setting a WCF service on a http when its already configured for https - wcf

We have a service on our 3rd party site which is configured to be invoked on a https (server to firewall and routing everything is configured for https)! Since We are unable to communicate with it due to certificate issue with DataPower on our side, we thought why not test the connectivity on http!
So now they trying to make the WCF Service as http on the same IP and port, they could see the Service not responding to inbound calls and ignoring the http request coming on a https configured IP + port!
I am not sure what can be done to say the .net WCF Service, hey ignore its on http and just get it rolling! They did disable https binding and just try with a http binding!
Any ideas would be great! Thanks!
(P.S. I dont have access to their code or config!)

Is is IIS hosted or self hosted?
If it is hosted in IIS, then IIS needs to have the SSL certificate removed and the configuration set to HTTP instead of HTTPS.
In WCF, you would have to disable Transport security, which is usually in the configuration on the binding, like:
<security mode="Transport">
To disable HTTPS you would need to set mode="None" (or something other than Transport).

This worked for me... Adding this to webconfig or appconfig of the project
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<directoryBrowse enabled="true" />


Is there any way to use Client Certificates with ASP.NET 5?

We are developing an ASP.NET 5 project and one of the requirements is that user authentication is done through client certificates via browser, but I can't make this work.
Using web.config and IIS the certificate is requested properly with this configuration:
<access sslFlags="Ssl, SslNegotiateCert" />
<iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication enabled="true" />
But the client certificate does not arrive to the web application, as I understand it should be in context.Connection.ClientCertificate property, where context is the current HttpContext.
I suspect that httpPlatformHandler that tunnels IIS to Kestrel is ignoring https and this may be implemented in the future.
I have made some tests with an OWIN site (not DNX) and a custom AuthenticationHandler that gets the X509 client certificate and works properly under IIS.
It looks like there has been some work done on this and a pull request and merge was done implementing this. So... hopefully we'll see it in a updated release of Kestrel.
See here:
As I can read in the Change to IIS hosting model announcement:
The HttpPlatformHandler currently does not forward client certs (this will be a future enhancement)
So, it seems that is not possible right now and httpPlaformHandler must be fixed.

Unable to use NettcpBinding from another computer in my local network

I built a WCF Service in one of my machines of my local network, it has both http and net.tcp (htpp,net.tcp) as enabled protocols in IIS manager.
From another machine a build a client app, and define the endpoints automatically using the Add Service Reference... dialog, I type the service address and when it appears I set the name and click OK. The App.config is updated with two endpoints, one for http (BasicHttpBinding) and the other for net.tcp (NetTcpBinding) as expected.
When running the client app, if I use the BasicHttpBinding:
"using (var proxy = new ProductsServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IProductsService"))"
it runs OK, and shows the expected data.
But when I use the NetTcpBinding:
"using (var proxy = new ProductsServiceClient("NetTcpBinding_IProductsService"))"
It throws a SecurityNegotiationException saying that:
"A remote side security requirement was not fulfilled during authentication. Try increasing the ProtectionLevel and/or ImpersonationLevel."
If I do it all in the same machine, I donĀ“t get any exception.
What should I do?
By default, the BasicHttpBinding supports no security. So when calling the service from another computer, it will work also.
But by default, NetTcpBinding requires a secure channel. And the default security mode is Transport, so when calling the service from another computer, it will throw a security exception.
The most easy way to solve it is to set the security mode to None as following:
<binding name="netTcpBindingConfiguration" >
<security mode="None" />
Then we use it in the endpoint
<endpoint address="net.tcp://nelson-laptop:8080/Whatever"
name="NetTcpBinding_IProductsService" />
In Your question you are using the default net.tcp port 808 but have opened port 80 in the firewall. If it is not a typo in the question it could be why it fails.

WCF SOAP over HTTPS, WCF Test Client calls the http address and the server responds with 404

