Teamcity delay copying artifacts - msbuild

I m running MSBuild script to compile my project and iv set a artifact path in the general settings of TeamCity. My MSBuild scripts first build and then creates a zip file. I would like to add that zip file as a artifact but when i run the build on TeamCity i get this error:
[17:44:56]: [CreateNightlyZip] Zip
[17:44:56]: [Zip] C:\BuildAgent\Build\Build.proj(55, 5): The process cannot access the file 'C:\BuildAgent\work\c13cf8f192b25cd1\bin\Debug\' because it is being used by another process.
So it lookes like TeamCity tries to grab the zip file right when its created and then my MSBuild script fails to put files into it.
Here is the MSBuild target:
<Target Name="CreateNightlyZip">
<DebugApplicationFiles Include="$(DebugPath)\**\*.*" Exclude="$(DebugPath)\*vshost.exe*" />
<MakeDir Directories="$(NightlyBuildPath)"/>
<Zip Files="#(DebugApplicationFiles)"
ZipLevel="9" />
Have anybody had this problem allso or what should be solution for this?
EDIT: What is strange is that when i create zip file in the root of checkout folder then everything works, but when i create it to the Debug folder then i get this error.

TeamCity publishes artifacts only when all build steps are finished, i.e. when MSBuild script finishes.
To publish artifacts during the build you need to produce special service message from the build script when artifacts are ready:
If you do not use service messages, you should check which process locked the file. Maybe you have two agents on the same machine running builds simultaneously and interfering with each other?

What i ended up doing is not to place the created .zip file into the debug folder and just to the project root folder. Doing that the zip file is created and Teamcity is able to use it as artifact.


Include additional files in build using MSBuild

In the past we have used a combination of TeamCity and MsDeploy to deploy our projects. We've recently moved into using Octopus deploy, and TeamCity purely for the Build. This meant changing the build process in TeamCity and removing any references to MsDeploy.
In the past we've used confiiguration such as the below in our project file which included additional files and directories:
<Target Name="CustomCollectFiles" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">
<UCommerceAssemblies Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\Resources\UCommerce\ucommerce\*" />
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="%(UCommerceAssemblies.Identity)">
However this now doesnt seem to get invoked whatsoever. It appears (to me anyhow) that these pipelines were created for use with Publishing from Visual Studio, or using MSDeploy, however we need to just include these files in the directory either before or after the build has taken place. There seems to be tons of references across the web about doing this, however they all refer to using MSDeploy.
Can anyone shed any light on how I can include additional files/directories in the build without using MSDeploy?
Thanks for your time in advance
As you are using Octopus for deployment you only need to include additional files (reference assemblies, etc.) into code package sent to Octopus.
To do this one needs to use OctoPack for project packaging. Then add .nuspec file into the project, for example this line in .nuspec will add all files from some different location into the .nupkg package under "bin\additional" and will be deployed correctly by octopus.
Nuspec docs
Similar solution is discuses here.

How to change msbuild working directory in TFS 2013 workflow

I have a TFS 2013 build xaml workflow, that eventually calls the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.MSBuild activity once for each solution that I want to build. When msbuild.exe is called, it's working directory is the working directory of the current solution being built. I can see this through the 'MSBuildStartupDirectory' property when running msbuild with a 'diagnostic' verbosity.
Unfortunately, I need the working of msbuild.exe to be somewhere else when msbuild.exe starts. This is because I use the MSBuild SonarQube runner that imposes constraints on the directory from which msbuild is called.
I have looked at the 'msbuild' activity and there is no way to control the working directory. Is there another way to control the working directory of this activity?
Its been a while since I edited a build process template but I believe you could use an activity that just executes a command in CMD and provide the full MSBuild command. I'm sure there are tons of variables you will need to setup for this to work.
Instead of editing the build process template have you considered using a PowerShell script in the Post-build script to execute SonarQube?
I still haven't found any way to control the working directory of msbuild. But since I know that the working directory will be the directory of the project being built by msbuild, I created a new proj file at the root of my workspace (where my working directory has to be) and only build this new proj file from my workflow. This new proj file then builds all my other solutions. That way, my working directory is the same for all the solutions being built.
Here is an example of my top level proj file:
<Project xmlns="" DefaultTargets="Build">
<Solutions Include="**\*.sln"/>
<Target Name="Build">
<MSBuild Projects="#(Solutions)" Targets="Build"/>
But beware that doing this may affect the output directory (OutDir) given to each solution. So you may want to do something like this:
<MSBuild Projects="#(Solutions)" Targets="Build" Properties="OutDir=$(OutDir)..\%(Solutions.Filename)"/>

Skip and include files during deploy

I'm using this MSBuild command to deploy my web app.
/P:DeployIisAppPath="Default Web Site/test"
I need to somehow change this configuration to do this:
Exclude some folders from deploy
Deploy a folder which is not part of the project. This folder is created on the build server right before the deploy. It does not exist in the source control.
BTW I'm using Teamcity
You should create a publish profile (via the Publish dialog) that contains all the publish properties, except password, and then execute it via:
Exclude some folders from deploy
Add this to your newly created pubxml as a direct child of the root element:
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="Uploads Folder">
<AbsolutePath>Uploads$</AbsolutePath> <!-- Regex -->
Deploy a folder which is not part of the project. This folder is created on the build server right before the deploy. It does not exist in the source control
See this answer

