Is there any way to specify the class of objects of a NSMutableArray? - objective-c

Im having the following problem:
I've made a NSMutableArray "array" that is going to contain objects of a class named "Class". At the start that array should be empty and it must be filled during the program's execution.
As I never actually told the compiler that my NSMutableArray will be holding elements of the class Class, when I try to write the appropriate methods the compiler wont let me do it.
This is my first experience on Objective-C and iPhone development. I used to code in C/C++ where I declared my arrays in the following way:
Is there any way to do this in Objective-C?

The truth is that is doesn't matter to the NSMutableArray what type of object it is. NSMutableArray simply stores pointers to all the objects they contain, or reference.
The trick is when you pull the object back out of the array you need to create a new pointer based on the appropriate type:
MyObject *myObject = [myArray objectAtIndex:0];
Then you can use the object however you like:
[myObject doThatThingWithThisValue:10];
Or whatever you need.

Arrays in Objective-C Cocoa are objects (as well as other collections, sets, dictionaries). Arrays can contain references to objects of any type, so the type for the array is simply NSArray, NSMutableArray, etc...
Since they are objects, you can send them messages to manipulate their content.
I suggest you take a look at Apple's excellent Collections Programming Topics, which explain the rudiments of collections.
Here is a quick example :
// two objects of different types
NSNumber *n = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:10];
NSString *s = #"foo";
// alloc/init a new mutable array
NSMutableArray *a = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
// add an object
[a addObject:n];
[a addObject:s];
// array a now contains a NSNumber and a NSString

Well, you can still have C-style arrays in Objective-C.
However, the characteristics of Objective-C (some people will call it strength, other will call it weakness) is that it has dynamic typing of objects and dynamic dispatch.
It has NSArray and NSMutableArray which are not specialized for the certain class. It can store objects of non-compatible classes.
You can use the following idiom: [obj isMemberOfClass: [Class type]] to make sure an array element is of the desired type and then cast to Class*.
You can also use for-each loop (aka Fast Enumeration):
NSMutableArray* array = //... initialize your array
for (Class* elm in array) {
elm.your_property = 10;


Retain cycle deallocation solution

Given the following code:
NSMutableArray *a = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray *b = [NSMutableArray array];
[a addObject:b];
[b addObject:a];
What are the options to make the array objects deallocate when I set a and b to NIL?
Ive tried few things (Like weak references) but it doesn't seem to work.. (Probably because I don't understand enough - new to objective c ).
would love to get some assistance.
thank you
you can make an entire array not retain its elements with: CFArrayCreate()
this can be problematic in ARC if you no longer use the elements then iterate through the array later.
It's explained here: Non-retaining array for delegates.
You can use
+ (NSValue *)valueWithNonretainedObject:(id)anObject
And put the NSValue in the array.
Or do that:
NSMutableArray* NICreateNonRetainingMutableArray(void) {
return (NSMutableArray *)CFArrayCreateMutable(nil, 0, nil);
NSMutableDictionary* NICreateNonRetainingMutableDictionary(void) {
return (NSMutableDictionary *)CFDictionaryCreateMutable(nil, 0, nil, nil);
NSMutableSet* NICreateNonRetainingMutableSet(void) {
return (NSMutableSet *)CFSetCreateMutable(nil, 0, nil);
I'm not sure how you tried to add weak references to an array, but if it was something like this:
NSMutableArray *myArray = [NSMutableArray new]
__weak id weakObject = blah;
[myArray addObject:weakObject]
Then the fact that weakObject is declared weak makes no difference. It only makes the local reference to your object from the stack weak. In your situation, the array needs to hold a weak reference to the object, and NSMutableArray always holds strong references to its members.
There are several ways of doing this. CFArray allows you to specify how it should retain its members when you create it. Or you could 'box' the reference inside an NSValue, which although retained itself by the array, does not retain its contents.
If you're targeting Mac or iOS 6.0+, the best solution is to use a weak NSPointerArray (created using [NSPointerArray weakObjectsPointerArray]).
This is better than using CFArray or an NSValue inside a normal NSMutableArray because when the referenced object is deallocated, the array element will be automatically set to nil.
One solution to this kind of thing is to wrap your objects in a weak proxy object. Here is an example implementation of such an object:
Then you can do this:
NSMutableArray* a = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray* b = [NSMutableArray array];
[a addObject:[JAWeakProxy weakProxyWithTarget:b]];
[b addObject:[JAWeakProxy weakProxyWithTarget:a]];
Now both a and b are weakly referenced within the array. The good thing about using weak proxy objects is that you don't need to 'unbox' the real object inside them - you can just send messages (call methods) directly on the weak proxy object as if it were the target and it will pass the message along. For example:
[a[0] addObject:#(0)];
Notice how a[0] actually returns the weak proxy object holding b as its target, but I can sill send addObject directly to this weak proxy representing b (which is an NSMutableArray) and the implementation of the weak proxy will ensure that the message is forwarded to b.
However, you do lose some compile-time type-checking, so this technique is best used to help with the internal implementation of some class, which will have well-typed methods to access and enumerate the contents.
When I use such things I usually put in some auto-clean-up code into the array enumerators. That is I hide the arrays inside a utility class and provide block-based enumeration methods and I also keep a toRemove array. When iterating I skip any objects that the target has auto-zeroed to nil and add them to the toRemove array (the weak proxy object still exists even though its target is gone), then afterwards I iterate through the toRemove array and remove the proxy objects. You can also check if the target is nil and add it to the toRemove array in any accessor helpers.

