Understanding Orchard Joins and Data Relations - nhibernate

In Orchard, how is a module developer able to learn how "joins" work, particularly when joining to core parts and records? One of the better helps I've seen was in Orchard documentation, but none of those examples show how to form relations with existing or core parts. As an example of something I'm looking for, here is a snippet of module service code taken from a working example:
.Where(r => r.Title == name)
In this case, a custom TaxonomyPart is joining with a core RoutePartRecord. I've investigated the code, and I can't see how that a TaxononmyPart is "joinable" to a RoutePartRecord. Likewise, from working code, here is another snippet driver code which relates a custom TagsPart with a core CommonPartRecord:
List<string> tags = new List<string> { "hello", "there" };
IContentQuery<TagsPart, TagsPartRecord> query = _cms.Query<TagsPart, TagsPartRecord>();
query.Where(tpr => tpr.Tags.Any(t => tags.Contains(t.TagRecord.TagName)));
IEnumerable<TagsPart> parts =
.Where(cpr => cpr.Id != currentItemId)
.OrderByDescending(cpr => cpr.PublishedUtc)
I thought I could learn from either of the prior examples of how to form my own query. I did this:
List<string> tags = new List<string> { "hello", "there" };
IContentQuery<TagsPart, TagsPartRecord> query = _cms.Query<TagsPart, TagsPartRecord>();
query.Where(tpr => tpr.Tags.Any(t => tags.Contains(t.TagRecord.TagName)));
var stuff =
.Where(ctrPartRecord => ctrPartRecord.ContentItemRecord.ContentType.Name == "Primary")
The intent of my code is to limit the content items found to only those of a particular container (or blog). When the code ran, it threw an exception on my join query saying {"could not resolve property: ContentType of: Orchard.Core.Containers.Models.ContainerPartRecord"}. This leads to a variety of questions:
Why in the driver's Display() method of the second example is the CommonPartRecord populated, but not the ContainerPartRecord? In general how would I know what part records are populated, and when?
In the working code snippets, how exactly is the join working since no join key/condition is specified (and no implicit join keys are apparent)? For example, I checked the data migration file and models classes, and found no inherent relation between a TagsPart and a CommonPartRecord. Thus, besides looking at that sample code, how would anyone have known in the first place that such a join was legal or possible?
Is the join I tried with TagsPart and ContainerPartRecord legal in any context? Which?
Is the query syntax of these examples primarily a reflection of Orchard, of NHibernate, or LINQ to NHibernate? If it is primarily a reflection of NHibernate, then which NHibernate book or article is recommended reading so that I can dig deeper into Orchard?
It seems there is a hole in the documentation regarding these kinds of thoughts and questions, which makes it hard to write a module. Whatever answers can be found for this topic, I'd be glad to compile into an article or community Orchard documentation.

The join is only there to enable the where that follows it. It doesn't mean that the part being joined will be actually brought down from the DB. That will happen no matter what with the latest 1.x source, and will happen lazily with 1.3.
You don't need a condition as you can only join parts this way. The join condition is implicit: parts are joined by the item id.
Yes. What is not legal is that the condition in the where is using data that is not available from the joined part records.
Those examples are all Orchard Content Manager queries, so they are fairly constrained, but also fairly easy to build as long as you don't step outside of their boundaries because so much can be assumed and will happen implicitly. If you need more control, you could use the new HQL capabilities that were added in the latest 1.x drops.
As for holes in the documentation, well, but of course. The documentation that we have today is only covering a very small part of the platform. Your best reference today is the source code. Any contribution you could make to this is highly appreciated by us and by the rest of the community. Let me know if you need help with this.


