Buliding a user profile with NSDictionary or NSMutableArray - objective-c

I'm trying to create an application that stores profile information..
Name: first Last
What would be the best approach?...
I was thinking of using an NSDictionary for the info.
But I'm unclear on how to combine all the attributes of the profile, into the NSDictionary...
Would I create an NSDictionary for NAMES, then another for EMAILS, ect...?
Any insight is greatly appreciated, Thanks

This is directed at those who suggest a struct: I'm sorry but why even bother using Objective-C if you're not going to use Objective-C? I'm not sure where this "use a struct" trend is coming from but it's absurd when considering primary, first-class app objects that are to be heavily manipulated with the Cocoa API.
To the OP: Use an Objective-C class and be done with it.
An NSDictionary is great as an indistinct container or map and, provided everything in it is compliant, the whole thing (container and contents) can be archived and unarchived with one line of code.
In your case, you already know a predefined set of attributes (and maybe even methods) of this object you want to describe (a Profile), so create an Objective-C class and make it NSCoding compliant so you can stash it in any standard Cocoa container and have it easily archived/unarchived, etc. You can also take advantage of automagic behavior such as having a -fullName property that returns a concatenation of the first and last names while participating rather effortlessly in Key Value Observing, using NSPredicate filters, sorting by key etc. You can also implement -copyWithZone: so a Profile instance is easily copyable, etc.
"Why use a hammer on that nail? It's wasteful. Plenty of perfectly good sticks out there you can put rocks on."
Please ... just use a class. It makes functionality so much simpler to add in the long run.

I know there is a NSUserDefaults object. I haven't worked with it.
There is a tutorial that explains NSUserDefaults


What is best approach? NSDictionary Or Custom Object based Data strcuture?

I was talking to several developers which approach is best in objective C according to latest trends?
For example: if i am populating data from server in json form, which approach should i use?
I have seen my friends populating data into json objects in past as well as fewer of them in NSdictiory,NSMututable Dictionary, what apple recommends data structure wise?
any help would be appreciated.
I personally greatly prefer custom objects (or Structs for Swift) because it lets me more easily tell what properties the objects have. If you are just passing around dictionaries it makes it much harder (in my opinion) to remember what object you have, what keys it has, and maybe what nested objects it has too. Whereas if you have named classes (again, these ought to be Structs in Swift), then you (and the compiler) can easily know what properties they have. Plus you can easily create instance methods for your objects.
And if you don't want the pain of parsing them yourself there are frameworks that will manage parsing the server response into objects (e.g. RestKit https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit).
If you consider example code from Apple as a "recommendation" from Apple, you can see the way they make a data model in their "Start Developing iOS Apps" here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/DevelopiOSAppsSwift/Lesson6.html. Yes the example is for Swift but most concepts are comparable.
Apple also has "Cocoa Core Competencies" (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/DevPedia-CocoaCore/ModelObject.html) where they define a modal object as "typically a subclass of NSObject or...a subclass of NSManagedObject."

Are objects added or replaced in a mutable array automatically persisted?

I am building a very simple app to store data on people like name, age, etc. I give the user the option of changing the data such as when a person has a birthday. I can't figure out the best way to store the data.
I have searched for a long time now and I can't find the simple answer that I am looking for. If I change the data in a mutable array will that data be changed permanently? I mean will that write over the existing code and change the data so that it will still exist when the app is closed and reloaded again?
So far I am not able to do that. I have experience in MySql and Sql server so I have a tendency to go that direction if possible, but I would really like to use a mutable array or mutable dictionary if possible. This may be such an elementary question, but I can't find an answer anywhere.
You have some misconceptions.
The objects you create are in memory. There's nothing permanent about them. You have to save them somehow or they are gone when you quit the application and come back.
If you want to save an array, you have a number of options.
If the array contains nothing but objects of type NSString, NSData, NSDate, NSNumber, NSArray, or NSDictionary, you can save the array using the system class NSUserDefaults.
NSArray also has a method writeToFile:atomically: that will save an array of data to a file.
If your array contains any objects other than the types I listed above, though, neither of those approaches (NSUserDefaults or writeToFile:atomically) won't work.
The other option is to use an NSKeyedArchiver to convert the contents of your array to data, and then write that data to a file. In order for that approach to work, every single object i your array, and all the objects in those objects, need to support the NSCoding protocol.
As others have pointed out, you could also use Core Data or mySQL to save your data, but that seems like overkill for just saving an array.
Take a look at Core Data. It is the easiest way to manage this kind of data storage requirement on iOS.
Take a look at my book, it got good reviews and is perfect for what you are trying to do: http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Core-Data-iOS-Professionals/dp/1430233559
If you want an easy way to get started, there are tons of online tutorials too. For example Ray has written some good stuff:
Mutable means you can change the data at any time, so no, it's not permanent.
Yes, it will be permanent in terms of what you are asking. Although because the array is mutable it means you can always change the data back, the initial data will be overwritten by this new data.
Edit: No, the information will not remain after closing the app. You will need to programmatically save it. I would use Core Data.
CoreData is the way data is normally persisted in Cocoa and Cocoa-Touch. It also gives you some nice extras like undo support. But it has a big learning curve.
If what you're doing is super-simple, look at NSUserDefaults. If you need a little more flexibility, you could always use NSArray's -writeToFile:atomically: and -initWithContentsOfFile: (there are also versions of both those methods that take URLs instead of file paths).
Anything more complicated than that, and it's probably worth the trouble learning CoreData.

