List category/subcategory tree and display its sub-categories in the same row - sql

I have a hierarchical table of Regions and sub-regions, and I need to list a tree of regions and sub-regions (which is easy), but also, I need a column that displays, for each region, all the ids of it's sub regions.
For example:
id name superiorId
2 Tijuca 1
3 Leblon 1
4 Gavea 2
5 Humaita 2
6 Barra 4
I need the result to be something like:
id name superiorId sub-regions
1 RJ NULL 2,3,4,5,6
2 Tijuca 1 4,5,6
3 Leblon 1 null
4 Gavea 2 4
5 Humaita 2 null
6 Barra 4 null
I have done that by creating a function that retrieves a STUFF() of a region row,
but when I'm selecting all regions from a country, for example, the query becomes really, really slow, since I execute the function to get the region sons for each region.
Does anybody know how to get that in an optimized way?
The function that "retrieves all the ids as a row" is:
I meant that the function returns all the sub-region's ids as a string, separated by a comma.
The function is:
CREATE FUNCTION getSubRegions (#RegionId int)
select stuff((SELECT CAST( wine_reg.wine_reg_id as varchar)+','
from (select wine_reg_id
, wine_reg_name
, wine_region_superior
from wine_region as t1
where wine_region_superior = #RegionId
or exists
( select *
from wine_region as t2
where wine_reg_id = t1.wine_region_superior
and (
wine_region_superior = #RegionId
) ) wine_reg
ORDER BY wine_reg.wine_reg_name ASC for XML path('')),1,0,'')as Sons)

When we used to make these concatenated lists in the database we took a similar approach to what you are doing at first
then when we looked for speed
we made them into CLR functions
and now our database is only responsible for storing and retrieving data
this sort of thing will be in our data layer in the application


How to extract characters from a string stored as json data and place them in dynamic number of columns in SQL Server

