ActiveAdmin: changing css file? - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm confused on where to put my new css file for ActiveAdmin to use. I have a folder called public/admin/active_admin.css and here, it says to put it in active_admin.rb but this doesn't exist in my application. Where does it go?

All you need to add is
# active_admin.rb
config.register_stylesheet 'active_admin_custom.css'
in the file config/application.rb (or an environment-specific config file) then the file /public/stylesheets/active_admin_custom.css
or you can create a new file:
config/initializers/active_admin.rb and put that line of code in there.


Spacemacs - is theere a way to use downloaded theme for spacemacs (.el file)

I'm new to spacemacs/emacs. I downloaded an theme file .el and put it in /private/themes dir. (themes dir I created) How can I see it when I hit M-x - load theme ? I read some articles about using add-to list load-path and require but dont know how to use it and where to place these instrcutions in the .spacemacs file.
I Do this in .emacs file:
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/")
'(custom-enabled-themes '(spolsky))) -> loaded at startup
I think also that we can put the theme file inside ~/.emacs.d/etc/themes so that they are view as safe by emacs. Simply use M-x load-theme after.

How to Create .cmake File

I was working on a project which requires me to add a user.cmake file in the root directory. Can anyone help me out hot to create the .cmake file...
Link to Project Directory
According to the link you provided user.cmake just needs to point where so-called eego sdk is located in your file system:
set(EEGO_SDK_ZIP /path/to/download/
There is nothing fancy actually here, just make a plain text file, put this one line (don't forget to replace the EEGO_SDK_ZIP variable content) and save it with the name user.cmake

I cannot install PhpWord Yii

I have tried to install PhpWord to yii. I have downloaded zip file and extracted it into extentions folder:
However, I cannot make it to run. I got following error:
include(PHPWord.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
How can i solve it?
After extracting the file in extension folder, you have to import that file in controller.
First of all, you didn't say if it's Yii 1 or 2. They have different autoloading methods.
Second, you have extracted it into extension folder, and I assume your file where you want to include it is in a completely different folder.
You should do it like this
You need either absolute or a relative path to the file (I suggest using abosulte path (the one I used as an example).
Relative path means the path to the file you want to include compared to where your file, in which you are including it, is.

config.assets.precompile - include a folder of files? or kill the precompile 'feature' entirely?

I have read and tried the Assets Pipeline guide here:
... which shows how to include specific files in a manually created and updated list, --OR-- the Proc which includes a directory (or directories) but then excludes all the other files which Rails ordinarily includes.
I want to += my folder of files to the normally included files.
I have tried the answers:
Rails config.assets.precompile setting to process all CSS and JS files in app/assets
What is the purpose of config.assets.precompile?
rails config.assets.precompile for specific sub folder
... the last of which appears to show a solution:
config.assets.precompile += ["*external/calendars*"]
which I changed to:
config.assets.precompile += %w["*javascript*"]
config.assets.precompile += ["javascript"]
(and about 20 other variations.)
... to get my assets/javascript folder. But the directory is not included, as evidenced by the error "...isn't precompiled."
The third method, is to give it
config.assets.precompile += %w( *.js )
... which works, but leads to a very, very long compile, I would assume finding every JS file it can discover, anywhere.
Needless to say, adding files to a manually updated list is not suitable for an in-progress application - and losing whatever unknown things Rails precompiles with an exclusionary Proc won't cut it either (yet those are the only two examples in the docs).
Is there not a simple wildcard solution to "+-=" a folder - or perhaps to just turn this 'feature' off, specify my JS per view, and still have it work on Heroku?
----EDIT - It gets more irrational the deeper I look.
Essentially, the solution is, "Load all the things Rails finds A-OK in Development Mode." And yet such an option does not exist?
The production.rb file, referring to the precompile line, says:
# Precompile additional assets (application.js, application.css, and all non-JS/CSS are already added)
... and application.js has:
//= require_tree .
... so that should load all the files under that directory - but it doesn't. Why? The deeper I dig, the less sense this makes.
A good practice when dealing with multiple CSS/JS files to add to the asset pipeline is to simply create a new manifest for those files:
Let's say you have some JS files under lib/assets/javascripts/external/calendars and you want to load them through the asset pipeline.
You want to create an index.js manifest file with the following content:
// This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.js, which will include all the files
// listed below.
// Any JavaScript/Coffee file within this directory, lib/assets/javascripts, vendor/assets/javascripts,
// or vendor/assets/javascripts of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path.
// It's not advisable to add code directly here, but if you do, it'll appear at the bottom of the
// the compiled file.
//= require_tree .
This way all JS files you add into the external/calendars directory will be included by default thanks to the require_tree . directive.
Now, in your app/assets/javascripts/application.js file add the following line:
//= require calendars
This should find your "calendars' manifest index file" and load all dependent JS files. No need to add anything into the asset pipeline, it will just work.

Trying to create .htaccess file using ftp doesn't work

I want to create a .htaccess file in a specific directory. I'm using Notepad++ and their plug-in for FTP (NppFTP). I'm able to create any other files and see them in the folder but when I try to create a .htaccess I don't see that file in the directory. I get no errors, it is like nothing happened.
I tried to create this file using an FTP program and it showed the file and right away it disappeared. My guess it is because this is a special file used by the system and prefixed by a (.)
What is a way to edit that file?
This is probably because your ".htaccess" file is a hidden file and your system is set up to no display hidden files.
Have a look in your Notepad++ settings if there's an option to make hidden files visible/unhide.
In addition to that check the windows folder options for that option!
switch on showing hidden files in your ftp client