Validation exceptions from a WCF service - wcf

I'd like some help with this one.
I want to return some kind of validation exception from my WCF service if the given entity data doesn't pass the business logic, but I'm not sure the best way to return muliple things from a WCF Service (for example a validation error and a list of entities).
This one might be really simple, but even so, I'd appreciate a little help.

I would suggest you take a look at the Enterprise Library Validation Block: (note this is for EntLib 3.1, which is a bit dated, but even in EntLib 5, WCF integration works similarly)
I've used this approach a number of times for WCF validation and it works out quite well. You'll end up decorating your data contracts with validation attributes that are part of EntLib. This defines what your validation rules are. Then you configure your service to use Enterprise Library's WCF extensibility. This is an endpoint behavior, so essentially this intercepts any incoming messages for your serivce, checks that all the defined validation attributes pass and then sends the message on to your service option. If the rules specified by your validation attributes don't pass then the endpoint behavior returns a fault message that contains the details about all validation failures. So, if one attribute didn't pass, there would be one message. If three attributes didn't pass, you'd have three messages and so on. Each validation failure message references what property didn't pass validation. The nice thing about the EntLib validation WCF integration is that the fault messages used for validation failures are strongly types and available in your service's WSDL. This means that your clients can easily consume these faults and act upon them appropriately.
If you feel like Enterprise Library is a little too heavy for your needs then you could certainly roll your own validation. You'd probably want the data contracts returned by your service operations to include something like a List that cotains validation messages.


Approach to pass validation result, on failure, from WCF service (with EF4 data processing) to MVC3 client

I implement a ASP.NET MVC3 application, where data is accessed through WCF services.
The WCF service uses EF4.1 for data access with DBContext and POCO classes for entities.
I can annotate the properties with data validations attributes on the server side, and also I can implement custom validation by defining either custom validation attributes (derived from ValidationAttribute), or by implementing IValidatableObject ).
But I have a problem: if validation fails, what is the best approaoch to pass validation error info from WCF to client, and then use it in MCV3 client?
As I understand with WCF, every data exchanged between client and WC service should be part of the data contract, and should not use exceptions as ways of passing meaningful information between server and client (like throwing a ValidationException with extra properties set for Validation failure info).
Also in WCF who uses EF I call dbContext.SaveData(), but if data is not valid, it throws exception, which I don't want.
how can I call validation explicitly in EF and make sure either the object is valid and I can call SaveData(), or the object is invalid and I can collect somehow validation failure information to pass to client.
Haw can I pass this validation failure information back to client, as part of data contract, and not an an exception.
You can use two approaches:
Use standard response data contract for success and fault contract with FaultException<YourFaultContract> for validation failure. Typed fault exceptions are way to define "expected" exceptions - it is just another data contract passed in SOAP Fault describing some failure.
Create response data contract which contains something like result code, response data, failure message etc. and use this data contract for both success and failure. I don't like this approach but it is easier to use in some ESB where faults are processed in special way.

Action vs Reply action WCF

What's the use of action/reply action for service operation in WCF. So far, what I've understood is; action is used by WSDL to identify the service operation to which the message from the client belongs and in return reply action is used by service operation to identify the caller to which reply message belong --> Please correct me if I am wrong with this!
Now, I want to understand; what's the real use (apart from handling anonymous messages by using aster ix [*]), I mean this could well be handled internally by WCF instead of exposing it to the developer.
Also, why is action and replyaction required at all? I mean, we already have a name property for the service operation to identify the method and when I call Proxy.SomeMethod() then somemethod is already mapped to the Name property and it should be enough to identify the destination method for the message and similarly the replyaction. Please clarify.
Can I please get a simple real world scenario/or link to that to understand Action/ReplyAction in real life.
Many Thanks.
Actions are part of the various SOAP and WS-* specifcations.
So the first point is that this is not something unique to WCF it is a standard part of the specification you need to support if you want to have interoperable web services. They are used for message routing and other message handling functions.
Second, WCF DOES manage these by default. You only need to specify them yourself if you wish to customise or manage them in some other way. E.g. WCF will automatically generate them into the WSDL for you. WCF will also use them by default when it is selecting which operation to invoke for an incoming message. Again, WCF provides extension points to customise this behavior if you require.

How does WCF Decide which Operation to Dispatch To?

