Lightswitch - getting it to build in TeamCity - msbuild

I'm trying to get a Lightswitch Project into Teamcity and have tried the following runner types:
Visual Studio (sln)
Command line (ran MSBuild through the command line)
All 3 runner types gave me the same error when building the Lightswitch solution:
The "UnpackExtensionsToProjectDir" task failed unexpectedly. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Lightswitch has already been installed on the server. Have tried building the solution manually using Visual Studio on the server and it builds fine. Have also tried building the solution via the command line (using MSBuild) and it builds fine too.
Would like to ask if somebody was able to get Lightswitch building nicely on TeamCity. Cheers.

This is how you build via the Command line (using TeamCity)
First make sure you have not checked in the extensions directory, this can cause issues when building.
Check that you have installed any visual studio extensions on the build machine .ie ExtensionsMadeEasy. You can test this by opening the solution in visual studio on the build machine and trying to do a build.
Lastly, in TeamCity do not use the msbuild task, use command line to call msbuild.
Step 1)
msbuild.exe mylightswitchproject.lsproj /p:OutDir=C:\test\stuff\;configuration=Release
Step 2)
Create a bat file to copy your output to the correct folder structure.
robocopy C:\test\stuff\bin C:\test\localrelease\bin *.* /MIR
robocopy C:\test\stuff\Resources C:\test\localrelease\Resources *.* /MIR
robocopy C:\test\stuff\Web C:\test\localrelease\Web *.* /MIR
robocopy C:\test\stuff\ C:\test\localrelease\ ClientAccessPolicy.xml
robocopy C:\test\stuff\ C:\test\localrelease\ default.htm
robocopy C:\test\stuff\ C:\test\localrelease\ Home.aspx
robocopy C:\test\stuff\ C:\test\localrelease\ Login.aspx
robocopy C:\test\stuff\ C:\test\localrelease\ LogOff.aspx
robocopy C:\test\stuff\ C:\test\localrelease\ Silverlight.js
robocopy C:\test\stuff\ C:\test\localrelease\ web.config
You can now take this folder and release it to the next environment.
Finally, if you want to create a web deployment package, out the box visual studio 2010 does not support this. However, you can copy this into an existing website then "Export" your application into a package that is then ready for web deployment via powershell.

The previous answers didn't work for us but Yaegor's answer provided some direction.
The issue we had was extensions are installed at the user level, not the system level. This meant the MSBuild process could not find the required extensions.
Our solution was to use a user account on the build server, log into account, setup VS.NET such that the LS project builds, and then switch the TeamCity agent service to use the new user account.
With this we were able to use the Solution runner (which is preferable to the CLI runner since it provides better logging and reporting).

For not Lightswitch-specific part: If command line works from console, but fails in TeamCity, most probably the issue is in the user or running as a service. You might try running TeamCity agent with the same environment.
When command line works you can then try MSBuild and Solution runners.

I ran into the same error when trying to set up an automated build for a lightswitch application using bamboo. Turned out to be the version of msbuild being called. If the 64bit version is called (from bamboo or the command line) I get the error:
UnpackExtensionsToProjectDir" task failed unexpectedly.
Switching to the 32bit version of msbuild fixes the problem.
32bit Path: 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe'
64bit Path: 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe'


