multidimesional array in yii - yii

This is just sample of which i m confused...
class sendmail()
public $ATTACHMENT = array();
public function MailSend()
$message = new YiiMailMessage;
$message->subject = $this->SUBJECT;
$message->from = $this->FROM;
$message->setBody($this->EMAILBODY, 'text/html','utf-8');
if (count($this->ATTACHMENT) > 0)
foreach ($this->ATTACHMENT as $Attachement_Array)
if (isset($Attachement_Array['filepath']) && $Attachement_Array['filename'] && $Attachement_Array['mimetype'] && file_exists($Attachement_Array['filepath']))
$message->attach(Swift_Attachment::fromPath($Attachement_Array['filepath']), $Attachement_Array['filename'], $Attachement_Array['mimetype']);
here in
$SendMail->ATTACHMENT = array("what to pass here");
please explain me
i want multiple dimensional array of filepath,mimetype,filename
$SendMail = new SendMail;
$SendMail->DRAFT_ID = $id;
$SendMail->SUBJECT = $modelEmail->subject;
$SendMail->FROM = $modelEmail->email_from;
$SendMail->CMPAIGN_ID = 1;
$SendMail->TAG_ARRAY = array("[FIRSTNAME]"=>$profiledata->name,"[EMAIL]"=>$profiledata->email,"[CONTACT_NO]"=>$profiledata->contact_no,"[ADDRESS]"=>$profiledata->address,"[WEBSITE]"=>$profiledata->website);
$SendMail->EMAILTO = $profiledata->name."<".$profiledata->email.">";
$SendMail->ATTACHMENT = array('filepath'=>Yii::app()->params['var_path']."stationary.html"); /// what to write here... i want multidimension array here

my answer is
$attach1 = array();
$attach2 = array();
$attach1 = array('filepath'=>Yii::app()->params['var_path']."stationary.html",
$attach2 = array('filepath'=>Yii::app()->params['var_path']."pregmatch1_old.php",
$SendMail->ATTACHMENT = array($attach1,$attach2);


Spreadsheets error " String could not be parsed as XML"

When I try to get all titles of spreadsheets from Google drive, I got this message The string could not be parsed as XML:
ERROR -> SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in C:\....
ERROR-> SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): { in C:\....
ERROR-> SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): ^ in C:\...
I try to connect on Gooogle drive, which I success, but I need to get the names of spreadsheets on Google drive, I previously use API v3 now I need to use V4.
this is code for call method getSpreadsheets();
$serviceRequest = new DefaultServiceRequest($token->access_token, $token->token_type);
$spreadsheetService = new Google\Spreadsheet\SpreadsheetService();
$spreadsheetFeed = $spreadsheetService->getSpreadsheets();
This is the code of method getSpreadsheets:
public function getSpreadsheets()
return new SpreadsheetFeed(
And this is SpreadsheetFeed class, where is error causes:
namespace Google\Spreadsheet;
use ArrayIterator;
use SimpleXMLElement;
* Spreadsheet feed.
* #package Google
* #subpackage Spreadsheet
* #author Asim Liaquat <>
class SpreadsheetFeed extends ArrayIterator
* The spreadsheet feed xml object
* #var \SimpleXMLElement
protected $xml;
* Initializes the the spreadsheet feed object
* #param string $xml the raw xml string of a spreadsheet feed
public function __construct($xml)
$this->xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$spreadsheets = array();
foreach ($this->xml->entry as $entry) {
$spreadsheets[] = new Spreadsheet($entry);
* Gets a spreadhseet from the feed by its title. i.e. the name of
* the spreadsheet in google drive. This method will return only the
* first spreadsheet found with the specified title.
* #param string $title
* #return \Google\Spreadsheet\Spreadsheet|null
public function getByTitle($title)
foreach($this->xml->entry as $entry) {
if($entry->title->__toString() == $title) {
return new Spreadsheet($entry);
return null;
I try to find a solution how to pass this error!
Any Help, how to solve this error?
This is solution for my app, migrate from v3 to v4 spreadsheets API:
$this->service_drive = new Google_Service_Drive($this->client);
$optParams = array('q'=> 'mimeType="application/"');
$this->files = $this->service_drive->files->listFiles($optParams);
// $this->service_drive = new Google_Service_Drive($this->client);
//$optParams = array('q'=> 'mimeType="application/"');
//$this->files = $this->service_drive->files->listFiles($optParams);
//$gdata_spreadsheets=$this->files;//my test
if($this->files !==null){
if (count($this->files->getFiles()) == 0) {
$gdata_spreadsheets=array("No Spreadsheets");
} else {
foreach ($this->files->getFiles() as $file) {
//trenuto ispod code rjesavam
if($gdata->spreadsheet_id != '' && isset( $gdata_spreadsheets[$gdata->spreadsheet_id] ) && $this->files !== null){
$this->service = new Google_Service_Sheets($this->client);
$this->response = $this->service->spreadsheets->get($gdata->spreadsheet_id);
// $spreadsheet = $this->service_drive($gdata_spreadsheets[$gdata->spreadsheet_id]);
// $worksheetFeed = $spreadsheet->getWorksheets();
foreach ( $this->sheets as $sheet ){
$gdata_worksheets[$sheet->properties->sheetId]= $sheet->properties->title;
if($gdata->worksheet_id != '' && isset( $gdata_worksheets[$gdata->worksheet_id] )){
$range = 'List 2!A1:Z';
$worksheet = $this->service->spreadsheets_values->get($gdata->spreadsheet_id, $range);
$cellFeed = $worksheet->getValues();
foreach( $cellFeed As $row) {
//$row = $cellEntry->getRow();
//$col = $cellEntry;
// $gdata_worksheets=$this->service;
if( $row > 1 ){
} catch(Exception $e){
$error = $e->getMessage();
This is one part of my code, where is described how to migrate from v3 to v4 spreadsheets API.