I'm building a WCF SOAP application. The WSDL file has numerous operations of which many have the same argument type. The WSDL file defines all soapAction attributes as "''". When I try to start such a service WCF throw an exception saying that soapActions have to be unique.
After some googling I'm even more puzzled than before. I used SOAPUI to create a mock service with two operations which take the same input type and without the soapActions defined it always chooses the same operation. When the actions are defined it works fine.
My questions are:
Can you make a WCF SOAP service without unique soapActions (actually leaving the soapActions "''" as defined in the original WSDL)?
How can a service choose the right operation without the soapAction defined?
I'm not in control of the WSDL. I'm using the WSCF.Blue tool to create a service stub from the WSDL file. I might be able to modify the WSDL, but I want to see if there is some possibility to leave it as it is.
It is not very clear from your question but I suggest you are building service based on some defined WSDL, aren't you? WCF by default uses SOAP action because it is required part of WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 offered by WCF services with BasicHttpBinding. WSDLs with empty SOAP actions are used when the action is defined by root body element.
WCF samples provides example of custom DispatchOperationSelector which is able to route messages to operations by their root body element. This is probably what you need to add to your service so that clients based on provided WSDL can call it.

WCF Business logic handling

I have a WCF service that supports about 10 contracts, we have been supporting a client with all the business rules specific to this client now we have another client who will be using the exact same contracts (so we cannot change that) they will be calling the service exactly the same way the previous client called now the only way we can differentiate between the two clients is by one of the input parameters. Based on this input parameter we have to use a slightly different business logic – the logic for both the Client will be same 50% of the time the remainder will have different logic (across Business / DAL layers) . I don’t want to use if else statement in each of contract implementation to differentiate and reroute the logic also what if another client comes in. Is there a clean way of handling a situation like this. I am using framework 3.5. Like I said I cannot change any of the contracts (service / data contract ) or the current service calling infrastructure for the new client. Thanks
Can you possibly host the services twice and have the clients connect to the right one? Apart from that, you have to use some kind of if-else, I guess.
I can't say whether this is applicable to you, but we have solved a similar problem along this path:
We add a Header information to the message that states in which context some logic is called.
This information ends up in a RequestContext class.
We delegate responsibility of instantiating the implementation of the contract to a DI Container (in our case StructureMap)
We have defined a strategy how certain components are to be provided by the container:
There is a default for a component of some kind.
Attributes can be placed on specializations that denote for which type of request context this specialization should be used.
This is registered into the container through available mechanisms
We make a call to the Container by stating ObjectFactory.With(requestcontext).getInstance<CONTRACT>()
Dependencies of the service implementations are now resolved in a way that the described process is applied. That is, specializations are provided based ultimately on a request information placed in the header.
This is an example how this may be solvable.

Can Server-side and Client-side WCF Share Validation Library?

I am using a WCF library on an application server, which is referenced by an IIS server (which is therefore the client). I would like to put my validation in a place so that I can just call .Validate() which returns a string array of errors (field too short, missing, etc). The problem is, such functions don't cross the WCF boundary and I really don't want to code the same logic in the WCF service and in IIS/WCF client. Is there a way to use extension methods or something similar so both side can use use a .Validat() method which calls the same code?
Many thanks for any ideas!
If you control both sides of the wire, i.e. the server-side (service) and the client-side, then you could do the following:
put all your service and data contracts into a shared assembly
reference that "Contracts" assembly from both the server and the client
manually create the client proxy (by deriving from ClientBase<T> or by creating it from a ChannelFactory<T>) - do not use "Add Service Reference" or svcutil.exe!
put all validation logic into a shared assembly
reference that shared validation assembly from both projects
If you want to use a shared validation assembly, you must make sure the data types used on your server and client are identical - this can only be accomplished if you also share service and data contracts. Unfortunately, that requires manual creation of the client proxy (which is really not a big deal!).
If you'd use "Add Service Reference", then Visual Studio will inspect the service based on its metadata, and create a new set of client-side objects, which look the same in terms of their fields and all, but they're a separate, distinct type, and thus you wouldn't be able to use your shared validation on both the server-side and the client-side objects.
Do you have a problem with sending the data over to the server to be validated? In other words, your service interface actually offers the "Validate" method and takes a data contract full of data, validates it and returns a List where T is some kind of custom ValidationResult data contract that contains all the info you need about validation warnings/errors.
In a service architecture, you can't trust the client, who could theoretically be some other company altogether, to have done proper data validation for you. You always need to do it at the service layer and design for communication of those validation issues back to your client. So if you're doing that work at the server anyway, why not open that logic up to the clients so they can use it directly? Certainly the clients can (should) still do some kind of basic input validation such as checking for null values, empty strings, values out of range, etc, but core business logic checks should be shipped off to the service.