database design bigger table vs split table have the same col - nhibernate

i have a database program for store as you know there is too type of invoice in it one for the thing i bought and the other for me when i sold them the two table is almost identical like
invoice table
and invoiceDetails which have
my question is simple its what best to keep the design like that or split every table for two sperate tabels
couple of my friend suggest splitting the tables as one for saleInvoice and the other for buyInvoice to speed the time for querying
so whats the pro and con of every abrouch i feel that if i split them its like i dont follow DRY rule
i am using Nhibernate BTW so its kindda weird to have to identical class with different names

Both approached would work. If you use the single table approach, then the invoiceType column would be your discriminator field. In your nHibernate mapping, this discriminator field would be used by nHibernate to decide which type (i.e. a purchase or a sale) to instantiate for a given row in the table (see section 5.1.6 of the nHibernate mapping guide. For ad hoc SQL queries or reporting queries, you could create two views, one to return only rows with invoiceType = purchase and one to return only rows where invoiceType=sales.
Alternatively, you could create two separate tables, one for purchase and one for sales. As you point out, these two tables would have nearly identical schemas and nhibernate mapping files.
If you are anticipating very high transaction volumes, you would want to put purchases and sales on two different physical discs. With two different tables, this can be accomplished by putting them into different file groups. With a single table, you still could accomplish this by creating a SQL Server Partitioned Table. Before you go to this trouble, you might want to evaluate if this really is necessary and that disc access to the table is really going to be the performance bottleneck. You don't want to spend a lot of time doing premature optimization if it is not necessary.
My preference would be to have a single table with a discriminator column, to better follow DRY principles. Unless I had solid numbers that indicated that indicated it was necessary, I would hold off implementing a partitioned table until if and when it became necessary.

I'd ask myself, how do I intend to use this information? Will I need sales and buy invoices in the same queries? Am I likely to need specialized information eventually (highly likely in my experience) for each type? And if I do will I need to have child tables for only 1 type? How would that affect referntial integrity? Would a change to one automatically mean I needed a change to the other? How large is the table likely to be (It would have to be in the multi-millions before I would consider that it might need to be split out only due to size). How likely is it that I would get the information mixed up by accident if they are in the same table and include both when I didn't want to? The answers would determine whether I needed to split it out for me. I would tend to see these as two separate functions and it would take alot to convince me to put them in one table.


A database in which the users can create data types

I have a really old application using an SQL database that I need to update. I would like to take also the opportunity to improve the database structure and I would appreciate some advice.
The basic problem is that an important part of the database must be user configurable without touching the code. To be more concrete, the DB stores products and these products have different specs (i.e. columns) depending on the type. The app must be able to search for any of the columns. There are only a few types (~20) but the administrator must be able to create a new one without touching the code.
The data that needs to be stored for each product are either strings or floats, and never more than 7 of each type.
Instead of creating an interface to create and delete tables, the following "solution" was implemented.
- In the Products Table, there is one column for the id; one column for the ProducTypeID; 7 string columns and 7 float columns
- In a ProducType column, there is one column for the ProducTypeID, and 14 string columns indicating the names of the 7 string columns and 7 float columns for each product type. If a product does not need so many columns, the column name is NULL
This works but due to the extra indirection is extremely annoying to maintain the client code.
The question is: Should I stay with an SQL DB and add a way to create/delete tables or should I use a noSQL DB? Which are the pros and cons in each case?
Keep in mind that in SQL databases, adding and removing columns on a large table can be a very expensive operation which can take minutes or even hours. Doing it on-the-fly is a really bad idea. Adding a bunch of "multi-purpose" columns to a table is not much better. It's hard to query and you have a limit on how many properties a product can have.
The usual by-the-book solution when each product has 0-n dynamic properties is to create a second table ProductID(primary key) | PropertyName(primary key) | PropertyValue. This allows each product to have any number of properties. You can easily JOIN it with the main products table to get all products with their properties.
When you are open to switching database technologies, you could also use a document-oriented NoSQL database which doesn't use a fixed schema like MongoDB or CouchDB. In such databases, each document in a collection can have a different set of fields. But before you decide to make this step, evaluate how such a database would affect other parts of your application. Listing everything that could be positively or negatively affected without knowing your whole application in and out would be too broad of a question.

