VB.NET : Generate all possible words on file - vb.net

Example :
If a got word "don" then file will contain
I have no idea to do this. Not less then 3 symbol words.

I presented a solution in Experts Exchange, which you may not be able to see (if you never payed them) so I copy it for you:
Question was:
I have n items and each item can be assigned a 1 or a 2. So I would like to get the matrix result that would generate all possible combinations.
For eg. if n= 3 , then the possible outcomes are : I need an algorithm that can generate this series for n . Please help thanks. ideally i would like to store the result in a datatable
1 1 1
1 1 2
1 2 1
2 1 1
2 1 2
1 2 2
2 2 1
2 2 2
Dim HighestValue As Integer = 2 ' max value
Dim NrOfValues As Integer = 3 ' nr of values in one result
Dim Values(NrOfValues) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To NrOfValues - 1
Values(i) = 1
Values(NrOfValues - 1) = 0 ' to generate first as ALL 1
For i = 1 To HighestValue ^ NrOfValues
Values(NrOfValues - 1) += 1
For j As Integer = NrOfValues - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Values(j) > HighestValue Then
Values(j) = 1
Values(j - 1) += 1
End If
Dim Result As String = ""
For j As Integer = 0 To NrOfValues - 1
Result = Result & CStr(Values(j))
Ok Here's the solution, you just need to change the Debug.Writeline with a write to your file
Dim HighestValue As Integer = 3 ' max value
Dim NrOfValues As Integer = 3 ' nr of values in one result
Dim Values(NrOfValues) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To NrOfValues - 1
Values(i) = 1
Values(NrOfValues - 1) = 0 ' to generate first as ALL 1
For i = 1 To HighestValue ^ NrOfValues
Values(NrOfValues - 1) += 1
For j As Integer = NrOfValues - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Values(j) > HighestValue Then
Values(j) = 1
Values(j - 1) += 1
End If
Dim Result As String = ""
For j As Integer = 0 To NrOfValues - 1
If Values(j) = 1 Then Result = Result & "d"
If Values(j) = 2 Then Result = Result & "o"
If Values(j) = 3 Then Result = Result & "n"
'Result = Result & CStr(Values(j))


Remove duplicates from DataGridView but keep the count?

I have a datagridview with data I pull from an SQL Server. It comes back with some data that are duplicates. I want to remove all the duplicates but keep count of how many there are of each unique items. Here is an example of what the data looks like...
For intI = DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
For intJ = intI - 1 To 0 Step -1
If DataGridView1.Rows(intI).Cells(1).Value =
DataGridView1.Rows(intJ).Cells(1).Value AndAlso
DataGridView1.Rows(intI).Cells(3).Value =
DataGridView1.Rows(intJ).Cells(3).Value Then
Exit For
End If
So I can remove all the duplicates, but I want to be able to have a count of all the items in the end, including the duplicates. For example, There are 5 CA, I want to remove 4 leaving just 1 unique one, but I want to show that there are 5 CA in my datagridview next to California.
So in the end, I want the datagridview to have something like :
State | Short
California | 5
Here is my Query:
States , Shorts
Thank you for your help!
I came up with a method of counting the GridView1 into GridView2 but I'm not exactly sure on the code. Maybe I could get some help with this part instead?
For i As Integer = DataGridView1.RowCount - 1 To 1 Step -1
For j As Integer = DataGridView2.RowCount - 1 To 1 Step -1
'If Grid2.Row(j).Cells(1).Value = Grid1.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value Then
' Grid2 already has that value, +1 to Column 2 of Cell(j)
' Delete row(i)
'Value does not exist, add row(i) into Grid2, and in the 2nd column of Grid2, the count is 1
'End If
The end result for GridView2 would be something like :
Here is my code I came up with to try and count the States in Column 1 and then delete it and add it to the Grid2, but it's not working...
Dim Counts As Integer = 0
Dim State As String = ""
Dim CurLoop As Integer = 0
Do Until CurLoop > DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
State = DataGridView1.Rows(CurLoop).Cells(0).Value
For i As Integer = DataGridView1.RowCount - 1 To 1 Step -1
If DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value = State Then
Counts += 1
End If
DataGridView2.Rows.Add(State, Counts)
State = ""
Counts = 0
CurLoop += 1
I have figured out the answer to my own question. It's not the prettiest solution but it works. If anyone else is in need of something like this, here is what I did...
Dim Counts As Integer = 0
Dim State As String = ""
Dim CurLoop As Integer = 0
Do Until CurLoop > DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
State = DataGridView1.Rows(CurLoop).Cells(0).Value
For i As Integer = DataGridView1.RowCount - 1 To 1 Step -1
If DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value = State Then
Counts += 1
End If
DataGridView2.Rows.Add(State, Counts)
State = ""
Counts = 0
CurLoop += 1
Counts = DataGridView2.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value
Counts += 1
DataGridView2.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value = Counts
For some reason, whatever in the first row of Grid1 is, it's always 1 lower than what it's supposed to be, so I add 1 to it in the end.

