Accessing Authentication variable from LogoutHandler or LogoutFilter in Spring security - authentication

In one of my project I have configured Spring Security to handle user authentication.
My config file looks like this:
<http use-expressions="true">
<intercept-url pattern="/" access="permitAll()" />
<intercept-url pattern="/**" access="isAuthenticated()" />
<form-login default-target-url="/main" login-page="/" always-use-default-target="true" username-parameter="userId" password-parameter="password" />
<custom-filter ref="customLogoutFilter" position="LOGOUT_FILTER"/-->
<session-management invalid-session-url="/" session-authentication-strategy-ref="sas" />
<beans:bean id="sas" class="" />
<beans:bean id="customLogoutHandler" class="com.somepack.CustomLogoutHandler"/>
<beans:bean id="logoutFilter" class="">
<beans:constructor-arg index="0" ref="customLogoutHandler"/>
<beans:constructor-arg index="1" ref="customLogoutFilter"/>
<beans:property name="filterProcessesUrl" value="/"/>
<beans:bean id="customLogoutFilter" class="com.somepack.CustomLogoutFilter">
<beans:property name="reportDir" value="/tmp/reports"/>
My CustomLogoutFilter class looks like
public class CustomLogoutFilter implements LogoutHandler {
private String reportDir;
public String getReportDir() {
return reportDir;
public void setReportDir(String reportDir) {
this.reportDir = reportDir;
public void logout(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication) {
String userName = authentication.getName();
File folder = new File(reportDir, userName);
deleteDir(folder); //delete function to delete Logged User specific directory"Logout", userName, EventCode.LOGOUT,
String.format("User %s logged out successfully", userName));
for (Cookie cookie : request.getCookies()) {
if (cookie.equals("JSESSIONID")) {
But this piece of code is not working as the filter is getting called at the very first request for the Login page (even it may would get called in every request) and I am getting an NullPointerException in the
String userName = authentication.getName() line.
In fact instead of Using LogoutFilter if I use Logouthandler, I get the same error:
My handler looks like this:
public class CustomLogoutHandler extends AbstractAuthenticationTargetUrlRequestHandler implements LogoutSuccessHandler{
private String reportDir;
public String getReportDir() {
return reportDir;
public void setReportDir(String reportDir) {
this.reportDir = reportDir;
public void onLogoutSuccess(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication) throws IOException,
ServletException {
String userName = authentication.getName();
File folder = new File(reportDir, userName);
deleteDir(folder);"Logout", userName, EventCode.LOGOUT, String.format("User %s logged out successfully", userName));
super.handle(request, response, authentication);
and config file changed to:
<http use-expressions="true">
<intercept-url pattern="/" access="permitAll()" />
<intercept-url pattern="/**" access="isAuthenticated()" />
<form-login default-target-url="/main" login-page="/" always-use-default-target="true" username-parameter="userId" password-parameter="password" />
<logout delete-cookies="JSESSIONID" invalidate-session="true" success-handler-ref="customLogoutHandler" logout-url="/logout" />
<session-management invalid-session-url="/" session-authentication-strategy-ref="sas" />
<beans:bean id="customLogoutHandler" class="">
<beans:property name="reportDir" value="/tmp/reports" />
Not sure how can I resolve this issue.
Please help.
In short my basic requirement is that, I need to access the User Principal in the Logout mechanism which triggered when either User clicks on the Logout button or the session expires. I need the User information because the application creates temporary folder in the name of logged user which I need to delete at the time when he log off.
Appreciate your help please!!

You have set the filerProcessesUrl of the LogoutFilter to "/" which means that every time a user browses to the domain root, the filter will attempt to logout the user. Use a specific logout URL (or the default value) and check whether the user is actually authenticated before you try to do a logout (make sure the Authentication instance isn't null).
If you need to deal with session timeouts, where the user fails to logout, then you will also have to implement an HttpSessionListener which identifies the user from the session and performs whatever clean-up you need. This would be added to your web.xml file. Note that this class isn't invoked during a user request, so you can't use the SecurityContext to obtain information about the user, you must get it from the session object which is passed to the listener before the session is invalidated.


Spring security 3.2: Does a custom UserDetails & UserDetailsService need a custom AuthenticationManager?