Modify files after deployment package is created

I'm in the process of creating a web deployment package through an automatic build trigger on the server.
The package should take care of everything (including creation of a specific website, apppool, and the latest code) on any server desired.
I extracted manually a deploy package from a configured local IIS site, containing all information needed by MsDeploy to create the site, apppool, etc...
They are present in following files
The idea is now that I would create automatic a deploy package on the build server, that contains the new compiled code, but with the above xml files in the .zip package.
Right now, I'm building the application, after which I execute a PowerShell script that will manually overwrite the files in the .zip with the ones I have.
However, I know you can extend the Target file (with a .wpp.targets file in your project) to plug into the pipeline and modify things along the way.
Unfortunately I'm getting a little lost with the information I found.
I'd like to:
1) configure the creation of the deployment package to use my existing .xml files.
2) if that's not possible, overwrite the files with my own files after the package creation.
My goal is to have a full executable deploy package after the build is finished, so I won't need to PowerShell script anymore.
Any information that will point me closer to a solution or helps me to understand more clearly msbuild targets and/or webdeploy is very appreciated.
I managed doing this by extending the Package MsBuild target.
Adding a .wpp.targets file in the root of the web project with following content.
<Project xmlns="">
<Import Project="..\packages\MSBuild.ExtensionPack.4.0\MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks"/>
<Target Name="CopyDeployFiles">
<Message Text="Copy Deploy Files"></Message>
<Files Include="$(DeployFilesDirectory)*.xml" Exclude="$(DeployFilesDirectory)setParameters.xml"></Files>
<MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Compression.Zip TaskAction="AddFiles"
<Target Name="ReplaceSetParametersFile" DependsOnTargets="GenerateSampleDeployScript">
<Message Text="Replace Default SetParameters File"></Message>
<Copy DestinationFiles="$(GenerateSampleParametersValueLocationDefault)"
The first target is executed after MsDeploy has created the package and will replace the .xml files within the .zip file. I'm using the MsBuild.ExtensionPack Zip support.
The second target is executed after the build has created the sample .cmd and setParameters files and will overwrite the setParameters.xml with my own as well.
It takes a while to understand the concepts of MsBuild targets etc, but once you understand it becomes indeed very powerful.
Creating the package is now as simple as just launching the MsBuild
msbuild "D:\Projects\MyWebProject.csproj" /T:Package /P:Configuration=Release;Platform="AnyCPU";PackageLocation="D:\DeployPackage\";PublishProfile=MyProfile
And deploying is the same as before
package.deploy.cmd /Y –setParamFile :myParameterFile.xml
Assuming your paths stay the same, you can achieve this by specifying the existing zip as your MSDeploy will automatically overwrite the files inside the zip.

MSBuild - how to force "AfterBuild" target when I do deployment?

I have the following setup: ASP.Net MVC .Net 4.0 solution with 5 projects in it, and several solution configurations (Site1-Stage, Site1-Live, Site2-Stage, etc). The reason for this is simple - we deploy same codebase to multiple servers with different config settings.
To manage these configurations, I use the approach described by Troy Hunt in his You're deploying it wrong! TeamCity, Subversion & Web Deploy part 1: Config transforms article. In 2 words - I do NOT have web.config in my SVN repo, instead I have Web.Base.Config, Web.Site1-Stage.Config, etc and XmlTransformation task in project AfterBuild target. During the build, the required web.config is generated based on selected configuration:
<UsingTask TaskName="TransformXml" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<TransformXml Source="Web.Base.config" Transform="Web.$(Configuration).config" Destination="Web.config" StackTrace="true" />
Here comes the problem: when I'm execute MSBuild like this:
msbuild MySolution.sln /P:configuration=Site1-Stage /t:rebuild
all goes well, web.config is properly generated for the Site1-Stage configuration. However, if I run this command:
msbuild MySolution.sln /P:configuration=Site1-Stage /t:rebuild /P:DeployOnBuild=True
I get the following error:
"MySolution.sln" (rebuild target) (1) -> "MySolution\MyWebProj.csproj"
(Rebuild target) (3) -> (PreTransformWebConfig target) -> C:\Program
error : Copying file Web.config to
obj\Site1-Stage\TransformWebConfig\original\Web.config failed. Could
not find file 'Web.config'. [MySolution\MyWebProj.csproj]
I tried to explicitly add "AfterBuild" target into MSBuild command line:
msbuild MySolution.sln /P:configuration=Site1-Stage /t:rebuild,AfterBuild /P:DeployOnBuild=True
but it resulted in the same error.
Why do I need this: it's a very isolated example, and in reality I'm trying to setup automated publishing from TeamCity CI server. I think if I add new build step with "Visual Studio (sln)" runner BEFORE my current publishing step, that would work, it will first rebuild the project (and generate web.config) - and then publish. However, i have lots of publishing steps (around 20 now) and I would like to avoid that. My understanding is that "Publish" process does the build as part of it, so I would like to "reuse" that.
Question is: how should I modify my MSBuild command line to force config transformation to happen?
Thank you.
Maybe use "BeforeBuild"?
BTW do you have web.config included in csproj? I believe most publish activities relies on items in project rather than in folder. You can include web.config in project, while still have excluded it from source control.