How to create a fading form on focus lost &got event -

I am doing project in
When i click on button open I opened form with no control box(minimize,maximize etc).set borderStyle to FixedToolWindow
I want to change the opacity of form on got focus & lost focus event.
I also used activated & deactivated event but doesnt working
Private Sub form_Deactivate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)HandlesMyBase.Deactivate
Me.Opacity =0
End Sub
Private Sub form_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Activated
Me.Opacity = 1
End Sub

To do this you need to use a System.Windows.Forms.Timer. the implementation is very simple:
Have two variables called _fromOpactity and _toOpacity, and a constant OpacityStep = 0.05
on Form Activate or Deactivate set _fromOpacity and _toOpacity and start the timer to fade in/out.
In the timer Elapsed event handler, Increment or Decrement OpacityStep (depending on from/to) until the desired value is reached.
For a full example of how to do this, see this article.
Best regards,

Try 0.01 in your 2nd line. You used 0 and it will hide your form.
Because that when you click in form area , the form_Actived don't run.


Why does a form move trigger ResizeEnd?

I use the following code in my form:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_ResizeEnd(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.ResizeEnd
End Sub
End Class
When I move my form, it also seems to trigger MyBase.ResizeEnd. Why is that? A move of the panel doesn't change the size, so I don't understand why.
Why does a form move trigger ResizeEnd?
Because this is the documented behavior. From the documentation:
The ResizeEnd event is also generated after the user moves a form, typically by clicking and dragging on the caption bar.
If you want an event that doesn't get triggered when the form is moved, you should use either Resize or SizeChanged. The problem with those two events is that they will be triggered while the form is being resized by the user. To work around that, you may use it with both ResizeBegin and ResizeEnd with a couple of flags to signal when the user actually finishes resizing the form.
Here's a complete example:
Private _resizeBegin As Boolean
Private _sizeChanged As Boolean
Private Sub Form1_ResizeBegin(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.ResizeBegin
_resizeBegin = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_SizeChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.SizeChanged
' This is to avoid registering this as a resize event if it was triggered
' by another action (e.g., when the form is first initialized).
If Not _resizeBegin Then Exit Sub
_sizeChanged = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_ResizeEnd(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.ResizeEnd
_resizeBegin = False
If _sizeChanged Then
_sizeChanged = False
MessageBox.Show("The form has been resized.")
End If
End Sub
One thing to note is that both ResizeBegin and ResizeEnd are only triggered when the user manually resizes* the form. It does not, however, handle other situations like when the form is resized via code, when the form is maximized, or restored.
* or moves the form, which is the part that we're trying to avoid here. (2010) Click-through on all controls

I'm having a application with quite a few tabpages. One function of my program is that if the user leaves the application for more than 3 minutes, I display the main tabpage where the most relevant information is shown (this is done by a timer called "back_to_main_tab"). So far so good. However in a few tabpages you can enter text and "take a pause" for more than these 3 minutes, and if that happens, the user is taken back to the main tab, without his/her consent, erasing his/her entered text.
I realize that this could be solved by enabling/disabling the back_to_main_tab-timer at strategic places, but I would like to solve it by resetting the timer each time a click is registered in the application regardless of what is is clicked. The reason for this is that the problem isn't unique for a certain tabpage, so I would like to have a "all-purpose"-fix for all tabpages.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance
You can write an Event Handler for each element where user can write.
For example
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
'Reset timer
End Sub
(and you could try KeyUp or KeyPress too).
So you can reset timer each time the user write something somewhere.
Btw if the 3mins pass (after last KeyPress), the back_to_main_tab erase all.
Ok so you could make one function to Manage the CLICK event. And attach the function to all items form.
To attacch an event handler to alla element you could try something like this
Private Sub AddGenericEventHandler()
For Each Ctrl As Item In Form.Items
AddHandler Ctrl.Click, AddressOf MyClickHandler
End Sub
And write the function that reset your timer
Public Sub MyClickHandler(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'Timer Reset
End Sub
This is an Idea. You have to write correctly the FOR EACH to catch all form items do you need.

