Concatenating string to use as a field -

I have a list of 14 fields in a infopath data source and I am trying to loop through them to check for whitespaces. This what I have put together but it does not like the Field after the UserInput I'll put what is should look like also:
Need it to work this way:
Private Sub ClearSpaces()
For i As Integer = 1 To 14
Dim DayString As String = System.Convert.ToString(i)
Dim Field As String = "Reason" & DayString
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserInput.Field.Trim()) Then
MessageBox.Show("Day " & DayString, "OK", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
End If
End Sub
This works for just Reason1:
Private Sub ClearSpaces()
For i As Integer = 1 To 14
Dim DayString As String = System.Convert.ToString(i)
Dim Field As String = "Reason" & DayString
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserInput.Reason1.Trim()) Then
MessageBox.Show("Day " & DayString, "OK", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
End If
End Sub


How to set the decimal places to auto according user entries in VB.NET?

I have textbox receives number by the user.
the problem is that I want to format this textbox to show the numbers as the next face:
15000.25 >> 15,000.25
I used FormatNumber Function:
dim x as double
x = FormatNumber(textbox1.text,2)
textbox1.text = x
but here the problem is I want to keep the decimal places as entered by the user, examples:
15000.225 >> 15,000.225 NOT 15,000.22
0.00083 >> 0.00083 NOT 0
I hope my problem is clear.
I found the next solution:
Dim xStr As String = CStr(Me.Text)
Dim xCount As Integer = Len(Split(xStr, ".")(1))
Me.textbox1.Text = FormatNumber(Me.Text, xCount)
it's working for me.
Try this out:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dbl As Double
If Double.Parse(TextBox1.Text, dbl) Then
Dim parts() As String = dbl.ToString.Split(".")
Dim strDecimalPattern As String = ""
If parts.Length = 2 Then
strDecimalPattern = New String("#", parts(1).Length)
End If
Dim strPattern As String = "{0:#,##0" &
If(strDecimalPattern <> "", ".", "") &
strDecimalPattern & "}"
TextBox1.Text = String.Format(strPattern, dbl)
End If
End Sub

