to_date unable to print timestamp - sql

I want to print the timestamp from the below sql
select to_date('01/01/2011 12:00:00 AM','dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM') from dual;
current output --> 1/1/2011 (not printing the timestamp only for 12 am. if the min is 12:01 then it is printing.
but I need the output as 1/1/2011 12:00:00 AM

TO_DATE converts a string to a DATE. A DATE is stored in a packed binary format that is not human readable. An Oracle DATE does not have a format. So when you ask a program to display a date, it has to then convert the DATE to a string. If you don't explicitly specify the format by doing an explicit TO_CHAR, a tool like SQL*Plus will convert the date to a string using the session's NLS_DATE_FORMAT. Other applications may choose different ways to convert a date to a string-- using the client's regional settings, for example, or by allowing the user to configure the format.
If you want to return a string in a particular format that represents a DATE, you'd need to use an explicit TO_CHAR. Something like
SELECT to_char( some_date_column, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM' )
FROM some_table
In the specific case you posted, since you have the string in your hand as a string, you'd simply want to select it from dual rather than doing a TO_DATE to convert it to a date and then a TO_CHAR to convert it back to a string. I'm assuming, though, that you have an actual DATE in the actual table that you are trying to select from.

The best way to control the formatting is to use to_char and explicitly specify the date format you want.
select to_char(to_date('01/01/2011 12:00:00 AM','dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM'),'DD/MM/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM')
from dual;

You can Use
select Convert(varchar,'01/01/2011 12:00:00 AM',113)


Oracle, finding data between two different dates

I have a table name as business_details and column name business_date whose data type is varchar2.
Now i have to find out the data between two different dates and date format like : 12-JUN-18 21:15:13
Means, 12 Jun, 2018.
Kindly help me to write a query which can fetch the data between these two dates :12-JUN-18 21:15:13 and 25-JUN-18 18:15:32
I assume that in table business_details you have an column date or something like that.
Than use something like this:
select business_date from business_details
where date between TO_DATE ('12-JUN-18 21:15:13','dd-MM-yy hh:mi:ss')
AND TO_DATE ('25-JUN-18 18:15:32','dd-MM-yy hh:mi:ss');
Assuming your business_date is actually a string in the format you've shown (and it isn't really a date your client is just showing in that format), you need to convert that to a date type, as well as converting the string literals.
select *
from business_details
where to_date(business_date, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS')
between to_date('12-JUN-18 21:15:13', 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS')
and to_date('25-JUN-18 18:15:32', 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS');
The format model you tried to use in a comment did this:
to_date('12-JUN-18 21:15:13', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
is using MM rather than MON, which works anyway by default - although using month numbers is safer anyway as they aren't dependent on your session language. But more importantly it uses YYYY. If you pass a 2-digit value like 18 and try to convert with YYYY you get the wrong year:
select to_date('12-JUN-18 21:15:13', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') form dual;
0018-06-12 21:15:13
In your version your business_date was being converted implicitly so would use NLS settings, which are presumably using RR already. But that means you were comparing a date in 2018 with a range in 0018, which is why nothing matched.
You could also use timestamp literals for the fixed values (unless those strings are actually being passed in from somewhere else):
select *
from business_details
where to_date(business_date, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS')
between cast(timestamp '2018-06-12 21:15:13' as date)
and cast(timestamp '2018-06-25 18:15:32' as date);

