JPG to PDF Conversion, How to Fit Full Page - pdf

I have page scans of various sizes in JPG format which I convert to a single PDF using ImageMagick. However I noticed every PDF page for each type of scan produces a different size PDF page, even if I use -page A4 option on ImageMagick. I would every JPG, in whatever size to "fill" each PDF page, and every PDF page to be the same. I also have access to tools like pdftk, pdfjam.
Any ideas?

As a hack you can use pdflatex and the wallpaper package. It does the trick and has the advantage over most other methods of not altering the image content (resolution, compression, pixel content) and adds only about 1.2kB of overhead.
To keep the aspect ratio, use:
echo "\documentclass[a4paper]{article}\
| pdflatex --jobname "$filename";
rm "$filename".aux "$filename".log
To fill the page completely, use:
echo "\documentclass[a4paper]{article}\
| pdflatex --jobname "$filename";
rm "$filename".aux "$filename".log
Finally you can concatenate your pages using pdftk
pdftk page1.pdf ... page2.pdf cat out final_document.pdf

When I used -density 50% on ImageMagick convert it managed to zoom lower res images to bigger PDF pages.

This should do the trick, assuming your PDF output should have A4 sized pages (portrait):
convert -scale 595x842\! *.jpg output.pdf


Batch convert svg to pdf page size

I have a number of svg files created with inkscape that contain text in non-standard fonts. As far as I understand, in order to have them printed I need to convert the text to paths. It seems that if I just use
convert input.svg output.pdf
the text is automatically converted to paths. Is this correct?
However my problem is with the page size. The input svg have a page size of A5, landscape. However the converted pdf seem to be cut on the right and bottom of the image by about 5% of the image width/height.
Why is that? How do I fix it?
As long as you have Inkscape on your system, ImageMagick convert actually delegates the PDF export to Inkscape. You can use it directly on the command line as
inkscape -zA output.pdf input.svg
Quote from man:
Used fonts are subset and embedded.
There are some options to manipulate the export area. -C explicitely sets the page area, -D the drawing bounding box.
You could even preserve the SVG format by using
inkscape -Tl output.svg input.svg
which would convert text to path.
Lastely, since you have to batch-process multiple files, you should open a shell with
inkscape --shell
and process all files in one go. Otherwise, startup time of inkscape would be 1-3 seconds for every file. Something like:
ls -1 *.svg | awk -F. \
'{ print "-AC " $1 ".pdf" $0 }
END { print "quit" }' | \
inkscape --shell