Managing relationships in Laravel, adhering to the repository pattern

While creating an app in Laravel 4 after reading T. Otwell's book on good design patterns in Laravel I found myself creating repositories for every table on the application.
I ended up with the following table structure:
Students: id, name
Courses: id, name, teacher_id
Teachers: id, name
Assignments: id, name, course_id
Scores (acts as a pivot between students and assignments): student_id, assignment_id, scores
I have repository classes with find, create, update and delete methods for all of these tables. Each repository has an Eloquent model which interacts with the database. Relationships are defined in the model per Laravel's documentation: http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent#relationships.
When creating a new course, all I do is calling the create method on the Course Repository. That course has assignments, so when creating one, I also want to create an entry in the score's table for each student in the course. I do this through the Assignment Repository. This implies the assignment repository communicates with two Eloquent models, with the Assignment and Student model.
My question is: as this app will probably grow in size and more relationships will be introduced, is it good practice to communicate with different Eloquent models in repositories or should this be done using other repositories instead (I mean calling other repositories from the Assignment repository) or should it be done in the Eloquent models all together?
Also, is it good practice to use the scores table as a pivot between assignments and students or should it be done somewhere else?
I am finishing up a large project using Laravel 4 and had to answer all of the questions you are asking right now. After reading all of the available Laravel books over at Leanpub, and tons of Googling, I came up with the following structure.
One Eloquent Model class per datable table
One Repository class per Eloquent Model
A Service class that may communicate between multiple Repository classes.
So let's say I'm building a movie database. I would have at least the following following Eloquent Model classes:
A repository class would encapsulate each Eloquent Model class and be responsible for CRUD operations on the database. The repository classes might look like this:
Each repository class would extend a BaseRepository class which implements the following interface:
interface BaseRepositoryInterface
public function errors();
public function all(array $related = null);
public function get($id, array $related = null);
public function getWhere($column, $value, array $related = null);
public function getRecent($limit, array $related = null);
public function create(array $data);
public function update(array $data);
public function delete($id);
public function deleteWhere($column, $value);
A Service class is used to glue multiple repositories together and contains the real "business logic" of the application. Controllers only communicate with Service classes for Create, Update and Delete actions.
So when I want to create a new Movie record in the database, my MovieController class might have the following methods:
public function __construct(MovieRepositoryInterface $movieRepository, MovieServiceInterface $movieService)
$this->movieRepository = $movieRepository;
$this->movieService = $movieService;
public function postCreate()
if( ! $this->movieService->create(Input::all()))
return Redirect::back()->withErrors($this->movieService->errors())->withInput();
// New movie was saved successfully. Do whatever you need to do here.
It's up to you to determine how you POST data to your controllers, but let's say the data returned by Input::all() in the postCreate() method looks something like this:
$data = array(
'movie' => array(
'title' => 'Iron Eagle',
'year' => '1986',
'synopsis' => 'When Doug\'s father, an Air Force Pilot, is shot down by MiGs belonging to a radical Middle Eastern state, no one seems able to get him out. Doug finds Chappy, an Air Force Colonel who is intrigued by the idea of sending in two fighters piloted by himself and Doug to rescue Doug\'s father after bombing the MiG base.'
'actors' => array(
0 => 'Louis Gossett Jr.',
1 => 'Jason Gedrick',
2 => 'Larry B. Scott'
'director' => 'Sidney J. Furie',
'studio' => 'TriStar Pictures'
Since the MovieRepository shouldn't know how to create Actor, Director or Studio records in the database, we'll use our MovieService class, which might look something like this:
public function __construct(MovieRepositoryInterface $movieRepository, ActorRepositoryInterface $actorRepository, DirectorRepositoryInterface $directorRepository, StudioRepositoryInterface $studioRepository)
$this->movieRepository = $movieRepository;
$this->actorRepository = $actorRepository;
$this->directorRepository = $directorRepository;
$this->studioRepository = $studioRepository;
public function create(array $input)
$movieData = $input['movie'];
$actorsData = $input['actors'];
$directorData = $input['director'];
$studioData = $input['studio'];
// In a more complete example you would probably want to implement database transactions and perform input validation using the Laravel Validator class here.
// Create the new movie record
$movie = $this->movieRepository->create($movieData);
// Create the new actor records and associate them with the movie record
foreach($actors as $actor)
$actorModel = $this->actorRepository->create($actor);
// Create the director record and associate it with the movie record
$director = $this->directorRepository->create($directorData);
// Create the studio record and associate it with the movie record
$studio = $this->studioRepository->create($studioData);
// Assume everything worked. In the real world you'll need to implement checks.
return true;