I'm working with spring security 3.2, JSF2 , Hibernate4.
I'have done 3/4 of the work :) but my authentication system doesn't work yet.
I have a UserService who implements UserDetailsService, a domain Class User who implements UserDetails.
THe login system never stop user to access secured pages, i tried user name and password who doesn't exist in my database...
Thanks for the help.
I have a loginBean who is trying to authenticate the user when he connects via login form :
public String login() {
try {
Authentication request = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(this.getUsername(), this.getPassword());
Authentication result = authenticationManager.authenticate(request);
} catch (AuthenticationException e) { e.printStackTrace();}
return "secured";
My spring security looks like this :
`<security:global-method-security jsr250-annotations="enabled" pre-post-annotations="enabled" secured-annotations="enabled" />
<security:http auto-config="true" use-expressions="true">
<security:intercept-url pattern="/Admin" access="isAuthenticated()" />
<security:form-login login-page="/login.xhtml" authentication-failure-url="/" > </security:form-login>
<!-- User Data Access Object -->
<beans:bean id="userDao" class="com.clb.genomic.lyon.dao.UserDaoImpl" >
<beans:property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory"></beans:property>
<!-- User Business Object -->
<beans:bean id="userBo" class="" >
<beans:property name="userDao" ref="userDao" />
<beans:bean id="login" class="com.clb.genomic.lyon.beans.LoginBean" scope ="request">
<beans:property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager" />
<beans:bean id="standardPasswordEncoder" class=""/>
<security:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<security:authentication-provider user-service-ref="userBo" >
<security:password-encoder ref="standardPasswordEncoder"/>
This is the error who show up... 1
at com.clb.genomic.lyon.beans.LoginBean.login(
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
at com.clb.genomic.lyon.dao.UserDaoImpl.loadUserByUsername(
at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke(
The exception from stack trace shows you are getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and it seems that you are reading from an empty array.
You should also check what value is being passed to loadUserByUsername() method, and if that user exists.

Spring Security 3.1: Active Directory Authentication and local DB Authorization

I am using Spring Security 3.1 for Active Directory authentication and a local db for loading the authorities. I have seen similar examples but it is still not clear for me what exactly I should use. My current settings in spring-security.xml is:
<!-- LDAP server details -->
<security:authentication-provider ref="ldapActiveDirectoryAuthProvider" />
<beans:bean id="ldapActiveDirectoryAuthProvider" class="">
<beans:constructor-arg value="${ldap.domain}" />
<beans:constructor-arg value="${ldap.url}" />
<beans:property name="useAuthenticationRequestCredentials" value="true" />
<beans:property name="convertSubErrorCodesToExceptions" value="true" />
I have a class let's call it: "". Inside this class, I am calling this method:
// Load additional authorities and create an Authentication object
final List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = loadRolesFromDatabaseHere();
What is not still clear for me: Which interface should "" implements in order to add the loaded authorities from db to the UserDetails? "UserDetailsContextMapper" or "GrantedAuthoritiesMapper" or "AuthenticationProvider"?
Based on this solution: Spring Security 3 Active Directory Authentication, Database Authorization
"" should implement "AuthenticationProvider". My doubt is if I should use "" as a property for "ldapActiveDirectoryAuthProvider" bean?
Many thanks in advance.
My final solution is "" implements "UserDetailsContextMapper".
public class BookStoreDbAuthPopulator implements UserDetailsContextMapper {
// populating roles assigned to the user from AUTHORITIES table in DB
private List<SimpleGrantedAuthority> loadRolesFromDatabase(String username) {
public UserDetails mapUserFromContext(DirContextOperations ctx, String username, Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities) {
List<SimpleGrantedAuthority> allAuthorities = new ArrayList<SimpleGrantedAuthority>();
for (GrantedAuthority auth : authorities) {
if (auth != null && !auth.getAuthority().isEmpty()) {
allAuthorities.add((SimpleGrantedAuthority) auth);
// add additional roles from the database table
return new User(username, "", true, true, true, true, allAuthorities);
public void mapUserToContext(UserDetails user, DirContextAdapter ctx) {
Then in spring-security.xml
<!-- AuthenticationManager: AuthenticationProvider, LDAP server details -->
<security:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<security:authentication-provider ref="ldapActiveDirectoryAuthProvider" />
<beans:bean id="ldapActiveDirectoryAuthProvider" class="">
<!-- the domain name (may be null or empty). If no domain name is configured, it is assumed that the username will always contain the domain name. -->
<beans:constructor-arg value="${ldap.domain}" />
<!-- an LDAP url (or multiple URLs) -->
<beans:constructor-arg value="${ldap.url}" />
<!-- Determines whether the supplied password will be used as the credentials in the successful authentication token. -->
<beans:property name="useAuthenticationRequestCredentials" value="true" />
<!-- by setting this property to true, when the authentication fails the error codes will also be used to control the exception raised. -->
<beans:property name="convertSubErrorCodesToExceptions" value="true" />
<!-- for customizing user authorities -->
<beans:property name="userDetailsContextMapper" ref="myUserDetailsContextMapper" />
<!-- Customizing UserDetail -->
<beans:bean id="myUserDetailsContextMapper" class="com.mybookstore.mywebcomp.w.BookStoreDbAuthPopulator">