MSBuild Not Working TeamCity But Works From CommandLine

I'm at a total loss. We have TeamCity installed (TeamCity Professional 2017.2.3 (build 51047)). We run the MSBuild step with:
MSBuildVersion: Microsoft Build Tools 2017
MSBuild Tools Version:
and Command Parameters:
/t:Clean /p:DeployOnBuild=true /t:build /t:publish /p:PublishProfile=Properties\PublishProfiles\Deploy.pubxml /p:PublishDirectory=Deployment /p:Configuration=Release /p:VisualStudioVersion=15.0
When we run the build t shows:
_DeploymentUnpublishable [11:16:53][_DeploymentUnpublishable] Skipping unpublishable project.
TeamCity outputs at the start:
"/msbuildPath:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
If I navigate to the msbuildPath in the CommandLine and run the same command it builds and publishes without issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
MSBuild Step In TeamCity:
I had this issue and resolved it by setting a Parameter towards the publishing profile.
This is what i had:
- *.csproj would build and publish in visual studio locally.
- TeamCity builds fine but when asked to Publish sends me the not helpful _deploymentunpublishable
I tried all the commands in the msbuild line but only the following setup works:
pre-step: Create a Publishing profile (*.pubxml) which outputs to a folder within your build. This should be saved in your /Properties folder of the build.
inside your configuration page, go to Parameters.
Add a new Parameter for "System". Call it PublishProfile (system.PublishProfile). Give it a vaule which is the name of your publish profile file or *.pubxml
enter image description here
create a new step (or amend existing publish step), runner type "MSBuild" and in the Targets box type WebPublish
enter image description here
You dont need any command line parameters as your pubxml will handle all this.
Thats it, give it a try and your code should now publish to the folder you set in the publishing profile.

Calling MS Build in post-build event giving error after build. (Code 5)

Our web apps have a post build event that copies web.config files over depending on the configuration that's being built. I wasn't around when this was created, and no one from back then exists on the team today, but it looks like our CI/Deploy server requires it, so removing it isn't an option.
Error The command "
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\msbuild" "E:\{path}\UI.IX.csproj" /t:Transform /p:Configuration=Debug.Dev;Platform=AnyCPU
Xcopy E:\{path}\obj\Debug.Dev\Web.Config E:\{path}\. /F /R /Y
("E:\{Path}\IX.PostBuild\bin\Debug.Dev\IX.PostBuild.exe" 'E:\{Path}' 'E:\{path}\' Debug.Dev /S /Y /I /D /V /C)"
exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command.
The post-build has 3 steps:
run MS Build to update the web.config with the correct config based on configuration management
Copy the web.config into the bin/obj directory
Run a PostBuild .exe file to copy files from one project to another
We're only seeing this error come up on a handful of computers from a new office, and it's not able to be reproduced.
Visual Studio is being ran as admin, by an admin
all commands in the Post-Build event can be ran through a Command Prompt without any error
removed all but msbuild.exe command from post build - still errors (this is the culprit)
Any thoughts on how to fix this error? I don't have this error on 5 machines, but out of 3 new ones in a new office, 2 have this error.
On further inspection we found out that VS was installed by the local Admin prior to joining the domain. I am not sure if this would cause any issues with permissions, but we are re-installing VS on the domain account that will be running the system to see if that fixes anything.
The cause of this issue was Antivirus software. When it was building antivirus software was scanning the new files that were created, and during this scan, Visual Studio was unable to rewrite the files.
We added the source code folder to a list of excluded folders in the AV software and it builds properly now.

Generate Setup.exe for ClickOnce application using msbuild

Publishing the ClickOnce application via msbuild using command
msbuild /t:publish /p:BootstrapperEnabled=true;PublishDir=C:\publish\;PublishUrl=C:\publish
Throws the error:
error MSB3484: Signing target 'bin\Debug\app.publish\setup.exe' could not be found.
No setup.exe is generated, whereas publishing via Visual Studio IDE generates the setup.exe to the specified folder.
Have looked over the net and found the below solutions
To enable BootstrapperEnable = true,
To specify \ at the end of PublishDir/PublishUrl
And the above solutions don't work for me. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Below command worked:
msbuild /t:publish /p:PublishDir=C:\publish\ /p:ApplicationVersion=
Din't have to specify the InstallationFolder, since ClickOnce takes up the folder path from where the user installed the setup.exe as the InstallFolder and looks there for updates.

