Using WebKit for SWT Browser inside Eclipse plugin - webkit

I tried today to use the WebKit as the Browser's underlying renderer for my eclipse plugin but no luck.
I followed the recommended instructions and my current environment is as follows:
OS: Windows 7 (x64)
Safari installed (in the PATH too)
32 bit SWT (eclipse RCP indigo SR1 32)
added the following line to eclipse.ini
Now when I try to instantiate the browser:
Browser b = new Browser(parent, SWT.WEBKIT);
I get the following error:
Failed to load the swt-webkit library
Any suggestions?

I got this problem too
What you need to do use
JVM : 32bit
SWT :32 bit
set the safari.exe path in your environment settings , (If you are using older version of Windows)
Else if SWT and JVM are not of same 32 bit it will generate error .


Gradle sync fails when creating a new Kotlin project with default settings in freshly installed IntelliJ IDEA

I wanted to learn some Kotlin so I installed IntelliJ IDEA, created a new Kotlin project with the default settings and then the IDE tells me that Gradle sync has failed. Here's the error message:
Could not open init generic class cache for initialization script 'C:\Users\<my_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\wrapper_init.gradle' (C:\Users\<my_name>\.gradle\caches\6.8\scripts\344chmz69zyndatc9zp4rwux5).
> BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit '_BuildScript_' Unsupported class file major version 60
I googled the error and got a suggestion to try a different JDK version. Tried a few different versions but that didn't help. Then I installed the IDE on my laptop to see if that works and there I don't get any errors. As far as I can tell, the project settings were exactly the same on both machines but obviously something is messed up on my desktop computer. Both have Windows 10.
I'm also not at all familiar with the Java/Kotlin ecosystem or the build tools or whatever so I honestly have no idea how I could even begin fixing some Gradle errors. I don't really even know what Gradle is or what it does. So can you help me?
First, check the version which the project uses: File > Project Structure. Or, during project creation ( / example with SDK 1.8)
It has to be the same as JDK / SDK installed on your computer.
To verify java version installed in your terminal:
java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_252"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_252-8u252-b09-1~19.10-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.252-b09, mixed mode)

SceneBuilder not loading in Intellij

Scene Builder does not open in my Intellij. I've tried different JDK versions, but I just cant get it to load up in my IDE. It was working before I had to reinstall my OS. I don't get an error or anything, the Scene Builder window is just blank. It works if I run it standalone though.
I'm on Ubuntu 20.04.1. Using JDK 11 and Scene Builder for JDK 11. I tried with JDK 14 and I still get the same issue. I attached an image of the screen I get.
Any help? Intellij asked me to download the Scene Builder kit, then it asked me to download JavaFX. I did. Then I ended up here. JavaFX was included as a global library though so I didn't quite understand that.
What should I do?
You should go to setting-plugins- search for javaFX and install JAvaFX Runtime for Plugins.
Restart again and the problem will be solved.
The solution for me was 'Settings> Plugins> search JavaFX' to enable and disable this plugin, then restart intellij idea
You can run the SceneBuilder from outside Intellij and simply select your FXML, which works better in some cases, because there are some problems with the BuildIn Version (at least on Windows)
You can download it from Gluon.
2023 Answer
I am currently using IntelliJ Ultimate.
Build #: 223.8617.56
Runtime version: 17.0.5+1-b653.25 aarch64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
To fix the missing SceneBuilder issue, I completely disabled the JavaFX Runtime for Plugins plugin and restarted IntelliJ.
When I did that, I received 2 banners to install JavaFX and the proper JDK.

WSO2 Developer Studio Nullpointer exception

I am using WSO2 Developer Studio latest version 3.8.0 on Mac OS High Sierra. Each time when I drag and drop element from the tool pallet into the design workspace, It shows Null pointer exception. Also canvas title is not visible. Here below I attached a screenshot. So much appreciate your help.
Nullpointer exception
I also face similar issue since I install both Oracle JDK 8 and JDK 10. Eclipse take latest JDK 10 version, but application does not support Java 10. To select Java version to use, I added following line into the /Applications/ file. Then it work fine.
If you are using Java 10 then you can remove it and install Java 8 or you can use both version and update eclipse.ini file to point JDK 8 version.
Hope this will be helpful.

Installing jazz 4.0.2 plugin with IBM Worklight 6 (juno eclipse) causes functional degradation in worklight

I've installed worklight 6 into an existing juno 64 bit eclipse running in windows 7. Runs great. I then install the jazz RTC 4.0.2 plug in into that eclipse environment. After the plugin is installed, there is a noticeable loss of function. The following are examples:
On the create new Hybrid app page, the option for changing the dojo library used is gone. The dialog resembles the WL5 version.
after a dojo hybrid is created, the www folder is missing from the WL project
Some dojo widgets do not work (i.e., not presented on the mobile device emulator or in resulting adroid application) like
The only way to resolve is to uninstall the RTC plugin. Any suggestion on how to make this work? Using WL5.0.6.1 and same Jazz RTC plugin has no problems. We want to move to newer WL and upgrading RTC is not an easy option.
Are you using Eclipse Java EE 4.2.2? That's the only supported version for Worklight Studio (i.e. make sure you are not using 4.2.1 or 4.2 alone).
Other things I would try:
1) Use RTC 4.0.3 plug-in instead 4.0.2, that could make some difference and usually these clients have backwards compatibility with the server.
2) Install RTC before Worklight Studio, and see if it makes any difference.

Salesforce IDE starting error

I have installed the standalone IDE for salesforce platform. On trying to start the ide i am getting "JVM terminated. Exit Code=-1" error. Any idea what this error code means ?
This is a common loading error for IDE.
There are different solutions. Try anyone of these:
A) Change the workspace location.
B) (i). Install Eclipse 3.6 for Java Developers (Helios) from the link
Click your operating system from the window on your right.
(ii). Using the below link, follow the instructions to install IDE plugin for Eclipse 3.6
C) In the default IDE install directory:
C:\Program Files\\ IDE
Locate the config file:
And comment out the following at the end of the file (note the leading #):
I hope it works now.
This could be because of various reasons. Say, if you do not have enough memory (RAM) as specified in config file(forceide.ini). As said in this link IDE – JVM terminated , probably reduce MaxPermSize in config file to say 256M and check.
This exact thing happened to me a few days ago.
My setup is:
Windows 7 64 bit
jre7 64 bit IDE 64 bit
When I ran the java auto update to update my jre it installed the 32 bit version (a whole other gripe). So I manually downloaded the 64 bit version of the jre installed it over the top of the 32 bit version and the IDE started working again.