Building a MySQL database that can take an infinite number of fields

I am building a MySQL-driven website that will analyze customer surveys distributed by a variety of clients. Generally, these surveys are structured fairly consistently, and most of our clients' data can be reduced to the same normalized database structure.
However, every client inevitably ends up including highly specific demographic questions for their customers that are irrelevant to every other one of our clients. For instance, although all of our clients will ask about customer satisfaction, only our auto clients will ask whether the customers know how to drive manual transmissions.
Up to now, I have been adding columns to a respondents table for all general demographic information, with a lot of default null's mixed in. However, as we add more clients, it's clear that this will end up with a massive number of columns which are almost always null.
Is there a way to do this consistently? I would rather keep as much of the standardized data as possible in the respondents table since our import script is already written for that table. One thought of mine is to build a respondent_supplemental_demographic_info table that has the columns response_id, demographic_field, demographic_value (so the manual transmissions example might become: 'ID999', 'can_drive_manual_indicator', true). This could hold an infinite number of demographic_fields, but would be incredible painful to work with from both a processing and programming perspective. Any ideas?
Your solution to this problem is called entity-attribute-value (EAV). This "unpivots" columns so they are rows in a table and then you tie them together into a single view.
EAV structures are a bit tricky to learn how to deal with. They require many more joins or aggregations to get a single view out. Also, the types of the values becomes challenging. Generally there is one value column, so everything is stored as a string. You can, of course, have a type column with different types.
They also take up more space, because the entity id is repeated on each row (I think that is the response_id in your case).
Although not idea in all situations, they are appropriate in a situation such as you describe. You are adding attributes indefinitely. You will quickly run over the maximum number of columns allowed in a single table (typically between 1,000 and 4,000 depending on the database). You can also keep track of each value in each column separately -- if they are added at different times, for instance, you can keep a time stamp on when they go in.
Another alternative is to maintain a separate table for each client, and then use some other process to combine the data into a common data structure.
Do not fall for a table with key-value pairs (field id, field value) as that is inefficient.
In your case I would create a table per customer. And metadata tables (in a separate DB) describing these tables. With these metadata you can generate SQL etcetera. That is definitely superior too having many null columns. Or copied, adapted scripts. It requires a bit of programming, where an application uses the metadata to generate SQL, collect the data (without customer specific semantic knowledge) and generate reports.

Is precalculation denormalization? If not, what is (in simple terms)?

