SQL table to delphi record using BCP - sql

I have a scenario in which I have to export data of around 500,000 records from sql table to be used in Delphi application. The data is to be loaded into a packed record. Is there a method in which i can use the BCP to write data file similar to that of writing the records to file.
As of now I am loading the data using this psudo code.
// Assign the data file generated from BCP to the TextFile object.
AssignFile(losDataFile, loslFileName);
while not EOD(losDataFile) do
// Read from the data file until we encounter the End of File
ReadLn(losDataFile, loslDataString);
// Use the string list comma text to strip the fields
loclTempSlist.CommaText := loslDataString;
// Load the record from the items of the string list.
DummyRec.Name := loclTempSList[0];
DummyRec.Mapped = loclTempSList[1] = 'Y';
For convenience i have listed the type of Dummy rec below
TDummyRec = packed record
Name : string[255];
Mapped : Boolean;
So, my question is, instead of exporting the data to a text file, will it be possible to export the data to binary so that i can read from the file directly using the record type?
loclFileStream := TFileStream.Create('xxxxxx.dat', fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
while loclFileStream.Position < loclFileStream.Size do
// Read from the binary file
loclFileStream.Read(losDummyData, SizeOf(TDummyRec));
//- -------- Do wat ever i want.
I don't have much experience on using the BCP. Please help me with this.

In your record, a string[255] will create a fixed-size Ansi string (i.e. a so-called shortstring). This type is clearly deprecated, and should not be used in your code.
It will be an awful waste of space to save it directly, using a TFileStream (even if it will work). Each record will store 256 bytes for each Name.
And using a string[255] (i.e. a so-called shortstring) will make an hidden conversion to a string for most access to it. So it is not the best option, IMHO.
My advice is to use a dynamic array then serialize / unserialize it with our Open Source classes. For your storage, you can use a dynamic array. Works from Delphi 5 up to XE2. And you'll be able to use a string in the record:
TDummyRec = packed record
Name : string; // native Delphi string (no shortstring)
Mapped : Boolean;
Edit after OP's comment:
BCP is just a command-line tool meant to export a lot of rows into a SQL table. So IMHO BCP is not the good candidate for your purpose.
You seems to need to import a lot of rows from a SQL table.
In this case:
Using shortstring will be in all case a waste of memory, so you'll get faster out of memory than with using a good string;
You can try our Open Source classes to retrieve all data rows one by one, then populate your records using this data: see SynDB classes - it is lighter than ADO; Then you'll be able to retrieve the record data one by one, then use our record serialization functions to create some binary content - or try a dedicated faster engine like our SynBigTable;
There are some articles about using directly the OleDB feature used by BCP from Delphi code in here - it is in french, but you can use google to translate it and here for fast bulk copy; full source code included.

You want to read a SQL-table into a record, I have no idea why you are working with the archaic AssignFile.
You should really use a TADOQuery (or suitable variant) for you database.
Put a sensible SQL-query in it; something like:
SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM tablename WHERE .....
When in doubt you can use:
SELECT * FROM tablename
Which will select all fields from the table.
The following code will walk through all the records and all the fields and save them in a variants and save that in a FileStream.
function NewFile(Filename: string): TFileStream;
Result:= TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenWrite);
function SaveQueryToFileStream(AFile: TFileStream; AQuery: TADOQuery): boolean;
Success = true;
Failure = false;
UniqueFilePrefix = 'MyCustomFileTypeId';
BufSize = 4096;
Value: variant;
Writer: TWriter;
FieldCount: integer;
c: integer;
RowCount: integer;
Result:= Success;
if not(AQuery.Active) then AQuery.Open
FieldCount:= AQuery.Fields.Count;
Writer:= TWriter.Create(AFile, BufSize);
//Write the record info first
//Write the number of rows
RowCount:= AQuery.RecordCount;
while not(AQuery.eof) do begin
for c:= 0 to FieldCount -1 do begin
Value:= AQuery.Fields[c].Value;
end; {for c}
end; {while}
Result:= failure;


