create WCF one-way (fire and forget) service out of XAMLX or how can a client call a service as one-way, if the operation is not defined one way - wcf

I am trying to create a XAMLX service that I can fire and forget.
But how can I do something like that with a XAMLX? I have no access to the Contract Interface to add the [OneWay] attribute.
I thought that if I did something like
and put the response before the rest of the activities, the service would return at that point but it didn't. It returns only after the whole workflow is completed.
IS it possible to make the service return at that point and than continue with the processing. the other activities would not affect the returned value of the service.
Is it possible to create a fire and forget XAMLX service
Can I somehow make the client fire a normal service as oneWay, if the previous 2 points are not possible?

If you want one-way processing your Receive activity should not have any corresponding SendReply activity.

The reason the response isn't send immediately is the way the workflow scheduler works internally where it waits for the workflow to go idle. Nothing much you can do about the scheduler but if you add a Delay below the SendResponse with a duration of 1 millisecond.
As Ladislav said, remove the SendResponse and you get a one way message.
Not quite sure what you want with fire and forget. If you start a workflow service it will keep on running even if you don't send any more WCF requests to it. Even if it is long running or does other async work. No problems there.


How to implement WCF server-side retries

I want to add server-side retry behavior if something specific happens during operation.
Custom IOperationInvoker looks like a good candidate for this functionality, but...
Unfortunately instance on which operation should be performed is already created/resolved, so to correctly implement retry logic everyone should write stateless service implementations which is quite limiting, sometimes it's nice to have InstanceContextMode.PerCall mode and state which lives only during request lifetime.
Is there any place or possibility to force WCF to re-create/resolve service and invoke operation again?
Not so easy to imlement retry logic on your own. You will have to deal with a number of issues like those:
What if all attempts failed?
Should there be an interval between attempts?
What if you server is down between the first and second attempt?
Fortunately there is an out of the box solution which already does everything for you. Take a look at the MSMQ WCF binding.
It will put you contract object to the dead letter queue if you wish, so you can easyly keep track of such messages and even force to process them again.
You can set an interval between the attempts. So if you server is down for 10 minutes not all attempts are shot.
You can configure it to be durable. It will store the messages on disk, So when your server is back it will try to process the message again.
Etc. Take a look at the MSMQ binding you will find a lot of useful features.
Here's a good article about the queuing in WCF
So in the long run your design will be something like that:
Client Call -> MSMQ -> Service
Please note you don't have to make any changes to the code you have now at all, you just change the binding configuration and set up MSMQ which is fairly easy.
Just in case you can't use msmq binding directly with you client, you can always go with an special server side service which just puts the messages to the queue. So the design will be:
Client service -> HTTP -> QueueService (one method which puts messages to a queue) -> MSMQ -> ProcessService
Hope it helps!

Chaining events/commands?

I have a feature I'm attempting to implement using NServiceBus but not sure the pattern to use here. (I'm fairly new to NServiceBus)
I'll try to explain where my uncertainty comes from:
User interaction triggers MVC controller to send a command to perform a domain operation. This command raises an event to notify others that this occurred.
A handler that subscribes to this event determines whether or not another domain operation should occur.
This is where I'm unclear as to the proper pattern to follow. At this point should the event handler:
just make the changes required?
send a new command to do it? If so, send it back to the originating service/process?
another option?
Part of me is wondering if I should be using an in-proc domain event to handle this, but I don't think the first command should have to wait on the second one before it returns. In fact it could happen much later. That is why I went the route of using the bus to handle it async. Also, an email will need to be generated once the second operation finishes. Should that be triggered from yet another event/command?
Any and all guidance appreciated.
If there is no need to wait for the second action then yes, it should be done asynchronously so the processing of the first command should publish an NServiceBus event. The handler for that event would (likely) be hosted in a separate endpoint which would then just do the work - no need to send another command there.
To add to Udi's answer, I would only turn around and send a command back to the originating service if the service at the originating endpoint is really the one that should be responsible for the behavior of that command. Otherwise, the service (endpoint) receiving the event should just do what it needs to do in response to the event (which sounds like your case).

How to create an async WCF service

I want to implement a WCF service that responds immediately to the caller, but queues up an asynchronous job to be handled later. What is the best way to go about doing this? I've read the MSDN article on how to implement an asynchronous service operation, but that solution seems to still require the task to finish before responding to the caller.
There are many ways to accomplish this depending what you want to do and what technologies you are using (e.g. Unless you are using silverlight, you may not need to have your app call the service asynchronously) The most straight forward way to achieve your goal would be to have your service method start up a thread to perform the bulk of the processing and return immediately.
Another would be to create some kind of request (e.g. Create an entry in a datastore of some kind) and return. Another process (e.g. A windows service, etc.) could then pick up the request and perform the processing.
Any WCF service can be made asynchronous -
One of the nice things about WCF is you can write a service synchronously. When you add a ServiceReference in the client, you have the option of generating asynchronous methods.
This will automatically make the service call asynchronous. The service will return when it's done, but the client will get two methods - BeginXXX and EndXXX, as well as XXXAsync + an XXXCompleted event, either of which allows for completely asynchronous operation.

WCF Workflow Service breaking workflow yields timeout

I have a WCF Workflow Service (running on AppFabric) that accepts a Connect receive operation, and then move on to listen to a number of other operations.
When trying to break the workflow from my unit test, by invoking Connect twice, the service won't respond on my second request, but will wait until a timeout occurs.
I am expecting an error message such as this one:
How do I handle "Receive" calls being made out of order?
Operation 'AddQualification|{}IZSalesFunnelService' on service instance with identifier '1984c927-402b-4fbb-acd4-edfe4f0d8fa4' cannot be performed at this time. Please ensure that the operations are performed in the correct order and that the binding in use provides ordered delivery guarantees
The behaviour looks like in this question, but the current workflow does not use any delays.
I suspect you are still being bitten by the same issue as in the other question you are referring to. This is a bug in the workflow runtime scheduler.

Invoking a method AFTER a wcf service operation has returned its result

I have a WCF service operation and I want a call to the operation to start a long running method, however I want the operation to return its result BEFORE the long running method finishes.
I have tried using an IParameterInspector implementation, but the result of the operation is not returned to the client until the long running method has completed.
How should I go about achieving this as anything I start from the operation seems to have to finish before the result is returned to the client?
If you want to do it at the server, take a look at, it shows how to bypass the operation (it's a caching scenario, but it can be adapted to your problem).
If you want to do it at the client, you can simply call the operation asynchronously, it will return right away. And when the long-running operation completes, you'll get a notification (callback or event) that its results are ready.
You can't do this with a standard request/response type binding in WCF because as you found out, you won't get a response until the service has completed processing (or times out).
To do what you want, you'll need a service where you can trigger the long running operation and then poll for completion status & response results.
The netMsmqBinding supports this scenario in WCF. All the operations for this binding must be a one-way call since you are only putting a message in a queue for processing. You'll need to have another endpoint or service configured with a request/response binding for the polling method. A good overview of the netMsmqBinding is here.