Query for joining all info from three tables - sql

I need to Join 3 tables in SQL Server. Those 3 tables have basically this schema:
Users Items UsersItems
+--------+ +--------+-------------+ +--------+--------+-------+
| UserID | | ItemID | Description | | UserID | ItemId | Value |
+--------+ +--------+-------------+ +--------+--------+-------+
| 1 | | 1 | desc1 | | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | | 2 | desc2 | | 1 | 2 | 2 |
| ... | | ... | desc3 | | 2 | 2 | 1 |
| n | | n | desc4 | | n | 1 | 1 |
+--------+ +--------+-------------+ +--------+--------+-------+
As you can see both Users and Items can grow indefinitely and UsersItems is used to express the relation between those two, also including a Value column.
I need a query to retrieve all users, and for each user I need all the items with it's corresponding Value.
If the relation doesn't exist in UsersItems then Null (or a default value) should be returned for that row's Value column.
The expected query result should be:
| UserID | ItemID | Value |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 2 |
| 1 | n | NULL |
| 2 | 1 | NULL |
| 2 | 2 | 1 |
| 2 | n | NULL |
| n | 1 | 1 |
| n | n | NULL |

Okay, since there are several answers that I think aren't correct, I'll post what I think the answer is:
SELECT Users.UserID,
Users.UserID = UsersItems.UserID
Items.ItemID = UsersItems.ItemID
I'm inferring from your comment about nulls that you want to see all Items againsts all Users, with the Value from the UsersItems table where it exists.

ON Users.UserID = UsersItems.UserID
ON UserItems.ItemID = Items.ItemID

You do it like this:
SELECT Users.UserID, Items.Description, Items.Value
FROM Users
LEFT OUTER JOIN UsersItems ON Users.UserID = UsersItems.UserID
LEFT OUTER JOIN Items ON UserItems.ItemID = Items.ItemID
For more info on left outer join read the following:
The result of a left outer join (or simply left join) for table A and
B always contains all records of the "left" table (A), even if the
join-condition does not find any matching record in the "right" table
(B). This means that if the ON clause matches 0 (zero) records in B,
the join will still return a row in the result—but with NULL in each
column from B. This means that a left outer join returns all the
values from the left table, plus matched values from the right table
(or NULL in case of no matching join predicate). If the right table
returns one row and the left table returns more than one matching row
for it, the values in the right table will be repeated for each
distinct row on the left table. From Oracle 9i onwards the LEFT OUTER
JOIN statement can be used as well as (+).


How do I receive a pair of ids of entities in many-to-many relation with null value for the second id if condition is not met

I've got the following tables: person (id), person_agency (person_id, agency_id) and agency(id, type)
this is my query:
select p.id, a.id from person p
left join person_agency pa on p.id = pa.person_id
left join agency a on pa.agency_id = a.id
where a.type = 'agency_type1'
However, with the query I get only the persons who have a relation with an agency of "agency_type1". Instead, I would like to get a list of ids of ALL persons with ids of agencies, where the relation exists and null where it doesn't. I tried naive outer joins but it did not work.
For this content of the tables:
| id |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| person_id | agency_id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 4 |
| 4 | 5 |
| id | type |
| 1 | agency_type1 |
| 2 | some_other_type |
| 3 | agency_type1 |
| 4 | agency_type1 |
| 5 | some_other_type |
I receive the folloing output of my query:
| p.id | a.id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 4 |
The desired output would be:
| p.id | a.id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 4 |
| 3 | null |
| 4 | null |
It looks like you don't want to distinguish between an agency which is missing and an agency which is present but the wrong type. So you would want a regular JOIN not a LEFT JOIN for the pa/a pair, and also want to filter out the unwanted type directly on that join. Then you want to do a LEFT JOIN from person to the results of that just-described join.
select p.id p_id, a.id a_id from person p
left join (person_agency pa join agency a on pa.agency_id = a.id and a.type='agency_type1')
on p.id = pa.person_id;
p_id | a_id
1 | 1
2 | 4
3 | (null)
4 | (null)
The parenthesis around the join pair are not necessary but I find they make it clearer.
If one person is associated to multiple agencies of the correct type, all of them will be shown. I assume this is what you want, although it was not a scenario covered in your example data.
Try to change left join
join (inner join).

difference between 'where' null and 'on' in a left join

Could someone explain to me why
select "talent".* from "talent"
left join "push" on "push"."talentId" = "talent"."id"
where ("push"."offerId" = '403' or "push"."offerId" is null)
yields less results than
select "talent".* from "talent"
left join "push" on "push"."talentId" = "talent"."id" and "push"."offerId" in ('403')
The way I see it, it should boil down to the same result, but it doesn’t, and I’m not sure what I miss to get it.
first one does not contain rows that have no entry in the push table.
I’d expect them to be caught by the or "push"."offerId" is null.
here is an example:
talent table
| id | name |
| 1 | John |
| 2 | Bob |
| 3 | Jack |
push table
| id | talentId | offerId |
| 1 | 1 | 403 |
| 2 | 1 | 42 |
| 3 | 2 | 123 |
| 3 | 2 | 456 |
With this data, the query with the where clause returns only
| id | name | offerId |
| 1 | John | 403 |
while the one with the on condition returns all wanted rows
| id | name | offerId |
| 1 | John | 403 |
| 2 | Bob | null |
| 3 | Jack | null |
The difference is when there is a match but on another row. This is best shown with a small example.
x y
1 abc
1 def
2 xyz
x y
1 def
Then the left join version returns all three rows in t1:
select *
from t1 left join
on t1.x = t2.x and t1.y = t2.y;
The filtering in the where clause version:
select *
from t1 left join
on t1.x = t2.x
where t2.y = 'abc' or t2.y is null;
returns only one rows. The row that is returned is 1/abc. x = 2 matches in t2. So, t2.y is not null. And it is not 'abc' either. So it is filtered out.
Here is a db<>fiddle.
Yes, there is something you are missing.
WHERE and join conditions are only exchangeable for inner joins.
An outer join a LEFT JOIN b ON ... is defined as:
the result of the inner join
in addition, for every row in a that did not find a match that way, we get a result row where the b values are replaced with NULL.
So, no matter what the join condition is, the result will always contain at least one row for each value of a.
But a WHERE condition is evaluated (logically) after the join, so it can exclude rows from a from the query result.

