Live tile background changing windows 8 - windows-8

I created a live tile, but I don't know how to change the background color. This is Windows 8 and C#.

The Background color of the Tile is defined in manifest configuration of your app.
You can change the color of your tile in Package.appxmanifest "Tile>Background Color"


Why app icon in taskbar is not transparent in Windows 10?

I have created a Universal app for Windows 10. I use Visual Studio 2015 RTM and in Manifest > Visual Effects, I placed my icon in the 24x24 square box. It is transparent, I can see it in Photoshop and also in Visual Studio, in Visual Effects page. The background in manifest is also set to "transparent".
When I run the app, the icon appears in the Windows task bar, but it is not transparent and it used the blue color as background.
Make sure when you click that the picture in the 44x44 logo for 24x24 size it says:
Note: The tile background color is shown through transparent sections of this image.
enter image description here
It's also a good idea to follow this File name format if you don't want the system to put a backplate on your icon:

What is the windows phone app image asset that is displayed when in the list of open apps

I'm starting with developing on Windows phone 8.1. I've been working with the different image assets for logos and tiles, but have not been able to identify the one that is displayed when you go to the list of open apps (i.e. pressing and holding the back key). In this view there is a logo of the app in the bottom-left corner that I don't know from where it comes. I'm trying to change the background color of it, but is none of the ones define in the manifest. I've seen apps that have this image with a specific background color (i.e. not transparent) like the one in the screenshot below. So, there must be a way to do it, but I'm not able to find where or how.
That would be the application icon you set in your WMAppManifest.xml. You can find this under your project's Properties folder. You can set icon from the UI (App icon) or by editing the XML block itself.
<IconPath IsRelative="true" IsResource="false">Assets\ApplicationIcon.png</IconPath>
This is the same icon that is shown in phone's app list. If image has transparency, phone's selected accent color is shown as "background". If not, well.. then it won't be transparent :).

How to provide windows 8 color theme for Metro app Listview?

I am developing a windows 8 metro app in which I styled my Xaml listview using StandardStyles.Xaml and changed its Selection color. Now I want to alter it like to change its selection color based on windows theme. ie) If you are changing to a theme in windows 8 its corresponding listview also will change its selection color. Ex): PC Settings. how can I get this? also I want to hide the selection tick mark in listview if possible?

Set Background color of ApplicationPage Windows Phone

My Windows phone application working fine with dark color scheme but When the device's theme is set to light my background become white due to that my buttons disappear. How can i set my app background to black even device theme is light???
Try this:
find LayoutRoot and set the Background to your choice of color.
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Black">
Please see the response at How to stop an (InputScope = Number) textbox from disappearing when it gains focus? for more information on templating controls to override the default system theme.
Also note that I recommend not doing this for the sake of forcing light or dark theme. Unless you've got your own custom branding / color scheme, this is a lot of work and could be annoying / confusing to the user.

Set Background of ToastNotification

I want to know that how we can change the background color for the toast notification in Windows Metro (or Desktop) app.
Thanks in advance.
You can set "Foreground text" in you app manifest to dark or light.
This follows the "Background color" of the app manifest - and hence will be the same as the app's tile background.
For most of the apps I've worked on, it's enough to set the tile color according the UI spec - and then set the 'foreground text' to light or dark. You can surely override the light/dark themes if you want to too.
For desktop apps, the background color used on toast notifications (and Start screen tiles) is not configurable by the app itself. The color for the tiles is determined by the Start screen color theme chosen by the user (PC Settings -> Personalize -> Start screen), and the color of the background of toast notifications is always gray (when not in a high-contrast theme).
I think it always use the color that is specified in your manifest file. So to change the color, you have to change the color of your whole application.