Drupal + SOLR Indexing -- Fields not showing up in "Enabled Filters" Tab - apache

After doing an import of a content type (fairly large), the Apache SOLR admin page is not displaying that new content type's fields in the "Enabled Filters" Tab. I have already successfully done this in 4 other server environments, but this time, a half hour after importing the content type, I am still not seeing the fields.
The location of this menu is:
admin > Site Configuration > Apache SOLR > Enabled Filters
I have tried deleting and reimporting this content type, with no change in results. I have also (briefly) encountered this problem on 1 server prior to this, although after refreshing this tab a few times, all the fields magically appeared.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might get these new fields to display as options in SOLR's config menu under the "Enabled Filters" tab?

you need to index content. Actually it's indexing automatically via cron, but since it can be not configured on server, you have to do it manually.

Turns out, SOLR does not, by default, index numeric fields. However, we wrote a plugin for this, which I forgot to enable on this server. Thus, several fields were not showing up in the enable filters page. It's always the little oversights that cause you the most trouble.


How completely remove user:admin filter in hue UI?

When I login to hue or refresh page I got filter with user:admin selected:
Is there a way to modify hue configs and remove this default filter? (It is very annoyuing to remove it on every page loading :'( )
It defaults to your current logged in user. You may be able to use extensions like TamperMonkey to run Javascript after page load to clear the input box, but that'll cause unnecessary requests to the YARN server for more jobs than just the ones your user may have access to.

TYPO3 permissions: Allow backend users to copy content elements but not to edit them (or: how to provide users a library of content elements to copy)

i’d be thankful for some help (maybe i didn’t find the correct terms for a search on the internet?).
Topic: Permissions / Module “Access”
I’m looking for a way to configure permissions in such a way that some backend user are in the same time:
allowed to see (in the page module) all content elements on a certain page
not allowed to edit/hide/delete them
are allowed to copy them into the clipboard
The idea is to give them a kind of library pre-filled+preconfigured content elements to copy and paste on “their” pages.
As soon as i disable the permission to “edit content” on the page in the module “access”, they don’t have a “copy” item in the context menu of the content element anymore.
Is there a way to achieve the goal?
Allow your editor to use the content element «Insert Records». So you can place the prefilled and pre-configured content elements on a page without edit permission.
Editor can «clone» the content elements on their page without the possibility to edit them.
In frontend there is no difference between the original content element and the «clone».
Your scenario is definitely possible. I've just set up a demo TYPO3 installation where this works fine.
You need to create two backend user groups for access:
one for the read only page
and one for the regular pages
In the access module you assign the read only group and set the access rights for read only page only to "Show page".
Then it should be possible to just copy from that page:
I hope this is helpful for you to reproduce it in your installation.

Magnolia 5.5 Exclude Search Page from Search

To my understanding of what is written here: Magnolia Search Documentation I added a Search Page as a new template. The SearchPage itself has no content but can be listed in the search results.
My Questions are:
How can I exclude this page (for example by template) from indexing?
I know that in my magnolia workspace folder "website" there is a workspace.xml. Is it right, that if I wanted to use my own indexing_configuration.xml, i could place it there?
How would I reset and restart the index with the new configuration?
depends who does the excluding. I.e. If you want editors to be able to exclude page, easiest is to add field to page props to "hide from search results" and then wrap results in iterate that will check for the flag and skip if found. If sys admin does the excluding you can change indexing confit and exclude page there as you seem to be trying.
yes, that's where it goes
shutdown, delete index subfolder (make copy of it first) in website folder, start up. Re indexing will happen automatically on startup. Depending on amount of data might take a while. If you have corrupted repo, reindexing might fail (hence the backup) but then you have different problems :)

How can be changed a documenttype layout in Hippo CMS

I created a hippo documenttype using a one column layout. For rendering purposes I would like to reorganize the given items into a two-columns layout.
However, no option is available to do this change, at least not by using the latest hippo cms community version.
I have already searched in google and found following information, saying that it may be possible to change the layout by using the console, but no information about how:
I would appreciate any hints about it.
AFAIK there is no documentation on how to do this: this is not very complicated but this is a tedious process. If you still can - for instance your document type is not used yet - I would advise to simply drop it and recreate the content type. That being said, here is how it works:
look into your project namespace in the console: the path is something like this: /hippo:namespaces/YOURPROJECT/document-type/editor:templates/_default_/root
the root nodes defines the layout. Check out the plugin.class: for a one column this will be org.hippoecm.frontend.service.render.ListViewPlugin and for a 2 column layout the plugin.class will be org.hippoecm.frontend.editor.layout.TwoColumn
for every field in your document type (that's the tedious part) you will need to define if the field placed on the right or the left.
this is configured on the node with the name of the field path, as a property wicket.id that for instance have the value ${cluster.id}.left.item. This means the item will be placed on the left side.
Your best bet is to create a 2 column example document type and look carefully at its configuration and replicate the changes in your existing field.
Have you tried the instructions on the link below ?

Removing Ektron widget

I believe there is a widget on my page that is causing unbelievably slow page loads. I have narrowed down the exact page it is, and I have about 8 widgets on it. I am trying to disable the widgets one by one, but am having a tough time figuring it out. In the documentation to explains how to remove a widget, but I would like to only temporarily disable them.
These widgets are on PageBuilders, and I have tried to deselect them in Settings > Configuration > Template Configuration but this does not seem to disable it.
Is there a different way to disable widgets?
I am using Ektron 8.6.1
To disable the widget, you could remove the .ascx file from the /widgets folder. The Page should open but report "Cannot load widget" where that widget would appear on the page.
The template configuration setting only prevents you from adding that widget to a new page.