Excel VBA how to set number sequence to start at middle of the row?

I previously have a Excel sheet with VBA coding that fills column, row 1 to 10 with the number 1, row 11 to 20 with number 2 and so on. The code I've used is as follows:
Sub fill()
Dim ID
ID = 1
For c = 1 To 34
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(c, 1) = ID
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(c + 1, 1) = ID
c = c + 1
If (c Mod 10) = 0 Then
ID = ID + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
Now I want to change it so that the code starts at row 3 onwards. Meaning row 3 to 12 = 1, row 13 to 22 = 2 and so on. So I changed the 'For' statement to:
For c = 3 To 34
But what happens is that the number 1 appears from row 3 to row 10, and then continues with number 2 in row 11 to 20. Not what I was expecting.
Therefore, what would be the best method of changing the code?
If you want exactly the same output but two rows lower, you can use:
Sub fill()
Dim ID
ID = 1
For c = 1 To 34
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(c + 2, 1) = ID
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(c + 3, 1) = ID
c = c + 1
If (c Mod 10) = 0 Then
ID = ID + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
If you still only want to go to row 34 but start in row 3, change the 34 to 32 in the above code.
You can also do it without looping and this is easier to adjust the parameters:
Sub fill()
Const NUMBER_OF_ROWS As Long = 34
Const START_ROW As Long = 3
Const ID As Long = 1
Const NUMBER_IN_GROUP As Long = 10
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(START_ROW, 1).Resize(NUMBER_OF_ROWS)
.Value = .Parent.Evaluate("INDEX(INT((ROW(" & .Address & ")-" & START_ROW & ")/" & _
NUMBER_IN_GROUP & ")+" & ID & ",)")
End With
End Sub
When i understand you write, this should work:
You can use the loop how you did at the beginning. and just add plus 2 to c in the ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tabelle1").Cells(c + 2, 1) = ID
Sub fill()
Dim ID
ID = 1
For c = 1 To 34
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tabelle1").Cells(c + 2, 1) = ID
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Tabelle1").Cells(c + 3, 1) = ID
c= c+1
If (c Mod 10) = 0 Then
ID = ID + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
something like that should be the simplest way:
Sub fill()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For i = 1 To 4
For j = 1 To 10
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(j + (i - 1) * 10 + 2, 1) = i
Next j
Next i
End Sub
No, the simplest way would be type formula into A3:
end drag it donw.