So what we're left with is a nice, sensible separation of concerns. Repositories are only aware of the Eloquent model they insert and retrieve from the database. Controllers don't care about repositories, they just hand off the data they collect from the user and pass it to the appropriate service. The service doesn't care how the data it receives is saved to the database, it just hands off the relevant data it was given by the controller to the appropriate repositories.
Keep in mind you're asking for opinions :D
Here's mine:
TL;DR: Yes, that's fine.
You're doing fine!
I do exactly what you are doing often and find it works great.
I often, however, organize repositories around business logic instead of having a repo-per-table. This is useful as it's a point of view centered around how your application should solve your "business problem".
A Course is a "entity", with attributes (title, id, etc) and even other entities (Assignments, which have their own attributes and possibly entities).
Your "Course" repository should be able to return a Course and the Courses' attributes/Assignments (including Assignment).
You can accomplish that with Eloquent, luckily.
(I often end up with a repository per table, but some repositories are used much more than others, and so have many more methods. Your "courses" repository may be much more full-featured than your Assignments repository, for instance, if your application centers more around Courses and less about a Courses' collection of Assignments).
The tricky part
I often use repositories inside of my repositories in order to do some database actions.
Any repository which implements Eloquent in order to handle data will likely return Eloquent models. In that light, it's fine if your Course model uses built-in relationships in order to retrieve or save Assignments (or any other use case). Our "implementation" is built around Eloquent.
From a practical point of view, this makes sense. We're unlikely to change data sources to something Eloquent can't handle (to a non-sql data source).
The trickiest part of this setup, for me at least, is determing if Eloquent is actually helping or harming us. ORMs are a tricky subject, because while they help us greatly from a practical point of view, they also couple your "business logic entities" code with the code doing the data retrieval.
This sort of muddles up whether your repository's responsibility is actually for handling data or handling the retrieval / update of entities (business domain entities).
Furthermore, they act as the very objects you pass to your views. If you later have to get away from using Eloquent models in a repository, you'll need to make sure the variables passed to your views behave in the same way or have the same methods available, otherwise changing your data sources will roll into changing your views, and you've (partially) lost the purpose of abstracting your logic out to repositories in the first place - the maintainability of your project goes down as.
Anyway, these are somewhat incomplete thoughts. They are, as stated, merely my opinion, which happens to be the result of reading Domain Driven Design and watching videos like "uncle bob's" keynote at Ruby Midwest within the last year.
I like to think of it in terms of what my code is doing and what it is responsible for, rather than "right or wrong". This is how I break apart my responsibilities:
Controllers are the HTTP layer and route requests through to the underlying apis (aka, it controls the flow)
Models represent the database schema, and tell the application what the data looks like, what relationships it may have, as well as any global attributes that may be necessary (such as a name method for returning a concatenated first and last name)
Repositories represent the more complex queries and interactions with the models (I don't do any queries on model methods).
Search engines - classes that help me build complex search queries.
With this in mind, it makes sense every time to use a repository (whether you create interfaces.etc. is a whole other topic). I like this approach, because it means I know exactly where to go when I'm needing to do certain work.
I also tend to build a base repository, usually an abstract class which defines the main defaults - basically CRUD operations, and then each child can just extend and add methods as necessary, or overload the defaults. Injecting your model also helps this pattern to be quite robust.
Think of Repositories as a consistent filing cabinet of your data (not just your ORMs). The idea is that you want to grab data in a consistent simple to use API.
If you find yourself just doing Model::all(), Model::find(), Model::create() you probably won't benefit much from abstracting away a repository. On the other hand, if you want to do a bit more business logic to your queries or actions, you may want to create a repository to make an easier to use API for dealing with data.
I think you were asking if a repository would be the best way to deal with some of the more verbose syntax required to connect related models. Depending on the situation, there are a few things I may do:
Hanging a new child model off of a parent model (one-one or one-many), I would add a method to the child repository something like createWithParent($attributes, $parentModelInstance) and this would just add the $parentModelInstance->id into the parent_id field of the attributes and call create.
Attaching a many-many relationship, I actually create functions on the models so that I can run $instance->attachChild($childInstance). Note that this requires existing elements on both side.
Creating related models in one run, I create something that I call a Gateway (it may be a bit off from Fowler's definitions). Way I can call $gateway->createParentAndChild($parentAttributes, $childAttributes) instead of a bunch of logic that may change or that would complicate the logic that I have in a controller or command.

