Dynamic RDF builder that takes an ontology and SQL result and builds tree - sql

I've written a program that queries a large and messy sql database and then takes the resulting data and creates an RDF based on an ontology that was written by someone else and outputs a file of triples (using jena).
This works. But the problem is I have to do a lot of tweaking to the code should the ontology be changed in some way (it's still under a lot of scrutiny), and I have to tweak the code further whenever the query changes (the data I'm querying is old and not clean, and it's unclear if I'm hitting the right tables at times).
Is there a tool or a trick that might make my life easier?
Any suggestion would help.

Virtuoso has the notion of RDF views that reside on top of a RDBMS (http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VOSSQL2RDF). This applies to external databases interfaceable via ODBC/JDBC. D2R Server also does something similar (http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/d2r-server/)


MongoDB or SQL for text file?

I have a 25GB's text file with that structure(headers):
Sample Name Allele1 Allele2 Code metaInfo...
So it just one table with a few millions of records. I need to put it to database coz sometimes I need to search that file looking, for example, specific sample. Then I need to get all row and equals to file. This would be a basic application. What is important? File is constant. It no needed put function coz all samples are finished.
My question is:
Which DB will be better in this case and why? Should I put a file in SQL base or maybe MongoDB would be a better idea. I need to learn one of them and I want to pick the best way. Could someone give advice, coz I didn't find in the internet anything particular.
Your question is a bit broad, but assuming your 25GB text file in fact has a regular structure, with each line having the same number (and data type) of columns, then you might want to host this data in a SQL relational database. The reason for choosing SQL over a NoSQL solution is that the former tool is well suited for working with data having a well defined structure. In addition, if you ever need to relate your 25GB table to other tables, SQL has a bunch of tools at its disposal to make that fast, such as indices.
Both MySQL and MongoDB are equally good for your use-case, as you only want read-only operations on a single collection/table.
For comparison refer to MySQL vs MongoDB 1000 reads
But I will suggest going for MongoDB because of its aggeration pipeline. Though your current use case is very much straight forward, in future you may need to go for complex operations. In that case, MongoDB's aggregation pipeline will come very handy.

Database Type Agnostic Select Query Encapsulation class

I am upgrading a webapp that will be using two different database types. The existing database is a MySQL database, and is tightly integrated with the current systems, and a MongoDB database for the extended functionality. The new functionality will also be relying pretty heavily on the MySQL database for environmental variables such as information on the current user, content, etc.
Although I know I can just assemble the queries independently, it got me thinking of a way that might make the construction of queries much simpler (only for easier legibility while building, once it's finished, converting back to hard coded queries) that would entail an encapsulation object that would contain:
what data is being selected (including functionally derived data)
source (including joined data, I know that join's are not a good idea for non-relational db's, but it would be nice to have the facility just in case, which can be re-written into two queries later for performance times)
where and having conditions (stored as their own object types so they can be processed later, potentially including other select queries that can be interpreted by whatever db is using it)
This data can then be passed to an interface adapter that can build and execute the query, returning it in an array, or object or whatever is desired.
Although this sounds good, I have no idea if any code like this exists. If so, can anybody point it out to me, if not, are there any resources on similar projects undertaken that might allow me to continue the work and build a basic version?
I know this is a complicated library, but I have been working on this update for the last few days, and constantly switching back and forth has been getting me muddled at times and allowing for mistakes to occur
I would study things like the SQL grammar: http://www.h2database.com/html/grammar.html
Gives you an idea of how queries should be constructed.
You can study existing libraries around LINQ (C#): https://code.google.com/p/linqbridge/
Maybe even check out this link about FQL (Facebook's query language): https://code.google.com/p/mockfacebook/issues/list?q=label:fql
Like you already know, this is a hard problem. It will be a big challenge to make it run efficiently. Maybe consider moving all data from MySQL and Mongo to a third data store that has a copy of all the data and then running queries against that? Replicating all writes to something like Redis or Elastic Search and then write your queries there?
Either way, good luck!

Is there an existing piece of software that allows you to (easily) build queries throught a webpage?

