Prevent selection screen input fields conversion to upper case? - abap

I have the table with field title_medi which contains two rows like Mr. and Ms.
Also I have input field called title with search help of title_medi. When I'm selecting Mr. in the search help it gets displayed in the textfield.
If I compare that text field value with the database field. I'm getting an error.
But when I debug and see the value is somewhat getting converted to all uppercase like MR. not as exactly in the table.
Could you please help me out with this?

In order to solve this you have 2 options:
Go to the domain of the table field and check Lower case check this
Use TRANSLATE ABCD TO LOWER CASE before making the comparison check this

I checked the data element but that is also been checked with the lower case.
So what i did is i have checked the check-box for upper/lower case attribute in screen painter for the concern field. It works fine

additional info
In HR, possible quality (Mr, Ms...) are stored in table t522. Corresponding texts are stored in T522T. The data element is ANREX, associated with the domain of same name. This domain is lower case enabled.
moreover, this also give you the person's gender.

Use LOWER CASE addition to PARAMETERS, if you refer to selection screen input field.
PARAMETERS: p_matnr LIKE mara-matnr LOWER CASE.
I don't know which version OP was using as this is really old question, but this addition is available at least since ABAP 700 SP05


Default Value for NOT NULL VARCHAR in DB2

I have a RDBMS table in DB2 where a column is defined as "ARMTST" VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT
I was checking data on table and see rows with no value in this column ( Via Toad Viewer) but when I run this query , SELECT COUNT ( * ) FROM ACTIVITY WHERE ARMTST IS NULL; I get result as zero rows.
Attached is screen shot for SELECT ARMTST FROM ACTIVITY ; which shows empty column values for certain rows.
Are these columns not empty even though shown so in UI? Default value is not specified in CREATE TABLE script.
I don't think that code will be able to insert empty values.
An empty string is not null (well, except for on Oracle, but people hate them for that). Often in databases, null is used to represent "we don't know (yet)", while empty is "not present".
Consider middle names. Many people in America (and other countries) have middle names (not your given name, not your family name).
If you (casually) ask me for my name and I respond with only a first and last name (likely, in my case, or you might only get my first name!), what do you know about my middle name? Nothing. You don't know if I have one. This is null - you don't know if I have one, and if so, what it is.
But if you ask me "officially" (like for legal reasons), I'm obligated to use my full name - if I have one (or more), I have to include my middle name. So there's two outcomes here:
I have no middle name. That result is blank - we know the answer, and it was nothing.
I have a middle name. The result is whatever my name is.
Or consider signing up for a website. Before signing up, you are not in their system. Your entire record is null - it doesn't exist. After signing up, though, you get a 0 post count.
So now you should have enough information for your question.
Obviously, because the column was defined as NOT NULL, you can't put a null there. So the system has to default to something else. Since including any data (including a space character - yes, there is one) would make a poor default, the system chooses an empty string. And since the empty string makes an acceptable default, it will also be an acceptable data value to insert.

Understanding Raw Data

When I was going through all the tables in my database, I could see a table called Measbinary and an attribute attracted me was RawData. Which is Image type and Allow null. I have attached a screenshot of the table Could someone help me understand what is that? and how could I understand How it has been processed ?
Update : I checked the stored procedures and could find that the image parameter is passed to it like
SP_StoreBinary #rawspectra image
and then the value is inserted to the table mentioned above.
This is the raw data of a binary field. It has "no meaning" except being a way for SSMS (Management Studio) to show SOMETHING for a binary field. Remember - SSMS (and the database) have no clue what is in that field (image, word document, whatever) and how to show it. A hex coded string is "as good as it gets" as a generic approach, as it allows a programmer to compare the first bytes.