TL;DR version is at the bottom.
I have constructed three WCF web services -- one that's using .NET 4 and two that's using .NET 3.5 -- that is consumed by an Android client. The Android client performs the calls using ksoap2-android. When the services were complete and the client could make all the calls and get all the data from the services, we decided to activate HTTPS communication for the web services. They are hosted on a server running IIS.
I'm not alone on this task. I work full-time with it, mainly the Android client. I have two coworkers, both of which have a lot of other responsibilities. The first is mostly involved in the services and the second is mostly involved in the server.
I've read a lot of guides, blogs and articles on the Internet on how to enable HTTPS for a WCF web service, but still I haven't been able to completely resolve this. For the Android client to be able to consume the client, we are limited to using the basicHttpBinding, since the wsHttpBinding contains some security details that are not supported by Android, or something. I'm not sure, but I read it some forum somewhere. If I'm wrong, I'd happily be corrected!
Okay, so I'll give a short account of what I've done so far:
I've enabled transport security, this is how the binding(s) looks:
<binding name="basicHttp" closeTimeout="00:10:00" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:10:00">
<security mode="Transport">
<transport clientCredentialType="None" />
I've enabled meta data publishing over HTTPS using this line of code:
<serviceMetadata httpsGetEnabled="true" />
and this:
<endpoint address="" binding="mexHttpsBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
Also, my second coworker has installed a trusted certificate (a real certificate from a CA) on the IIS server and added a https binding on the server.
Okay, so far, so good. Now we could connect to the services in the browser.
When we had done this it was possible to visit the service in the browser in a secure, encrypted, manner.
The problem is that it isn't possible to make a call to the service, neither in Android nor WCF Test Client. If I call the service on the https address, I get a 404 in response. WCF Test Client returns this:
There was no endpoint listening at https://[my service address] that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action.
To be able to debug this, I'm using Wireshark to intercept the messages and see what really happens. I've found out that after the set up procedures (handshake, establishing trust etc.) the client sends the header and get a 101 Continue in response, after which it POSTs the body. This should be normal behavior. But then the service returns 404 Not Found. Wireshark says that the full request URI is the http address. I've configured the server to use the https address, so why does it make a call to the http address?
I've tried setting the address and listenUri attribute of the endpoint to https and http respectively and the other way around. If I do that, the server answers the request with 405 Method Not Allowed.
Is there any way to solve this? What am I missing?
What am I missing?
TL;DR version below
I'm hosting three WCF SOAP web services with IIS, one using .NET 4 and the others using .NET 3.5. I'm trying to make a call from the WCF Test Client over HTTPS. I've enabled transport security, meta data publishing over HTTPS, installed a trusted certificate and added a https binding on the server.
When I try to make a call from WCF Test Client it says that there was no endpoint listening at the address. Wireshark tells me it makes the call to the http version of the service (i.e. "http://[my address]" instead of "https://[my address]"), although it is configured to call the https address. The service returns 404 Not Found. If I set the address of the service to https and listenUri to http, I get 405 Method Not Allowed. If I do it the other way around it says that it cannot be activated. What am I missing?
I solved this by removing the endpoint and using the <protocolMapping> tag, like this:
<add scheme="https" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="basicHttps" />

WsHttpBinding with security mode TransportWithMessageCredential in IIS 7 not working

We are currently migrating a WCF service from IIS 6 to IIS 7. The service contains some non-SSL endpoints for internal streaming purposes and some exposed endpoints secured with SSL.
The public, secure endpoints are implemented using wsHttpBinding and security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential". The binding reads as follows:
<binding name="CustomSecurityBinding">
<security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">
<message clientCredentialType="UserName" />
The credentials are authenticated against a custom user repository for validation.
After deploying the service to IIS 7 (64bit Win2k8), all services (basicHttpBindings) respond correctly, expect for the wsHttpBindings. If triggered using https, we always get a HTTP 400 status code (Bad Request).
After enabling tracing in IIS, we could kinda narrow down the problem, although the message from the trace did not really help:
ModuleName="ManagedPipelineHandler", Notification="EXECUTE_REQUEST_HANDLER",
HttpStatus="400", HttpReason="Bad Request", HttpSubStatus="0", ErrorCode="Der
Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. (0x0)", ConfigExceptionInfo=""
Steps done so far:
re-installed WCF extensions in IIS 7 (ServiceModelReg.exe -r -y)
enabled https protocol for host, added self-signed certificate to host
played around with dns/identity setting in wcf configuration
added a base address to wcf service config
After 2 hours of googling and trying to make this work, i ask you as a last resort of hope: Does anybody know this strange behaviour of IIS 7?
Have you verified that the SSL binding is configured in applicationHost.config (%windir%\system32\inetsrv\config\schema\IIS_Schema.xml) and that the HTTP.sys store contains a valid certificate has and store name for the binding? Secondly, the true error could be masked by the 400 error, have you tried altering your wsHttpBinding in configuration to increase the maxBufferPoolSize and maxReceivedMessageSize to some extremely high values and see if this continues?

WCF Http Bindings, Require SSL

I have the following binding I'm using with my wsHttpBinding webservice.
<binding name="wsHttpConfig">
<transport clientCredentialType="None"/>
The issue is that it allows for the client to connect using either Http or Https. I would like to require them to use SSL. I tried adding the following:
<authenticationService enabled="true"
requireSSL = "true"/>
But it had no effect; client could still connect with Http. I then tried checking the "Require SSL" in the IIS7 SSL Settings and had client certificates radio set to Accept. Now, when I try to view the service I am getting the error "Could not find a base address that matches scheme http for the endpoint with binding WSHttpBinding. Registered base address schemes are [https]."
Anyone know exactly how to fix this error? I have been googling for the last 3 hours trying 500 different combinations (not 500, but too many to list) and could not get anything to run.
For anyone stumbling across this one from Google, Bing (Bingle, Yangle?) then take a look at a blog post a put together to help others trying to run a secure AuthenticationService in a test environment.
And good luck!
Have you read this msdn post?
You must either change
or else add an http base address in addition to the https base address. (Right now the metadata endpoint is trying to get hosted on http, rather than https, and there's no base address for that.)
Have you correctly configured your endpoint?
Have you tried dynamically configuring the base address?