Book on Weblogic Server - weblogic

I am currently looking for a book that will teach me the in's and out's of using the Weblogic 10.3 as my application server.
I am currently using Servlet/JSP/EJB/JSF/JPA as the technology but right now, I am deploying it on Glassfish.
My new project involves the use of Weblogic Server and I dont have any idea how this is done.
Some of the books that I read on the net are a little dated and it covers the Weblogic 8 version.
Not sure though, but I would like to know if somebody has any instructions or preference on how to work around the Weblogic.
I basically wanted to create simple app/build/deploy on this server.
Any hints?

I'd suggest you to get your hands dirty and try to build/deploy your app by yourself the first time. There is no mystery in doing it for a simple app. Later on, a good starting point is Oracle WebLogic Server 10g Release 3 (10.3) Documentation Site Map (this is a popular version of WebLogic, you should look for the specific version you intend to use). There is plenty of documentation over there that will help you getting started.


Websphere Migration from was7 to was9

Planning to Migrate the Websphere from 7.0 to 9 and 8.5 to 9.
Can anyone help me getting the detailed Process
Migration here is "In place". (Migration will be done on the same servers, where the old Installation are in)
if at all any migration tools need to be used, please provide the clear info on them.
any documental references, or any video references for the questioner is appreciated.
OS used : RHEL
CUrrent version: WAS 7x and 8.5
Migrating to : WAS 9.0
It sounds like you're in the very beginning stages of doing this migration. Therefore, I highly recommend you take some time to plan this out, especially to figure out the exact steps you'll be taking and how you'll handle something going wrong. For WebSphere, there is a collection of documents from IBM that discuss planning and executing the upgrade. Look around there for documentation on the tools and step by step guides for different kinds of topologies. The step by step guide for an in place migration of a cell is here.
You should make sure to take good backups before you start the process so you can restore back to before the migration if you need to.
In addition to doing the upgrade, an important part is to also make sure your applications are going to work on the new version if you haven't already. IBM provides this tool to scan applications and identify potential issues that developers will have to fix. There is documentation for the tool at that link as well.
If you are in the planning phase, I'd strongly suggest you to consider migrating to WebSphere Liberty instead of traditional WAS v9. All these migration tools (toolkit for binaries, Eclipse migration toolkit) support both migration scenarios.
Choosing Liberty might be a bit more work at the beginning, but you will gain more deployment flexibility and speed up future development. Liberty is also much better fitted for any cloud/containers environments, as it is much more lightweight, so in the future, if you would like to move to containers, it would be much easier.
Check this tutorial Migrate traditional WebSphere apps to WebSphere Liberty on IBM Cloud Private by using Kubernetes, although it shows the steps to migrate to Liberty on ICP, beginning is the same - analyzing of the application whether they are fit for Liberty and migrating. If you don't have access to IBM Cloud or ICP, you can use stand alone version of the Transformation Advisor that was released recently - IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor.
Having said all that, some apps include old or proprietary traditional WebSphere APIs and in that case it may be easier and cheaper to temporary migrate them to WAS v9, and modernize in the future.

RabbitMQ configuration for Wildfly

Does anyone successfully replace HornetQ by RabbitMQ in Wildfly 8?
I'm trying to use our enterprise messaging system and extract the logic of messaging from our base app server to separate the concern between messaging and our core product.
I looked on the web and did not find anything useful as how to change the standalone.xml
Any help, even if the answer is - it is not possible - would be great.
Thank you
My bounty is about to expire and I don't see help until now. So, I am answering as per my experience.
From question:
Any help, even if the answer is - it is not possible - would be great.
Don't know, but we don't need to do that. I have found a work around for that.
I followed this link to install it on ubuntu server. Then I read these awesome and simple tutorials. Those six tutorials were great base to start with.
I am now integrating the project with my Java EE project which runs on Wildfly 9 server.
Best of luck to anyone who ends up here. Any constructive edits and answers are welcomed.

JBoss 7.x profiling: which profiler to use and how to set up

I need to profile our web application that's running on JBoss 7.1.1, so I started out by looking on the internet for examples of how this is done. To my surprise all information I found was a couple years old and related to older versions of JBoss. I did try some of these anyhow, but nothing worked, except for VisualVM. Problem with VVM was the performance. The system became completely irresponsive and as such, unusable.
Does anyone have experience with profiling JBoss 7? Which profiler works? Doesn't need to be a free tool. I'm willing to buy a profiler. But I first need to see it working. Any example setups would be welcome.

What is Web Logic

I am looking for WebLogic 10.3 tutorial. and when i searched in net i could not find what is Web Logic
why we have used
Please give me a simple explanation for web logic and tutorial to learn. I already tried to learn from but i am not clear on web logic
The author Frank Munz has an excellent book on WebLogic Oracle WebLogic Server Distinctive Recipes (Architecture, Development and Administration), for specific points.
If you're learning JavaEE , WebLogic is mostly a standard Java EE server, and many of the tutorials from equivalent software systems readily apply to WebLogic development in my experience. Look at widely-used app servers like Jetty or Tomcat, even WebSphere and you'll find there is a large StackOverflow community for supprt. For tutorials see for example DeveloperWorks
For tutorials about specifics of Weblogic, is certainly the right place. ORACLE might assume you're using their 'Workshop for WebLogic 10.3' product
Could you elaborate a little about what level of tutorial you need?

Glassfish in a production environment?

Do you use Glassfish 2 or v3 in a production environment?
Do you find it robust?
Have you ever been able to find a complete set of documentation?
What do you do when you find that Glassfish ignores J2EE standards, like class and anotation scanning?
Glassfish is Sun's reference standard for a J2EE app server. V3 supports the new 3.1 standard. However, it is only a preview. It is currently scheduled to be released on Dec 10, 2009. Of course, it can always be dangerous to be a very early adopter in a production environment. Currently V3 doesn't support JMS or clustering, for example, but they should be in the final release.
I've used V2 in production for about 3 years and I personally like it. The web admin console makes it very easy to manage (http://localhost:4848, admin, adminadmin), and the performance is good. Here's one example, where someone benchmarked Glassfish: Blog. Of course, you should search for more examples and your YMMV. Here's a Sun document for Glassfish to help Tomcat User.
One last thing that I would add is that Sun ships, and integrates, both Tomcat and Glassfish in their Java IDE Netbeans so you can easily switch between the two app servers to test your particular app.
GlassFish Server V3 or V2 can be used in production environments but the number of users should be less than 1500. Its not very robust and scalable during high load. If used for simple applications GF works perfectly fine, as it is the reference implementation of Java EE standards by Sun which only server to be a guide to other vendors of application servers.
For more complex and high load applications, its better to go to IBM WebSphere Application Server. That's the most robust app server I have seen in my 15 yrs of experience.
Do I use GF in production? no.
Do I find it robust? yes, but I do not tax it very hard.
Have I ever found a complete set of documentation? I think so... the GlassFish v2.1 docs and the GlassFish v3 docs (
What do I do when GlassFish ignores the J2EE standards? I file an issue here:
Do I use in production? Yes. (Now, using 3.0.1)
Is it robust? Yes. But my point of view is from someone that likes to follow the server's developers community and can try some tricks.
What about documentation? The official one is really good, and the developers blogs are a great plus ( What is maybe far from other communities, at the moment, is the collective experience material (like forums), but I think the mail lists are good enough (