Can the NSMultableArray mention which object inside the NSMultableArray?

The NSMutableArray can store every NSObject, but can I mention the NSMutableArray can get store my item only, for example, a NSMutableArray that store NSString only?
I remember that the java array can do that, can the objective C array do the similar things? Thanks.
Objective-C does not have this kind of generic constraint on NSArray/NSMutableArray. You have therefore two solutions:
Subclass NSArray/NSMutableArray and check for element type. It is strongly discouraged as NSArray/NSMutableArray is a class "cluster" and not obvious to subclass.
Create a category with specific methods that check the right type. You will have a compile-time enforcement of the type.
You can try it like this -
NSMutableArray *arr = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
if([obj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
[arr addObject:obj];
This way you end up adding only NSString to your arr.
Not by default, no. NSArray and its mutable counterpart just store pointers which happen to point obj-c objects. These objects can of any type. It would be up to you to make sure that only NSString's get in your array.
You could potentially subclass NSArray and override the addObject: methods such that they throw an exception if you try to add a non-NSString object.

What is the equivalent of the Java student[] * student array in Objective-C?

I am new to Objective-C. I have a Java array defined by
student[] * student
What is the equivalent for this in Objective-C?
In Objective-C it is very common to use the NSArray class for this type of data storage.
You can create an NSArray as follows:
NSArray *myArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:object0, object1, object2, nil];
Notice how the argument list is nil-terminated?
You can access objects in an NSArray as follows:
ClassName *myObject = [myArray objectAtIndex:knownIndex];
// do something to myObject
There is much, much more you can do with NSArray's, so please read the documentation available here. And please read the memory-management documentation available here.
Note: NSArray is an immutable data structure, which means you cannot modify the list of objects it contains after it has been created. If you want an array whose list of objects you can modify, use NSMutableArray, documented here.

How to store the NSArray with customized Object?