Repeat character in Two or More Textboxes VB Net

I want to compare the Textbox1 with TextBox2, or Textbox line 1 of the text box to the 2nd line, to show me the existing Character in another textbox, or show me how many characters are repeated. iI really like learning, so I would be helpful because I want to learn...
TextBox1.Text = 1,4,7,11,13,16,19,20,28,31,44,37,51,61,62,63,64,69,71,79,80
TextBox2.Text = 1,5,7,10,13,16,26,20,28,31,44,37,51,72,73,74,69,71,79,80
TextBox3.Text = Character Repeated: 1,7,13,16,20,28,31,44,37,51,69,71,79,80
TextBox4.Text = Number of Character Repeated = 14
TextBox5.Text = Number of Character which has not been repeated: 4,11,19,61,62,63,64 etc, you got to idea
TextBox6.Text = Number of Character isn't Repeated: 7
here are some codes: but I do not know how to apply them correctly.
Code 1: Show repetable character:
' Split string based on space
TextBox1.Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Mydpi.Text)
TextBox2.Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Mydpi.Text)
TextBox4.Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Mydpi.Text)
For i As Integer = 0 To TextBox2.Lines.Count - 1
Dim textsrtring As String = TextBox4.Lines(i)
Dim words As String() = textsrtring.Split(New Char() {","c})
Dim found As Boolean = False
' Use For Each loop over words
Dim word As Integer
For Each word In words
TxtbValBeforeCompar.Text = TextBox1.Lines(i)
If TextBox1.Lines(i).Contains(word) Then
found = True
Dim tempTextBox As TextBox = CType(Me.Controls("Checkertxt" & i.ToString), TextBox)
On Error Resume Next
If TextBox2.Lines(i).Contains(word) Then
If tempTextBox.Text.Contains(word) Then
tempTextBox.Text = tempTextBox.Text + " " + TxtbValAfterCompar.Text()
End If
End If
End If
Private Sub CompareNumbers()
'First Textbox that is to be used for compare
Dim textBox1Numbers As List(Of Integer) = GetNumbersFromTextLine(N1Check.Text)
'Second Textbox that is to be used for compare
Dim textBox2Numbers As List(Of Integer) = GetNumbersFromTextLine(TxtbValBeforeCompar.Text)
'Union List of Common Numbers (this uses a lambda expression, it can be done using two For Each loops instead.)
Dim commonNumbers As List(Of Integer) = textBox1Numbers.Where(Function(num) textBox2Numbers.Contains(num)).ToList()
'This is purely for testing to see if it worked you can.
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
For Each foundNum As Integer In commonNumbers
sb.Append(foundNum.ToString()).Append(" ")
TxtbValAfterCompar.Text = (sb.ToString())
End Sub
Private Function GetNumbersFromTextLine(ByVal sTextLine As String) As List(Of Integer)
Dim numberList As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer)()
Dim sSplitNumbers As String() = sTextLine.Split(" ")
For Each sNumber As String In sSplitNumbers
If IsNumeric(sNumber) Then
Dim iNum As Integer = CInt(sNumber)
TxtbValAfterCompar.Text = iNum
If Not numberList.Contains(iNum) Then
TxtbValAfterCompar.Text = ("")
End If
End If
Return numberList
End Function
Code 2: Remove Duplicate Chars (Character)
Module Module1
Function RemoveDuplicateChars(ByVal value As String) As String
' This table stores characters we have encountered.
Dim table(value.Length) As Char
Dim tableLength As Integer = 0
' This is our result.
Dim result(value.Length) As Char
Dim resultLength As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To value.Length - 1
Dim current As Char = value(i)
Dim exists As Boolean = False
' Loop over all characters in the table of encountered chars.
For y As Integer = 0 To tableLength - 1
' See if we have already encountered this character.
If current = table(y) Then
' End the loop.
exists = True
y = tableLength
End If
' If we have not encountered the character, add it.
If exists = False Then
' Add character to the table of encountered characters.
table(tableLength) = current
tableLength += 1
' Add character to our result string.
result(resultLength) = current
resultLength += 1
End If
' Return the unique character string.
Return New String(result, 0, resultLength)
End Function
Sub Main()
' Test the method we wrote.
Dim test As String = "having a good day"
Dim result As String = RemoveDuplicateChars(test)
test = "areopagitica"
result = RemoveDuplicateChars(test)
End Sub
End Module
You could make use of some LINQ such as Intersect and Union.
Assuming your TextBox1 and TextBox2 contains the text you have provided.
Here's a simple method to find repeated and non repeated characters.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim firstBoxList = TextBox1.Text.Split(",").ToList()
Dim secondBoxList = TextBox2.Text.Split(",").ToList()
Dim intersectionList = firstBoxList.Intersect(secondBoxList)
For Each str As String In intersectionList
TextBox3.Text = TextBox3.Text & str & ","
TextBox4.Text = intersectionList.Count()
Dim notRepeatedCharacter = firstBoxList.Union(secondBoxList).ToList
notRepeatedCharacter.RemoveAll(Function(x) intersectionList.Contains(x))
For each str As String In notRepeatedCharacter
TextBox5.Text = TextBox5.Text & str & ","
TextBox6.Text = notRepeatedCharacter.Count()
End Sub
The output is something like that:
This consider both of the textboxes not repeated character.
If you just want to find the not repeated characters from first list to the second, this should do it:
firstBoxList.RemoveAll(Function(x) secondBoxList.Contains(x))
For Each str As String In firstBoxList
TextBox7.Text = TextBox7.Text & str & ","
TextBox8.Text = firstBoxList.Count
And this is the output:
Here's the full code using String.Join to make the lists look smoother in the text boxes:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'First we grab all the numbers written inside the textboxes (I am not verifying anything)
Dim firstBoxList = TextBox1.Text.Split(",").ToList()
Dim secondBoxList = TextBox2.Text.Split(",").ToList()
'Second we intersect the two lists and show them
Dim intersectionList = firstBoxList.Intersect(secondBoxList)
TextBox3.Text = String.Join(",", intersectionList)
TextBox4.Text = intersectionList.Count()
'We're checking the distintc character from both lists
Dim notRepeatedCharacter = firstBoxList.Union(secondBoxList).ToList
notRepeatedCharacter.RemoveAll(Function(x) intersectionList.Contains(x))
TextBox5.Text = String.Join(",", notRepeatedCharacter)
TextBox6.Text = notRepeatedCharacter.Count()
'we're checkng the distinct character inside first list that doesn't show in second list
firstBoxList.RemoveAll(Function(x) secondBoxList.Contains(x))
TextBox7.Text = String.Join(",", firstBoxList)
TextBox8.Text = firstBoxList.Count
End Sub