How to prevent SQL Injection in PL/SQL

We have some few packages where we need to resolve some SQL Injection issues. I need some help to rewrite sql statement or sanitize the inputs. Below is the line number where veracode throw the error.
open c_ccl (p_part_nr,p_ctry_cd);
// Source code
v_data t_cla_class_data;
FUNCTION nat_eccn_cd( p_part_nr IN t_part_nr, p_ctry_cd IN t_ctry_cd )
RETURN t_us_eccn_cd IS
CURSOR c_ccl(p_part_nr CHAR, p_ctry_cd CHAR) IS
WHERE e.PART_NR = p_part_nr AND e.CTRY_CD = p_ctry_cd
v_ctry_cd char(4) := p_ctry_cd;
v_trf_cd char(4);
v_data.nat_eccn_cd := NULL;
open c_ccl (p_part_nr,p_ctry_cd);
fetch c_ccl INTO v_data.nat_eccn_cd;
close c_ccl;
return (trim(v_data.nat_eccn_cd));
exception when others then return NULL;
I don't see any SQL injection issues with your code - there is no dynamic code where the user inputs could be evaluated and escape out of the expected code flow. Unless your code snippet is generated somewhere else, or one of the column names is really a function that calls dynamic SQL, your code looks safe.
You used the phrase "sanitize the inputs", which is terrible advice for database programming. As much as I love the comic strip XKCD, Randall got this one wrong.
Bind variables are the best solution to avoiding SQL injection. I'll take this opportunity to (poorly) change his comic:

add calcfield to TQuery

I found this code to create a calc field to a TADOTable in Delphi somewhere ...
procedure TfrmMain.ABSTable1CalcFields(DataSet: TDataSet);
with ABSTable1 do
FieldByName('cost').AsFloat := FieldByName('price').AsFloat *
// add new field cost as Price * quantity !!!!
Inside my app i create a TADOQuery at rum time like
How to add more calc fields to my Query derived from the first code Fragment ?
I think the only way you can easily do this is by creating a set of persistent TFields in the IDE (or do the equivalent creation of them in code before you open the dataset). Otherwise, when you call Open on the dataset, IIRC that will call BindFields and that - unless the dataset already has a set of TFields - will create a set of dynamic TFields which will last as long as the dataset is open, but will not include any calculated fields.
By the time BindFields has been called, it's too late to add any more, so you have to set them up beforehand or not at all.

Perl DBI - transfer data between two sql servers - fetchall_arrayref

I have 2 servers: dbh1 and dbh2 where I query dbh1 and pull data via fetchall_arrayref method. Once I execute the query, I want to insert the output from dbh1 into a temp table on server dbh2.
I am able to establish access to both servers at the same time and am able to pull data from both.
1. I pull data from dbh1:
while($row = shift(#$rowcache) || shift(#{$rowcache=$sth1->fetchall_arrayref(undef, $max_rows)})) {
#call to sub insert2tempData
&insert2tempData(values #{$row});
2. Then on dbh2 I have an insert query:
INSERT INTO ##population (someid, Type, anotherid)
VALUES ('123123', 'blah', '634234');
How can I insert the bulk result of the fetchall_arrayref from dbh1 into the temp table on server dbh2 (without looping through individual records)?
Ok - so i was able to resolve this issue and was able to implement the following code:
my $max_rows = 38;
my $rowcache = [];
my $sum = 0;
if($fldnames eq "ALL"){ $fldnames = join(',', #{ $sth1->{NAME} });}
my $ins = $dbh2->prepare("insert into $database2.dbo.$tblname2 ($fldnames) values $fldvalues");
my $fetch_tuple_sub = sub { shift(#$rowcache) || shift(#{$rowcache=$sth1->fetchall_arrayref(undef, $max_rows)}) };
my #tuple_status;
my $rc;
$rc = $ins->execute_for_fetch($fetch_tuple_sub, \#tuple_status);
my #errors = grep { ref $_ } #tuple_status;
The transfer works but it is still slower than if I were to transfer data manually through SQL Server export/import wizard . The issue that i notice is that the data flows row by row into the destination and I was wondering if it is possible to increase the bulk transfer size. It downloads the data extremely fast, but when i combine download and upload then the speeds decreases dramatically and it takes up to 10 minutes to transfer a 5000 row table between servers.
It would be better if you said what your goal was (speed?) rather than asking a specific question on avoiding looping.
For a Perl/DBI way:
Look at DBI's execute_array and execute_for_fetch however as you've not told us which DBD you are using it is impossible to say more. Not all DBDs support bulk insert and when they don't DBI emulates it. DBD::Oracle does and DBD::ODBC does (in recent versions see odbc_array_operations) but in the latter it is off by default.
You didn't mention which version of SQL Server you are using. First, I would look into the "BULK INSERT" support of that version.
You also didn't mention how many rows are involved. I'll assume that they fit into memory, otherwise a bulk insert won't work.
From there it's up to you to translate the output of fetchall_arrayref into the syntax needed for the "BULK INSERT" operation.

