Redis Internals - LRU Implementation For Sampling - redis

Does someone know about the internals of Redis LRU based eviction / deletion.
How does Redis ensure that the older (lesser used) keys are deleted first (in case we do not have volatile keys and we are not setting TTL expiration)?
I know for sure that Redis has a configuration parameter "maxmemory-samples" that governs a sample size that it uses for removing keys - so if you set a sample size of 10 then it samples 10 keys and removes the oldest from amongst these.
What I don't know is whether it sample these key's completely randomly, or does it somehow have a mechanism that allows it to automatically sample from an equivalent of an "older / less used generation"?

This is what I found at - the whole point of using a "sample three" algorithm is to save memory. I think this is much more valuable than precision, especially since this randomized algorithms are rarely well understood. An example: sampling with just three objects will expire 666 objects out of a dataset of 999 with an error rate of only 14% compared to the perfect LRU algorithm. And in the 14% of the remaining there are hardly elements that are in the range of very used elements. So the memory gain will pay for the precision without doubts.
So although Redis samples randomly (implying that this is not actual LRU .. and as such an approximation algorithm), the accuracy is relatively high and increasing the sampling size will further increase this. However, in case someone needs exact LRU (there is zero tolerance for error), then Redis may not be the correct choice.
Architecture ... as they say ... is about tradeoffs .. so use this (Redis LRU) approach to tradeoff accuracy for raw performance.

Since v3.0.0 (2014) the LRU algorithm uses a pool of 15 keys, populated with the best candidates out of the different samplings of N keys (where N is defined by maxmemory-samples).
Every time a key needs to be evicted, N new keys are selected randomly and checked against the pool. If they're better candidates (older keys), they're added in it, while the worst candidates (most recent keys) are taken out, keeping the pool at a constant size of 15 keys.
At the end of the round, the best eviction candidate is selected from the pool.
Source: Code and comments in evict.c file from Redis source code


Redis multi Key or multi Hash field

I have about 300k row data like this Session:Hist:[account]
Each have 5-10 childs [session]:[time]
I have 2 options:
Using Hash, key is Session:Hist:[account], field is [session], value is [time]
Using Hash flat all account, key is Session:Hist, field is [account]:[session], value is [time]
My Redis have 1 master, 4-5 Slave, using to store & push session (about 300k *5 in 2h) every days, and clear at end of day!
So the question is which options is better for performance (faster sync master-slave/smaller memory/faster for huge request), thanks for your help!
Comparing the two options mentioned, option #2 is less optimal.
According to official Redis documentation:
It is worth noting that small hashes (i.e., a few elements with small values) are encoded in special way in memory that make them very memory efficient.
More details here.
So having one huge hash with key Session:Hist would affect memory consumption. It would also affect clustering (sharding) since you would have one hash (hot-spot) located on one instance which would get hammered.
Option #1 does not suffer from the problems mentioned above. As long as you have many well-distributed (i.e. all accounts have similar count of sessions vs a few accounts being dominant with huge amount of sessions) hashes keyed as Session:Hist:[account].
If, however, there is a possibility for uneven distribution of sessions into accounts, you could try (and measure) the efficiency of option 1a:
Key: Session:Hist:[account]:[session - last two characters]
field: [session's last two characters]
value: [time]
Key: Session:Hist:100000:b31c2a43-e61b-493a-b8d4-ff0729fe89
field: de
value: 1846971068807
This way, each hash will only contain up to 256 fields (assuming last 2 characters of session are hex, all possible combinations would be 256). This would be optimal if redis.conf defines hash-max-zipmap-entries 256.
Obviously option 1a would require some modifications in your application but with proper bench-marking (i.e. memory savings) you could decide if it's worth the effort.