How can I speed my Entity Framework code?

My SQL and Entity Framework knowledge is a somewhat limited. In one Entity Framework (4) application, I notice it takes forever (about 2 minutes) to complete one of my method calls. The first queries do not take much time, but when I loop through the Entity Framework objects returned by the queries, even though I am only reading (not modifying) the data I supposedly got, it takes forever to complete the nested loops, even though there are only dozens of entries in each list and a few levels of looping.
I expect the example below could be re-written with a fancier query that could probably include all of the filtering I am doing in my loops with some SQL words I don't really know how to use, so if someone could show me what the equivalent SQL expression would be, that would be extremely educational to me and probably solve my current performance problem.
Moreover, since other parts of this and other applications I develop often want to do more complex computations on SQL data, I would also like to know a good way to retrieve data from Entity Framework to local memory objects that do not have huge delays in reading them. In my LINQ-to-SQL project there was a similar performance problem, and I solved it by refactoring the whole application to load all SQL data into parallel objects in RAM, which I had to write myself, and I wonder if there isn't a better way to either tell Entity Framework to not keep doing whatever high-latency communication it is doing, or to load into local RAM objects.
In the example below, the code gets a list of food menu items for a member (i.e. a person) on a certain date via a SQL query, and then I use other queries and loops to filter out the menu items on two criteria: 1) If the member has a rating of zero for any group id which the recipe is a member of (a many-to-many relationship) and 2) If the member has a rating of zero for the recipe itself.
List<PFW_Member_MenuItem> MemberMenuForCookDate =
(from item in _myPfwEntities.PFW_Member_MenuItem
where item.MemberID == forMemberId
where item.CookDate == onCookDate
select item).ToList();
// Now filter out recipes in recipe groups rated zero by the member:
List<PFW_Member_Rating_RecipeGroup> ExcludedGroups =
(from grpRating in _myPfwEntities.PFW_Member_Rating_RecipeGroup
where grpRating.MemberID == forMemberId
where grpRating.Rating == 0
select grpRating).ToList();
foreach (PFW_Member_Rating_RecipeGroup grpToExclude in ExcludedGroups)
List<PFW_Member_MenuItem> rcpsToRemove = new List<PFW_Member_MenuItem>();
foreach (PFW_Member_MenuItem rcpOnMenu in MemberMenuForCookDate)
PFW_Recipe rcp = GetRecipeById(rcpOnMenu.RecipeID);
foreach (PFW_RecipeGroup group in rcp.PFW_RecipeGroup)
if (group.RecipeGroupID == grpToExclude.RecipeGroupID)
foreach (PFW_Member_MenuItem rcpToRemove in rcpsToRemove)
// Now filter out recipes rated zero by the member:
List<PFW_Member_Rating_Recipe> ExcludedRecipes =
(from rcpRating in _myPfwEntities.PFW_Member_Rating_Recipe
where rcpRating.MemberID == forMemberId
where rcpRating.Rating == 0
select rcpRating).ToList();
foreach (PFW_Member_Rating_Recipe rcpToExclude in ExcludedRecipes)
List<PFW_Member_MenuItem> rcpsToRemove = new List<PFW_Member_MenuItem>();
foreach (PFW_Member_MenuItem rcpOnMenu in MemberMenuForCookDate)
if (rcpOnMenu.RecipeID == rcpToExclude.RecipeID)
foreach (PFW_Member_MenuItem rcpToRemove in rcpsToRemove)
You can use EFProf http://www.hibernatingrhinos.com/products/EFProf to track see exactly what EF is sending to SQL. It can also show you how many queries you are sending and how many unique queries. It also provides you some analysis of each query (e.g. is it unbound etc). Entity Framework with its navigation properties, it is quite easy to not realize you are making a db request. When you are in a loop, and have a navigation property, you get in to the N + 1 problem.
You could use the Keyword Virtual on your List parts of your model if you are using code first to enable proxying, that way you will not have to get all the data back at once, only as you need it.
Also consider NoTracking for read only data
context.bigTable.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;