Yii2 Update the entry if it exists

Item $title defined earlier. I want what if found $find_title, update it with all fields from $title. Otherwise, create a new object
$find_title = Title::find()->where(["upc" => $title->upc])->one();
if ($find_title != null) {
$title->id = $find_title->id;
} else {
It worked in the laravel.
$find_title = Title::find()->where(["upc" => $title->upc])->one();
if ($find_title != null) {
$id = $title->id;
$find_title->attributes = $title->attributes;
$find_title->id = $id;
} else {
Here you assign all attributes of $title to $find_title, restore id, and then save;

DI container can't find a class

I have an existing application with line below
\Yii::$container->invoke([$this, 'injections']);
and this line couses the error
ReflectionException Class Redis does not exist
I have a file Redis.php where defined class Redis in the /common/components directory.
But yii looks for it at the /common/components/myAPI/
А class that contains a line
\Yii::$container->invoke([$this, 'injections']);
ia located by the path /common/components/myAPI/
The whole class where I try to call the Redis
abstract class AEntity{
* #var Fetcher $_fetcher
* #var boolean $_isFromCache
* #var APIConfig $_config
* #var string $_redisKey
* #var array $_params
private $_fetcher,
$_isFromCache = null,
$_params = [],
$_redisKey = null,
* #var APIRedisManager $_redis
private $_redis,
* #var Array $_dbTable
* #var Array $_dbMap
protected $_dbMap,
* #return array
protected function setParams(Array $params = []){
$this->_params = $params;
protected abstract function keyRelationShip();
protected abstract function getAttributes();
protected abstract function jsonArrayMap();
protected function setRedisKey($redisData){
$this->_redisKey = $redisData;
protected function mapArrays(){
$jsonArrayMap = $this->jsonArrayMap();
foreach ($jsonArrayMap as $arrayMap){
$mapPath = $arrayMap['path'] ? explode('.', $arrayMap['path']) : null;
$key = $arrayMap['key'];
$arr = $arrayMap['array'];
$assoc = $arrayMap['assoc'];
$tmpData = $this->_mainApi;
foreach($mapPath as $mapper) {
$this->{$key} = null;
return false;
$tmpData = $tmpData[$mapper];
$this->{$key} = $arr ? $this->jsonArrayMapper($tmpData, $assoc, $mapPath) : $tmpData;
public function injections(APIConfig $config, Fetcher $fetcher, APIRedisManager $redisManager){
$this->_config = $config;
$this->_fetcher = $fetcher;
$this->_redis = $redisManager;
protected function initialize(Array $params = []){
$constant = static::keyRelationShip();
$redisKey = $this->paramToRedis($params);
\Yii::$container->invoke([$this, 'injections']);
$this->_config->get($constant, $this->_params);
$this->_mainApi = $this->getAPIRequest();
* #return array
public function getMainApi(){
return $this->_mainApi;
* #return APIRedisManager
public function getRedis(){
return $this->_redis;
* #return array
* #throws \Exception
public function loadYiiData(){
$arrModel = [];
if (!$this->_dbTable) new Exception('No Table Specified.');
if (!$this->_dbMap) new Exception('No DB Map Specified.');
foreach ($this->_dbMap as $keyApi => $keyDB){
if(!isset($this->$keyDB)) throw new \Exception("KeyDB: $keyDB, is not Set");
$arrModel[$this->_dbTable][$keyApi] = $this->$keyDB;
return $arrModel;
* GET API request logic
* #return array
public function getAPIRequest(){
$redisKey = $this->formulateRedisKeyLogic();
$storedRequest = $this->_redis->getConfig() ? $this->_redis->get($redisKey) : null;
$this->_isFromCache = false;
$apiRequestResult = $this->_fetcher->get()->asArray();
