Pass hidden data through XUL autocomplete textbox? - xul

One of the controls needed in my xulrunner application is an autocompleting text box which allows the user to type a search term, then looks up completions in an array of objects (each having a generated UUID, canonical name, a list of search terms gleaned from related data, etc.) and allows the user to select just one. Currently I'm using a textbox element of type="autocomplete" and a Javascript custom search component, and it is successfully prefix searching all the search terms and providing completions below the text field, in the customary fashion.
The catch is that I'm not interested in the possibly non-unique label but the object from which the label came, and I can't see any way of passing the object or even any out-of-band UUID back into document land without modifying the XBL or rolling my own control from scratch. Essentially I'm seeking to do what could have been done in HTML with the option[value] attribute. I can't use the built-in type-to-search effect of a standalone menulist because I need to prefix search multiple fields of the object. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.

I ended up rolling my own as a listbox inside a panel next to a textbox. Even composed into an XBL binding, this was less effort than I'd spent working with the built-in autocomplete textbox and trying to force it to handle what it wasn't intended to handle.


why does selecting "refresh fields on keyword change" load a whole new document?

Notes 9.01
Why does a new document on the web change unique IDs every time you refresh it?!? this causes all kinds of issues. Obviously it is a different document, so maybe I should re-phrase that, but I think you know what I am saying.
I have a listbox field, with the setting to "refresh fields on keyword change" selected. This allows hide-whens to recalc, and other fields to recalc. I also have a computed text showing the current #DocumentUniqueID.
choices are: "Select one":"one":"two":"three"
When using this form on the web, in a new document, and I pick something in this field from the drop-down, it refreshes the form, and the choice I just picked is removed and "Select one" is what is showing again.
Once the document is saved, this stabilizes and you do not switch documents, and field values do not get cleared. I just want to understand the logic of this and find out how other people work around this.
Any feedback would be great. If I am doing something stupid, please tell me, I can take it.
I don't know what the "all kinds of issues" that you're dealing with are, but for as far back as I can remember, Notes documents have not had a stable #DocumentUniqueID value (or any at all, actually) prior to being saved for the first time. It's been my practice, and I think pretty widely accepted practice, not to write code that would have issues with that. If it's been necessary to depend on some unique value in the document prior to the first save, I've always used a computed-when-composed field with #Unique for its value.
My suggestion would be to not use "refresh fields on keyword change" for a form used on the web. The way I would handle it is to use some JavaScript to handle that.
Personally I would do this, in your situation:
Add jQuery to the form, you can easily put a CDN link in the page
Write a JavaScript function called (for example)brecalculateFields(). This function would calculate field valuesband perform hide/show of fields/sections of the form.
Set a class for all fields where you want to trigger a recalc of the fields when the value is changed. I would call the class recalcForm.
Bind the function recalculateFields() to the changed event of all fields with the class recalcForm.
You may want to bind the function to a few other events as well, depending on what type of fields you have on the form.
$(".recalcForm").on("change", function(e) {
$(".recalcForm").on("blur", function(e) {
I have blogged about this in the past, hopefully you can use some of the info there:

UiPath wont recognize textbox and other controls within userform

I have been working on UiPath for quite some time and I have a form where I need to input certain details.
UiPath won't recognize the controls within the form. This form is designed using power builder and the selector looks something as below
<wnd app='pcemain.exe' cls='FNWNS390' title='Open' />
<wnd cls='pbdw90' />
Since the items and their order in the list won't change; you should be able to use the Send Hotkey activity or Type into activity, or a combination of the two.
In some dropdowns, you can type the whole name of the item.
My tip for these kinds of situations, where the (mouse) controls are
challenging, is to try to do the action manually without using the
mouse (or use it as little as possible). When finding a solution, do
it in UiPath

What is the difference between fields and formfields?

in word pressing alt+F9 can display "FieldCodes"
How can I access this programmatically using vba and pair them with the formfields?
You can access the field code by ? Application.ActiveDocument.Fields(1).Code
And you can access the form fields by Application.ActiveDocument.FormFields(1)
But is there any guarantee's about the indices matching?
Can a formfield ever not be a Field? can a Field ever not be a formfield?
Will changing these away from FORMTEXT have any unintended side effects, or are these basically nice and friendly linking id's / display values allowing you to view them and swap between them with ease?
Edit: I've come up with the following to get the fields Code. I'm still unsure if it's a good idea to edit them or not, or what they represent.
Fields are general objects, they can be :
document's properties (built-in or custom),
mailing / mergemail,
form fields,
A form fields is an field for inputs.
Take a look at the links in the tag info of word-field, there is a lot of interesting things!
And you can access them by their own collections (press F2 in VBE to use Object Browser).
For Fields the general collection is in Application.ActiveDocument.Fields,
but you can find them in a lot of objects (check with Object Browser!).
Take a look at that answer to have an idea of the other objects in which you can find it! ;)
To my knowledge, there is no possibility nest something inside a FormField, like you can do in a Field.
I'm not sure to understand that question :
"Will changing these away from FORMTEXT have any unintended side effects,
or are these basically nice and friendly linking id's / display values
allowing you to view them and swap between them with ease?"
If you want to create a Form that users can fill, you'll need to stick with FormFields.
If you want to display values at specific places in a document, Fields is the way to go.
I'd even suggest Custom Document Properties for a general use, and MergeMail for Mailings. ;)

Cocoa Bindings with NSComboBox

I have Cocoa Bindings working with a NSComboBox that shows and autocompletes values based on a Managed Object Context. My issue is trying to get the current selection after the user either selects from the dropdown or the autocomplete text is used. I know that the Array Controller class has a selected objects property, but when I try to use it to pull out the selected object I get nothing. With a NSComboBox do I have to set the selection once the text/selection of the combo box occurs or is there something I'm missing setting up the Array Controller.
A combo box allows any arbitrary string to be entered, right? (You're not limited to the items you can autocomplete, unlike a popup menu.) So it doesn't have a concept of selected item, since the text in it might not correspond to any item in your database.
This question seems to address a similar issue, declaring it to be unsolvable using only bindings, and links to a blog post that has some hints on what code needs to be added. The gist of it is that, when the user finishes editing the combo box, you create your own fetch request in code and use the response from that to link up the model.

How can a custom web part read the list item fields in a display/edit form?

I need to create a custom web part and programmatically attach to the display and edit forms of a list. The web part is meant to display some information (coming from another list) about the list item being displayed on the form.
I know how to add the web part to the list programmatically, but I'm having an issue trying to get the web part to read the list item being displayed on from. I know the SPForm object exposes its parent list but I cannot or don't know how to convert the form to an SPForm object. The parent of the web part is the web part manager and the parent of that is the HTML form object. But when I try convert that to an SPForm object it throws an error.
Also, even if I manage to get hold of the SPForm and its parent list, how can I get hold of the list item being displayed?
Please bear in mind that I need to avoid overwriting the default forms as it will significantly increase the development time.
Any help or idea is appreciated.