Can't set focus on a Windows Forms textbox

I can't seem to get input focus on a textbox when a tab page first comes up (I'm using Windows Forms, VB.NET 3.5).
I have a textbox on a panel on a tab page, and I want the focus to be on the textbox when the tab page comes up. I want the user to be able to start typing immediately in the focused textbox without having to click on the textbox. I have tab stops set in the order I want and the textbox is the first tab stop. The tab stops work except that when the tab page comes up the focus is not on the textbox, i.e. the one that's first in the tab order.
In the Enter event handler of the tab page I call the Focus method of the text box, but it returns False and does nothing, no error messages. I know I can access the text box because
at the same point in the code I can set the text of the text box.
If it matters, the layout of the tab page is a little complicated:
I want to set the focus on TextBox1.
What's the best way to get the focus on the desired textbox?
If setting focus is the best way, why is the textbox.Focus() method failing?
I would assume you are attempting to set focus in the form load event handler? If so, you need to do a Me.Show() to actually create the onscreen controls before focus can be set. Something along the lines of:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
If you don't do the Me.Show(), the form is NOT displayed until the load event is complete.
For the tab control, handle the _SelectedIndexChanged event:
Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles TabControl1.SelectedIndexChanged
If TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name = "TabPage1" Then
End If
If TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name = "TabPage2" Then
End If
You will still want to set the initial focus in the load event as shown above if the first field selected is to be the textbox on the tab control.
Try either:
Me.ActiveControl = TextBox1
Do the control.Focus() in the OnShown event. You don't need any of the DoEvents logic which didn't work for me anyway.
You Should Use Selected Event of TabControl
Private Sub TabControl1_Selected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TabControlEventArgs) Handles TabControl1.Selected
If e.TabPage.Name = "TabPage1" Then
End If
End Sub
As I have Checked in Both TabControl.Selected and TabPage.Enter Event can set Select TextBox. I think there is some other elements stealing focus. please varify
Any of the solutions I found online don't solve the problem when the control is on a tab page.
However, this works:
(1) set the TabIndex of the control to 0.
(2) In your code that handles the tabpage event, do the following:
If SendKeys doesn't seem to be a valid statment, make sure you have the following import at the top of your code file:
Imports System.Windows.Forms
I found that the TabControl gets the focus when the Selected event completes. To make this work I used the Paint event of the TabPage to set the focus of the desired object.
Private Sub TabChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Tab1.Paint, Tab2.Paint, Tab3.Paint
Select Case sender.Name
Case "Tab1"
Case "Tab2"
Case "Tab3"
End Select
End Sub
Try the Activated event of the form like this:
Private Sub Form2_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated
'SendKeys.Send("{TAB}") this line works too
End Sub
That is guaranteed to work.
I once had the same problem but i solved it using the Me.activate() function.

VB.NET WebBrowser click on button

I am working at a small VB.NET project which autofill the fields on the Yahoo register page. Is there a way to click on "Check" button and see if the entered ID is OK or not?
Something like if the entered ID is OK then proceed further with filling the field, if not, try another ID and press "Check" button again.
The webbrowser control lets you access elements within the webpage and you can invoke methods on them, so something as simple as this will click the button:
Add a timer to your application, with an interval of 1000 ms. Here is the code:
Dim CheckButton, yahooId As HtmlElement
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) _
Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
yahooId = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("yahooid")
CheckButton = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("yidHelperBtn")
yahooId.InnerText = "testID" 'Replace testID by the ID you want
Timer1.Start() 'Starts the timer: within 1000 ms (1 s). It will execute the Timer1_Tick sub.
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
CheckButton.Focus() 'Give the check button the focus
SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}") 'Causes the validation of the check button
Timer1.Stop() 'Stops the timer
End Sub
I added a timer because the browser doesn't seem to validate the Enter key while in the WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted method.
With this code, you can know if the id you entered is OK or not. It is not complete, but it's a good beginning, try to understand and adapt it for your needs.

timer control in

I have a timer in and it's interval is 1000ms ,. i have placed in it's timer_tick event a code that will print screen the screen and save it to a database.
The problem is when i click outside of the form, or loosing the focus of the mouse to the form containing that timer/printscreen, the timer stops. As a result the printscreen also stops.
here are it's properties:
generate member = true
interval = 1000
modifiers = friend
I will appreciate any reply or tip regarding this problem ,. thank you.,
A simple test creating a form with a Timer with
Interval = 1000,
Enabled = True
and the following code in the form
Dim i As Integer = 0
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
i += 1
End Sub
continued to Tick (and produce output) regardless of whether or not the form had the focus.
Are you sure that you are not calling Stop() or setting Enabled to False anywhere in your code?
I'd recommend putting a breakpoint anywhere you call Stop() or change Enabled; then you can see if these lines are being executed when the form loses focus.