Storing 13 Million floats and integer in redis

I have a file with 13 million floats each of them have a associated index as integer. The original size of file is 80MB.
We want to pass multiple indexes to get float data. The only reason, I needed hashmap field and value as List does not support passing multiple indexes to get.
Stored them as hashmap in redis, with index being field and float as value. On checking memory usage it was about 970MB.
Storing 13 million as list is using 280MB.
Is there any optimization I can use.
Thanks in advance
running on elastic cache
You can do a real good optimization by creating buckets of index vs float values.
Hashes are very memory optimized internally.
So assume your data in original file looks like this:
index, float_value
And you have currently stored them one index to one float value in hash or a list.
You can do this optimization of bucketing the values:
Hash key would be index%1000, sub-key would be index, and value would be float value.
More details here as well :
At first, we decided to use Redis in the simplest way possible: for
each ID, the key would be the media ID, and the value would be the
user ID:
SET media:1155315 939 GET media:1155315
939 While prototyping this solution, however, we found that Redis needed about 70 MB to store 1,000,000 keys this way. Extrapolating to
the 300,000,000 we would eventually need, it was looking to be around
21GB worth of data — already bigger than the 17GB instance type on
Amazon EC2.
We asked the always-helpful Pieter Noordhuis, one of Redis’ core
developers, for input, and he suggested we use Redis hashes. Hashes in
Redis are dictionaries that are can be encoded in memory very
efficiently; the Redis setting ‘hash-zipmap-max-entries’ configures
the maximum number of entries a hash can have while still being
encoded efficiently. We found this setting was best around 1000; any
higher and the HSET commands would cause noticeable CPU activity. For
more details, you can check out the zipmap source file.
To take advantage of the hash type, we bucket all our Media IDs into
buckets of 1000 (we just take the ID, divide by 1000 and discard the
remainder). That determines which key we fall into; next, within the
hash that lives at that key, the Media ID is the lookup key within
the hash, and the user ID is the value. An example, given a Media ID
of 1155315, which means it falls into bucket 1155 (1155315 / 1000 =
HSET "mediabucket:1155" "1155315" "939" HGET "mediabucket:1155"
"939" The size difference was pretty striking; with our 1,000,000 key prototype (encoded into 1,000 hashes of 1,000 sub-keys each),
Redis only needs 16MB to store the information. Expanding to 300
million keys, the total is just under 5GB — which in fact, even fits
in the much cheaper m1.large instance type on Amazon, about 1/3 of the
cost of the larger instance we would have needed otherwise. Best of
all, lookups in hashes are still O(1), making them very quick.
If you’re interested in trying these combinations out, the script we
used to run these tests is available as a Gist on GitHub (we also
included Memcached in the script, for comparison — it took about 52MB
for the million keys)

Redis ZRANGEBYLEX command complexity

According documentation section for ZRANGEBYLEX command, there is following information. If store keys in ordered set with zero score, later keys can be retrieved with lexicographical order. And ZRANGEBYLEX operation complexity will be O(log(N)+M), where N is total elements count and M is result set size. Documentation has some information about string comparation, but tells nothing about structure, in which elements will be stored.
But after some experiments and reading source code, it's probably what ZRANGEBYLEX operation has a linear time search, when every element in ziplist will be matched against request. If so, complexity will be more larger than described above - about O(N), because every element in ziplist will be scanned.
After debugging with gdb, it's clean that ZRANGEBYLEX command is implemented in genericZrangebylexCommand function. Control flow continues at eptr = zzlFirstInLexRange(zl,&range);, so major work for element retrieving will be performed at zzlFirstInLexRange function. All namings and following control flow consider that ziplist structure is used, and all comparation with input operands are done sequentially element by element.
Inspecting memory with analysis after inserting well-known keys in redis store, it seems that ZSET elements are really stored in ziplist - byte-per-byte comparation with gauge confirm it.
So question - how can documentation be wrong and propagate logarithmic complexity where linear one appears? Or maybe ZRANGEBYLEX command works slightly different? Thanks in advance.
how can documentation be wrong and propagate logarithmic complexity where linear one appears?
The documentation has been wrong on more than a few occasions, but it is an ongoing open source effort that you can contribute to via the repository (
Or maybe ZRANGEBYLEX command works slightly different?
Your conclusion is correct in the sense that Sorted Set search operations, whether lexicographical or not, exhibit linear time complexity when Ziplists are used for encoding them.
Ziplists are an optimization that prefers CPU to memory, meaning it is meant for use on small sets (i.e. low N values). It is controlled via configuration (see the zset-max-ziplist-entries and zset-max-ziplist-value directives), and once the data grows above the specified thresholds the ziplist encoding is converted to a skip list.
Because ziplists are small (little Ns), their complexity can be assumed to be constant, i.e. O(1). On the other hand, due to their nature, skip lists exhibit logarithmic search time. IMO that means that the documentation's integrity remains intact, as it provides the worst case complexity.

How to implement a scalable, unordered collection in DynamoDB?