I would like to build arbitrary queries to a database, by allowing the user to build queries "on the fly". For every object/table, being able to select its attributes, and then "building" the query (that would translate into a SQL statement) and finally launching it, all through a web interface.
The ticketing system "rt" does that, for example, and another example would be the http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Advanced.aspx webpage.
I'm currently programming in rails but any existing solution that implements this (or something similar) would be welcome.
Just be careful when creating dynamically generated queries like this that will need to be executed via sp_executesql (example: ms sql server), etc..... make sure you cover all of your bases to ensure that your application isnt vulnerable to SQL injection attacks as this type of development will essentially get one in a lot of trouble if its done incorrectly.. I would recommend storing all queries in a table and only reading queries from this table to help isolate the queries that are being ran in your application. Just identify them with a label, and allow the EU to choose the label from a dropdown list control on the frontend.
Good luck and I'm not sure of any software that will help assist
Not quite sure what your use case is here but i would say check out the
Doctrine ORM ( Object Relational Mapper )
After reading more and looking at the example. I would only suggest Doctrine for a large website.
Then use Doctrines DQL syntax with some javascript/jquery magic for the forms.
Note that the queries you're referencing aren't arbitrary: they're on a very specific problem domain, on a specific set of sql tables.
That said, if I were you I'd look into how people are building sql queries with javascript. Something like these:
That'll at least get you a good idea of the underlying data structures.

Query design practices in SQL

I am building queries for a database in MS Access 2007 and I am wondering if my current design practices are up to par. Basically, the database was configured before I came, but I have been given the responsibility of building efficient queries to extract the data.
My current queries are small and simple, each accomplishing 2-3 tasks (sometimes only 1) at a time. The reason I am taking this approach is because I am completely new to SQL, and I find it easier to work with many, simple queries and use reports to consolidate the data, as opposed to building extremely complex queries which are 1) hard to build (for me, anyways) and 2) hard to maintain.
I was just curious if anyone had any best practices for query design, and if you could give me some specific feed back for the approach listed above, and whether or not I should start making complex queries, or just stick to simple queries and reports to consolidate the relevant data.
The people answering this question are not coming to it from an Access point of view, so I'll offer some observations as somebody who has been creating Access applications professionally full-time since 1996.
First off, there are several places where you'll have SQL in an Access application:
stored queries.
stored properties of forms, reports, combo boxes and list boxes.
in VBA code where you are writing SQL on the fly.
Managing all of these SQL statements in an organized fashion is difficult, if not impossible. But I'm not sure it's worth it!
First off, consider just stored queries. If you follow the advice of saving a query for every individual task so that each SQL statement is used in only one place, you'll soon have a mess in the list of queries, and you'll be forced into some kind of naming convention to keep track of what's what. Because of this, I generally don't save queries EXCEPT where they MUST be saved, or where the optimization that comes with a saved query is going to be helpful (i.e., large dataset or complex joins/filtering).
For example, when I first started programming in Access, I'd save all the rowsources of my combo boxes as saved queries. I developed a naming convention so they wouldn't be mixed in with the other queries in the list of queries, so it wasn't to hard to manage. At first, I thought I'd be re-using the saved queries, but it quickly became clear that I needed to make changes for individual circumstances, and changing a query that was used elsewhere might alter its results in other contexts, so really, there was no "shared code" benefit to the saved queries (as I thought there would be). The only place where it was helpful was where I had the same combo box on multiple forms, and then I could save the rowsource for that as a saved query and if I needed to alter it, I could it in just one place. However, that was really only an advantage for a relatively complex rowsource -- a simple SELECT on a couple of fields doesn't really benefit from that kind of sharing, particularly when it's used in only a couple of different places.
In short, I quickly concluded that it was just easier to save the SQL statements where they were used -- since there was very little re-use in the first place (once I gained enough experience to realize the pitfalls of trying to re-use them), this worked much better, and it kept the SQL close to where it was being used.
For forms and reports, I do some of the same things, but in general, use saved queries for the purpose of avoiding having to write too many complex subselects for use as derived tables. Where I needed those it was always easier to write it and save it and then use it with a JOIN in another SQL statement than it was to try to use the subselect inline as a derived table (which just makes for complicated SQL that's hard to read -- particularly when you can't comment or format your SQL, as is the case with saved Access queries).
In general, I don't save the recordsources of forms or reports except where there is real re-use going on (a report will often use the same recordsource as a form, so in that case, it's useful to save it, so that when you change the SQL of the form, the report that goes with it inherits the alteration).
That all leaves dynamic SQL assembled in VBA code. I use lots of this, from dynamically setting the rowsources of combo/listboxes, to setting the recordsources of subforms for filtering purposes. This is harder to manage, and sometimes I use string constants in the module to make that easier. For instance, in a case where you're writing dynamic SQL where everything remains the same except the WHERE clause, a constant with the SELECT and a second constant with the ORDER BY makes it a lot easier to assemble the complete SQL statement.
I don't know if this really answers your questions, but I have learned over the years that the benefits of re-using SQL statements are vastly outweighed by the uncertainty that comes from the inability to track easily where that SQL statement may be used. I find that storing the SQL statment as close to where it is used as possible is the best practice, as that is a form of "self-documentation" (though not a great one!).
I do make many exceptions and save queries when there is a real and demonstrable benefit in terms of performance or managing what would otherwise become much more comples SQL. However, I would also note that one should also not go too far in the other direction, using tons of nested saved queries, because then you run into other problems (i.e., the "too many databases" problem, which is actually caused by using up the 2048 table handles available at one time -- it's done more easily than you might think).
My humble opinion, it doesn't matter if DB engine is big and monstrous as MSSQL or Oracle, or tiny and simple as SQLite, every query (or stored procedure or any other unit of data processing) should be responsible only for 1 function. I use this principle anywhere (not only in DB development) and I can say it works.
If you are not sure, try to read books about refactoring, Fawler for example. I suppose his principles are applicable to any area of development.
If you are storing your data in MSAccess then your database cannot be too large and any optimization you do is limited by the constraints MSAccess imposes. If better (more optimized) queries is a goal, then perhaps migrating the data out of Access and into SQL Server may allow you to have better flexibility in development going forward. You can leverage cached execution plans, stored procedure, and views.
This may mean that you will need to enhance your T-SQL skills to accomplish this.
So weigh out the options you propose in your question:
1. Keep code simple (comfortable at your current skill level)
2. Meet the responsibility to create efficient queries for data extraction.
SQL Server Express could be a good starting point (it's free).