Do I need to use a delegate to maintain the MVC pattern when accessing NSUserDefaults?

Still on assignment 4 of cs193p. - http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/drupal/system/files/assignments/Assignment%204_2.pdf
I've fully (ish) implemented the displaying photos from a list of places.
I'm adding the second tab of the application (required tasks 10 & 11) , which is to generate and display a list of the 20 most recent photos viewed in chronological order.
My question relates to the MVC pattern and setting/accesing NSUserdefaults.
Basically, anytime a photo is viewed, a property list stored in NSUserdefaults needs to be updated.
When selecting the "recent photos" tab, those values need to be read and displayed, so that the user can select a recently viewed photo, and then view it by selecting it.
I think I can implement this quite easily from a writing lines of code and it will probably work point of view.
I've seen this question: CS193P UITabBarController MVC Help on Assignment 4 which is kind of related, but doesn't really address my more theoretical question about the nature of the pattern.
My question is more about the MVC pattern.
In the lecture, when he demonstrated this with favourite graphs, from the previous calculator assignment he used a delegate to communicate between the favourites list view controller and the graphviewController (see diagram on slide 64 of lecture 9). http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/drupal/system/files/lectures/Lecture%209_1.pdf
I'm trying to work out if I need to do something similar to avoid breaking the MVC pattern, or if I can just use NSUserdefaults in both the viewWillLoad of my imageViewController to add a photo to the favourites and and then in my setter in RecentImagesViewController. I know NSUserdefaults is designed for persistence, it just feels a bit like I"m using a global variable.
I realise this question is worded in a way which makes it difficult to follow if you aren't familiar with the cs193p course - sorry.
Thanks for any advice!!
I don't think you have to transform something rather simple in something complex. You are storing the favorites using the NSUserDefaults and that's it. The place where you are using might not be the best (I am not saying the viewWillLoad is a bad place, I don't know your code), but I don't think you need a delegate to just update the NSUserDefaults. Botton line, don't forget the KISS principle. :)
Well, it probably feels like you're using a global variable because the user defaults themselves are a global concept. And they should be. You don't want different parts of the app operating on unsynchronized versions of user preferences.
But, if you use the term variable in the sense of an old C/C++ global static piece of data, then, no ... that's not what it is. NSUserDefaults was written by Apple to be a nice tidy class that encapsulates the user default data. The fact that you use [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] to access something like a singleton instance (not sure if that's how Apple chose to implement it) still doesn't mean it's a true global variable.
I agree with Jacky Boy that keeping it simple is best, but your question is really asking whether doing it the way you are is a violation of the MVC pattern (and adhering slavishly to a pattern is not always going to make your code the best). That depends on what you consider the model to be. I could justify saying that Apple built NSUserDefaults to be a model layer encapsulation of the preferences data. So, there you have your model layer, and your controllers should be able to use it.
Or do you feel the need to write the entire model layer yourself, in which case your model layer would just have a wrapper for NSUserDefaults. That would seem like overkill for most situations.
Here is maybe one situation that could warrant it. If you have a lot of preference data that seems logically related, but some of it is not appropriate for NSUserDefaults. Perhaps it's a lot of binary data, stored in a hierarchy of objects, and you want to persist it with Core Data. But, it still seems logically related to what you're keeping in NSUserDefaults. Maybe then, you decide to write your own model layer, that encapsulates both the Core Data and NSUserDefaults data. Your view controllers could then use that directly.
But, generally, I think iOS is well designed to have whoever needs to just use the standardUserDefaults object directly.
If I understand the question correctly, it sounds like the setting/loading should be occurring from the appropriate view controller. Creating a delegate (which may or may not be a singleton) that you can call from each of the different tab's view controllers will help prevent you from duplicating code.

Choosing a Singleton or a Category?

