated via a TableAdapter. But it takes a long time to load. So I want to show a Continuous Progress Bar while the DataGridView is loading.
Private Sub Schedule_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Load main data into the Schedule DataGridView
End Sub
I can get the progress bar to show easy enough, but it freezes when the DataGridView is loading.
I've tried using threads, backgroundworkers, putting the ProgressBar in a seperate form and displaying it from there, and I even nixed my ProgressBar idea for an animated gif using picture boxes. None of these are working for me. Can anyone help?
As a note, I would love to use this all over my program. Whenever I run into something that's going to take time I'd like to have an easy way to say: "Okay, display the Continuous Progress Bar on Main.vb until I'm done".
Set the DataGridView DataSource to null before executing the Fill command.
Then set the DataSource back to DataTable.
If you do that, how long does it take between the binding and the display (I would bet on 5 to 15 seconds)?
It seem like the only thing to do is load less rows into the DataGridView so there is no need for a progress bar. Not what I wanted to do but there isn't a way to do what I originally wanted.
I was able to show text, "Loading..." but no animation. Button with dropdown arrow

I want to make something like this.
It seems like a dropdown menu button.
I know how to make it by using the ContextMenuStrip and this code
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
WorkersButtonStrip.Show(Button1, 0, Button1.Height)
End Sub
But then i need to set up two images. One image is dropdown arrow centered on right and the second image is "Worker.icon" and that is the part I'm not able to ? .
Do i need to make two buttons or how ? I really stuck. How is this called anyway how can i google this
Tool Strip < Add splitButton < Set image < Display Type < Image and Text.
Don't forget in options to change "Size to Fit"