I have a column of string in SQL Server that stores JSON data with all the braces and colons included.
My problem is to extract all the key and value pairs and store them in separate columns with the key as the column header. What makes this challenging is that every record has different number of key/value pairs.
For example in the image below showing 3 records, the first record has 5 key/value pairs- EndUseCommunityMarket of 2, EndUseProvincial Market of 0, and so on. The second record has 1 key/value pair, and the third record has two key/value pairs.
If I have to show how I want this in excel it would be like:
I have seen some SQL code examples that does something similar but for a fixed number of columns, unlike this one it varies for every record.
Please I need a SQL statement that can achieve this as I am working on thousands of records.
Below is this data copied from sql server:
{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"mix reef fis","EndUseEaten":31}}
{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"10 fish with a total of 18kg","EndUseCommunityMarket":0,"EndUseProvincialMarket":0,"EndUseUrbanMarket":8,"EndUseEaten":1,"EndUseGivenAway":1}}
{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"mix reef fis","EndUseEaten":18}}
I expect you don't want to dynamically create a table, instead you probably want to create a property mapping table. Here is a quick overview of the design.
Object table -- this stores the base information about your object
ID -- unique id field for every object.
Property types table -- this stores all the property types
Property_Type_ID -- unique type id
Description -- describes property
Object2Property -- stores the values for each property
ObjectID -- the object
Property_Type_ID -- the property type
Value -- the value.
Using a model like this lets your properties be as dynamic as you wish but you don't have to create columns dynamically -- something that is hard and error prone.
using your specific example the tables would look like this
Property Types
1 EndUseCommunityMarket
2 EndUseProvincialMarket
3 EndUseUrbanMarket
4 EndUseEaten
5 EndUseGivenAway
6 Comment
ObjID TypeID Value
1 1 2
1 2 0
1 3 0
1 4 0
1 5 0
2 2 50
3 3 8
3 5 1
Dynamic columns are a lot like rows.
You could use OPENJSON (Transact-SQL)
DECLARE #json2 NVARCHAR(4000) = N'{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"10 fish with a total of 18kg","EndUseCommunityMarket":0,"EndUseProvincialMarket":0,"EndUseUrbanMarket":8,"EndUseEaten":1,"EndUseGivenAway":1}}';
SELECT [key], value
FROM OPENJSON(#json2,'lax $.NfdsFadMonitoring')
key value
SpeciesComment 10 fish with a total of 18kg
EndUseCommunityMarket 0
EndUseProvincialMarket 0
EndUseUrbanMarket 8
EndUseEaten 1
EndUseGivenAway 1
Your inputs
CREATE TABLE ForEloga (Id int,Json nvarchar(max));
Insert into ForEloga Values
(4,'{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"mix reef fis","EndUseEaten":31}}'),
(5,'{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"10 fish with a total of 18kg","EndUseCommunityMarket":0,"EndUseProvincialMarket":0,"EndUseUrbanMarket":8,"EndUseEaten":1,"EndUseGivenAway":1}}'),
(6,'{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"mix reef fis","EndUseEaten":18}}');
SELECT Id, [key], value
FROM ForEloga CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(Json,'lax $.NfdsFadMonitoring')
Id key value
1 EndUseEaten 1
2 EndUseCommunityMarket 3
3 SpeciesComment
3 EndUseCommunityMarket 2
4 SpeciesComment mix reef fis
4 EndUseEaten 31
5 SpeciesComment 10 fish with a total of 18kg
5 EndUseCommunityMarket 0
5 EndUseProvincialMarket 0
5 EndUseUrbanMarket 8
5 EndUseEaten 1
5 EndUseGivenAway 1
6 SpeciesComment mix reef fis
6 EndUseEaten 18
If you know all possible properties then I recommend CROSS APPLY with WITHas shown in Example 3 - Join rows with JSON data stored in table cells using CROSS APPLY in OPENJSON (Transact-SQL).
SELECT store.title, location.street,, location.long
FROM store
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(store.jsonCol, 'lax $.location')
street varchar(500),
postcode varchar(500) '$.postcode',
lon int '$.geo.longitude',
lat int '$.geo.latitude'
) AS location
Try this:
Table Schema:
CREATE TABLE #JsonValue(sp_name VARCHAR(100),catch_ext VARCHAR(1000))
INSERT INTO #JsonValue VALUES ('WAHOO','{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"EndUseEaten":1}}')
INSERT INTO #JsonValue VALUES ('RUBY SNAPPER','{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"EndUseCommunityMarket":3}}')
INSERT INTO #JsonValue VALUES ('KAWAKAWA','{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"","EndUseCommunityMarket":2}}')
INSERT INTO #JsonValue VALUES ('XXXXXXXX','{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"mix reef fis","EndUseEaten":31}}')
INSERT INTO #JsonValue VALUES ('YYYYYYYY','{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"10 fish with a total of 18kg","EndUseCommunityMarket":0,"EndUseProvincialMarket":0,"EndUseUrbanMarket":8,"EndUseEaten":1,"EndUseGivenAway":1}}')
INSERT INTO #JsonValue VALUES ('ZZZZZZZZZZ','{"NfdsFadMonitoring":{"SpeciesComment":"mix reef fis","EndUseEaten":18}}')
SELECT sp_name
,ISNULL(MAX(CASE WHEN [Key]='EndUseCommunityMarket' THEN Value END),'')EndUseCommunityMarket
,ISNULL(MAX(CASE WHEN [Key]='EndUseProvincialMarket' THEN Value END),'')EndUseProvincialMarket
,ISNULL(MAX(CASE WHEN [Key]='EndUseUrbanMarket' THEN Value END),'')EndUseUrbanMarket
,ISNULL(MAX(CASE WHEN [Key]='EndUseEaten' THEN Value END),'')EndUseEaten
,ISNULL(MAX(CASE WHEN [Key]='EndUseGivenAway' THEN Value END),'')EndUseGivenAway
SELECT sp_name, [key], value
FROM #JsonValue CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(catch_ext,'$.NfdsFadMonitoring')
GROUP BY sp_name
sp_name EndUseCommunityMarket EndUseProvincialMarket EndUseUrbanMarket EndUseEaten EndUseGivenAway
------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ----------------- ----------- ---------------
YYYYYYYY 0 0 8 1 1
Hope this will help you.