How should I organize complex SQL views in Rails?

I manage a research database with Ruby on Rails. The data that is entered is primarily used by scientists who prefer to have all the relevant information for a study in one single massive table for use in their statistics software of choice. I'm currently presenting it as CSV, as it's very straightforward to do and compatible with the tools people want to use.
I've written many views (the SQL kind, not the Rails HTML/ERB kind) to make the output they expect a reality. Some of these views are quite large and have a fair amount of complexity behind them. I wrote them in SQL because there are many calculations and comparisons that are more easily done with SQL. They're currently loaded into the database straight from a file named views.sql. To get the requested data, I do a select * from my_view;.
The views.sql file is getting quite large. Part of the problem is that we're still figuring out what the data we collect means, so there's a lot of changes being made to the views all the time -- and a ton of them are being created. Many of them need to be repeatable.
I've recently run into issues organizing and testing these views. Rails works great for user interface stuff and business logic, but I'm not aware of much existing structure for handling the reporting we require.
Some options I've thought of:
Should I move them into the most relevant models somehow? Several of the views interact with each other, which makes this situation more complex than just doing a single find_by_sql, so I don't know if they should only be part of the model.
Perhaps they should be treated as a "view" in the MVC sense? (That is, they could be moved into app/views/ and live alongside the HTML, perhaps as files named something like my_view.csv.sql which return CSV.)
How would you deal with a complex reporting problem like this?
UPDATE for Mladen Jablanović
It started by having a couple of views for reporting purposes. My boss(es) decided they wanted more, so I started writing more. Some give couple hundred columns of data, based on the requirements I've been given.
I have a couple thousand lines of views all shoved in a single file now. I don't like that situation, so I want to reorganize/refactor the code. I'd also like an easy way of providing CSVs -- I'm currently running queries and emailing them by hand, which could easily be automated. Finally, I would like to be able to write some tests on the output of the views, since a couple of regressions have already popped up.
I haven't worked much with SQL and views directly, so I can't help you there, but you can certainly build an ActiveRecord model on top of a view, very easily in fact. The book Enterprise Rails has a whole chapter on it (here it is at Google Books).
We are using views in our DB extensively and some of them are exposed as Rails models. You work with them as you would with tables, except for you can't update them of course.
Also, some of the columns may be calculated using other columns (different ratios for example) so we don't do it in the view, but in the model instead (ok, not entirely true, we construct SQL snippet and pass it to :select => '' portion of find call).
Presentation logic (such as date and number formatting) goes to Rails views.
I'm afraid I can't help you with more concrete advice, as the scope of the question is pretty wide.
Hundreds of columns doesn't sound reasonable. Sounds like immense amount of data in one place. How do they use it at all? We have web application where they can drill down and filter the results, narrow timespan and time step etc, so they never have more then 10-20 columns in the reports.
We store our views one view per SQL file. Also, you can combine it with a numerical prefix in order to ensure proper creation order (in case some of them depend on others). No migrations there, whole DB layer is app-agnostic.
For CSV, you can create either a set of scripts you can invoke either manually, or using cron, or you can use FasterCSV from your Rails app and generate CSVs by HTTP request.