What are the differences between these two SQL queries - SQL Server [duplicate] - sql

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is it better to do an equi join in the from clause or where clause
I have following two SQL queries. Can you please explain me the differences between these two ?
SELECT a.*, b.*
FROM Table1 a
ON a.id = b.id
AND a.col = 'value'
SELECT a.*, b.*
FROM Table1 a
ON a.id = b.id
WHERE a.col = 'value'

Nothing unless case sensitivity is turned on on the database

For an INNER JOIN, filtering on the JOIN condition vs filtering in the WHERE clause should give identical results.
If this were an OUTER JOIN, the results would be different since the first one pre-filters the results in the source table before the JOIN condition.

in this particular case it's the same result, but it's not the same thing.
the WHERE applies to the whole select, while the ON ... AND is only for the inner join (actually probably the same thing, but not for outer joins)

Yes, everything is pretty much the same. Case sensitive database will return error if your ID fields is not spelled correctly.

The difference is purely stylistic. Personally, I like to put the clauses that are key to performing the table joins up under the 'JOIN ... ON a=b' section, and put the clauses that have to do with my specific query filtering under the "WHERE" clause. There is no technical reason to do it one way or the other though, so long as you're talking about inner joins.


where clause conditions in SQL

Below is a join based on where clause:
WHERE a.COL11 = b.COL11
AND b.COL12 = c.COL12
AND a.COL3 = c.COL13;
I have been learning SQL from online resources and trying to convert it with joins
Two issues:
The original query is confusing. The outer joins (with the (+) suffix) are made irrelevant by the last where condition. Because of that condition, the query should only return records where there is an actual matching c record. So the original query is the same as if there were no such (+) suffixes.
Your query joins TEST_TABLE3 twice, while the first query only joins it once, and there are two conditions that determine how it is joined there. You should not split those conditions over two separate joins.
BTW, it is surprising that the SQL Fiddle site does not show an error, as it makes no sense to use the same alias twice. See for example how MySQL returns the error with the same query on dbfiddle (on all available versions of MySQL):
Not unique table/alias: 'C'
So to get the same result using the standard join notation, all joins should be inner joins:
ON A.COL11 = B.COL11
ON A.COL11 = B.COL11
AND B.COL12 = C.COL12;
#tricot correctly pointed out that it's strange to have 2 aliases with the same name and not getting an error. Also, to answer your question :
In the first query, we are firstly performing cross join between all the 3 tables by specifying all the table names. After that, we are filtering the rows using the condition specified in the WHERE clause on output that we got after performing cross join.
In second query, you need to join test_table3 only once. Since now you have all the required aliases A,B,C as in the first query so you can specify 2 conditions after the last join as below:
ON A.COL11 = B.COL11
left join TEST_TABLE3 C
on B.COL12 =C.COL12 AND A.COL3 = C.COL13;

Where vs ON in outer join

I am wondering how to have a better SQL performance when we decide whether to duplicate our criteria when it is already in Where clause.
My friend claimed it is up to DB engines but I am not so sure.
Regardless of DB engines, normally, the condition in Where clause should be executed first before join, but I assume it means inner join but not outer join. Because some conditions can only be executed AFTER outer join.
For example:
Select a.*, b.*
From A a
Left outer join B on a.id = b.id
Where b.id is NULL;
The condition in Where cannot be executed before outer join.
So, I assume the whole ON clause must be executed first before where clause, and it seems the ON clause will control the size of table B (or table A if we use right outer join) before outer join. That seems not related to DB engines to me.
And that raised my question: when we use outer join, should we always deplicate our criteria in ON Clause?
for example (I use a table to outer join with a shorter version of itself)
temp_series_installment & series_id > 18940000 vs temp_series_installment:
select sql_no_cache s.*, t.* from temp_series_installment s
left outer join temp_series_installment t on s.series_id = t.series_id and t.series_id > 18940000 and t.incomplete = 1
where t.incomplete = 1;
select sql_no_cache s.*, t.* from temp_series_installment s
left outer join temp_series_installment t on s.series_id = t.series_id and t.series_id > 18940000
where t.incomplete = 1;
Edit: where t.incomplete = 1 performs the logic of: where t.series_id is not null
which is an inner join suggested by Gordon Linoff
But what I have been asking is: if it outer join a smaller table, it should have been faster right?
I tried to see if there is any performace difference in mysql:
But it is out of my expectation, why is the second one faster? I thought by outer joining a smaller table, the query will be faster.
My idea is from:
Push predicates into the OUTER JOIN clause whenever possible
Duplicate constant condition for different tables whenever possible
Regardless of DB engines, normally, the condition in Where clause should be executed first before join, but I assume it means inner join but not outer join. Because some conditions can only be executed AFTER outer join.
This is simply not true. SQL is a descriptive language. It does not specify how the query gets executed. It only specifies what the result set looks like. The SQL compiler/optimizer determines the actual processing steps to meet the requirements described by the query.
In terms of semantics, the FROM clause is the first clause that is "evaluated". Hence, FROM is logically processed before the WHERE clause.
The rest of your question is similarly misguided. Comparison logic in the where clause, such as:
from s left join
on s.series_id = t.series_id and t.series_id > 18940000
where t.incomplete = 1
turns the outer join into an inner join. Hence, the logic is different from what you think is going on.
As Gordon Lindolf pointed out it's not true, Your friend is plain wrong.
I want just to add developers like to think SQL like they think their language of trade (C++, VB, Java), but those are procedural/imperative languages.
When you code SQL you are in another paradigm. You are just describing a function to be applied to a dataset.
Let's get your own example:
Select a.*, b.*
From A a
Left outer join B on a.id = b.id
Where b.id is NULL;
If a.Id and b.Id are not null columns.
It's semantically equal to
Select a.*, null, ..., null
From A a
where not exists (select * from B b where b.Id = a.Id)
Now try to run those to queries and profile.
In most DBMS I can expect both queries to run in the exact same way.
It happens because the engine decides how to implement your "function" over the dataset.
Note the above example is the equivalent in set mathematics to:
Give me the set A minus the intersection between A and B.
Engines can decide how to implement your query because they have some tricks under its sleeve.
It has metrics about your tables, indexes, etc and can use it to, for example, "make a join" in a diferent order you wrote it.
IMHO engines today are really good at finding the best way to implement the function you describe and rarely needs query hints.
Of course you can end describing your funciton in a way too complicated, affecting how the engines decides to run it.
The art of better describing functions and sets and managins indexes is what we call query tunning.