SQL Rows to Columns if column values are unknown

I have a table that has demographic information about a set of users which looks like this:
User_id Category IsMember
1 College 1
1 Married 0
1 Employed 1
1 Has_Kids 1
2 College 0
2 Married 1
2 Employed 1
3 College 0
3 Employed 0
The result set I want is a table that looks like this:
1 1 0 1 1
2 0 1 1 0
3 0 0 0 0
In other words, the table indicates the presence or absence of a category for each user. Sometimes the user will have a category where the value if false, sometimes the user will have no row for a category, in which case IsMember is assumed to be false.
Also, from time to time additional categories will be added to the data set, and I'm wondering if its possible to do this query without knowing up front all the possible category names, in other words, I won't be able to specify all the column names I want to count in the result. (Note only user 1 has category "has_kids" and user 3 is missing a row for category "married"
(using Postgres)
You can use jsonb funcions.
with titles as (
select jsonb_object_agg(Category, Category) as titles,
jsonb_object_agg(Category, -1) as defaults
from demog
the_rows as (
select null::bigint as id, titles as data
from titles
select User_id, defaults || jsonb_object_agg(Category, IsMember)
from demog, titles
group by User_id, defaults
select id, string_agg(value, '|' order by key)
from (
select id, key, value
from the_rows, jsonb_each_text(data)
) x
group by id
order by id nulls first
You can see a running example in
You can replace -1 with 0 for the default value and '|' with ',' for the separator.
You can install tablefunc module and use the crosstab function.
I found a Postgres function script called colpivot here which does the trick. Ran the script to create the function, then created the table in one statement:
select colpivot ('_pivoted', 'select * from user_categories', array['user_id'],
array ['category'], '#.is_member', null);

Subtitute Parts/Rows Postgresql

I want to create relationship in Postgresql that allows me to have ‘substitute’ parts. For example, parts with id 1, 2 and 4 are substitutes.
One way to do this would be to setup a sub_id field and fill that with the substitute part’s id. But as you can see from the dataset below, a simple query:
FROM part
WHERE sub_id = 1
would not return all the substitute parts for part AA (part A2 would be missed). How can I ensure all the substitute parts are catered for?
I know that if the sub_id was 1 for part A2, all would be good. However, it’s possible that in real world usage the users end up making a mistake and that would return the wrong result.
id part sub_id
1 AA 1
2 A 1
4 A2 2
You can try a different approach.
I don't know what your needs are but this is a general idea:
Set up a table that define a part "group":
partgid, part type, partg name
1 A Engine for A319
2 B Wheel for A319
Create Table partgroup
partgid int,
parttype text,
partgname text
then define parts in the group:
partid partgid partname manufacturerid
12 1 Engine X319 800
13 1 Engine XL319 800
14 1 Engine XFR319 784
15 2 Wheel F1111 341
Create Table parts
partid int,
partgid int,
partname text,
manufacturerid int
then you can access all parts in a specific group in a simple query:
By ID:
select *
from parts
where partgid='ID'
By name:
select *
from parts
left join partgroup on (partgroup.partgid=parts.partgid)
where partgroup.parttype= 'TYPE NAME'

How to fetch categories and sub-categories in a single query in sql? (mysql)

