Rows to Dynamic columns in Access - sql

I need a setup in Access where some rows in a table are converted to columns...for example, lets say I have this table:
Team Employee DaysWorked
Sales John 23
Sales Mark 3
Sales James 5
And then through the use of a query/form/something else, I would like the following display:
Team John Mark James
Sales 23 3 5
This conversion of rows to columns would have to be dynamic as a team could have any number of Employees and the Employees could change etc. Could anyone please guide me on the best way to achieve this?

You want to create a CrossTab query. Here's the SQL that you can use.
TRANSFORM SUM(YourTable.DaysWorked) AS DaysWorked
SELECT YourTable.Team
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY YourTable.Team
PIVOT YourTable.Employee
Of course the output is slightly different in that the columns are in alphabetical order.
Team James John Mark
Sales 5 23 3
For more detail see Make summary data easier to read by using a crosstab query at


Merge SQL Rows in Subquery

I am trying to work with two tables on BigQuery. From table1 I want to find the accession ID of all records that are "World", and then from each of those accession numbers I want to create a column with every name in a separate row. Unfortunately, when I run this:
Select name
From `table2`
Where acc IN (Select acc
From `table1`
WHERE source = 'World')
Instead of getting something like this:
I get something more like this:
Ultimately, I am hoping to download the data and somehow use python or something to take each name and count the number of times it shows up with each other name at a given accession number, and furthermore measure the degree to which each pairing is also found with third names in any given column, i.e. the degree to which they share a cohort. So I need to preserve the groupings which exist with each accession number, but I am struggling to find info on how one might do this.
Could anybody point me in the right direct for this, or otherwise is the way I am going about this wise if that is my end goal?
This is not a direct answer to the question you asked. In general, it is easier to handle multiple rows rather than multiple columns.
So, I would recommend that you put each acc value in a separate row and then list the names as an array:
select t2.acc, array_agg( order by as names
from `table2` t2
where t2.acc in (Select t1.acc
From `table1` t1
where t1.source = 'World'
group by t2.acc;
Otherwise, you are going to have a challenge just naming the columns in your result set.

Using Count and Group By in Power BI

I have a table that contains data about different benefit plans and users enrolled in one or more of those plans. So basically the table contains two columns representing the benefit plan counts and total users enrolled in those plans.
I need to create visualization in Power BI to represent the number of total users enrolled in 1 plan, 2 plans, 3 plans, ...etc.
I wrote the query in sql to get the desired result but not sure how do I do the same in power BI.
Below is my sql query:
SELECT S.PlanCount, COUNT(S.UserName) AS Participants
SELECT A.Username, COUNT(*) AS PlanCount
FROM [dbo].[vw_BenefitsCount_Plan_Participants] AS A
GROUP BY A.username
GROUP BY S.PlanCount
ORDER BY S.PlanCount
The query result is below image:
So here, PlanCount column represents the total different benefit plans that users are enrolled in. For e.g. the first row means that total of 6008 members are enrolled in only 1 plan, whereas row 2 displays that there are total of 3030 members who are enrolled in total of 2 plans and similarly row 5 means there are only 10 users who are enrolled in total of 6 plans.
I am new to Power BI and trying to understand DAX functions but couldn't find a reasonable example that could help me create my visualization.
I found a something similar here and here but they seem to be more towards single count and group by usage.
Here is a simple example. I have a table of home owners who have homes in multiple cities.
Now in this table, Alex, Dave and Julie have home in 1 city (basically we can say that these 3 people own just 1 home each). Similarly Jim owns a total of 2 homes and Bob and Pam each have 3 homes in total.
Now the output that I need is a table with total number of home owners that own 1 home, 2 homes and so on. So the resulting table in SQL is this.
Where NameCount is basically count of total home owners and Homes is the count of total homes these home owners have.
Please let me know if this helps.
If I understood fine, you have a table like this:
BenefitPlan | User
1 | Max
1 | Joe
2 | Max
3 | Anna
If it's ok, you can simply use a plot bar (for example) where the Axis is BenefitPlan and Value is User. When you drag some column in Value field, it will be grouped automaticaly (like group by in SQL), and by default the groupping method is count.
Hope it helps.
You can use DAX to create a summary table from your data table:
Once you have counted plans by customer you will then have a field that will enable you to visualize the # of customers with each count.
Mock-up of the code:
PlanSummary = SUMMARIZE('vw_BenefitsCount_Plan_Participants',[Username],COUNT([PLAN_ID])