Split String into Textboxes

I have this URL:<number>&Team=<number>&userID=<number>
How to get parts of this into Textboxes?
Textbox1 = number after ?age=
Textbox2 = number after &Team=
Textbox3 = number after &userID=
If you want to output to a TextBox and can guarantee a set amount of parameters this is quite simple:
Dim url As String = ""
TextBox1.Text = url.Split("?"c)(1).Split("&"c)(0).Split("="c)(1)
TextBox2.Text = url.Split("?"c)(1).Split("&"c)(1).Split("="c)(1)
TextBox3.Text = url.Split("?"c)(1).Split("&"c)(2).Split("="c)(1)
The code looks a little unreadable but it does the job. Note the increase in number on the second Split. This is the output:
Now what I would do is further checking to ensure the parameters are there and that they have values:
Dim url As String = ""
Dim parameters As String = Nothing
If url.Contains("?") Then
parameters = url.Split("?"c)(1)
End If
Dim age As Integer = 0
Dim team As Integer = 0
Dim userId As Integer = 0
If parameters IsNot Nothing Then
For Each parameter In parameters.Split("&"c)
If parameter.Contains("=") Then
If parameter.ToLower().StartsWith("age") Then
Integer.TryParse(parameter.Split("="c)(1), age)
ElseIf parameter.ToLower().StartsWith("team") Then
Integer.TryParse(parameter.Split("="c)(1), team)
ElseIf parameter.ToLower().StartsWith("userid") Then
Integer.TryParse(parameter.Split("="c)(1), userId)
End If
End If
End If
TextBox1.Text = age.ToString()
TextBox2.Text = team.ToString()
TextBox3.Text = userId.ToString()
The output is the same as above but I have done further checking. I'm sure even more checking could be put in place but I think this will give you a good start.
What I like to do is store both the name and the value of the parameter using a Dictionary which can come in handy so thought I would show you this approach:
Dim url As String = "<number>&Team=<number>&userID=<number>"
Dim urlParameters As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
If url.Contains("?") AndAlso url.Contains("&") Then
For Each param In url.Split("?"c)(1).Split("&"c)
Dim kp() As String = param.Split("="c)
urlParameters.Add(kp(0), kp(1))
End If
For Each parameter In urlParameters
Debug.WriteLine("Key: " & parameter.Key & " Value:" & parameter.Value)
This is a screenshot of the output:
If you only want to look at the value of the parameter and output that then you could simply do this instead of adding to a Dictionary:
If url.Contains("?") AndAlso url.Contains("&") Then
For Each param In url.Split("?"c)(1).Split("&"c)
End If
In this case the output will be:
Dim url As String = ""
Dim temp As String = url.Substring(url.IndexOf("?")+1)
Dim args() As String
args = temp.Split("&")
Dim pair() As String
For Each arg As String In args
pair = arg.Split("=")
console.WriteLine(pair(1)) ' <--- value after =