I would like to know if it's possible to extract the categories and sub-categories in a single DB fetch.
My DB table is something similar to that shown below
cat_id parent_id
1 0
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 3
6 1
i.e. when the input is 3, then all the rows with parent_id as 3 AND the row 3 itself AND all the parents of row 3 should be fetched.
cat_id parent_id
3 2 -> The row 3 itself
4 3 -> Row with parent as 3
5 3 -> Row with parent as 3
2 1 -> 2 is the parent of row 3
1 0 -> 1 is the parent of row 2
Can this be done using stored procedures and loops? If so, will it be a single DB fetch or multiple? Or are there any other better methods?
If you asking about "Is there in mysql recursive queries?" answer "NO".
But there is very good approach to handle it.
Create helper table (saying CatHierarchy)
SuperId, ChildId, Distance
1 1 0
1 2 1
2 2 0
This redundant data allows easily in 1 query to select any hierarchy, and in 2 insert support any hierarchy (deletion also performed in 1 query with help of delete cascade integrity).
So what does this mean. You track all path in hierarchy. Each node of Cat must add reference to itself (distance 0), then support duplication by adding redundant data about nodes are linked.
To select category with sub just write:
SELECT c.* from Category c inner join CatHierarchy ch ON ch.ChildId=c.cat_id
WHERE ch.SuperId = :someSpecifiedRootOfCat
someSpecifiedRootOfCat - is parameter to specify root of category
Theres a really good article about this on Sitepoint - look especially at Modified Preorder Tree Traversal
It's tricky. I assume you want to display categories, kind of like a folder view? Three fields: MainID, ParentID, Name... Apply to your table, and it should work like a charm. I think it's called a recursive query?
WITH CATEGORYVIEW (catid, parentid, categoryname) AS
SELECT catid, ParentID, cast(categoryname as varchar(255))
WHERE isnull(ParentID,0) = 0
SELECT C.catid, C.ParentID, cast(CATEGORYVIEW.categoryname+'/'+C.categoryname as varchar(255))

Getting a comma-delimited list of PK's for duplicates of a record in SQL Server 2005?

This is an off-shoot of a previous question I had: A little fuzzy on getting DISTINCT on one column?
This query makes a little more sense, given the data:
SELECT Receipts.ReceiptID, FolderLink.ReceiptFolderID
FROM dbo.tbl_ReceiptFolderLnk AS FolderLink INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_Receipt AS Receipts ON FolderLink.ReceiptID = Receipts.ReceiptID
With results:
ReceiptID ReceiptFolderID NewColumn (duplicate folder ID list)
-------------------- --------------- ----------
1 3
2 3
3 7
4 <---> 4 8,9
5 4
6 1
3 8
4 <---> 8 4,9
4 <---> 9 4,8
That answer provided me to view distinct(ReceiptID)'s... great. Now, for those ID's, 3 and 4, they exist in multiple ReceiptFolderID's.
Given this NON-unique list of ReceiptID's, I'd like an additional column, of comma-delimited ReceiptFolderLinkID's where the ReceiptID also exists.
So for ReceiptID=4, the new column, say, DuplicateFoldersList, should read, "8,9", etc, and similar with ID=3, or any other duplicates.
So basically, I'd like another column to indicate the ReceiptFolderID's additional occurrences of ReceiptID in other folders.
You can create a function that, given a ReceiptID and the "current" ReceiptFolderID for that row, returns the other ReceiptFolderIDs as a concatenated, comma-delimited list. Example:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetOtherReceiptFolderIDs](#receiptID int, #receiptFolderID int)
DECLARE #returnValue varchar(MAX)
SELECT #returnValue = COALESCE(#returnValue + ', ', '') + COALESCE(CONVERT(varchar(MAX), ReceiptFolderID), '')
FROM tbl_ReceiptFolderLink AS FolderLink
WHERE FolderLink.ReceiptID = #receiptID
AND FolderLink.ReceiptFolderID <> #receiptFolderID
RETURN #returnValue
Then, you can run a query that uses this function to obtain your new column:
SELECT Receipts.ReceiptID, ReceiptFolderID, dbo.GetOtherReceiptFolderIDs(Receipts.ReceiptID, ReceiptFolderID) AS NewColumn
FROM tbl_Receipt AS Receipts
INNER JOIN tbl_ReceiptFolderLink AS FolderLinks
ON Receipts.ReceiptID = FolderLinks.ReceiptID
I tested this and it produces the following results (if I got your schema correctly):
ReceiptID ReceiptFolderID NewColumn
6 1 NULL
1 3 NULL
2 3 NULL
4 4 8, 9
5 4 NULL
3 7 8
3 8 7
4 8 4, 9
4 9 4, 8
In Mysql there is group_concat aggregate function, but in T-SQL and oracle you need to use another approach... This site lists multiple approaches for T-SQL, but none are very simple and easy (as mysql is)