As described in the title, I have an app with two UILabels under each other. If I want to hide to top one programmatically, it's possible with myLabel.hidden = true.
If I'm doing this in Android (with myLabel.setVisibility(View.Gone);), the label under this label will move up.
But if I'm doing it for iOS, the label is hidden, but there still an empty space instead of the label.
Any idea how I can fix this?
When hiding the second one, get its frame, hide it and change the frame property of the third :
CGRect secondFrame = secondLabel.frame;
secondLabel.hidden = YES;
thirdLabel.frame = secondFrame;
do something like this:
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3
animations:^{label1.alpha = 0;
label2.frame = label1.frame}
I have an array that varies in size. I want to create NSButtons for each element in a Mac OSX Application. So say this is the array: "thing1", "thing2", "thing3", then I want three buttons on the screen titled "button1", "button2", "button3" respectively.
This obviously needs to be done programmatically. I do know how to create buttons programmatically and how to give them a fixed position.
But this cannot be the solution. How would I make the whole thing dynamic, so that no matter how many buttons are going to be created, it won't lead to massive UI issues? (So basically: place all buttons next to another within a certain container for example)
Thank you.
you can create button programmatically this way:
NSButton *myButton = [[[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(x, y, width, height)] autorelease];
[[windowOutlet contentView] addSubview: myButton];
[myButton setTitle: #"Button title!"];
[myButton setButtonType:NSMomentaryLightButton]; //Set what type button You want
[myButton setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle]; //Set what style You want
[myButton setTarget:self];
[myButton setAction:#selector(buttonPressed)];
-(void)buttonPressed {
NSLog(#"Button pressed!");
//Do what You want here...
I think you need to use horizontal NSStackView for this. Each item will be a custom NSView (create custom nib) with buttons and elements as its subviews. For right arranging controls inside the item use AutoLayout.
For dynamically placing views you should use constraints. This way you can set up relationship's between your views, instead of placing them at fixed positions. Check out the documentation over here:
There are a few possible approaches.
1) NSStackView
A new-ish class (appeared in 10.9) which handles horizontal or vertical stacking of subviews.
2) Constraints
Constraints allow you to define views' spatial relationships to one another, but they're most easily managed in Interface Builder and can be a bit complicated to work with programmatically.
3) Setting each button's frame in code
With a fairly straightforward loop, you can position the buttons how you like. This is the most "manual" of the three approaches, but also arguably the most clear and predictable. Here's an example of a method which will position buttons.
- (void)arrangeViews:(NSArray <NSView *> *)views startingAt:(NSPoint)startPt spacing:(NSSize)spacing
NSPoint loc = startPt;
for (NSView *view in views) {
NSRect viewFrame = view.frame;
viewFrame.origin = loc;
view.frame = viewFrame;
loc.x += spacing.width;
loc.y += spacing.height;
If you want to arrange 3 buttons vertically, each one 50 pixels apart, then you'd call the method like this:
[self arrangeViews:#[btn0, btn1, btn2] startingAt:NSMakePoint(100,100) spacing:NSMakeSize(0,-50)];
I am creating a photo editor in my app and working on a multiple picture layout option.
Currently when the user takes a picture, I display their image in UIImageView nested in a UIScrollView. The reason I nest it in a UIScrollView is so I can pan and zoom.
In the situation where the user selects duo layout mode, the app puts 2 images side by side (so 2 UIScrollViews).
If they hold a finger on one UIScrollView I want to raise the UIScrollView up a tad and give it a drop shadow.
I have a long way of doing this, but I was curious if there was anything in the native libraries that will let me automatically create this hover effect for dragging a view class.
No, there isn't any preexisting functionality for this. You can add shadow and animate a "lift" motion yourself with something like this:
// define dragged somewhere as the UIView subclass of your choosing
dragged.layer.shadowColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
dragged.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(-2, 2);
dragged.layer.masksToBounds = NO;
dragged.layer.shadowRadius = 4;
dragged.layer.shadowOpacity = .7;
[UIView animateWithDuration:.2 delay:0
animations:^{self.draggedPhoto.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.2, 1.2);}
The UITextFields in my app have placeholder text defined (in Interface Builder), and I cannot cause these fields to acquire focus (i.e. show the keyboard and allow editing) when I tap on the area occupied by the placeholder text. If I tap on the textfields in an area just outside the that of placeholder text (though still within the bounds of the textfiled itself), it acts as normal (i.e. the keyboard pops up and I can edit the content of the textfield). How can I fix this?