Saving of Numeric with decimal to txt File from datagridview in

This is my code for saving the values from data grid view to text file:
Private Sub TextFileToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextFileToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim filename As String = String.Empty
Dim sfd1 As New SaveFileDialog()
sfd1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
sfd1.FilterIndex = 2
sfd1.RestoreDirectory = True
sfd1.Title = "Save Text File"
If sfd1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
If sfd1.FileName = String.Empty Then
MsgBox("Please input filename")
filename = sfd1.FileName.ToString
Saveto_TextFile(dvList, filename)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Saveto_TextFile(ByVal dvList As DataGridView, ByVal filename As String)
Dim numCols As Integer = dvList.ColumnCount - 1
Dim numRows As Integer = dvList.RowCount
Dim strDestinationFile As String = "" & filename & ".txt"
Dim tw As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(strDestinationFile)
For dvRow As Integer = 0 To numRows - 1
'checking if the checkbox is checked, then write to text file
If dvList.Rows(dvRow).Cells.Item(0).Value = True Then
tw.Write(", ")
tw.Write(", ")
End If
'write the remaining rows in the text file
For dvCol As Integer = 1 To numCols
If (dvCol <> numCols) Then
tw.Write(", ")
End If
End Sub
This code is perfectly working, but my only concern is that I set up the property of my data grid view to Numeric with 2 decimal places. When I'm saving it to the text file, it removes the decimal places.
What can I do to keep the decimal places in the text file?
I modified your SaveTo_TextFile method. I added two columns to my dvList [Column1] and [Column2]. I was able to save the decimal value I entered in [Column2] successfully.
I do not know how you formatted your DataGridView column but mine is only a DataGridViewTextBoxCell with no formatting.
If I used formatting, this is what I would set my numeric column's row cellstyle to:
dvList.Columns("Column2").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "N2"
SaveTo_TextFile method
Private Sub Saveto_TextFile(ByVal dvList As DataGridView, ByVal filename As String)
Dim numCols As Integer = dvList.ColumnCount - 1
Dim numRows As Integer = dvList.RowCount
Dim strDestinationFile As String = "" & filename & ".txt"
Dim tw As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(strDestinationFile)
For dvRow As Integer = 0 To numRows - 1
'checking if the checkbox is checked, then write to text file
If dvList.Rows(dvRow).Cells("Column1").Value = True Then
tw.WriteLine(dvList.Rows(dvRow).Cells("Column2").Value) 'Column2 is the name of the column ... You can also use an index here
tw.WriteLine("Not Checked")
End If
'write the remaining rows in the text file
For dvCol As Integer = 1 To numCols
If (dvCol <> numCols) Then
End If
End Sub

How to Group and Sort details by date-bubble sort?