Fairly early on in my app, when I was a lot less experienced than I am now, I wanted to spice up some transitions between view controllers with my own custom animations. Having no idea where to start, I looked around SO for a pattern like MVC that could be accessed from nearly any controller at any time, and as it turns out, a singleton was the way to go.
What I didn't realize is that there seems to be a strong and well-defended hatred of the singleton pattern, and I myself am starting to see why, but that is beside the point.
So, a while later, I decided to move my very same implementation into a category on UINavigationController (after all, it handles transitions!), kept the original classes around for comparison, and am wondering which method would work best. Having thoroughly tested both implementations, I can say without a doubt that they are equal in every way, including speed, accuracy, smoothness, frame-rate, memory usage, etc. so which one is 'better' in the sense of overall maintainability?
EDIT: after reading the well-written arguments you all have made, I have decided to use a singleton. #JustinXXVII has made the most convincing argument (IMHO), although I consider every answer here equally worthy of merit. Thank you all for your opinions, I have upvoted all answers in the question.
I believe the best option is use the category.
Because if you are already using UINavigationController, do not make sense create a new class that will only manage the transition, like you told: (after all, it handles transitions!)
This will be a better option to maintain your code, and you will be sure that the thing do what they expect to do, and if you already have an instance that do the transitions, why create another?
The design patterns, like singleton, factory, and others, need to be used with responsibility. In your case, I do not see why use a singleton, you use it only to no instantiate new objects, you do not really need to have only one instance of it, but you do it because you want only one.
I'll make the case for a singleton object. Singletons are used all over UIKit and iOS. One thing you can't do with categories is add instance variables. There are two things about this:
MVC workflows don't tolerate objects with intimate knowledge of other objects
Sometimes you just need a place to reference an object that doesn't really belong anywhere else
These things go against each other, but the added ability to be able to keep an instance variable that doesn't really have an "owner" is why I favor the singleton.
I usually have one singleton class in all of my XCode projects, which is used to store "global" objects and do mundane things that I don't want to burden my AppDelegate with.
An example would be serializing/archiving objects and unarchiving/restoring. I have to use the same method throughout several classes, I don't want to extend UIViewController with some serializing method to write and read arbitrary files. Maybe it's just my personal preference.
I also might need a quick way to lookup information in NSUserDefaults but not want to always be writing [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]stringForKey:#"blah"], so I will just declare a method in my singleton that takes a string argument.
Until now i've not really thought too much about using a category for these things. One thing is sure though, I'd rather not be instantiating a new object a hundred times to do the same task when I can have just one living object that sticks around and will take care of stuff for me. (Without burdening the AppDelegate)
I think that the real question is in "design" (as you said, both codes work fine), and by writing down your problem in simple sentences, you will find your answer :
singleton's purpose is to have only one instance of a class running in your app. So you can share things between objects. (one available to many objects)
category purpose is to extend the methods available to a class. (available to one class of objects only ! ok...objects from subclasses too)
what you really want is to make a new transition available to UINavigationController class. UINavigationController, which has already some method available to change view (present modal views, addsubviews, etc.) is built to manage views with transitions (you said it yourself, it handles transitions), all you want to do is adding another way of handling transitions for your navigation controllers thus you would preferably use a category.
My opinion is that what you want to achieve is covered by the category and by doing this you ensure that the only objects which are accessing this method are entitled to use it. With the singleton pattern, any object of any class could call your singleton and its methods (and... it could work nobody knowing how for an OS version n but your app could be broken in n+1 version).
In this implementation, for which there is no need to use a Singleton, there may be no difference at all. That doesn't mean that there isn't one.
A plastic bucket holds as much water as a metal bucket does, and it does it just as well. In that aspect there seems to be no difference between the two. However, if you try to transport something extremely hot, the plastic bucket might not do the job so well..
What I'm trying to say is, they both serve their purposes but in your case there seemed to be no difference because the task was too generic. You wanted a method that was available from multiple classes, and both solutions can do that.
In your case, however, it might be a whole of a lot simpler to use a Category. The implementation is easier and you (possibly) need less code.
But if you were to create a data manager that holds an array of objects that you ONLY want available at one place, a Category will not be up to the task. That's a typical Singleton task.
Singeltons are single-instance objects (and if made static, available from nearly everywhere). Categories are extensions to your existing classes and limited to the class it extends.
To answer your question; choose a Category.
*A subclass might also work, but has its own pros and cons
Why don't you simply create a base UIViewController subclass and extend all of your view controllers from this object? A category doesn't make sense for this purpose.
Singletons, as the name suggests, has to be used when there is a need to be exactly one object in your application. The pattern for the accessor method ensures only this requirement being a class method:
+ (MyClass*) sharedInstance
static MyClass *instance = nil;
if (instance == nil) instance = [[MyClass alloc] init];
return instance;
If implemented well, the class also ensures that its constructor is private thus nobody else can instantiate the class but the accessor method: this ensures that at any time at most one instance of the class exists. The best example of such class is UIApplication since at any time there might be only one object of this class.
The point here is that this is the only requirement towards singleton. The role of the accessor method is to ensure that there is only one instance, and not that it would provide access to that instance from everywhere. It is only a side effect of the pattern that, the accessor method being static, everybody can access this single object without having a reference (pointer) to it a priori. Unfortunately this fact is widely abused by Objective C programmers and this leads to messed up design and the hatred towards singleton pattern you mentioned. But all in all it is not the fault the singleton patter but the misuse of their accessor method.
Now turning back to your question: if you don't need static / global variables in your custom transition code (I guess you don't) then the answer is definitely go for categories. In C++ you would subclass from some parent BaseTransition class and implement your actual drawing methods. Objective C has categories (that in my opinion is another way that easily messes up the design, but they are much more convenient) where you can add custom functionality even accessing the variables of your host class. Use them whenever you can redeem singletons with them and don't use singletons when the main requirement towards your class is not that it would be only one instance of it.