Forward call to Action class when validation fails

I'm working on struts 1.1 application.
I have added validation for JSP form page(i.e. adduser.jsp).
It get validated after clicking on add button. And my validation in "Validator-XSS.xml" working fine.
But when validation fails then it forward to input attribute which is jsp form page(i.e. adduser.jsp).
Here I need to forward callto another action
which open JSP form page(i.e. adduser.jsp) insted of JSP page.
<!-- some another entries -->
<form-bean name="UserForm" type="com.UserForm"/>
<action path="/createuser" type="com.CreateUserAction" name="UserForm"
<forward name="adduser" path="/jsp/adduser.jsp"/>
<action path="/adduser" type="com.AddUserAction" input="/jsp/adduser.jsp"
name="UserForm" scope="request">
<forward name="showuser" path="/"/>
<plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
<form name="UserForm">
<field property="userName" depends="mask">
<msg name="mask" key="ui.field.invalidvalue" bundle="appResources"/>
on clicking on create user in jsp file it will call It will open adduser.jsp
after entering details in form and click on add button it will
also it get vlidated through XSS-validator.xml
but call goes to jsp/adduser.jsp but i need it has to call
ActionForm is extended by ValidatorForm
public class UserForm extends ValidatorForm{
String userName;
String userId;
//getter setter
Public Class CreateUserAction{
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form,HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
//some code to bring list and other details
Public Class AddUserAction{
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form,HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
//some code to add user and other details
That is because you are not calling that action with the path. try this use this way to call that method that will work and will solve you problem.
Call Method and action
That will work accordingly. to call that action.

NullReferenceException on Bootstraptoken (ACS authentication)

I've been following the steps to make a Windows 8 Store app get an ACS token as described here:
Does the WebAuthenticationBroker work in Windows 8 Metro App post Release Candidate
Authentication method of Windows 8 client
private async void Authenticate()
WebAuthenticationResult webAuthenticationResult = await WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync(
new Uri(""),
new Uri("http://mypublicIPaddress:80/WebAppMVCAPI/api/federation/end"));
My controller on the web application is programmed as follows:
public class FederationController : ApiController
protected virtual string ExtractBootstrapToken()
return HttpContext.Current.User.BootstrapToken();
public string Get()
return "Hello Get World";
public HttpResponseMessage Post()
var response = this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Redirect);
response.Headers.Add("Location", "/WebAppMVCAPI/api/federation/end?acsToken=" + ExtractBootstrapToken());
return response;
The idea is to have the Windows 8 store app get a token from ACS with a Facebook login. When I launch the win8 client, the application shows a Facebook login page. However, the instruction return HttpContext.Current.User.Bootstraptoken() fails with the following exception:
NullReferenceException. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
My web.config looks like this:
<service saveBootstrapTokens="true">
<add value="http://localhost:80" />
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer="" realm="http://localhost:80/" reply="http://localhost:80/" requireHttps="false" />
<cookieHandler requireSsl="false" path="/" />
<issuerNameRegistry type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Swt.SwtIssuerNameRegistry, Wif.Swt">
<add name="" thumbprint="xxxxx" />
<add type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Swt.SwtSecurityTokenHandler, Wif.Swt" />
<issuerTokenResolver type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Swt.SwtIssuerTokenResolver, Wif.Swt" />
Can somebody shed some light on how to use the Bootstraptoken method to get an ACS token?
I don't believe that federated authentication sets HttpContext.User by default. Try
(Thread.CurrentPrincipal as IClaimsPrincipal).Identities[0].BootstrapToken
Assuming that you've gone through the token handler pipeline (WS-FAM) at your site, this should be populated. This will be a SecurityToken object, which you can then serialize using the proper SecurityTokenHandler class.
Did you try this :
BootstrapContext bootstrapContext = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identities.First().BootstrapContext as BootstrapContext;
SecurityToken st = bootstrapContext.SecurityToken;
Take a look on Vittorio's post:

Spring Security - Get username in AuthenticationSuccessHandler without UserDetails/UserDetailsService

I'm trying to set the LastLogin time for a user in a custom AuthenticationSuccessHandler, however I don't know of a way of retrieving the username (since all the authority functions seem to return null because I'm not working with UserDetails).
The user data is stored in a MYSQL table and I'm using Hibernate to retrieve/create/update users. Within my application I'm using a self-written User class that doesn't have anything to do with the Spring User class. I don't have any custom UserDetails/UserDetailsService and I would like to avoid them, since I cannot change the DB table layout (as in add additional values)
The AuthenticationSuccessHandler looks like this:
public class PostSuccessfulAuthenticationHandler extends SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler {
private UserService userService;
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
Authentication authentication) throws ServletException, IOException
userService.trackUserLogin(authentication.getName()); //Doesn't work, getName seems to return null
super.onAuthenticationSuccess(request, response, authentication);
My applicationContext-security.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans:beans xmlns=""
<global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled"/>
<!-- authentication-success-handler-ref='authSuccHandler' -->
<http use-expressions="true" disable-url-rewriting="true">
<intercept-url pattern="..." access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')" />
<form-login login-page="/index.htm"
<logout logout-success-url="..."/>
<session-management invalid-session-url="/index.htm">
<concurrency-control max-sessions="2" error-if-maximum-exceeded="true" />
<jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="mysqldataSource"
authorities-by-username-query="select username, authority from benutzer where username = ?"
users-by-username-query="select username, password, enabled from benutzer where username = ?"/>
The login itself works fine (even if I just comment out the trackUserLogin line in my AuthenticationSuccessHandler) which leads me to believe that there has to be a way to get that username. Can anyone help?
Try authentication.getPrincipal().