oracle - sql query select max from each base

I'm trying to solve this query where i need to find the the top balance at each base. Balance is in one table and bases are in another table.
This is the existing query i have that returns all the results but i need to find a way to limit it to 1 top result per baseID.
SELECT t.accounts.bidd.baseID, MAX(t.accounts.balance)
FROM order o, table(c.accounts) t
WHERE t.accounts.acctype = 'verified'
GROUP BY, t.accounts.bidd.baseID;
accounts is a nested table.
this is the output
Name accounts.BIDD.baseID MAX(T.accounts.BALANCE)
--------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
Jerard 010 1251.21
john 012 3122.2
susan 012 3022.2
fin 012 3022.2
dan 010 1751.21
What i want the result to display is calculate the highest balance for each baseID and only display one record for that baseID.
So the output would look only display john for baseID 012 because he has the highest.
Any pointers in the right direction would be fantastic.
I think the problem is cause of the "Name" column. since you have three names mapped to one base id(12), it is considering all three records as unique ones and grouping them individually and not together.
Try to ignore the "Name" column in select query and in the "Group-by" clause.
SELECT t.accounts.bidd.baseID, MAX(t.accounts.balance)
FROM order o, table(c.accounts) t
WHERE t.accounts.acctype = 'verified'
GROUP BY t.accounts.bidd.baseID;

Table structure of a student

I want a table structure which can store the details of the student like the below format.
If the student is in
10 th standard -> I need his aggregate % from 1st standard to 9th standard.
5 th standard -> I need his aggregate % from 1st standard to 4th standard.
1 st standard -> No aggregate % has to be displayed.
And the most important thing is ' we need to use only one table'. Please form a table structure with no redundant values.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated......
No friends this is not a home work. This is asked in Oracle interview, conducted in Hyderabad day before yesterday '24th July, 2010',. He asked me the table structure.
He even did not asked me the query. He asked me how I will design the table. Please advice me.
id | name | grade | aggregate
This would do the trick, id is your primary key, name is students first last name, grade is what grade he is in and aggregate is aggregate % based on the grade.
Fro example some rows might be:
10 | Bill Cosby | 10 | 90
11 | Jerry Seinfeld | 4 | 60
Bill Cosby would have aggregate percent of 90 in grades 1-9, and jerry would have 60 in grades 1-3. In this case it is one table and boils down to you managing the rule of aggregation for this table, since it has to be one table.
If this is an interview question, it looks like they would like to check your knowledge on Nested Tables. Essentially you would have one column as roll number, and other column which is a nested table as Class and Percentage.

Sort Excel Grouped Rows

I have a spreadsheet that has information in groups. The header row contain company names and information and then the grouped rows beneath them contain names of people in the company.
Company Name | Number of Employees | Revenue |
Employee Name | Email | Phone
Is there anyway to sort by the number of employees and/or revenue and keep the grouped employee information below the company with the information?
Normally when I try it, it will sort the company information but keep the employee information in the order that it is entered.
If I understand your question correctly, I have a way you can accomplish what you want (don't know if there is a more efficient method).
Write code which will, for each company header row, copy the number of employess and revenue data into two of the chosen unused columns. The data needs to be copied into the columns for both the header company row and detail employee rows.
In the third column assign a sequence number. This is to keep data together and in order when sorting by employee/revenue.
Now you can sort by either the newly created number of employees and/or revenue columns (along with the sequence column to maintain ordering within company).
After the sort you can delete the extra copied data rows.
So if your data looked like this to start with...
Penetrode 200 750000
Micheal Bolton 555-555-3333
Samir N
Initech 500 500000
Bill Lumbergh 555-555-1212
Peter Gibbons 555-555-2222
Your code would then copy the employee count and revenue data and sequencify the rows using three unused columns.
Penetrode 200 750000 200 750000 1
Micheal Bolton 555-555-3333 200 750000 2
Samir N 555-555-3334 200 750000 3
Initech 500 500000 500 500000 4
Bill Lumbergh 555-555-1212 500 500000 5
Peter Gibbons 555-555-2222 500 500000 6
Then you can code a sort on any of the column combos: (D,F), (E,F), (D,E,F), or (E,D,F)
Better late than never, I suppose, but I feel my LAselect plugin would have solved your problem. I created this plugin because I do much non-standard 'stuff' with my data and needed a tool to handle it. LAselect can produce your 'group' output too and you would not need hidden columns or anything. I mean, you would not need to change the screens you are used to to sort them in whatever way you wanted.