cocos2d 1.0.1 Warning: no preserveBackBuffer found - objective-c

I am running cocos2d 1.0.1. I am getting Warning Errors regarding this code saying that the initWithFrame method is not found. I believe it is responsible for crashing my application, while logging "Unknown Error"
glView = [[EAGLView alloc] initWithFrame:[window bounds]
This is the Build WARNING I got:
WARNING: No '-initWithFrame: pixelFormat:
depthFormat:preserveBackbuffer:' method found
Reading forum posts from a year ago, Riq recommended the above method posted, but that did not work.
I do have my EAGLView.h/m files, they are under the iOS subFolder of the Platforms subFolder.
I tried adding an #class EAGLView; declaration in the App.h file, but I still couldn't even get Xcode to jump to the definition of the EAGLView class. Moving the two EAGLView .h and .m files up to the main Cocos2d folder did nothing either.
My question is: how do I get these files to talk, because there's clearly a lack of communication.

The format of EAGLView initWith… methods have changed. In your case you simply need to add the remaining additional parameters as described in the link.


Some Parse methods not working in iOS SDK

I added the Parse SDK today (1.2.15) to an existing project which targets iOS7 and is built in Xcode5. I followed the instructions on exactly. Some things work, like creating and saving a PFObject. Certain functions however cannot be found by the compiler. For instance [PFUser enableAutomaticUser]; generates the error
AppDelegate.m:21:13: No known class method for selector 'enableAutomaticUser'
and [PFAnalytics trackAppOpenedWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions]; generates the error
AppDelegate.m:20:6: Use of undeclared identifier 'PFAnalytics'
Are the docs out of date and have these methods moved? I have tried restarting Xcode and cleaning my project. I can see the PFAnalytics.h file if I expand Parse.Framework in Xcode, and when I look at PFUser.h I can see a declaration of enableAutomaticUser;. Why can Xcode see some Parse classes and methods but not others?
My problem was that Framework Search Paths in Build Settings contained two directories, and one was invalid, resulting in this very strange behavior where some methods in Parse worked and others didn't.

Lexical or preprocessor error: file not found using box2d & cocos2d

I'm having this weird issue when building my project. The problem is as follows:
My friend and I are working on a project and we're exactly using the same xcode, cocos2d and box2d versions.
His project compiles (builds) fine while mine gives this error when I do:
cassert file not found.
I took a copy of his xcode.project but no problems whatsoever.
I hope this code summarizes better what I'm trying to say:
#import bla bla //the usual required files
#class myOwnClass1;
#class myOwnClass2;
myOwnClass1 *test1;
myOwnClass2 *test2;
Now I wanna include the GameLayer.h in either myOwnClass1.h or myOwnClass2.h using #import but it would give me the error!
If I did #class GameLayer; no problems at all.
The thing is in my friend's project he's doing the #import without the error, which is super weird (at least for me)
P.S. I know that changing the .m to .mm would solve it but, again, in my friend's project he's using the .m
I guess there is a mismatch of compiler settings between your project and your friend's.
In short: cassert is a C++ header file; you definitely need a C++ compiler to compile it.
Now, my guess is that in your friend's project, the GameLayer.m file is marked as a C++ file, though it has got a .m extension.
To verify that, open your project's (and your friend's) project.pbxproj file in a text editor and look for the GameLayer.m file. You will get this kind of entry:
347F5D94158BA4840058BC21 /* main.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = main.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
as you see, the lastKnownFileType key says sourcecode.c.objc: this identifies an Objective-C file. If you see sourcecode.cpp.objcpp, that means objective c++.
Hope this helps clarifying it.
For some reason it turned out that creating a new project from scratch solved the problem, I'll mark this as the correct answer for now unless someone else has another opinion.
Here is how I fixed the issue. Cleaning up and recreating the project didn't seem to be a good idea for me.
There are a couple of answers on the web for this issue but they in each didn't help me solve the problem. One is on SO at
cassert file not found but i use Box2d template and the other is on cocos2d-iphone forum,
Combining the two suggestions kind of worked for me -
Rename all YOUR (not cocos2d or box2d files, just your project files) from .m to .mm
Make sure that on each of the files, on the right pane, “Type” option is set to “Default – Objective C++ Source”
There was another issue for me specifically, may not be an issue for you, I was using the following signature for CCLabelTTF
CCLabelTTF *title = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"Hello" dimensions:CGSizeMake(720.0f, 880.0f) alignment:UITextAlignmentLeft fontName:#"Arial" fontSize:34];
This is deprecated and caused errors all over the place. I am now using the following slightly modified version and the errors fixed -
CCLabelTTF *title = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"Hello" dimensions:CGSizeMake(720.0f, 880.0f) hAlignment:kCCTextAlignmentRight fontName:#"Arial" fontSize:34];
My most recent writeup of this fix can be found at -