if($apiRequestResult && !$storedRequest){
$serializedApiRequest = serialize($apiRequestResult);
$this->_redis->store($serializedApiRequest, $redisKey);
$this->_isFromCache = true;
$apiRequestResult = unserialize($storedRequest);
return $apiRequestResult;
/** #return boolean */
public function isFromCache(){
return $this->_isFromCache;
private function formulateRedisKeyLogic(){
$config = $this->_redis->getConfig();
if(isset($config['key']) && strpos($this->_redisKey,'$.')!==false){
$configKey = $config['key'];
$redisKey = $configKey . $this->_redisKey;
$redisKey = str_replace('$.', '', $redisKey);
$redisKey = $this->_redisKey;
return $redisKey;
protected function paramToRedis($param){
$className = (new \ReflectionClass($this))->getShortName();
$buildRedisKey = '$._'.str_replace('=', '_', http_build_query($param, null, ','));
$paramKey = $buildRedisKey.'_'.$className;
return $paramKey;
* GET API request logic
* #return array
protected function jsonArrayMapper(Array $entityItems, $assoc = false, $mapPath= true){
$aEntityArray = [];
$attributes = $this->getAttributes();
$Klass = static::class;
foreach ($entityItems as $entityItem){
$aEntity = new $Klass(false);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute){
$aEntity->{$attribute} = $entityItem[$attribute];
$assoc ? $aEntityArray[$entityItem[$assoc]] = $aEntity : $aEntityArray[] = $aEntity;
$aEntity = new $Klass(false);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute){
$aEntity->{$attribute} = $entityItems[$attribute];
$aEntityArray = $aEntity;
return $aEntityArray;
public function __set($key, $value){
$this->{$key} = $value;
public function __get($name) {
return $this->{$key};
This is a super class for class those have such constructor
public function __construct($fullInitizalization=true, $params = []) {
$redisParams = $this->paramToRedis($params);
When DI container trying to instaniate APIRedisConnection class, it passes parameter with type Redis:
/** #param Redis $redis */
function __construct(Redis $redis){
$this->_redis = $redis;
Class Redis can't be found in the project, but I can see it in IDE and this class was written on PHP 7
Although the whole project written on PHP 5.6

yii framework form-attributes-not-saved in database

I'm trying to save the data from a form. The yii framework form attributes is not being saved in the database.
Here is my code for the controller:
class ProfileController extends Controller {
public function actionSave() {
if (isset($_POST['Patients'])) {
$patients = new Patients;
$patients->name = $_POST['Patients']['name'];
$patients->mobile = $_POST['Patients']['mobile'];
$patients->email = $_POST['Patients']['email'];
$patients->password = $_POST['Patients']['password'];
$patients->dob = $_POST['Patients']['dob'];
$patients->weight = $_POST['Patients']['weight'];
$patients->height = $_POST['Patients']['height'];
$patients->activation_date = '0000-00-00';
$patients->credit = 0;
$patients->archive = 0;
$patients->balance = 0;
$patients->first_login = 0;
$patients->guide_status = 0;
$patients->passcode = '';
//echo $patients->save_personal_data();
$valid = $patients->validate();
if ($valid) {
} else {
if ($patients->save()) {
echo 'saved';
} else {
It isn't saving in the database. What is wrong with the above code?
It won't save in the DB. Typically the issue is related to the validation rules.
Just for debugging, try using save(false)
//$valid = $patients->validate();
If the model is saved, then check selectively for rules applied to the model.

