facebook dialog to add facebook tab app - returns - tabs_added[pageId]=1 - facebook-apps

It seems the new dialog to tab app to a page -> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/add_to_page/ - calls the app url with a GET (redirect_uri?tabs_added[nnnnn]=1) (where nnnn - pageId of page the app is being added to)
I can't find the documentation around whether when the app is removed from the page, the same url will be called with a GET (redirect_uri?tabs_added[nnnnn]=0) ?
I am keen to process the uninstall of the app from the page, if possible. (I have tried to test this, but don't get a trigger to my redirect_uri upon an installed, unlike the one that is called upon an install..)
My question is - whether there is a way to get a delete page callback into the app (when a page uninstalls/deletes the app from the page) ? From the syntax on install GET call (?tabs_added[nnn]=1, it seems that this might have been designed with an intention to call a GET with ?tabs_removed[nnnn]=1 or tabs_added[nnnn]=0 when the app is deleted from the page ?

Empirically, the answer to your question is No. Nothing on my server gets called by Facebook when the Page Tab is removed.

Go to the advanced tab on the facebook app settings, and put a URL of your choice into the 'Deauthorize Callback URL' field. You will receive a callback on that and you need to parse the signed request.
Example in php:
$helper = $fb->getPageTabHelper();
$signedRequest = $helper->getSignedRequest();
if ($signedRequest) {
$payload = $signedRequest->getPayload();
//trace(print_r($payload, true));
$pageId = $payload['profile_id'];
//You can now update your records using $pageId


How to Redirect Users to the Login Page when Trying to Access an Unpublished Content Page in Drupal 7

I am trying to have users accessing some draft content (unpublished contents) links so they can log in and get redirected to these links. Once they click on the link, they will get redirected to the login page and once they log in with their credentials they will get redirected to the desired page. What happens is that when they click on any links they get redirected to the homepage.
I tried to add a rule in the /admin/config/workflow/rules but I was unable to figure out the conditions and actions of the proper event I need to add in order to have my users get redirected to login and then straight to the desired page (either published or unpublished it doesn't matter).
I am using Drupal 7.67 and mostly UI interface on a Windows 10 machine.
The easiest way I can think of is create function like this.
function modulename_redirect_when_unpublished(){
//Check if user is in rigth place (viewing nodes).
if(arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1)){
//Load this node.
$node = node_load(arg(1));
//Check if node status is different than published, and if user is not logged.
if($node->status != 1 && !user_is_logged_in()){
//Prepare destination to come back.
$destination = arg(0) . '/' . arg(1);
//Go to login page with destination saved.
drupal_goto('user/login', array('query' => array('destination' => $destination )));
You can pass any path in "destination" parameter in GET and after login it will redirect you there.
Only question is where to put this function. For tests purpose I called it in one of my custom module hook_init, but you can put it somewhere else, just be sure it will be called on 'node/%' pages - you mentioned something about using Rules, it could be done that way but I think it's overcomplicated to create custom rule just for one case to fire this particular function, so I suggest you to put this code in some hook_init like I did.
I've tested it on Drupal 7.57.

getJson method returns an error using woocommerce JSON API plugin

I'm using woocommerce JSON API to retrieve the data of some products like price, SKU, etc...
The thing is that I get an error using this API. I've installed the plugin succesfully and activated it in the WordPress Dashboard.
I've tried the example given in GitHub exactly as the author says.
Here's my javascript code:
$(document).on('pageinit','#restau' ,function(){
var url = 'http://danielvivancos.com/edu/wordpress/shop/?callback=?';
params = { action: 'woocommerce_json_api', proc:"get_products"};
params.arguments = {token: 1234, per_page: 2, page: 1}
jQuery.getJSON(url,params).done(function (data) {
}).error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
At first it didn't do anything, and I didn't understand what was happening but then I added the .error() function and it threw me an error...
Here http://danielvivancos.com/edu/directebre_app_jquerymobile/ you will find the three alerts displayed when you click on any of the three products.
Hope someone can help me or give me some ideas to solve it.
Thank you all!
The API Almost always returns some kind of error string and error code. The one time when it wouldn't would be if there was a PHP error (Even then it tries to catch the error and return something).
One thing you may need to do is to visit the users settings page, setup your permissions, and then save the settings for that API User. Whenever a new method is added to the API you will have to visit this page and resave it.
Another thing to do is to try and run php tests/get_products.php and see what happens. Most of the API functions have a tests file that you can run from the command line to test the API.
Also, while I am very happy you are using it :) it is still unfinished and in the early stages of development.
It looks like your example is working though?
Could you post a bit more about what error you are getting?
When I click on one of the items, it takes me to a page where a popup shows up with a bunch of HTML, this normally means that your API page is not setup properly (if it is making an api request). You will need to setup the API page ( Just create a wordpress page, or use an existing one) Then in the WooCom menu select JSON Api, and set the API page from the dropdown list. Remember to save.