What is the difference between these two SQL? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Explicit vs implicit SQL joins
(12 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
select a.name from student a, student b
where a.id = b.id and a.id = 1;
select a.name from student a
inner join student b
on a.id = b.id and a.id = 1;
Are they actually the same?
They are the same as far as the query engine is concerned.
The first type, commonly called a comma join, is an implicit inner join in most (all?) RDBMSs. The syntax is from ANSI SQL 89 and earlier.
The syntax of the second join, called an explicit inner join, was introduced in ANSI SQL 92. It is considered improved syntax because even with complex queries containing dozens of tables it is easy to see the difference between join conditions and filters in the where clause.
The ANSI 92 syntax also allows the query engine to potentially optimize better. If you use a something in the join condition, then it happens before (or as) the join is done. If the field is indexed, you can get some benefit since the query engine will know to not bother with certain rows in the table, whereas if you put it in the WHERE clause, the query engine will need to join the tables completely and then filter out results. Usually the RDBMS will treat them identically -- probably 999 cases out of 1000 -- but not always.
See also:
Why isn't SQL ANSI-92 standard better adopted over ANSI-89?
Obviously they are not the same syntactically, but they are semantically (they return the same). However, I'd write the second one as:
select a.name from student a
inner join student b on a.id = b.id
where a.id = 1;
The join you're doing is pointless because you're giving the same table different alias and joining on the same field i.e. id.
Your select statement should simply be as follows:
SELECT name FROM stud WHERE id = 1
the latter is per ansi standard and the formeris conventionally supported..they are functionally equivalent..if you use the latter, there is greater chance of your SQL being portable across vendors

SELECT subset from two tables and LEFT JOIN results

I'm trying to write a bit of SQL for SQLITE that will take a subset from two tables (TableA and TableB) and then perform a LEFT JOIN.
This is what I've tried, but this produces the wrong result:
Select * from TableA
Left Join TableB using(key)
where TableA.key2 = "xxxx"
AND TableB.key3 = "yyyy"
This ignore cases where key2="xxxx" but key3 != "yyyy".
I want all the rows from TableA that match my criteria whether or not their corresponding value in TableB matches, but only those rows from TableB that match both conditions.
I did manage to solve this by using a VIEW, but I'm sure there must be a better way of doing this. It's just beginning to drive me insane tryng to solve it now.
(Thanks for any help, hope I've explained this well enough).
YOu have made the classic left join mistake. In most databases if you want a condition on the table on the right side of the left join you must put this condition in the join itself and NOT the where clause. IN SQL Server this would turn the left join into an inner join. I've not used SQl lite so I don't know if it does the same but all records must meet the where clause generally.
Select *
from TableA
Left Join TableB on TableA.key = TableB.key
and TableB.key3 = "yyyy"
where TableA.key2 = "xxxx"

Is there something wrong with joins that don't use the JOIN keyword in SQL or MySQL?

