How to resolve disambiguation in Yago/DBpedia? - sparql

Assuming I am searching for an entity such as "Wizard of Oz" and know I am specifically interested in the book rather then movie or musical.
Which query/method will return correct results on most cases?

You can do that with a query like:
?s <> ?name .
?s a <> .
FILTER(regex(STR(?name), "wizard of oz", "i"))

You can also do that with DBpedia Lookup:
Or with DBpedia Spotlight:

As every book, and only books, have an ISBN, I guess you can take Steve Harris' query and, instead of asking if it is a book, you can ask if it has an ISBN.
?s <> ?name .
?s <> ?isbn .
FILTER(regex(STR(?name), "wizard of oz", "i"))


How to get all property from an item based on its Q number?

I want to gather all properties of a item from wikidata.
All queries I see so far assume you know properties you are looking for, but in my case, I'm not.
For example, when querying for Q1798740, I would like a returned value that looks like
[{"item": "Q1798740",
"P31": ["Q1146"],
"P17": ["Q70972"],
"P2043":"70 metres"}
and that contains all statements from the wikidata page
What query should I perform?
You need only to ask for {wd:Q1798740 ?p ?value} but it would be useful also to get the labels of the properties, which is a bit trickier:
SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?property_label ?value
wd:Q1798740 ?p ?value .
?property wikibase:directClaim ?p ;
rdfs:label ?property_label .

SPARQL: How to retrieve all dog breeds and all their infobox data from dbpedia?

I would like to know how is the best sparql way to retrieve all dog breeds and all their infobox data from dbpedia.
I've tried this:
<> ?p ?o
?s ?p <> .
?s ?p ?o .
?p ?p2 ?o2
But the result is far away from I expect like: dbpedia2:coat "moderately long"^^rdf:langString
First, note that <> is not the class of dog breeds.
For several reasons, I suggest you do this work on DBpedia Live, rather than DBpedia [Snapshot].
Start there with a look at the description of your example breed,
Then consider whether a query like the following will get you what you want --
?breed a <> ;
?p ?o
ORDER BY ?breed ?p ?o
LIMIT 1000

SPARQL - select from skos:category - Virtuoso 37000

I have problem with SPARQL. I want to select something from category. For example subjects. I make query like this in
SELECT ?category ?subject WHERE
?category a skos:Concept .
?category skos:Concept: American_punk_rock_guitarists.
?category dct:subject ?subject .
} LIMIT 1000
I have error Virtuoso 37000. I don't understand why.
P.S. Is it good book for beginnier in SPARQL - Learning SPARQL, 2nd Edition
Querying and Updating with SPARQL 1.1 ?
You have at least one syntax error: the second colon (:) in the second triple.
Semantically... I don't really know the classes or predicates in dbpedia... but can skos:Concept be both a type and a predicate?
I wrote you a valid query that returns 10 members of the category "American_punk_rock_guitarists"
I put this together by going to dbpedia's faceted free text search and familiarizing myself with the concept of American punk rock guitarists, specifically Joey Ramone
prefix dbpcat: <>
SELECT ?subject ?category
{ values ?category { dbpcat:American_punk_rock_guitarists } .
?subject dct:subject ?category }

SPARQL Query final label [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Why does my SPARQL query return the URI of a resource instead of its name?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a SPARQL Query that returns the Europe capitals and their population. The query looks like this:
select ?s ?pop
where {
?s <> ?pop .
?s a <>
In this state, it returns the names of the cities in the following form: e.g. "<>" and what I want is to display only London in this case. So, is there a way I can tell SPARQL that I want only the final label?
I am querying against this endpoint:
The advice here is similar to other questions - use SPARQL to inspect the data. So first try this query to see if there are any label properties defined:
select *
where {
?s <> ?pop .
?s a <> .
?s ?p ?o .
In this case you'll find that no label properties have been defined for place class definitions. If desired you can take the local name - the text after the last slash (or hash) as the name. Try this query:
select *
where {
?s <> ?pop .
?s a <> .
BIND(REPLACE(xsd:string(?s), ".*[/#]", "") AS ?label)

How do I restrict my search in dbpedia using SPARQL to "Persons" only

I am using a query to output the influences of all people listed in wikipedia (where possible). I am using My code so far is:
?p a
<> .
?p <> ?influenced.
The problem is that the influenced output includes things like genres and political ideologies. I want to restrict it to only output "people" and "people who were influenced by those people". Thanks in advanced.
?p a
<> .
?p <dbpedia-owl:birthYear> ?birthYear.
?p <> ?influenced.
?influenced a <>.