Reverse white and black colors in a PDF

Given a black and white PDF, how do I reverse the colors such that background is black and everything else is white?
Adobe Reader does it (Preferences -> Accessibility) for viewing purposes only in the program. But does not change the document inherently such that the colors are reversed also in other PDF readers.
How to reverse colors permanently?
You can run the following Ghostscript command:
gs -o inverted.pdf \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-c "{1 exch sub}{1 exch sub}{1 exch sub}{1 exch sub} setcolortransfer" \
-f input.pdf
Acrobat will show the colors inverted.
The four identical parts {1 exch sub} are meant for CMYK color spaces and are applied to C(yan), M(agenta), Y(ellow) and (blac)K color channels in the order of appearance.
You may use only three of them -- then it is meant for RGB color spaces and is applied to R(ed), G(reen) and B(lue).
Of course you can "invent" you own transfer functions too, instead of the simple 1 exch sub one: for example {0.5 mul} will just use 50% of the original color values for each color channel.
Note: Above command will show ALL colors inverted, not just black+white!
Some PDF viewers won't display the inverted colors, notably on Mac OS X, Evince, MuPDF and PDF.js (Firefox PDF Viewer) won't. But Chrome's native PDF viewer PDFium will do it, as well as Ghostscript and Adobe Reader.
It will not work with all PDFs (or for all pages of the PDF), because it is also dependent on how exactly the document's colors are defined.
Command above updated with added -f parameter (required) before the input.pdf. Sorry for not noticing this flaw in my command line before. I got aware of it again only because some good soul gave it its first upvote today...
Additional update: The most recent versions of Ghostscript do not require the added -f parameter any more. Verified with v9.26 (may also be true even with v9.25 or earlier versions).
Best method would be to use "pdf2ps - Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator", which convert the PDF to PS file.
Once PS file is created, open it with any text editor & add {1 exch sub} settransfer before first line.
Now "re-convert" the PS file back to PDF with same software used above.
If you have the Adobe PDF printer installed, you go to Print -> Adobe PDF -> Advanced... -> Output area and select the "Invert" checkbox. Your printed PDF file will then be inverted permanently.
None of the previously posted solutions worked for me so I wrote this simple bash script. It depends on pdftk and awk. Just copy the code into a file and make it executable. Then run it like:
$ /path/to/ /path/to/mypdf.pdf
The script:
pdftk "$1" output - uncompress | \
awk '
/^1 1 1 / {
sub(/1 1 1 /,"0 0 0 ",$0);
/^0 0 0 / {
sub(/0 0 0 /,"1 1 1 ",$0);
{ print }' | \
pdftk - output "${1/%.pdf/_inverted.pdf}" compress
This script works for me but your mileage may vary. In particular sometimes the colors are listed in the form 1.000 1.000 1.000 instead of 1 1 1. The script can easily be modified as needed. If desired, additional color conversions could be added as well.
For me, the pdf2ps -> edit -> ps2pdf solution did not work. The intermediate .ps file is inverted correctly, but the final .pdf is the same as the original. The final .pdf in the suggested gs solution was also the same as the original.
Cross Platform try MuPDF
Mutool draw -I -o out.pdf in.pdf [range of pages]
It should permanently change colours in many viewers
Later Edit
A sample file that did not reverse was one with linework only (no image) and the method needed was to save the graphics as inverted image then reuse that to build a replacement PDF, however beware converting the whole pages to image will make any searchable text just simply unsearchable pixels thus would need to be run with the OCR active on rebuild.
The two commands needed will be something like (%4d means numbers for images start output0001)
mutool draw -o output%4d.png -I input.pdf
For Linux users the folowing second pass should work easily:-
mutool convert -O compress -o output.pdf output*.png
For windows users you will for now (v1.19) need to combine by scripting or use groups
mutool convert -O compress -o output.pdf output0001.png output0002.png output0003.png
next version may include an #filelist option see
This is probably just a frontend for the ghostscript command Kurt Pfeifle posted, but you could also use imagemagick with something like:
convert -density 300 -colorspace RGB -channel RGB -negate input.pdf output.pdf

Ghostscript expand trimbox (add bleed) when converting to jpeg

I have the following command line setup to create a jpeg copy of each page of a pdf, cropping it down to the trim size. Actually i'm wanting the bleed size which is 3mm added to each edge of the trim box
-o newbitmap_%04d.jpg -sDEVICE=jpegcmyk -dJPEGQ=60 -r150 -dSimulateOverprint=false -dUseTrimBox original.pdf
Please could someone suggest how I can do this?
In the current Ghostscript code, use -dUseBleedBox. See :

Ghostscript - Can resize padding be applied to end of image rather than top?

I am trying to convert a PDF doc whose page size is A4 wide but several cm's short of being A4 long into Tiff.
Using GS I can happily convert it to A4 TIFF but the image is padded at the top with a 3cm white space.
This leaves a rather ugly white banner at the very top.
Is there anyway to get GS to pad at the bottom of a page not the top?
I am using GS 9.04 on Linux and use the following conversion command.
gs -q -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dPDFFitPage -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dFIXEDRESOLUTION -sOutputFile=x.pdf y.pdf
I see the same problem if I do just a pdf to pdf resize conversion
gs -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=x.pdf -dPDFFitPage y.pdf
Many thanks
The problem is that the image isn't 'padded' in the original PDF document. The 'padding' isn't applied by Ghostscript, its present in the original PDF file, the white space at the top of the PDF page is rendered as white space in the TIFF file.
You can set the media size to be the size you need (and set -dFIXEDMEDIA, so that it doesn't get changed) and then render the file. The 'white space' will then fall off the top of the media, and won't get rendered. You'll have to figure out what the MEDIAHEIGHT parameter needs to be of course.
If you do this, don't set -dPDFFitPage, as this will scale the whole page down to fit the new media size, defeating the purpose of changing the media size.....
So, assuming that the PDF file has a MediaBox of A4, but supplied a 'less than A4' CrtopBox, then you want to set -dUseCropBox. And still not set -dFitPage.
You should also not set -sPAPERSIZE.
If this is not the case then I'm going to have to see an example PDF file.