How to change mileage representation forms in sql

I would like to change the manner in which the mileage is represented in the database. For example, right now the mileage is represented as 080+0.348; this would mean that this particular feature is at mileage point 80.348 along the roadway corridor. I would like to have the data represented in the database in the latter form, 80.348 and so on. This would save me from having to export the dataset to excel for the conversion. Is this even possible? The name of the column is NRLG_MILEPOINT.
Much appreciated.
One thing you could try is to pick the string value apart into its component pieces and then recombine them as a number. If your data is in a table called TEST you might do something like the following:
select miles, fraction,
nvl(to_number(miles), 0) + nvl(to_number(fraction), 0) as milepoint
from (select regexp_substr(nrlg_milepoint, '[0-9]*') as miles,
regexp_substr(nrlg_milepoint, '[+-][0-9.]*') as fraction
from test);
SQLFiddle here.
Share and enjoy.
Using the answer provided above, I was able to expand it to get exactly the answer i needed. Thanks a ton to everyone who helped! Here is the query i ended up with:
select distinct nrlg_dept_route,corridor_code_rb,nrlg_county,next_county,
nvl(to_number(miles), 0) + nvl(to_number(fraction), 0) as milepoint
from (select regexp_substr(nrlg_milepoint, '[0-9]*') as miles,
nrlg_milepoint as nrlg_mile_point
nrlg_dept_route as nrlg_dept_route,
nrlg_county as nrlg_county,
next_county as next_county,
corridor_code_rb as corridor_code_rb,
corridor_code as corridor_code,
regexp_substr(nrlg_milepoint, '[+-][0-9.]*') as fraction
from corridor_county_intersect,south_van_data_view)
where nrlg_dept_route = corridor_code
order by 1,5;
There are a variety of ways to do this. Which one depends on your situation, how the data needs to be stored, and how it is being interacted with. Some of these options include:
Changing the datatype.
This option would potentially require you to change how the data is being stored currently. The conversion of the data would have to be done by whatever is writing the data to the schema currently.
Creating another column that stores the data in the correct format.
If you have an existing means of storing the data that would be broken by changing the datatype of NRLG_MILEPOINT and/or you have a requirement to store the data in that format; you could optionally add another column... say NRLG_MILEAGE_DISPLAY that is of a datatype number perhaps, and store the data there. You could make a trigger that updates/inserts NRLG_MILEAGE_DISPLAY appropriately, based on the data in NRLG_MILEPOINT.
If you are just wanting the data to be displayed differently in your select statement, you can convert the datatype in your SQL statement. Specifically how you would do this depends on the current datatype of NRLG_MILEPOINT.
Assuming that varchar2 is the type, based on the comments, here is an SQLFIDDLE link displaying a crude example of option 3. Your usage of this may vary depending on the actual datatype of NRLG_MILEPOINT. Regardless of its datatype... I am sure there is a means of converting how it is displayed in your query. You could take this further and create a view if you needed to. As an inline view or as a stored view, you can then use the converted value for doing your join later.

Yahoo finance API field misalignment

I'm trying to use the Yahoo Finance API to create a custom csv but depending upon the stock there is field misalignment.
For instance, if I just want to download the "k3" field for yahoo which corresponds to last trade size, I would craft the url like so:
However, if you download that csv there are two columns of data.
Similarly, if I decide to get Float Shares , I want the url:
However that gives me 3 columns. Is there a way to get it in exactly one column? I want to automate this process but the different column orientations make it very difficult as different rows then have different column lengths and I am unable to easily match up the column name with the row.
Bonus: If someone can explain where the 3 float share numbers come from that would be great, I seem to only be able to match up the first to the site...
Thank you for your help!
In short, you are describing known bugs that Yahoo isn't going to fix as the feed is officially unsupported.
Specifically re. Float (f6): the number returned is the entire float. It is not 3 csv numbers. The commas are not delimiters; rather, they are 1,000s separators. (I suspect the same is the case with K3. As it is with a couple of other known numbers. (See link below.))
Two solutions:
(1) Write your own workaround using conditional statements (if or case) in your code.
(2) Download the buggy parameters separately from the clean ones.
See: Yahoo's official reply to your question.
The multiple columns is because that excel (or whatever csv viewer you are using) treats "thousand-seperator" as the the "comma-seperator". We used to have this problem in our school project, and found a hack which is good only if you are using this api for some hobby project and not concerning data usage.
The idea is instead of treating the results as a csv, pick a static column (column A) where you will know the value beforehand (e.g. column 's' stock symbol) or put this value as the first column. When constructing the query, use this column to surround those columns (float columns) with formatting problem. once you get the quotes.csv, manual seperate the results on the column A value.
for example using
will get you
"YHOO", 887,675,000,"YHOO",400,"YHOO",N/A
Then use ,"YHOO", to seperate the results (excluding first column).
Not an elegent way to solve the problem, but at least it gives you the correct result.

Luke Where are my field values?

I've used Luke like four times per year for the past three years. I only break it out when I need it. One concept I've never understood is why only certain fields' values are displayed. I can query these "empty" fields for expected values and get the expected results, but Luke never displays these. I assume I'm missing something fundamental and obvious, but it's not so obvious to me.
Example Search tab:
Example Documents tab:
When a program creates a Lucene Document, it might tell Lucene whether to store the value of the field or not. See, for example, the stored argument to the StringField constructor. If the value is not stored then it can be searched on, but the original bytes of the value are not saved in the index, since they are not required nor used by the search.
A typical pattern with, say, is to store the original JSON in a single field and not to store the actually indexed fields. That way the application working with the retrieved data might use it's native data format and does not have to be aware of the Lucene and it's flat key-value Document.