mod rewrite clear home url for tomcat + apache - apache

I have a struts app running on Apache front end of Tomcat via mod-jk.
I am trying to use mod-rewrite to clean some of the action urls generate by struts.
Example: rewrite (works fine) to using
RewriteRule ^/msn/aboutus$ /msn/ [PT,L].
Problem: I'd like to rewrite the to (homepage)
I tried this
RewriteRule ^/$ /context/userdo?action=home [PT,L] which does not work.
All the css,js and links are on relative path.
DirectoryIndex is on index.html (Does it change mod-rewrite behaviour?)
Tomcat Version 5.5, Application deploy via exploding the WAR file in public_html/context/ folder (multiple deployment)
URLrewrite filter does not help to remove the context name according to this.
I tired to have a look at the log file (snapshots) which doesn't give any warning error messages.
(3) applying pattern '^/$' to uri '/context/jsps/images/abc.png'
(3) applying pattern '^/abc/aboutus$' to uri '/abc/jsps/images/abc.png'
(3) applying pattern '^/abc/home$' to uri
Anyone can give me some ideas what went wrong? and how can I solve that issue?

I think in your case of rewriting ^/$ it is mod_jk that is taking precedence over mod_rewrite rules since using mod_jk you are forwarding everything eg: /* to Tomcat from Apache. I will suggest using URLRewriteFilter within your Tomcat app to achieve these URL rewrites properly.


Apache mod_rewrite

I'm using Liferay 6.2 EE that runs on tomcat but it's fronted by an Apache server. I want to redirect users so that whenever they hit the old liferay URL, it redirects them to the new liferay URL. I changed the URL in liferay, so it is now the new URL. However, whenever I try to go to the old URL, I get a page request error. It never redirects me to the new URL. In /san/apache/conf/ I put my redirect code inside of httpd.conf. This my code:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^group/old/(.*) /group/new/$1 [L]
After I applied these changes, I restarted the Apache server and it still doesn't work. I've tried a bunch of other combinations as well. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Is there some place else I have to make this change?
Ah, since your rewrite rule is lying in the server config file (instead of htaccess file), the mod-rewrite receives URLs with the leading slashes (/). So, the rule should be:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/group/old/(.*) /group/new/$1 [L]

Rewrite Client Facing URL with Tomcat Rewrite Valve

I currently have a rewrite.config file with the following: RewriteRule ^/abc /docs. This successfully directs clients to the docs webapp, but I would still like the client to see localhost/abc in their browser.
In Apache mod_rewrite, this would be handled by simply adding [PT] to the end of the rewrite rule.
Any suggestions?
I would suggest using the Tuckey UrLRewriteFilter. It appears to have better documentation and offer more flexibility than Tomcat's Rewrite value.

using proxy instead of redirection with htaccess rewriteRule

I'm developing a webapp and for the static files I'm simply using apache at localhost while the backend is on a couchdb instance running at localhost:5984.
The webapp interacts with files from the backend all the time. So what is happening when trying to test on apache all file requests to localhost:5984 are getting blocked due the cross-domain policy so the only way to get that working is starting the browser by setting flags to ignore that.
But again I get stuck when trying to test the app on mobile such ipad or iphone.
Currently I have this on my .htaccess file.
RewriteEngine on
# these are 302 http redirections instead of serving as a proxy
RewriteRule auth http://localhost:5984/auth [L]
RewriteRule db/([\s\S]+) http://localhost:5984/db/$1 [L]
RewriteRule send/([\s\S]+) http://localhost:5984/send/$1 [L]
# these are just redirections to static files and work great
RewriteRule ^([a-z/.]+) _attachments/$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^$ _attachments/ [L]
As you can see I have really no idea on how to deal with apache configuration unfortunately.
But what is happening right now is that for some of these rules apache is simply redirecting the page instead of provide it as a proxy server which causes the issue with cross-domain.
Also on the first auth rule I send POST and DELETE requests which as a redirection instead of proxy it won't pass the data being POSTed through.
So what I would like to achieve is to activate some kind of feature (if it exists) which will make apache simply render the page as it was on the localhost domain instead of redirect it. (I named this a a proxy, but perhaps that's not even the right term, sorry for any mistake committed with the nomenclatures).
Is is possible to achieve such action?
Thanks in advance
Have a look at these links / options:
[P] flag:
mod_proxy (possibly -- but I think #1 should be enough if it's on the same server):

url rewriting on localhost

I have WAMP installed on my local machine. I have configured the apache module for rewrite_mod and trying a very basic example to redirect
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^alice.html$ bob.html
As per this rule when I hit alice.html I should be viewing bob.html content. But, I think the url rewriting is not effective.
I have /test folder placed under www and alice.html and bob.html both are place inside the test folder.
Any advice to resolve this.
This is resolved.
Did you enable the mod_rewrite module for Apache ? You need to enable this module for using rewrite directives. Don't forget to restart Apache after enabling the module.

How to configure apache (ubuntu) such that will direct to

I am a newbie to ubuntu and apache. Can someone tell me how I could direct to
when user address
Thanks a lot.
If you are running Apache and Ubuntu, there is actually a really easy way to force this redirect using a simple php script.
Create an index.php file in the root of your server and paste the following code into it
<?php header("location: drupal6/") ?>
This will cause the site to auto-redirect to the drupal6 folder whenever it is visited.
This should work. Create a file in the root folder of your server called .htaccess - the dot at the beginning is very important as this helps the server identify the file as a hidden / system config file.
Open the file and paste the following lines of code in :
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]
This should force all traffic to the server to redirect to your custom folder.
A brief explanation of the .htaccess code
If you want rewrites to work, you have to enable the Rewrite Engine and tell the server to follow symlinks.
The second section establishes the rule - specifically applying it to all traffic on the standard web port of 80.
The final line tells the server to grab everything after the URL and append it to the new address (
There's a lot more you can do with .htaccess files but you really need to Google for good examples to test out.
Look at Apache's mod_rewrite documentation. You will need a RewriteRule in your apache configuration at the minimum, you may also need RewriteCond's to define when the RewriteRule is used.
Your rewrite pattern will be rewriting the REQUEST_URI with something from: ^/$ to: /drupal6. The ^ and $ are essential to prevent Apache getting into an infinite loop while rewriting the base URI by only matching "/" and not "/anything-else".
I assume you're on a recent version of Ubuntu and Apache? If so, see the Apache 2.2 documentation on mod_rewrite.