Connect SQL Server 2008 through Management Studio Express 2005 - sql

I am trying to connect SQL Server 2008 through Management Studio Express 2005. I have some limitations of Dot Net Framework upgrade on the client machine thats why trying to access it through 2005. I already implemented this solution:
FIX: You may experience problems when you use SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2005 to connect to an instance of SQL Server 2008
But its not working. I have installed a Management studio express 2005 SP4. But its doing trouble. It connects the 2008 Database server but when i tries to view the table through design view it throws an error message "Unspecified error". Where as i am able to view table records by making a query request.
I am really stuck. Please help me out.
F. Ahmed

The backward compatibility for client tools in SQL server 2008 is not as good as we wanted to be... Sorry.


Updating version of SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

I am currently running SQL Server 2008 Management Studio (version 10.0.1600.22) and I want to update due to a bug in this version.
All the documentation I have found so far has been for updating to SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio and SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express which I believe are different. Is that right?
I have also found links for updating SQL Server which I once again believe isn't what I'm looking for as I only want to update the client side.
Is there a way (or link) where I can update SQL Server 2008 Management Studio without having to reinstall it?
I believe the management tools for SQL Server 2008 R2 is backwards compatible with SQL Server 2008.
If you want to keep your database instance SQL Server 2008, just run the setup on the installation DVD and choose Maintenance -> Repair. At the screen to select the instance, there is an option to select "Repair shared features only". I don't have SQL Server 2008 DVD, only 2008 R2 DVD, but I believe the 2008 version works the same way.
Or if your computer doesn't have SQL Server database instance, you can do a fresh installation and choose only management tools. Example screen shots (for 2008 R2):
Good luck!

How do I properly configure SQL Server Management Studio 2008 to work with SQL Server 2005 DB?

How do I properly configure SQL Server Management Studio 2008 to work with SQL Server 2005 DB? The reason I'm asking is because I'm having trouble with and unable to use Integration Services.
Move from SQL 2005 to SQL 2008 (This is what I used to move my db from 2005 to 2008)
Connect to SQL Server 2005 using Managment Studio 2008
Some more info and tips found here (for trying to connect 2005 to SMS2008)
Good Luck :)

problem in connecting studio management to sql server

I had installed SQL Server 2008, but faced some complications with that. I then installed SQL Server 2005, and now installed SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server 2005 successfully.
I am not able to connnect to the server name it suggests.
TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to POONAM-C586A95C\SQLEXPRESS.
This version of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express can only be used to connect to SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 servers. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionDlg)
It doesn't show any other option of SQL Server name, though I changed the name as I remembered but for no good.
How can this be solved?
It sounds as if you're trying to connect to the 2008 instance with the 2005 SSMS. It's not clear whether you un-installed the 2008 instance.
Suggest installing the SQL Server 2008 SSMS.
Confirm/modify as needed that you're running the SQL Server instance that you require. This will show you which instances are available.
I would also check to make sure that you're connecting to the correct port. I'm come across a similar error before and the solution was to specify the port to connect to, i.e.

SQL Server 2005

I want to use SQL Server 2005 as database.In know how to create table in SQL server 2005.But due to fault i reinstalled SQL Server 2005.After that i create table as follows
start -> programs -> microsoft sql server 2005 -> sql server management studio express
But in that "Sql server management studio express" not exit,How to display that option please guide than only i do further
Thanks in advance
You need to download and install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.
You can use either the 2005 or 2008 version of Management Studio to connect to a SQL Server 2005 database.

Can SQL Server Management Studio 2005 work with SQL Server Express 2008?

I'm getting crazy trying to install SQL Server Express Management Studio 2008
Pb for installing SQL Server Express Management Studio 2008
I have tried 10 times, now I give up. But maybe I can try to work with SQL Server Management Studio 2005? Do you know if it will work?
No, you can use the full SQL Server 2008 Management Studio (included in SQL Server 2008 editions other than Express), and it can connect to SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 Express, and any of the 2005 (and even 2000) versions, but it doesn't work the other way around, sorry.
No, as far as I know it doesn't. You will get a message that says it will work with only SQL Server 2005 or later.
No, you cannot use the 2005 SSMS UI against 2008. Maybe in your other thread you can show the log details that explains WHY Management Studio won't install. Many, many people are able to use this tool without issue, so maybe if you want help in figuring out why you can't, you can provide more details...