I have an NSMutableArray, if this is store string, I can read, and write it successfully, using this method.
[array writeToFile:m_sApplicationPlistPath atomically:YES];
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:m_sApplicationPlistPath];
but if my Array add something which is not a simple string, for example, I add a special Object to the array, like this:
[array addObject:[[SpecialObject alloc] init]];
I find that I can't read back the special object, how can I solve it, thank you.
Implement the NSCoding protocol. (encodeWithCoder and initWithCoder)
If you still cannot use the method writeToFile:atomically: then you have to serialize the NSArray to get data, and then write it to an file.
NSData *data = NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:theArray];
I think you can't do that because [NSArray writeToFile:atomically:] method makes use of property lists, which are only available for certain data types (NSString, NSData, NSArray or NSDictionary).
In order for you to write the array to a file you can make SpecialObject comply to NSCoding protocol and then save the array using -[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:toFile:] using the array as root object.
You can get this to work by using methods defined in the NSKeyValueCoding protocol to convert the instances of your custom class to instances of NSDictionary before you write them. You could do a similar conversion after reading the plist file back in to recreate the objects.
Here's an example that converts an array of instances of a custom Book class to an array of dictionaries, using the dictionaryWithValuesForKeys: method declared in NSKeyValueCoding (and implemented by NSObject, so all objects inherit this behavior):
+ (NSArray *)dictionariesFromBooks:(NSArray *)books
NSMutableArray *bookDicts = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[books count]];
for (Book *currBook in books)
NSDictionary *currDict = [currBook dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:[Book keys]];
[bookDicts addObject:currDict];
return bookDicts;
Similarly, here's a method that populates instances of Book using the NSKeyValueCoding method setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:
+ (NSArray *)booksFromDictionaries:(NSArray *)bookDicts
NSMutableArray *books = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[bookDicts count]];
for (NSDictionary *currDict in bookDicts)
Book *currBook = [[Book alloc] init];
[currBook setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:currDict];
[books addObject:currBook];
[currBook release];
return books;
With a little work, this can be made to cascade to nested custom objects. For example, if Book contained a nested Author instance, you could override NSKeyValueCoding methods such as setValue:forKey: and dictionaryWithValuesForKeys: to convert the instance on the fly.
From docs:
If the array’s contents are all property list objects (NSString, NSData, NSArray, or NSDictionary objects), the file written by this method can be used to initialize a new array with the class method arrayWithContentsOfFile: or the instance method initWithContentsOfFile:. This method recursively validates that all the contained objects are property list objects before writing out the file, and returns NO if all the objects are not property list objects, since the resultant file would not be a valid property list.

Change the values within NSArray by dereferencing?

I've come across a problem related to pointers within arrays in objective-c.
What I'm trying to do is take the pointers within an NSArray, pass them to a method, and then assign the returned value back to the original pointer(the pointer which belongs to the array).
Based on what I know from C and C++, by dereferencing the pointers within the array, I should be able to change the values they point to... Here is the code I'm using, but it is not working (the value phone points to never changes based on the NSLog output).
NSArray *phoneNumbers = [phoneEmailDict objectForKey:#"phone"];
for (NSString* phone in phoneNumbers) {
(*phone) = (*[self removeNonNumbers:phone]);
NSLog(#"phone:%#", phone);
And here is the method signature I am passing the NSString* to:
- (NSString*) removeNonNumbers: (NSString*) string;
As you can see, I am iterating through each NSString* within phoneNumbers with the variable phone. I pass the phone to removeNonNumbers:, which returns the modified NSString*. I Then dereference the pointer returned from removeNonNumber and assign the value to phone.
As you can tell, I probably do not understand Objective-C objects that well. I'm pretty sure this would work in C++ or C, but I can't see why it doesn't work here! Thanks in advance for your help!
Yeah, that's not going to work. You'll need an NSMutableArray:
NSMutableArray * phoneNumbers = [[phoneEmailDict objectForKey:#"phone"] mutableCopy];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [phoneNumber count]; ++i) {
NSString * phone = [phoneNumbers objectAtIndex:i];
phone = [self removeNonNumbers:phone];
[phoneNumbers replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:phone];
[phoneEmailDict setObject:phoneNumbers forKey:#"phone"];
[phoneNumbers release];
You can't dereference Objective-C object variables. They are always pointers, but you should treat them as though they're atomic values. You need to mutate the array itself to contain the new objects you're generating.
NSArray is not a C/C++ style array. It's an Objective-C object. You need to use the instance methods of the NSArray class to perform operations on it.
In Objective-C you never "dereference" an object pointer to set its value.
Also, you're using what is called Fast Enumeration, which does not allow mutation.
You can also use enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:.
NSArray *array = [NSArray array];
__block NSMutableArray *mutableCopyArray = [array mutableCopy];
[mutableCopyArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id object, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
[mutableCopyArray replaceObjectAtIndex:idx withObject:[object modifiedObject]];
Checkout How do I iterate over an NSArray?
While this may work to some degree, I haven't tested it, I'd file this under 'bad idea' and not touch. NSArray, and many other cocoa objects, a fairly complex and can have a variety of implementations under the hood as part of the class cluster design pattern.
So when it comes down to it you really won't know what you're dealing internally. NSArray is actually designed to be immutable so in place editing is even doubly a bad idea.
Objects that are designed to let you mess around with the internals expose those through api methods like NSMutableData's mutableBytes.
You're better off constructing a new NS(Mutable)Array with the processed values.