Weak linking popoverBackgroundViewClass to make it work in <5.0 IOS

Already checked this question: Weak linking UIPopoverBackgroundView
and already read:
I have a custom PopoverBackgroundView declared in a .h and implemented in a .m file. Then, in just one file, I instantiate it like this
self.settingsPopover.popoverBackgroundViewClass = [CustomPopoverBackgroundView class];
I´ve tried doing it like marco says in the link above:
if ([UIPopoverBackgroundView class] != nil) {
self.settingsPopover.popoverBackgroundViewClass = [CustomPopoverBackgroundView class];
But I get the same launch error when I run in a 4.3 ipad simulator
dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_UIPopoverBackgroundView
My base sdk is IOS 5.1, and my target deployment is 5.1 as well. Im using LLVM compiler 4.0.
Any ideas? Thanks a lot!
Have you tried using respondsToSelector with the relevant UIPopoverController setBackgroundViewClass method? Remember that properties automatically generate setter and getter methods that you can use in addition to the normal property syntax.
The reason why you're still getting linker errors is because you're still trying to call a method on that class, which doesn't exist.
If it's a case that the entire class doesn't exist, Apple recommends using NSClassFromString(#"UIPopoverController") and checking if the returned result is nil.

Xcode can't find headers in given framework

Messing round a little in Xcode, and I was trying to get my app to look at the users music library with the use of MPMediaPickerController.
Following Apples documentation, I added the MediaPlayer.framework to the project, and in my header I've imported , giving me something like this:
#import <GameKit/GameKit.h>
#import <MediaPlayer/MediaPlayer.h>
#interface HelloMusic : UIViewController
So far so simple. Now, as far as I'm aware I should be able to do
MPMediaPickerController *mp = [[MPMediaPickerController alloc] init];
in my main file and set about launching my picker. Unfortunately XCode stubbronly refuses to admit that there is such a thing as an MPMediaPickerController - if I type MP and hit escape to get code complations I am without any of the MPMedia family. Annoyingly Xcode does recognise any MPMovie... class (from the same framework!). If I try and run the app it compiles fine so it must at least recognise the header from the framework, then chunters along until I get to the assignment of MPMediaPickerController, at which point I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS, with a console output of
Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone:
pthread_mutexattr_destroy$UNIX2003 called from function _ZN4llvm3sys5MutexC2Eb in image
I'm... certain I'm doing something beyond stupid, but I'm stuck nevertheless.
As the class reference states, it's declared in MPMediaPickerController.h. As such, simply adding...
#import <MediaPlayer/MPMediaPickerController.h>
...should solve your problems. :-)

iPhone HelpViewController undeclared (first use in this function)

I have a strange XCode project compilation issue. I have a subclass of UIViewController called HelpViewController that is created the same way as several other similar classes I have for adding to a UITabBarController.
When compiling I get the error; HelpViewController undeclared (first use in this function) when I try and create an instance to add to the tab bar.
If I rename the class to GuideViewController (*.h, *.m, *.xib filenames; all occurances in .h and .m; #import "*.h" and * alloc) the compilation succeeds but if I rename it back to HelpViewController it fails again with the same error.
I looked for HelpViewController in the dev docs but couldn't find anything to suggest it is a reserved name. Why might this particular class name be causing the error?
Sounds a lot like a #import is missing or incorrect. But it looks like you've covered that. Make sure you do a clean of the project (or delete the build directory), it could be old artifacts getting in the way.
Turns out I'd got my XCode project in a mess. When I deleted my *ViewController class at some point I had selected to only delete the references and not move the files to the trash as well. This removed the reference for the File Owner's outlet for view which could be seen as a warning in Interface Builder. The lack of a correct view reference prevented the ViewController being used (A View Controller is also a View). Since the files were still present in the file system (but not shown in the XCode project) they compiled badly. I deleted the files and selected to move them to the trash and then recreated them from scratch.