Communication Between WebView and WebPage - Titanium Studio

I am working in a Mobile project (using Titanium Studio), in which i have the below situation
1) My Mobile app contacts Rails backend to check some data, say check validity of a
user id.
2) I found a way to load web pages in Mobile app, i.e., WebView
3) I could able to load the desired url, ex http://www.mydomain.com/checkuser?uid=20121
which would return data like status:success
But i need to read this data to show whether the response from server is a success or failure, how do i achieve this?
NOTE : The above mentioned scenario is an usecase, but actually what happens is i load a third party url in WebView and when user enters the data and submits, the result will be posted back to my website url.
EDIT : So the process is like below
1) WebView loaded with third party url like http://www.anyapiprovider.com/processdata
2) User will enter set of data in this web page and submits the page
3) The submitted data will be processed by the apiprovider and it returns data to my web page say http://www.mydomain.com/recievedata
This is the reason why i am not directly using GET using HTTPClient
FYI : I tried to fire Ti.APP events right from the actual web page as suggested by few articles, but most of them says this will work only if the file loaded is in local and not a remote file. Reference Link
Please suggest me if my approach has to be improved.
If you don't want to follow Josiah's advice, then take a look at the Titanium docs on how to add a webview.addEventListener('load',... event listener and use webview.evalJS() to inject your own code into the third party HTML.
Maybe you can inject code to trap the submit event and fire a Ti event to trigger the downloading of data from your website.
Communication Between WebViews and Titanium - Remote Web Content Section
I found a solution for my problem
1) Load the http://www.mydomain.com/checkuser?uid=20121 in a webview
2) Let user enter and submit data to third party url
3) Recieve the response from third party url and print only <div id="result">status:success</div> in http://www.mydomain.com/recievedata page.
4) Add event listener for the web view as follows
webView.addEventListener('load', function(data)
//Add condition to check if the loaded web page has any div with id = result (to check if this is /recievedata page)
The above alert would print the result status:success, read it in webview load event
and take actions in web accordingly.
It works fine for me.
Instead of loading it in a WebView why not just GET it using a HTTP Client? This is much cleaner, and more standards based:
var xhr_get = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({
onload : function(e) {
// Here is your "status:success" string
var returnValue = this.responseText;
onerror : function(e) {
Ti.API.info('CheckUserProgressOnActivity webservice failed with message : ' + e.error);
xhr_get.open('GET', 'http://www.mydomain.com/checkuser?uid=20121');

Detecting Facebook canvas in Rails app

I'm using a before_filter to detect the signed_request query string Facebook generates when a user is referred to a canvas app.
Then, I set session[:canvas] = true and test for that when I need different app logic based on whether the user is in the canvas or on the native browser app. The problem is that if the user, for any reason, leaves the canvas and navigates to the browser-based app, the session[:canvas] variable is still set to true.
Is there a better way to detect the difference between the canvas and the native browser app?
I personally like to use an "alias" url for the Facebook app, e.g. use fb.mysite.com instead of www.mysite.com in the app settings and set things up so that the two domains point to the same place. Or something similar can be done with directories, e.g. www.mysite.com/fb/ pointing to the same place as www.mysite.com/ but giving an easy way for the code to determine if it's a direct access or from an app.
Using a session can work too, but you have to add an additional javascript check in the case you are currently in "app mode" (canvas==true). The javascript just checks to see if the page is inside an iframe, and if it is not then it redirects to something like www.mysite.com/thispage?app=0. Your pages should check for the app=0 parameter and clear the session if present (or set canvas=false). This way, if a user starts out inside Facebook but then visits your site directly, things automatically get adjusted correctly.
Instead of storing this information at the session, check for the existence of the signed_request parameter, if there is no parameter, it possibly means the user is not inside the facebook app anymore.
I might be completely wrong, but doesn't Facebook access your canvas content by a POST instead of a GET request? Wouldn't that be the easiest way to distinguish where the request came from?

Prevent offline iphone webapp from opening link in Safari

I’m developing a website that will work with mobile safari in offline mode. I'm able to bookmark it to the home screen and load it from there. But, once opened from the home screen, clicking on certain links will jump out of the app and open in mobile safari – despite the fact that I preventDefault() on all link clicks!
The app binds an onclick event handler at the <body> level. Using event delegation, it catches any click on any link, looks at its href (eg 'help' or 'review'), and dynamically calls a javascript template and update the pages. The event handler calls preventDefault() on the event object – for some of the links this works, and the page is updated with the template output. However, for the links that result in a hit against the local database before outputting the results of the template, the links are opened in mobile safari.
In desktop safari, all the links work even when i’m offline – something is happening that’s mobile safari specific.
Any thoughts on why some links would work offline, but not others? None of the link URLs in question are listed in the manifest file, but they don’t (shouldn't) need to be since the link action is prevented.
a couple extra oddities:
* once I click on a a link that loads in mobile safari, even if I'm offline, those same links now work, and the templates populated with data from the db work properly. in other words: the links fail when opened from the home screen, but not from within mobile safari offline
* changing the link to remove the database hit (populating the template with a mock db result) solves the problem, and the links can be clicked in the app from the home screen.
You may want to take a look at this: https://gist.github.com/1042026
// by https://github.com/irae
(function(document,navigator,standalone) {
// prevents links from apps from oppening in mobile safari
// this javascript must be the first script in your <head>
if ((standalone in navigator) && navigator[standalone]) {
var curnode, location=document.location, stop=/^(a|html)$/i;
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
while (!(stop).test(curnode.nodeName)) {
// Condidions to do this only on links to your own app
// if you want all links, use if('href' in curnode) instead.
if('href' in curnode && ( curnode.href.indexOf('http') || ~curnode.href.indexOf(location.host) ) ) {
location.href = curnode.href;
I got it to work, the problem was due to an unseen error in the event handler code (unrelated to stopping the link from being followed). If you bind an event handler for click events to the body tag, and call preventDefault(), then the link will not be followed and mobile safari will not open, and you can define you own logic for updating the page based on that link url.
You should be sure that you call preventDefault() before any errors could possibly occur - the problem in my case was that an error was occurring in the event handler before preventDefault() was called, but of course I couldn't see that error in the console because the link had already been followed.
Here's the code I'm using (it assumes DOM standard events and would fail in IE):
bodyOnClickHandler = function(e) {
var target = e.target;
if (target.tagName == 'A') {
var targetUrl = target.getAttribute("href");
//show the page for targetUrl