When I started writing database queries I didn't know the JOIN keyword yet and naturally I just extended what I already knew and wrote queries like this:
SELECT a.someRow, b.someRow
FROM tableA AS a, tableB AS b
WHERE a.ID=b.ID AND b.ID= $someVar
Now that I know that this is the same as an INNER JOIN I find all these queries in my code and ask myself if I should rewrite them. Is there something smelly about them or are they just fine?
My answer summary: There is nothing wrong with this query BUT using the keywords will most probably make the code more readable/maintainable.
My conclusion: I will not change my old queries but I will correct my writing style and use the keywords in the future.
Filtering joins solely using WHERE can be extremely inefficient in some common scenarios. For example:
SELECT * FROM people p, companies c
WHERE p.companyID = c.id AND p.firstName = 'Daniel'
Most databases will execute this query quite literally, first taking the Cartesian product of the people and companies tables and then filtering by those which have matching companyID and id fields. While the fully-unconstrained product does not exist anywhere but in memory and then only for a moment, its calculation does take some time.
A better approach is to group the constraints with the JOINs where relevant. This is not only subjectively easier to read but also far more efficient. Thusly:
SELECT * FROM people p JOIN companies c ON p.companyID = c.id
WHERE p.firstName = 'Daniel'
It's a little longer, but the database is able to look at the ON clause and use it to compute the fully-constrained JOIN directly, rather than starting with everything and then limiting down. This is faster to compute (especially with large data sets and/or many-table joins) and requires less memory.
I change every query I see which uses the "comma JOIN" syntax. In my opinion, the only purpose for its existence is conciseness. Considering the performance impact, I don't think this is a compelling reason.
The more verbose INNER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN are from the ANSI SQL/92 syntax for joining. For me, this verbosity makes the join more clear to the developer/DBA of what the intent is with the join.
In SQL Server there are always query plans to check, a text output can be made as follows:
SELECT A.Data, B.Data
SELECT A.Data, B.Data
Now I'll omit the plan for the table variable creates, the plan for both queries is identical though:
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([A].[ID]))
|--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:(#TABLE_A AS [A]))
|--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:(#TABLE_B AS [B]), SEEK:([B].[ID]=#TABLE_A.[ID] as [A].[ID]) ORDERED FORWARD)
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([A].[ID]))
|--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:(#TABLE_A AS [A]))
|--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:(#TABLE_B AS [B]), SEEK:([B].[ID]=#TABLE_A.[ID] as [A].[ID]) ORDERED FORWARD)
So, short answer - No need to rewrite, unless you spend a long time trying to read them each time you maintain them?
It's more of a syntax choice. I prefer grouping my join conditions with my joins, hence I use the INNER JOIN syntax
SELECT a.someRow, b.someRow
FROM tableA AS a
ON a.ID = b.ID
WHERE b.ID = ?
(? being a placeholder)
Nothing is wrong with the syntax in your example. The 'INNER JOIN' syntax is generally termed 'ANSI' syntax, and came after the style illustrated in your example. It exists to clarify the type/direction/constituents of the join, but is not generally functionally different than what you have.
Support for 'ANSI' joins is per-database platform, but it's more or less universal these days.
As a side note, one addition with the 'ANSI' syntax was the 'FULL OUTER JOIN' or 'FULL JOIN'.
Hope this helps.
In general:
Use the JOIN keyword to link (ie. "join") primary keys and foreign keys.
Use the WHERE clause to limit your result set to only the records you are interested in.
The one problem that can arise is when you try to mix the old "comma-style" join with SQL-92 joins in the same query, for example if you need one inner join and another outer join.
FROM table1 AS a, table2 AS b
LEFT OUTER JOIN table3 AS c ON a.column1 = c.column1
WHERE a.column2 = b.column2;
The problem is that recent SQL standards say that the JOIN is evaluated before the comma-join. So the reference to "a" in the ON clause gives an error, because the correlation name hasn't been defined yet as that ON clause is being evaluated. This is a very confusing error to get.
The solution is to not mix the two styles of joins. You can continue to use comma-style in your old code, but if you write a new query, convert all the joins to SQL-92 style.
FROM table1 AS a
INNER JOIN table2 AS b ON a.column2 = b.column2
LEFT OUTER JOIN table3 AS c ON a.column1 = c.column1;
Another thing to consider in the old join syntax is that is is very easy to get a cartesion join by accident since there is no on clause. If the Distinct keyword is in the query and it uses the old style joins, convert it to an ANSI standard join and see if you still need the distinct. If you are fixing accidental cartesion joins this way, you can improve performance tremendously by rewriting to specify the join and the join fields.
I avoid implicit joins; when the query is really large, they make the code hard to decipher
With explicit joins, and good formatting, the code is more readable and understandable without need for comments.
It also depends on whether you are just doing inner joins this way or outer joins as well. For instance, the MS SQL Server syntax for outer joins in the WHERE clause (=* and *=) can give different results than the OUTER JOIN syntax and is no longer supported (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178653(SQL.90).aspx) in SQL Server 2005.
And what about performances ???
As a matter of fact, performances is a very important problem in RDBMS.
So the question is what is the most performant... Using JOIN or having joined table in the WHERE clause ?
Because optimizer (or planer as they said in PG...) ordinary does a good job, the two execution plans are the same, so the performances while excuting the query will be the same...
But devil are hidden in some details....
All optimizers have a limited time or a limited amount of work to find the best plan... And when the limit is reached, the result is the best plan among all computed plans, and not the better of all possible plans !
Now the question is do I loose time when I use WHERE clause instead of JOINs for joining tables ?
And the answer is YES !
YES, because the relational engine use relational algebrae that knows only JOIN operator, not pseudo joins made in the WHERE clause. So the first thing that the optimizer do (in fact the parser or the algrebriser) is to rewrite the query... and this loose some chances to have the best of all plans !
I have seen this problem twice, in my long RDBMS career (40 years...)