Oracle database: How to read a BLOB?

I'm working with an Oracle database, and I would like to read the contents of a BLOB. How do I do this?
When I do a simple select statement, it merely returns "(BLOB)" (without the quotes). How do I read the actual contents?
You can dump the value in hex using UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2()).
-- (BLOB)
FROM foo;
-- 1F8B080087CDC1520003F348CDC9C9D75128CF2FCA49D1E30200D7BBCDFC0E000000
This is handy because you this is the same format used for inserting into BLOB columns:
b BLOB);
INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('1f8b080087cdc1520003f348cdc9c9d75128cf2fca49d1e30200d7bbcdfc0e000000');
DESC foo;
-- Name Null Type
-- ---- ---- ----
However, at a certain point (2000 bytes?) the corresponding hex string exceeds Oracle’s maximum string length. If you need to handle that case, you’ll have to combine How do I get textual contents from BLOB in Oracle SQL with the documentation for DMBS_LOB.SUBSTR for a more complicated approach that will allow you to see substrings of the BLOB.
SQL Developer can show the blob as an image (at least it works for jpegs). In the Data view, double click on the BLOB field to get the "pencil" icon. Click on the pencil to get a dialog that will allow you to select a "View As Image" checkbox.
If the content is not too large, you can also use
SELECT CAST ( <blobfield> AS RAW( <maxFieldLength> ) ) FROM <table>;
SELECT DUMP ( CAST ( <blobfield> AS RAW( <maxFieldLength> ) ) ) FROM <table>;
This will show you the HEX values.
If you use the Oracle native data provider rather than the Microsoft driver then you can get at all field types
Dim cn As New Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection
Dim cm As New Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand
Dim dr As Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDataReader
The connection string does not require a Provider value so you would use something like:
"Data Source=myOracle;UserID=Me;Password=secret"
Open the connection:
cn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=myOracle;UserID=Me;Password=secret"
Attach the command and set the Sql statement
cm.Connection = cn
cm.CommandText = strCommand
Set the Fetch size. I use 4000 because it's as big as a varchar can be
cm.InitialLONGFetchSize = 4000
Start the reader and loop through the records/columns
dr = cm.ExecuteReader
Do while dr.read()
strMyLongString = dr(i)
You can be more specific with the read, eg dr.GetOracleString(i) dr.GetOracleClob(i) etc. if you first identify the data type in the column. If you're reading a LONG datatype then the simple dr(i) or dr.GetOracleString(i) works fine. The key is to ensure that the InitialLONGFetchSize is big enough for the datatype. Note also that the native driver does not support CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess for the data reader but you don't need it and also, the LONG field does not even have to be the last field in the select statement.
What client do you use? .Net, Java, Ruby, SQLPLUS, SQL DEVELOPER? Where did you write that simple select statement?
And why do you want to read the content of the blob, a blob contains binary data so that data is unreadable. You should use a clob instead of a blob if you want to store text instead of binary content.
I suggest that you download SQL DEVELOPER: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/overview/index.html . With SQL DEVELOPER you can see the content.
If you're interested to get the plaintext (body part) from a BLOB, you could use the CTX_DOC package.
For example, the CTX_DOC.FILTER procedure can "generate either a plain text or a HTML version of a document". Be aware that CTX_DOC.FILTER requires an index on the BLOB column. If you don't want that, you could use the CTX_DOC.POLICY_FILTER procedure instead, which doesn't require an index.