Loop through a string to find the odd numbers VB

I am looping through a card number finding all the odd numbers and multiplying them by the card digits. Its kind of hard to explain. I am having trouble multiplying the odd number and the card number. Here's an example my teacher gave me. You multiply card number 1 and and odd number 1 and so forth. I am not getting any errors, it just kind of freezes.
Card #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Multiples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Evens: 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 32 =Sum 1
Odds: 1 6 15 28 45 6 21 40 162 =Sum 2
Sum 3: 194
194 =Sum 3
Step 4: =1+9+4 = 14
= 1 + 4 = 5 = check digit
Public Class Payment
Private Sub OK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
Dim Sum1 = 0
Dim Sum2 = 0
Dim Sum3 = 0
Dim ready As Boolean
Dim ccnumb = CardNumber.Text
Format(CardNumber.Text, "################")
Dim exp = Mid(ExpDate.Text, 1, 3)
Dim checkdigit = 0
If FullName.TextLength = 0 Or cardtype.Text.Length = 0 And ccnumb.Length <= 16 Or exp.Length = 2 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter all credit card information before proceeding.")
ready = False
Else ready = True
End If
If ready = True Then
For Each num As Char In ccnumb
If CInt(CStr(num)) Mod 2 <> 0 Then
Sum1 += CInt(CStr(num)) * CInt(CStr(num)) Mod 2 <> 0
Sum2 += CInt(CStr(num))
End If
Sum3 = Sum1 + Sum2
Do While Sum3 > 10
For j = 0 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
For k = 1 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
Sum3 = j + k
Do While exp.Length > 1
checkdigit = Mid(ExpDate.Text, 1, 1) + Mid(ExpDate.Text, 1, 2)
If Sum3 = checkdigit Then
MessageBox.Show("Congratulations! Your payment was successful.")
Else MessageBox.Show("The checkdigit," & Space(1) & Sum3 & Space(1) & "does not match the month code," & Space(1) & checkdigit & "." & Space(1) & "Please reenter your card information.")
End If
End If
End Sub
"it kind of freezes" is lay speak for "my code enters an infinite loop".
This looks suspicious:
Do While Sum3 > 10
For j = 0 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
For k = 1 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
Sum3 = j + k
To enter the loop, Sum3 must be greater than 10. For the loop to exit, Sum3 must not be greater than 10, but your code only increments Sum3, so Sum3 can only stay greater than 10.
This means that once entered, this loop is infinite.
If changing outer loop to inside loop doesn't help you
Try this
Do While Sum3 > 10 and j < sum3 ' adding j < sum3 might stop the loop
For j = 0 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
For k = 1 To Sum3.ToString.Length - 1
Sum3 = j + k

Why doesn't my VBA function work properly?

I'm very new to VBA and programming, so this might be a dumb question. I have written the following code:
Function central(X)
Dim xc(300, 10), xa(200)
m = X.Rows.Count
n = X.Columns.Count
For j = 1 To n
xa(j) = 0
For i = 1 To m
xa(j) = xa(j) + X(i, j)
Next i
xa(j) = xa(j) / m
For i = 1 To m
xc(i, j) = X(i, j) - xa(j)
Next i
central = xc()
End Function
This should output a matrix whose elements are subtracted from the average value of their columns.
My problem is that the output is shifted with one row and column. So for example for this table:
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
it gives me:
0 0 0
0 -1 -1
0 0 0
Thanks in advance!

InvalidArgument=Value of '2' is not valid for 'index'

Dim group11_0_count = 0
Dim group11_1_count = 0
Dim group11_2_count = 0
Dim m As Integer = 0
Dim n As Integer = 0
Dim increment2 As Integer
For m = 0 To machings2.Items.Count - 1
For n = 0 To 3
If machings2.Items(m).ToString.Chars(n) = "1" Then
increment2 = increment2 + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 0) Then
group11_0_count = group11_0_count + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 1) Then
group11_1_count = group1_1_count + 1
End If
If (increment2 = 2) Then
group11_2_count = group1_2_count + 1
End If
increment2 = 0
If (group11_0_count > 0 AndAlso group11_1_count > 0) Then
Dim result = ""
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim gg As Integer = 0
Dim hh As Integer = 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
For hh = 0 To group11_1_count - 1
For gg = 0 To group11_0_count - 1
result = ""
index = 0
For i = 0 To 3
If group11_1_0.Items(gg).ToString.Chars(i) <> group11_1_1.Items(hh).ToString.Chars(i) Then
result &= "-"
index = index + 1
result &= group11_1_0.Items(gg).ToString.Chars(i)
End If
If (index = 1) Then
End If
End If
I am comparing the items of two combobox items like that
combobox1 items
combobox items
the result will be like that in machings3 combobox
Here the differnce between two items indicated by - sign
But i am getting InvalidArgument=Value of '2' is not valid for 'index'.
I Can't make sense out of your source and where the IndexOutOfRangeException occurs. But you know that you need 3 Items in a Combobox to access Item with Index 2?! Every collection starts with 0.