Razor MVC return HTML

I tried to research a bit, but has not found a proper solution to this.
What I'm trying to do is to have a HTML.Action in a page like so
Html.Action("Calendar", "GlobalShared")
Inside the action "Calendar", I need to return the result of the html of the traditional calendar control
public ActionResult Calendar(
String ID,
String CssClass,
int CellSpacing,
int CellPadding,
String BorderWidth,
String ShowGridLines,
String ShowTitle,
String DayNameFormat
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar cal = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar();
cal.ID = "MyCalendar";
cal.CssClass = "month-view";
cal.CellSpacing = 0;
cal.CellPadding = -1;
cal.BorderWidth = 0;
cal.ShowGridLines = false;
cal.ShowTitle = false;
cal.DayNameFormat = System.Web.UI.WebControls.DayNameFormat.Full;
How can I do this? Btw, I use HTML.Action is because I read that it returns a html string, is that correct or should I be doing some other ways?
Edit. Before I attempted this in a controller, I tried the following code in a view .cshtml and it works, but I prefer to move the code into a controller
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar cal = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar();
cal.ID = "MyCalendar";
cal.CssClass = "month-view";
cal.CellSpacing = 0;
cal.CellPadding = -1;
cal.BorderWidth = 0;
cal.ShowGridLines = false;
cal.ShowTitle = false;
cal.DayNameFormat = System.Web.UI.WebControls.DayNameFormat.Full;
cal.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(Html.ViewContext.Writer));
Edit #2. The reason I want to use that in a controller is because if in the future, i want to hook up an event say "DayRender", I can do it in the controller. I can not do the same in a view without polluting the view page.
Okay. Thanks guys. I figured out. Basically, I need to use #{Html.RenderAction(..)} and in the action itself, use StringBuilder/StringWriter and then return Content(...). Code below
In View
#{Html.RenderAction("Calendar", "GlobalShared");}
In Controller
public ActionResult Calendar(
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar cal = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar();
cal.ID = "MyCalendar";
cal.CssClass = "month-view";
cal.CellSpacing = 0;
cal.CellPadding = -1;
cal.BorderWidth = 0;
cal.ShowGridLines = false;
cal.ShowTitle = false;
cal.DayNameFormat = System.Web.UI.WebControls.DayNameFormat.Full;
cal.DayRender += new System.Web.UI.WebControls.DayRenderEventHandler(CalendarDayRender);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
using (System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter(sb))
System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer = new System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(sw);
String calHTML = sb.ToString();
return Content(calHTML);
private void CalendarDayRender(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DayRenderEventArgs e)
e.Cell.Text = "";
if (e.Day.Date == System.DateTime.Today)
e.Cell.CssClass = "today";
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl h3 = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("h3");
h3.InnerHtml = HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("JTG_DateTime", "JTK_Today") + " " + e.Day.DayNumberText;
Simply move your code
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar cal = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar();
cal.ID = "MyCalendar";
cal.CssClass = "month-view";
cal.CellSpacing = 0;
cal.CellPadding = -1;
cal.BorderWidth = 0;
cal.ShowGridLines = false;
cal.ShowTitle = false;
cal.DayNameFormat = System.Web.UI.WebControls.DayNameFormat.Full;
cal.RenderControl(new HtmlTextWriter(Html.ViewContext.Writer));
in a view and return that View from your Calendar Action.
public ActionResult Calendar(
String ID,
String CssClass,
int CellSpacing,
int CellPadding,
String BorderWidth,
String ShowGridLines,
String ShowTitle,
String DayNameFormat
return View("Calendar");
You can either create a ViewModel or use ViewBag to transfer these values from Calendar Action to your newly created View