how to create Delphi 4 structure to map column names in XLS to column names in SQL

I have an EXCEL sheet.it has various form-fields that are named as
“smrBgm133GallonsGross/ smrBgm167GallonsGross “
“smrEgm133GallonsGross/ smrEgm167GallonsGross “
I added to the XCEL sheets 2 new form fields named
The above additons I made in EXCEL should ACTUALLy be named as
`smrBgm229GallonsGross/smrEgm229GallonsGross` because. This is a MUST for the Delphi application to function properly.
This Delphi-4 application extracts , and vewrifys the form DATA in tandem with the DB.
My Delphi-4 application works (checks/inserts/retrieves) so that current months beginning gallon of milk “bgm229” is equal to last months ending gallon of milk “egm229” , and then throw an exception if they are different.
Excel sheets:- Bgm167GrosGalnsDA/ Egm160GrosGalnsDA
Delphi Code (DB- input/ DB- output/validation):- bgm229/ egm229
SQL 2005 DB:- bgm167DA/ egm167DA
Actually the columns I ADDED should have been named asa "smrEgm133GallonsGross/ smrEgm167GallonsGross "...I messed up in naming them and they are on the production now....
In the Delphi procedure,for the beginning inventory, the code it is
ExtractFormBgmInfo(smrMilkAvMilk, 'smrBgm133');
ExtractFormBgmInfo(smrMilkDe, 'smrBgm167');
For ending inventory the code it is
ExtractFormEgmInfo(smrMilkAvMilk, 'smrEgm133');
ExtractFormEgmInfo(smrMilkDe, 'smrEgm167');
I am adding “smrBgm229GrosGalns/smrEgm229GrosGalns” to the list
But the issue is that they are named erroneously as “smrBgm167GrosGalnsDA/ smrEgm167GrosGalnsDA” IN THE EXCEL sheets, while they are to be named as 'smrBgm229/'smrEgm229''(as is the case in the Delphi code). Hence. I added ...to the above
ExtractFormBgmInfo(smrMilkAvMilk, 'smrBgm133');
ExtractFormBgmInfo(smrMilkDe, 'smrBgm167');
ExtractFormBgmInfo(smrMilkDyedDe, 'smrBgm229');
ExtractFormEgmInfo(smrMilkAvMilk, 'smrEgm133');
ExtractFormEgmInfo(smrMilkDe, 'smrEgm167');
ExtractFormEgmInfo(smrMilkDyedDe, 'smrEgm229');
This throws an error , as smrBgm229GallonsGross /smrEgm229GallonsGross are not defined in the EXCEL sheets .So the issue is how do I convert “smrBgm167GrosGalnsDA” from Excel sheets into “smrBgm229GallonsGross” and then make my “ExtractForm” statement correct?
Please help there is an release scheduled today and got to discuss this with my superirors
What you want to do is map one string to another. You can use a simple string list for that.
// Declare the variable somewhere, such as at unit scope or as a field
// of your form class
ColumnNameMap: TStrings;
// Somewhere else, such as unit initialization or a class constructor,
// initialize the data structure with the column-name mappings.
ColumnNameMap := TStringList.Create;
ColumnNameMap.Values['Bgm167 GrosGalns DA'] := 'bgm229/ egm229';
// In yet a third place in your code, use something like this to map
// the column name in your input to the real column name in your output.
i := ColumnNameMap.IndexOfName(ColumnName);
if i >= 0 then
RealColumnName := ColumnNameMap.Values[ColumnName]
RealColumnName := ColumnName;
Later versions of Delphi have the generic TDictionary class. Use TDictionary<string, string>. The TStrings solution I outlined above will have problems if any of the column names can have equals signs in them, but you can mitigate that by changing the NameValueSeparator property.
ColumnNameMap: TDictionary<string, string>;
ColumnNameMap := TDictionary<string, string>.Create;
ColumnNameMap.Add('Bgm167 GrosGalns DA', 'bgm229/ egm229');
if not ColumnNameMap.TryGetValue(ColumnName, RealColumnName) then
RealColumnName := ColumnName;