Rendering the whole media box of a pdf page into a png file using ghostscript

I'm trying to render Pdfs pages into png files using Ghostscript v9.02. For that purpose I'm using the following command line:
gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=png16m -o outputFile%d.png mypdf.pdf
This is working fine when the pdf crop box is the same as the media box, but if the crop box is smaller than the media box, only the media box is displayed and the border of the pdf page is lost.
I know usually pdf viewers only display the crop box but I need to be able to see the whole media page in my png file.
Ghostscript documentation says that per default the media box of a document is rendered, but this does not work in my case.
As anyone an idea how I could achieve rendering the whole media box using ghostscript?Could it be that for png file device, only the crop box is rendered? Am I maybe forgetting a specific command?
For example, this pdf contains some registration marks outside of the crop box, which are not present in the output png file. Some more information about this pdf:
media box:
width: 667
height: 908 pts
crop box:
width: 640
height: 851
OK, now that revers has re-stated his problem into that he is looking for "generic code", let me try again.
The problem with a "generic code" is that there are many "legal" formal representations of "CropBox" statements which could appear in a PDF. All of the following are possible and correct and set the same values for the page's CropBox:
/CropBox[10 20 500 700]
/CropBox[ 10 20 500 700 ]
/CropBox[10 20 500 700 ]
/CropBox [10 20 500 700]
/CropBox [ 10 20 500 700 ]
/CropBox [ 10.00 20.0000 500.0 700 ]
/CropBox [
The same is true for ArtBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, CropBox and MediaBox. Therefor you need to "normalize" the *Box representation inside the PDF source code if you want to edit it.
First Step: "Normalize" the PDF source code
Here is how you do that:
Download qpdf for your OS platform.
Run this command on your input PDF:
qpdf --qdf input.pdf output.pdf
The output.pdf now will have a kind of normalized structure (similar to the last example given above), and it will be easier to edit, even with a stream editor like sed.
Second Step: Remove all superfluous *Box statements
Next, you need to know that the only essential *Box is MediaBox. This one MUST be present, the others are optional (in a certain prioritized way). If the others are missing, they default to the same values as MediaBox. Therefor, in order to achieve your goal, we can simply delete all code that is related to them. We'll do it with the help of sed.
That tool is normally installed on all Linux systems -- on Windows download and install it from (Don't forget to install the named "dependencies" should you decide to use the .zip file instead of the Setup .exe).
Now run this command:
sed.exe -i.bak -e "/CropBox/,/]/s#.# #g" output.pdf
Here is what this command is supposed to do:
-i.bak tells sed to edit the original file inline, but to also create a backup file with a.bak suffix (in case something goes wrong).
/CropBox/ states the first address line to be processed by sed.
/]/ states the last address line to be processed by sed.
s tells sed to do substitutions for all lines from first to last addressed line.
#.# #g tells sed which kind of substitution to do: replace each arbitrary character ('.') in the address space by blanks (''), globally ('g').
We substitute all characters by blanks (instead of by 'nothing', i.e. deleting them) because otherwise we'd get complaints about "PDF file corruption", since the object reference counting and the stream lengths would have changed.
Third step: run your Ghostscript command
You know that already well enough:
gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=png16m -o outputImage_%03d.png output.pdf
All the three steps from above can easily be scripted, which I'll leave to you for your own pleasure.
First, let's get rid of a misunderstanding. You wrote:
"This is working fine when the pdf crop box is the same as the media box, but if the crop box is smaller than the media box, only the media box is displayed and the border of the pdf page is lost."
That's not correct. If the CropBox is smaller than the MediaBox, then only the CropBox should be displayed (not the MediaBox). And that is exactly how it was designed to work. This is the whole idea behind the CropBox concept...
At the moment I cannot think of a solution that works automatically for each PDF and all possibly values that can be there (unless you want to use payware).
To manually process the PDF you linked to:
Open the PDF in a good text editor (one that doesn't mess with existing EOL conventions, and doesn't complain about binary parts in the file).
Search for all spots in the file that contain the /CropBox keyword.
Since you have only one page in the PDF, it should find only one spot.
This could read like /CropBox [12.3456 78.9012 345.67 890.123456].
Now edit this part, carefully avoiding to add to (or lose from) the number of already existing characters:
Set the value to your wanted one: /CropBox [0.00000 0.00000 667.00 908.000000]. (You can use spaces instead of my .0000.. parts, but if I do, the SO editor will eat them and you'll not see what I originally typed...)
Save the file under a new name.
A PDF viewer should now show the full MediaBox (as of your specification).
When you convert the new file with Ghostscript to PNG, the bigger page will be visible.