I'm attempting to understand denormalization in databases, but almost all the articles google has spat out are aimed at advanced DB administrators. I fair amount of knowledge about MySQL and MSSQL, but I can't really grasp this.
The only example I can think of when speed was an issue was when doing calculations on about 2,500,000 rows in two tables at a place I used to intern at. As you can guess, calculating that much on demand took forever and froze the dev server I was on for a few minutes. So right before I left my supervisor wanted me to write a calculation table that would hold all the precalculated values, and would be updated about every hour or so (this was an internal site that wasn't used often). However I never got to finish it because I left
Would this be an example of denormalization? If so, is this a good example of it or does it go much farther? If not, then what is it in simple terms?
Say you had an Excel file with 2 worksheets you want to use to store family contact details. On the first worksheet, you have names of your contacts with their cell phone numbers. On the second worksheet, you have mailing addresses for each family with their landline phone numbers.
Now you want to print Christmas card labels to all of your family contacts listing all of the names but only one label per mailing address.
You need a way to link the two normalized sets. All the data in the 2 sets you have is normalized. It's 'atomic,' representing one 'atom,' or piece of information that can't be broken down. None of it is repeated.
In a denormalized view of the 2 sets, you'd have one list of all contacts with the mailing addresses repeated multiple times (cousin Alan lives with Uncle Bob at the same address, so it's listed on both Alan and Bob's rows.)
At this point, you want to introduce a Household ID in both sets to link them. Each mailing address has one householdID, each contact has a householdID value that can be repeated (cousin Alan and Uncle Bob, living in the same household, have the same householdID.)
Now say we're at work and we need to track zillions of contacts and households. Keeping the data normalized is great for maintenance purposes, because we only want to store contact and household details in one place. When we update an address, we're updating it for all the related contacts. Unfortunately, for performance reasons, when we ask the server to join the two related sets, it takes forever.
Therefore, some developer comes along and creates one denormalized table with all the zillions of rows, one for each contact with the household details repleated. Performance improves, and space considerations are tossed right out the window, as we now need space for 3 zillion rows instead of just 2.
Make sense?
I would call that aggregation not denormalization(if it is quantity of orders for example, SUM(Orders) per day...). This is what OLAP is used for. Denormalization would be for example instead of having a PhoneType table and the PhoneTypeID in the Contact table, you would just have the PhoneType in the Contact table thus eliminating 1 join
You could also of course use index/materialized views to have to aggregation values...but now you will slow down your update, delete and inserts
triggers are also another way to accomplish this
In an overly simplified form I would describe de-normalisation as reducing the number of tables used to represent the same data.
Customers and addresses are often kept in different tables to allow the concept of one customer having multiple addresses. (Work, Home, Current Address, Previous Address, etc)
The same could be said to apply to surnames, and other properties, but only the current surname ever be of concern. As such, one might normalise all the way to having a Customer table and a Surname table, with foreign key relationships, etc. But then denormalise this by merging the two tables together.
The benefit of "normalise until it hurts" is that it forces one to consider a pure and (hopefully) complete representation of the data and possible behaviours and relationships.
The benefit of "de-normalise until it works" is to reduce certain maintenance and/or processing overheads, but sticking to the same basic model as derived by working out a normalised model.
In the "Surname" example, by denormalising one is able to add an index to the customers based on their Surname and Date of Birth. Without de-normalising the Surname and DoB are in different tables and the composite index is not possible.
Denormalizing can be beneficial, the example you provided is an instance of this. It is not ideal to dynamically calculate these as the cost is expensive and thus you create a table and have a functional id referencing the other table along with calculation value.
The data is redundant as it can be derived from another table but due to production requirements this is a better design in the functional sense.
Curious to see what others have to say on this topic because I know my sql professor would cringe at the term denormalize but it has practicality.
Normal form would reject this table, as it is fully derivable from existing data. However, for performance reasons data of this type is commonly found. For example inventory counts are typically carried, but are derivable from the transactions that created them.
For smaller faster sets a view can be used to derive the aggregate. This provides the user the data they need (the aggregated value) rather than forcing them to aggregate it themselves. Oracle (and others?) have introduced materialized views to do what your manager was suggesting. This can be updated on various schedules.
If update volumes permit, triggers could be used to emulate a materialized view using a table. This may reduce the cost of maintaining the aggregated value. If not it would spread the overhead over a greater period of time. It does however, add the risk of creating a deadlock condition.
OLAP takes this simple case to more of an extreme interest in aggregates. Analysts are interested in aggregated values not the details. However, if the aggregated value is interesting, they may look at the details. Starting from normal form, is still a good practice.