Ok, I think I've got it. I'm also setting a blank view to the "leftView" property of these UITextFields. If I remove this, you can touch the UITextFields in the area of the placeholder text and it reacts as expected; I need this view for the leftView though. If you change the background color of this spacer view to red, you can see that it doesn't get in the way at all, so I don't know what's going wrong.
Why does this code cause this problem?
+(UIView*)getTextFieldLeftSpacerViewWithBackgroundColor:(UIColor*)backgroundColor andHeight:(CGFloat)height
UIView *leftWrapper = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 8.0f, height)];
leftWrapper.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingNone;
[leftWrapper setOpaque:YES];
if(backgroundColor){leftWrapper.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;}
else{leftWrapper.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];}
return [leftWrapper autorelease];
UIView *spacer = [MYViewController getTextFieldLeftSpacerViewWithBackgroundColor:nil andHeight:textField.bounds.size.height];
textField.leftView = spacer;
textField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;
Just ran into the same problem and didn't want to subclass, just had to use :
leftWrapper.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
I abandoned this approach. Instead of using an invisible view to offset the text, I opted to subclass UITextField and provide offset CGRects for the bounds of the text within theUITextField. The following SO post was very helpful:
Indent the text in a UITextField
In my UITableView I set the separatorStyle to UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone because in each row I want to show a set of pictures and it should like a grid without any separators.
In the simulator it looks like I want it to, but on my iPad (Version 5.0.1) I get a white line at the bottom of the HeaderCell. When I change the separatorColor to black the white line changes to black, which proves that it really is the separator. So it looks like my custom section view has a separator while the rows inside the sections do not.
I can "trick" the iPad to not show the separator when I define the header's height to 99 instead of 100 but that clearly is not the way to do it.
separatorColor = [UIColor clearColor]; ?
While I don't have the exact answer to your question, perhaps I can point you in the right direction for solving this issue.
I guess you've created custom cells? It sounds to me that it has something to do with the cell frame. In the speedy table view cell code from Tweetie I remember seeing the following code:
- (void)setFrame:(CGRect)newFrame
[super setFrame:newFrame];
CGRect bounds = self.bounds;
bounds.size.height -= 1; // keep space for de cell seperator
cellView.frame = bounds;
Perhaps Apple's default UITableViewCell code act the same when a frame is set and you could override it.
Right, I'm trying to get a label with text in it (done already obviously), which scrolls across the screen.
The text that is input into the label is done by a UITextField and a UIButton. This updates fine.
But I'm trying to get the UILabel to resize accordingly to the amount of text input, so that the WHOLE lot of text scrolls across the screen.
This is the code I have at the moment for the scrolling label:
[lblMessage setText: txtEnter.text];
CABasicAnimation *scrollText;
scrollText=[CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position.x"];
scrollText.duration = 3.0;
scrollText.repeatCount = 10000;
scrollText.autoreverses = NO;
scrollText.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:500];
scrollText.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:-120.0];
[[lblMessage layer] addAnimation:scrollText forKey:#"scrollTextKey"];
The problem is, sometimes is starts scrolling in the middle of the screen, and sometimes vanishes before it has fully gone acrosss.
It also cuts of text due to the label being one size.. I don't know how to change this.
Thanks in advance.
I believe something similar to the solution for this question would work for this case.
You could embed the UILabel in a UIScrollView, with the UIScrollView set to the max size of the label that you want to display on the screen at one time. The UIScrollView would need to have its scroll indicators turned off using its showsHorizontalScrollIndicator and showsVerticalScrollIndicator properties. On a change of text, you could do the following:
[lblMessage setText: txtEnter.text];
[lblMessage sizeToFit];
scrollView.contentSize = lblMessage.frame.size;
followed by the panning animation code as described in the above-linked question, with the frame to be panned to being the far right of the UILabel. This would cause the text to scroll at a constant rate across the label. If you want the label to scroll back to the beginning, you could use the UIView setAnimationRepeatAutoreverses: and setAnimationRepeatCount: methods in the beginning of your animation block.
The label resize worked great thanks!
Now, i've put the label into the scrollview and i've got that showing up.. but I'm now not sure of the exact animations to add to that. I tried some of the ones on the link you gave me, but they're not working.
EDIT: Nevermind, I've got it all working now.
CGPointMake(x, x) is what i needed for the contentOffset.