TFS 2015 build issues

Hi I am banging my head for last few days.
Here is the situation ...
1. I have VSO account which maintains the TFS in cloud.
2. Installed a build server/agent on another machine. (Works fine)
3. Tried to build(XAML build) one solution using that server/controller.
4. Got an error saying ...
"The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk."
The build server and the agents are from TFS 2015 and the project is a Visual Studio 2015 project using framework 4.6. I was expecting "v14" folder for target files during build. Why it is trying to find things from "v11" folder ? And how do I solve this.
I know I can copy files to "v11" but I don't want to escape the facts. There should be a reason and a proper fix. Any help would be nice.
Several solutions for you to correct this error:
S1: Install MSBuild.Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.targets from NuGet gallery via running the following command: Install-Package MSBuild.Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.targets.
Then replace the following line in your .proj file
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />
<Import Project="$..\packages\MSBuild.Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.targets.14.0.0\tools\VSToolsPath\WebApplications" />
S2: Set the /p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0 MSBuild argument in the build definition.
S3: Copy the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.targets file to the C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications folder on the build agent machine.
S4: Install VS2012 on the TFS build agent machine just like Patrick mentioned above.
And related cases: Microsoft.WebApplication.targets and Microsoft.WebApplication.targets was not found, on the build server. What's your solution?
The WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets (11.0) (which comes from VS2012) is referenced in your web application, so the Visual Studio 2012 should be installed on your build server to resolve this issue.
Be note that, to guarantee TFS build runs successful, you should make sure your build agent machine has the some environment as dev machine.
Did you restore a previous collection on TFS 2015 from a previous TFS version? Did your solution or any projects in your solution get created prior to VS2015?

WebDeploy with MSBuild Not Deploying from TeamCity

I am trying to use MSDeploy to deploy an MVC project to the server using TeamCity. When I do this on my computer in powershell, using the following command:
msbuild.exe .\mvc.csproj /p:PublishProfile=DevServer /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:Password=MyPassword /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=true
It builds the project and deploys it to the server (info defined in the DevServer publish profile) perfectly. The output shows an MSDeployPublish section at the end, in which I see text like Starting Web deployment task from source... and then with rows telling me what files are updated, etc.
When I run this on TeamCity, using an MSBuild Build step, on the same file, with the same parameters (from the same working directory) it builds the project but does not publish it. Instead it has the regular output from a build process (CoreCompile, _CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal, GetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems, CopyFilesToOutputDirectory) but then does not actually go and publish anything.
What changes to I need to make to the setup in TeamCity to get it to publish deploy in the same way that it works using MSBuild from my computer?
(TeamCity 7.1, MSBuild 4.0, WebDeploy 3.0, Visual Studio 12, IIS 7. Related to my previous question)
We do our WebDeploys with a TeamCity MSBuild step configured as follows:
Build File Path: Server.csproj
Command Line Parameters:
We use integrated authentication; change as necessary to fit your scheme. The value of this, I think, is that it builds everything from scratch and doesn't rely on a pre-built package. From the gist you posted I noticed that you do some DB publishing, we don't use WebDeploy for that so I can't offer any guidance there. Hope this helps.
I use MSBuild.exe to package to zip, and MSdeploy.exe to deploy in separate steps.
To deploy the file on the command line:
"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V2\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync
This command is also worth explaining in detail:
-verb:sync : makes the web site sync from the source to the destination
-source:package="C:\Build\" : source is an MSBuild zip file package
-dest:auto,wmsvc=webservername : use the settings in the package file to deploy to the server. The user account is an OS-level account with permission. The hostname is specified, but not the IIS web site name (which is previously specified in the MSBuild project file in the project properties).
You can modify parameters based on your configuration. I like it this way because with separate steps, its easier to debug problems.
Use TeamCity build step and the command line runner.
If you want an example of how to build the ZIP package using MSBuild, try something like this:
This should work the same on your local PC as well as on the CI server.
Here are the config settings that finally worked for me:
I had exactly the same issue! I've posted the solution I used over at: MsBuild not finding publish profile
Basics were:
Install the Azure SDK 1.8 on the build server
Force the /P:PublishProfileRootFolder value to ensure MSBuild can locate the publish profile
Ensure that you have the Microsoft Web Developer Tools feature installed for Visual Studio. This was missing on my build agent but once I added it the TeamCity build worked just fine.
This can happen when the build target paths are missing from your MSBuild directory. Instead of trying to get those to line up on every developer machine, install the targets from the Nuget. That way it will always be the same for everyone, regardless of how their machine is setup.