First off thanks for reading this, I've spent the last four hours trying to work this out.
Essentially I'm building a application in where the user inputs: date, Name, Phone number and instructor name to a simple csv .txt database file. I've got all that working.
Now all I need to do is somehow group the details together, and separate from other entries.
I now want to sort these grouped details by date through a bubble sort and then save it to another file. WHen I say sort, I want the other details to go along with the date.
The date when inputted to the application has to be: (yyMMddhhmm)
Eg: 1308290930 = 9:30 on 29/08/13
I can post what I've done thus far.
Public Class Form2
Dim currentRow As String()
Dim count As Integer
Dim one As Integer
Dim two As Integer
Dim three As Integer
Dim four As Integer
Dim catchit(100) As String
Dim count2 As Integer
Dim arrayone(50) As Integer
Dim arraytwo(50) As String
Dim arraythree(50) As Integer
Dim arrayfour(50) As String
Dim bigstring As String
Dim builder As Integer
Dim twodata As Integer
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Me.RichTextBox1.LoadFile("D:\completerecord.txt", RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText)
Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser("D:\completerecord.txt")
MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
Dim currentRow As String()
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
While Not MyReader.EndOfData
currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields()
Dim currentField As String
For Each currentField In currentRow
' makes one array to contain a record for each peice of text in the file
'MsgBox(currentField) '- test of Field Data
' builds a big string with new line-breaks for each line in the file
bigstring = bigstring & currentField + Environment.NewLine
'build two arrays for the two columns of data
If (count Mod 2 = 1) Then
arraytwo(two) = currentField
two = two + 1
ElseIf (count Mod 2 = 0) Then
arrayone(one) = currentField
one = one + 1
End If
count = count + 1
Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException
MsgBox("Error Occured, Please contact Admin.")
End Try
End While
End Using
RichTextBox1.Text = bigstring
' MsgBox("test")
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim NoMoreSwaps As Boolean
Dim counter As Integer
Dim Temp As Integer
Dim Temp2 As String
Dim listcount As Integer
Dim builder As Integer
Dim bigString2 As String = ""
listcount = UBound(arraytwo)
builder = 0
'bigString2 = ""
counter = 0
'this should sort the arrays using a Bubble Sort
Do Until NoMoreSwaps = True
NoMoreSwaps = True
For counter = 0 To (listcount - 1)
If arraytwo(counter) > arraytwo(counter + 1) Then
NoMoreSwaps = False
If arraytwo(counter + 1) > 0 Then
Temp = arraytwo(counter)
Temp2 = arrayone(counter)
arraytwo(counter) = arraytwo(counter + 1)
arrayone(counter) = arrayone(counter + 1)
arraytwo(counter + 1) = Temp
arrayone(counter + 1) = Temp2
End If
End If
If listcount > -1 Then
listcount = listcount - 1
End If
'now we need to output arrays to the richtextbox first we will build a new string
'and we can save it to a new sorted file
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "D:\sorted.txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then
Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(FILE_NAME, True)
While builder < listcount
bigString2 = bigString2 & arraytwo(builder) & "," & arrayone(builder) + Environment.NewLine
objWriter.Write(arraytwo(builder) & "," & arrayone(builder) + Environment.NewLine)
builder = builder + 1
End While
RichTextBox2.Text = bigString2
MsgBox("Text written to log file")
MsgBox("File Does Not Exist")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Create a class to hold the information for each entry, like this:
Public Class MyEntry
Public Property TheDate() As DateTime
Return m_Date
End Get
m_Date = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Date As DateTime
Public Property Name() As String
Return m_Name
End Get
m_Name = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Name As String
Public Property PhoneNumber() As String
Return m_PhoneNumber
End Get
m_PhoneNumber = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_PhoneNumber As String
Public Property Instructor() As String
Return m_Instructor
End Get
m_Instructor = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Instructor As String
Public Sub New(date As DateTime, name As String, phoneNumber As String, instructor As String)
TheDate = date
Name = name
PhoneNumber = phoneNumber
Instructor = instructor
End Sub
End Class
Now you can create a list of the above class, like this:
Private entries As var = New List(Of MyEntry) From { _
New MyEntry(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), "Dummy 1", "555-123-4567", "Instructor A"), _
New MyEntry(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), "Dummy 2", "555-124-4567", "Instructor B"), _
New MyEntry(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), "Dummy 3", "555-125-4567", "Instructor C"), _
New MyEntry(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2), "Dummy 4", "555-126-4567", "Instructor A"), _
New MyEntry(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2), "Dummy 5", "555-127-4567", "Instructor B") _
Note: You will need to substitute your real values here and would use some type of looping structure to do that.
Now you can apply the LINQ GroupBy function to the list of entries, like this:
Private entriesByDate As var = entries.GroupBy(Function(x) x.TheDate).ToList()
This results in a list of two entries for the dummy data I created above, your amount of groupings will vary based upon your actual data.
Now you could loop through the list of groups, like this:
For Each entry In entriesByDate
' Put logic here to save each group to file
My suggestion is to add a marker at the end of reach recoord (date, time, etc.). I use "|". Then, when you read the data back, split the records into an array, and read them out using that.
So it would be:
130829|0930|<name>|<phone number>|etc
Do you understand?