Table with a lot of columns

If my table has a huge number of columns (over 80) should I split it into several tables with a 1-to-1 relationship or just keep it as it is? Why? My main concern is performance.
PS - my table is already in 3rd normal form.
PS2 - I am using MS Sql Server 2008.
PS3 - I do not need to access all table data at once, but rather have 3 different categories of data within that table, which I access separately. It is something like: member preferences, member account, member profile.
80 columns really isn't that many...
I wouldn't worry about it from a performance standpoint. Having a single table (if you're typically using all of the data in your standard operations) will probably outperform multiple tables with 1-1 relationships, especially if you're indexing appropriately.
I would worry about this (potentially) from a maintenance standpoint, though. The more columns of data in a single table, the less understandable the role of that table in your grand scheme becomes. Also, if you're typically only using a small subset of the data, and all 80 columns are not always required, splitting into 2+ tables might help performance.
Re the performance question - it depends. The larger a row is, the less rows can be read from disk in one read. If you have a lot of rows, and you want to be able to read the core information from the table very quickly, then it may be worth splitting it into two tables - one with small rows with only the core info that can be read quickly, and an extra table containing all the info you rarely use that you can lookup when needed.
Taking another tack, from a maintenance & testing point of view, if as you say you have 3 distinct groups of data in the one table albeit all with the same unique id (e.g. member_id) it might make sense to split it out into separate tables.
If you need to add fields to say your profile details section of the members info table, do you really want to run the risk of having to re-test the preferences & account details elements of your app as well to ensure no knock on impacts.
Also for audit trail purposes if you want to track the last user ID/Timestamp to change a members data. If the admin app allows Preferences/Account Details/Profile Details to be updated separately then it makes sense to have them in separate tables to more easily track updates.
Not quite a SQL/Performance answer but maybe something to look at from a DB & App design pov
Depends what those columns are. If you've got hard coded duplicated fields like Colour1, Colour2, Colour3, then these are candidates for child tables. My general rule of thumb is if there's more than one field of the same type (Colour), then you might as well code for N of them, not a fixed number.
1-1 may be easier, if you have say Member_Info; Member_Pref; Member_Profile. Having too many columns can make it run if you want lots of varchar(255) as you may go over the rowsize limit, and it just makes it too confusing.
Just make sure you have the correct forgein key constraints and suchwhat, so there's always 1 row in each table with the same member_id

What is the best way to query data from multilpe tables and databases?

I have 5 databases which represent different regions of the country. In each database, there are a few hundred tables, each with 10,000-2,000,000 transaction records. Each table is a representation of a customer in the respective region. Each of these tables has the same schema.
I want to query all tables as if they were one table. The only way I can think of doing it is creating a view that unions all tables, and then just running my queries against that. However, the customer tables will change all the time (as we gain and lose customers), so I'd have to change the query for my view to include new tables (or remove ones that are no longer used).
Is there a better way?
In response to the comments, (I also posted this as a response to an answer):
In most cases, I won't be removing any tables, they will remain for historic purposes. As I posted in comment to one response, the idea was to reduce the time it takes a smaller customers (one with only 10,000 records) to query their own history. There are about 1000 customers with an average of 1,000,000 rows (and growing) a piece. If I were to add all records to one table, I'd have nearly a billion records in that table. I also thought I was planning for the future, in that when we get say 5000 customers, we don't have one giant table holding all transaction records (this may be an error in my thinking). So then, is it better not to divide the records as I have done? Should I mash it all into one table? Will indexing on customer Id's prevent delays in querying data for smaller customers?
I think your design may be broken. Why not use one single table with a region and a customer column?
If I were you, I would consider refactoring to one single table, and if necessary (for reverse compatibility for example), I would use views to provide the same info as in the previous tables.
Edit to answer OP comments to this post :
One table with 10 000 000 000 rows in it will do just fine, provided you use proper indexing. Database servers are built to cope with this kind of volume.
Performance is definitely not a valid reason to split one such table into thousands of smaller ones !
The architecture of this system smells like it needs a vastly different approach if there are a few hundred tables and each has the same schema
Why are you adding or removing tables at all? This should not be happening under any normal circumstances.
Agree with Brann,
That's an insane DB Schema Design. Why didn't you go with (or is an option to change to) a single normalised structure with columns to filter by region and whatever condition separates each table within a region database.
In that structure you're stuck with some horribly large (~500 tables) unioned view that you would have to dynamically regenerate as regularly as new tables appear in the system.
2 solutions
1. write a stored procedure who build the view for you by parsing all table names in the 5 databases and build the view with union as you would do it by hand.
create a new database with one table and import each night per example all the records of all the tables in this one.
Sounds like your stuck somewhere between a multi and single tenant database shema. Specifically your storing it as "light"multi-tenant (separate tables vs separate databases) but querying it as single-tenant, one query to rule them all.
In the short term have your data access layer dynamically pick the table to query and not union everything together for one uber query.
In the long term pick one approach and stick too it. One database and one table or many databases.
Here are some posts on the subject.
What are the advantages of using a single database for EACH client?