iOS: How to save a custom object that is created in an app

I've been reading up on saving objects, preserving state etc, but I'm still a little confused on the route I should take when saving objects that are created from my app. I have built an app where a user can create a Radio Station with the Genre, name and frequency. Once a user hits save, a "RadioStation" object is created using a custom class and is stored in an NSMutableArray that is placed in the RootViewController. While RadioStation objects can be stored in this array and are displayed correctly in the table view, it's obvious that once the application quits, these are no longer going to be held by the application.
At this point I'm not sure how I should begin to architect this design. Do I need to set up a plist? Should I use Core Data with a SQLite DB? Do I need to research iOS object serialization for both these scenarios? Or is there an more straight forward way that I'm not aware of?
There are three ways to persist data locally:
Store objects in a database using managed objects or SQLite
Store objects in a file in the sandbox using various classes' writeToFile
Store the data in NSUserDefaults
How you persist your object data depends on how you're using it, and what type of data you're saving. CoreData makes sense if you have a lot of objects of the same type and SQL's search and sorting mechanisms would be useful. I tend to use the sandbox for very large files, eg images, sound files, and large agglomerations of data bounced through NSData. And I use UserDefaults for small amounts of data that might be considered "preferences".
You can put anything anywhere you want, and I suggest being familiar with all three mechanisms when you start a new project. Additional techniques, like using NSCoding to serialize and deserialize classes, can be used to make saving data easier. Note that once you've implemented NSCoding, you could store data anywhere and even send it over the wire.
For your RadioStation, I would personally use UserDefaults. The benefit of using NSCoding is that, once you implement initWithCoder and encodeWithCoder, you can stream a hierarchy of objects (eg an array of custom objects, each of which might contain a dictionary, array, or custom object, etc) fairly easily. If the only thing you're saving is an array of strings, then directly using UserDefaults is easy enough.
The most powerful approach is to make your custom object a subclass of NSManagedObject, and store it in an NSManagedObjectContext using Core Data. On iOS this will always use an sqlite database, on Mac OS X you can use sqlite, xml, or a proprietary binary format (smaller/faster than xml).
Depending on how complicated your data structure is, and how likely it is to change in future, this technique may or may not be too complicated for your app. It's a lot of work to setup, and the API is very complicated, but it's the best choice if you need to store tens of thousands/millions of objects in a file.
For your app, I would have a single sqlite file containing all of the radio stations in the app.
The simplest option, is to implement the NSCoding protocol in your custom object's class. Documented here:
The basic theory is your object writes or reads all it's data to a "coder", and then passes the coder on to any child object(s). Outside of the class, you use an "archiver" or an "unarchiver" class to coordinate everything.
Once your custom class implements NSCoding you can read/write it to the disk with:
myObject = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:filePath];
[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:myObject toFile:filePath];
This is a very simple approach, but it has a few drawbacks, for example you will need to figure out your own way to support different versions of the file format (perhaps with a different file extension for example).
Many classes in Cocoa/CocoaTouch already implement NSCoding, so they can be written to a file in this fashion (including NSArray, NSString, NSNumber, etc).
For your app, i would use this to store each radio station in a single file. When the app launches, load all the radio stations from a directory. You should consider enabling iTunes drag/drop filesharing for your app, so users can easily share radio station files with their friends or between devices.
This would also fit in well with iCloud for syncing between devices, I haven't looked into iCloud much, but I expect one file per radio station will be the ideal way to implement iCloud syncing.
No need for such things. If you only have like one thing to save, then research this method of NSArray:
- (BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString *)path atomically:(BOOL)flag
I your user can save many radio stations, then you might want to look into CoreData, which has a bit of a curve, but ultimately will be the easiest way.