Can anyone explain how CDbCriteria->scopes works?

I've just checked the man page of CDbCriteria, but there is not enough info about it.
This property is available since v1.1.7 and I couldn't find any help for it.
Is it for dynamically changing Model->scopes "on-the-fly"?
Scopes are an easy way to create simple filters by default. With a scope you can sort your results by specific columns automatically, limit the results, apply conditions, etc. In the links provided by #ldg there's a big example of how cool they are:
Somebody is retrieving all the recently published posts in one single line. They are easier to maintain than inline conditions (for example Post::model()->findAll('status=1')) and are encapsulated inside each model, which means big transparency and ease of use.
Plus, you can create your own parameter based scopes like this:
public function last($amount)
'order' => 't.create_time DESC',
'limit' => $amount,
return $this;
Adding something like this into a Model will let you choose the amount of objects you want to retrieve from the database (sorted by its create time).
By returning the object itself you allow method chaining.
Here's an example:
Gets the last 3 items. Of course you can expand the example to almost any property in the database. Cheers
Yes, scopes can be used to change the attributes of CDbCriteria with pre-built conditions and can also be passed parameters. Before 1.1.7 you could use them in a model() query and can be chained together. See:
Since 1.1.7, you can also use scopes as a CDbCriteria property.
See: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/database.arr#relational-query-with-named-scopes

Is it possible to use PersistenceSpecification and CheckList for unit testing an Inverse HasMany relationship?

This is actually my very first question on Stackoverflow. I hope its not the last and hopefully I will contribute with some answers myself.
My question is simple. I'm stuck with a NUnit test where I'm testing a inversed HasMany relationship.
Everytime I debug it, the output is "Actual count does not equal expected count...". I've done some extensive research on the net about this issue and some people claim that it's impossible to do such a unittest.
Here is my example.
Code for EmployeeMapping:
Id(x => x.ID).GeneratedBy.Identity();
HasMany(x => x.PositionHistory).KeyColumn("Employee_id").Inverse().Cascade.All();
Here is code for EmployeePositionMapping:
Id(x => x.ID).GeneratedBy.Identity();
References(x => x.EmployeeAtPosition).Cascade.All().Nullable();
The Unit test is like this:
var position2 = new EmployeePosition();
position2.ExtraBenefit = 353.00;
position2.Salary = 23300.00;
position2.Region = region;
position2.Department = department;
position2.Year = "2010";
position2.Comment = "kommentar igen...";
position2.History = true;
var positionList = new List<EmployeePosition>();
new PersistenceSpecification<Employee>(Session, new CustomEqualityComparer<Employee, long>())
.CheckProperty(p => p.ID, Int64.Parse("1"))
.CheckList(p => p.PositionHistory, positionList, (emp, empPosition) => emp.AddEmployeePosition(empPosition))
I would like to replace the Nullable() attribute to Not.Nullable() for References EmployeeAtPosition property.
I have a Entity base class that take cares of comparing entities and even Transients.
The AddEmployeePosition() takes care of maintaining the relationship both ways for Employee.PositionHistory and EmployeePosition.EmployeeAtPosition.
When I look at the Nhibernate SQL in output It seems ok. But for some reason it's not equal the list I've prepared (positionList)
Other useful facts: I'm running Nhibernate 3.0 and the matching fluent Nhibernate binaries. Downloded them for three days ago. Using SQLite InMemory for conducting Mapping Tests.
I really appreciate all good new angles that your hints may give me...
/Best Regards BacceSR- from a very snowy Stockholm.
Hmm no Answers. Better answer this one myself :D.
Well I found the answer after some googling, and there is currently some issues with CheckList method. I used CheckComponent instead and it worked fine. Now "Parent" object is inserted before its "Children" and therefore no error. CheckList tried to do the opposite which didn't work at all...
I also got this issue this night and just spent about two hours with this very strange error message. Wasted much time for checking every line of code before googling to know this is not my fault heheheh :D.
According to this post, we simply can't use it with inverse=true. Unfortunately, CheckComponentList didn't work for me, I got the same error.
Also found a dead simple explanation about inverse keyword, IMHO, is really a bad term.