I am looking into implementing a scalable unordered collection of objects on top of Amazon DynamoDB. So far the following options have been considered:
Use DynamoDB document data types (map, list) and use document path to access stand-alone items. This has one obvious drawback for collection being limited to 400KB of data, meaning perhaps 1..10K objects depending on their size. Less obvious drawback is that cost of insertion of a new object into such collection is going to be huge: Amazon specifies that the write capacity will be deducted based on the total item size, not just newly added object -- therefore ~400 capacity units for inserting 1KB object when approaching the size limit. So considering this ruled out?
Using composite primary hash + range key, where primary hash remains the same for all objects in the collection, and range key is just something random or an atomic counter. Obvious drawback is that having identical hash key results in bad key distribution -- cardinality is low when there are collections with large number of objects. This means bad partitioning, and having a scale issue with all reads/writes on the same collection being stuck to one shard, becoming subject to 3000 reads / 1000 writes per second limitation of DynamoDB partition.
Using global secondary index with secondary hash + range key, where hash key remains the same for all objects belonging to the same collection, and range key is just something random or an atomic counter. Similar to above, partitioning becomes poor for the GSI, and it will become a bottleneck with too many identical hashes draining all the provisioned capacity to the index rapidly. I didn't find how the GSI is implemented exactly, thus not sure how badly it suffers from low cardinality.
Question is, whether I could live with (2) or (3) and suffer from non-ideal key distribution, or is there another way of implementing collection that was overlooked, or perhaps I should at all consider looking into another nosql database engine.
This is a "shooting from the hip" answer, what you end up doing may depend on how much and what type of reading and writing you do.
Two things the dynamo docs encourage you to avoid are hot keys and, in general, scans. You noted that in cases (2) and (3), you end up with a hot key. If you expect this to scale (large collections), the hot key will probably hurt more and more, especially if this is a write-intensive application.
The docs on Query and Scan operations ( say that, for a query, "you must specify the hash key attribute name and value as an equality condition." So if you want to avoid scans, this might still force your hand and put you back into that hot key situation.
Maybe one route would be to embrace doing a scan operation, but just have one table devoted to your collection. Then you could just have a fully random (well distributed) hash key and do a scan every time. This assumes you always want everything from the collection (you didn't say). This will still hurt if you scale up to a large collection, but if you always want the full set back, you'll have to deal with that pain regardless. If you just want a subset, you can add a limit parameter. This would help performance, but you will always get back the same subset (or you can use the last evaluated key and keep going). The docs also mention parallel scans.
If you are using AWS, elasticache/redis might be another route to try? The first pass might code up a lot faster/cleaner than situation (1) that you mentioned.

redis performance -- delete 100 records at maximum?

I'm newbie to Redis, reading the book < Redis in Action >, and in section 2.1 ("Login and cookie caching") there is a clean_sessions function:
QUIT = False
LIMIT = 10000000
def clean_session:
while not QUIT:
size = conn.zcard('recent:')
if size <= LIMIT:
# find out the range in `recent:` ZSET
end_index = min(size-LIMIT, 100)
tokens = conn.zrange('recent:', 0, end_index-1)
# delete corresponding data
session_keys = []
for token in tokens:
session_keys.append('viewed:' + token)
conn.hdel('login:', *tokens)
conn.zrem('recent:', *tokens)
It deletes login token and corresponding data if there is more than 10 million records, the question is:
why delete 100 records at most per time?
why not just delete size - LIMIT records at once?
is there some performance consideration?
Thanks, all responses are appreciated :)
I guess there are multiple reasons for that choice.
Redis is a single-threaded event loop. It means a large command (for instance a large zrange, or a large del, hdel or zrem) will be processed faster than several small commands, but with an impact on the latency for the other sessions. If a large command takes one second to execute, all the clients accessing Redis will be blocked for one second as well.
A first reason is therefore to minimize the impact of these cleaning operations on the other client processes. By segmenting the activity in several small commands, it gives a chance to other clients to execute their commands as well.
A second reason is the size of the communication buffers in Redis server. A large command (or a large reply) may take a lot of memory. If millions of items are to be cleaned out, the reply of the lrange command or the input of the del, hdel, zrem commands can represent megabytes of data. Past a certain limit, Redis will close the connection to protect itself. So it is better to avoid dealing with very large commands or very large replies.
A third reason is the memory of the Python client. If millions of items have to be cleaned out, Python will have to maintain very large list objects (tokens and session_keys). They may or may not fit in memory.
The proposed solution is incremental: whatever the number of items to delete, it will avoid consuming a lot of memory on both client and Redis sides. It will also avoid to hit the communication buffer limit (resulting in the connection to be closed), and will limit the impact on the performance of the other processes accessing Redis.
Note that the 100 value is arbitrary. A smaller value will allow for better latencies at the price of a lower session cleaning throughput. A larger value will increase the throughput of the cleaning algorithm at the price of higher latencies.
It is actually a classical trade-off between the throughput of the cleaning algorithm, and the latency of other operations.