SQL JOIN two table & show all rows for table A

I have a question about JOIN.
PK | div | PK | div | val |
A | a | 1 | a | 10 |
B | b | 2 | a | 100 |
C | c | 3 | c | 9 |
------------------| 4 | c | 99 |
There are two tables something like above, and I have been trying to join two tables but I want to see all rows from TABLE A.
Something like
SELECT T1.PK, T1.div, T2.val
ON T1.div = T2.div
and I want the result would look like this below.
PK | div | val |
A | a | 10 |
A | a | 100 |
B | null | null |
C | c | 9 |
C | c | 99 |
I have tried all JOINs I know but B doesn't appear because it doesn't exist. Is it possible to show all rows on TABLE A and just show null if it doesn't exists on TABLE B?
Thanks in advance!
If you change your query to
SELECT T1.PK, T2.div, T2.val
ON T1.div = T2.div
(Note, that div comes from T2 here.), you'll get exactly the result posted (but maybe in a different order, add an ORDER BY clause if you want a specific order).
Your query as it stands will get you:
PK | div | val |
A | a | 10 |
A | a | 100 |
B | b | null |
C | c | 9 |
C | c | 99 |
(Note, that div is b for the row with the PK of B, not null.)
To get to your resultset, all you need to do is use T2.Div as that is the value that does not exist in the second table:
SELECT T1.PK, T2.div, T2.val
ON T1.div = T2.div

SQL Server join where not exist on other table

+-------------------+ +-------------------+ +---------------------+
| Service | | Asset | | AssetService |
+-------------------+ +-------------------+ +---------------------+
| Id | Name | | Id | Name | | AssetId | ServiceId |
|-------------------| |-------------------| |---------------------|
| 1 | Service 1 | | 1 | Asset 1 | | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | Service 2 | | 2 | Asset 2 | | 1 | 2 |
| 3 | Service 3 | | 3 | Asset 3 | | 2 | 2 |
+-------------------+ +-------------------+ | 2 | 3 |
So I have these tables. I want to get the Services that is not on AssetService where AssetId = 1
Like this:
| Service |
| Id | Name |
| 3 | Service 3 |
Is this possible with just inner/left/right join? because I already tried different combinations of inner join but it's not working, like this inner join Asset a on a.Id != as.AssetId. I event tried left and right join.
Can somebody help me?
You can you use an intelligent left join to return non-matching rows only from left table(Service)
SELECT S.Id, S.Name FROM [Service] S
LEFT JOIN ServiceAsset SA
ON S.Id = SA.ServiceId
Note: INNER JOIN returns the matching rows whereas you want the non matching rows then use LEFT JOIN instead
The simplest I can think of:
select * from Service
where Id not in (
select ServiceId
from AssetService
where AssetId = 1);
SQLFiddle link
I don't think it's possible using inner join, because that would only retrieve records that match some criteria and you are looking for records that do not match.
It is, however, possible to do it with left join as Ctznkane525 shows in his answer.
As jarlh pointed out in the comments, not in might lead to surprising results when there are nulls in the subquery. So, here is the not exists version:
select Id, Name
from Service s
where not exists (
select *
from AssetService a
where AssetId = 1
and ServiceId = s.Id);
SQLFiddle link
Try this:
select * from Service where Id not in (
select ServiceId from AssetService where AssetId = 1
-- we have to filter out NULLs, in case of NULL values query result will be empty
and ServiceId not null
It doesn't require any join.
Here is solution with join:
select Id, Name from Service
select S.Id, S.Name from Service S join AssetService [AS] on S.Id = [AS].ServiceId
where [AS].AssetId = 1

Oracle ordering by several same meaning columns

I have to make sortable table like this:
Sortable table:
building_id | building_age | title |
1 | 100 | New york buil |
2 | 50 | House 1 |
3 | 50 | House 10 |
From these tables:
Building Table:
building_id | building_age | building_type_1_FK | building_type_2_FK
1 | 100 | null | 1
2 | 50 | 1 | null
3 | 50 | 2 | null
type_id | title | diff1 |
1 | New york buil| blablabla |
building_id | title |
1 | House 1 |
2 | House 10 |
3 | House 500 |
While joining these tables I get several title columns where one of them is not null. Is there any way to sort by title and select top 10 results without fetching all the data and then sorting in the app?
p.s.. I know that in general this architecture is not good, but I can't change it.
Yes. You want to do a left outer join to the two tables, and then bring the results together:
select b.building_id, b.building_age, coalesce(bt1.title, bt2.title) as title
from building b left outer join
building_type_1 bt1
on b.building_type_1_FK = bt1.type_id left outer join
building_type_2 bt2
on b.building_type_2_FK = bt2.building_id;
To get the top 10 results in Oracle:
select *
from (select b.building_id, b.building_age, coalesce(bt1.title, bt2.title) as title
from building b left outer join
building_type_1 bt1
on b.building_type_1_FK = bt1.type_id left outer join
building_type_2 bt2
on b.building_type_2_FK = bt2.building_id
order by title
) b
where rownum <= 10;