NHibernate CreateCriteria query problem

I hope someone can help with this please.
I am trying to query an OLAP Fact table with NHibernate, but am struggling to get it to work. Its seems a simple requirement but I just cant see what the problem could be.
I have a central Fact table with several Dimension tables, one of the Dimensions has a secondary Dimension.
So ERD is. Fact >---1 Factor_Dim >---1 Target_Dim
My NHibernate query is.
facts = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Fact), "facts")
.CreateAlias("facts.FactorDimension", "factDim", JoinType.InnerJoin)
.CreateAlias("factDim.TargetDimension", "targetDim",JoinType.InnerJoin)
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("targetDim.TargetID", targetId))
The error is "The multi-part identifier "targetdim2_.TargetID" could not be bound.". The generated SQL does not have the Factor_DIM or Target_DIM tables in the From clause.
Are there any alternative techniques to get this query to work? Id like to stick to this style as opposed to CreateSQLQuery() if possible.
Please help. Thanks.
Linq or QueryOver will be your cleanest solutions. If you are determined to stay with ICriteria you probably would want to wrap each of your entities with a class with common crud methods, it also makes your code access common, so code corrections are done in one place, not over hundres of files or classes.
Theres plenty of projects at http://nhforge.org/wikis/general/open-source-project-ecosystem.aspx which can help you out. I know NhGen ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/nhgen/ ) creates a CRUD class for each entity based on the NHibernate.Burrows GenericDao class with a few CRUD methods. It takes care of all the aliases and joins so queries become as simple as
IMessageDao messageDao = new MessageDao();
// Get All
IList<IMessage> messageList1 dao.FindAll();
// Find using QueryByExample
IList<IMessage> messageList2 = dao.FindByExample(messageDetails, orderBy)).ToList();
// Find using a simple entity query
IList<IMessage> messageList3 = messageDao.Find( new [] { Restrictions.Le(MessageHelper.Columns.Date, dateLastChecked) } );
// Find using a join and a query on said joined entities
IList<IMessage> messageList4 = messageDao.Find
( new []
Restrictions.Le(MessageHelper.Columns.Date, dateLastChecked),
Restrictions.Eq(MessageHelper.Columns.IsActive, true))
}, new[]
Restrictions.Eq(CategoryHelper.KeyColumns.Rsn, categoryRsn),
Restrictions.Eq(CategoryHelper.Columns.IsActive, true))
}, new []
Restrictions.Eq(ChannelHelper.KeyColumns.Rsn, channelRsn),
Restrictions.Eq(ChannelHelper.Columns.IsActive, true))
Theres plenty of overrides so you can specify your join type or it naturally assumes inner join.