Using TO_DATE() with AM/PM Formatting

I am trying to select some dates from a table where the format of the dates is like this:
14-APR-14 AM
01-NOV-16 PM
Note that the dates can be either AM or PM, but when I try to do a simple SELECT from the table such as:
WHERE TO_DATE(MyDate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') > '31-DEC-2016 08:00:00 AM';
I get the error:
ORA-01855: AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required
I've been trying to get this work for some time but with no luck. Any help here would be appreciated.
Several problems.
Your inputs are obviously strings, since they have ten decimal places and timestamps in Oracle have at most 9. Then, strings with fractions of a second can't be converted to a date with to_date - you need to use to_timestamp or else you need to remove all the fractional parts. In the solution below I only remove the last (the tenth) decimal, since you may have non-zero fractional parts in the table - although not in the sample you posted.
Then, your format mask has yyyy but your inputs have only two digits for the year (which probably means 93 means 1993 and not 2093, so the correct thing to use would be rr rather than yy). And you use : in the format mask where your inputs use .
Finally, don't even compare dates in string format: in string comparisons, 01-JAN-2015 is before 20-NOV-2013.
You probably want something like this:
select mydate
from (
select '14-APR-14 AM' as mydate from dual
union all
select '01-NOV-16 PM' from dual
) mytable
where to_timestamp(substr(mydate, 1, 28) || substr(mydate, -3), 'dd-MON-rr AM')
> to_timestamp('31-DEC-2016 08:00:00 AM', 'dd-MON-yyyy hh:mi:ss AM');
This query compiles correctly, and it produces no rows in the output (for obvious reasons).
NOTE: In a comment you (the OP) say the mydate field is a timestamp(6) datatype. Hard to believe (you show ten decimal places), but if indeed it is a timestamp or date, then you don't need to wrap it within any to_timestamp or to_date function, it should stand alone in the left-hand side of the inequality.
From your comment:
It's actually a timestamp; not a string. Timestamp(6) to be precise
You can just use a TIMESTAMP literal:
FROM MyTable
WHERE MyDate > TIMESTAMP '2016-12-31 08:00:00';

Select date from between two timestamps

I am facing the following problem.
I have a database with a table which saves Dates (with its time).
Now I would like to know all the tables information where the date is in between two timestamps, but I am getting the following error:
01830. 00000 - "date format picture ends before converting entire input string".
What I did so far is this query:
and '01.12.2015 19:05:00';
And this which doesn't give me any result but there should be:
and '01.12.2015 19:05:00';
Try this statement (using Oracle syntax)
WHERE STARTZEIT BETWEEN TO_DATE ('12/04/2015 09:00:00 AM', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM')
AND TO_DATE ('12/04/2015 10:00:00 AM', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss AM');
If STARTZEIT is a DATE column, then why are you trying to compare it to a string?
By doing that, you are relying on Oracle being able to say "aha! This string is really a date, so I will attempt to convert it for you!". That's all well and good, but how will Oracle know how the date-in-the-string is formatted?
Well, there's the nls_date_format parameter which is defaulted to 'DD-MON-RR', and I think you can now see why you're getting the "date format picture ends before converting entire input string" error, since 'DD-MON-RR' is a lot shorter than '30.11.2015 19:00:00'.
Instead of relying on this implicit conversion and the bugs that go right along with that (as you've discovered!), you should explicitly convert the string into a date, which you can easily do with the to_date() function.
select *
WHERE STARTZEIT BETWEEN to_date('30.11.2015 19:00:00', ' hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('01.12.2015 19:05:00', ' hh24:mi:ss');
Oracle does not store dates in the format you see. It stores it internally in 7 bytes with each byte storing different components of the datetime value.
You must use TO_DATE with proper FORMAT MODEL to explicitly convert the literal to DATE.
TO_DATE('30.11.2015 19:00:00', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
TO_DATE('01.12.2015 19:05:00', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
Remember, the DATE data type has both date and time elements, TIMESTAMP is an extension to DATE data type.

How to convert date to datetime in Oracle?

i have a date in oracle with this format DD-MM-YYY and i want to convert it to datetime with this other format DD-MM-YYY HH24:MI how can i proceed?
I've tried this but nothing is working :
to_date(the_date,'DD-MM-YYY HH24:MI')
and also this:
to_date(to_char(date_debut_p),'DD-MM-YYY HH24:MI')
i have a date in oracle with this format DD-MM-YYY and i want to convert it to datetime with this other format DD-MM-YYY HH24:MI
No, you are confused. Oracle does not store dates in the format you see. It is internally stored in 7 bytes with each byte storing different components of the datetime value.
DATE data type always has both date and time elements up to a precision of seconds.
If you want to display, use TO_CHAR with proper FORMAT MODEL.
For example,
SQL> select to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
11/25/2015 22:25:42
Oracle DATE datatype ALWAYS contains (stores) time.
If you want to see it, you can use function TO_CHAR.
If you want to add, for example, 1 hour, you can just use date_debut_p+1/24.
If you want to covert to timestamp, you can do the following:
Select to_timestamp(date_column, 'DD-MM-YYY') from table;
However, if you want in the required format, you can do the following:
Select to_char(to_timestamp(date_column, 'DD-MON-YY'), 'DD-MM-YYY HH24:MI')
from table;
Hope it helps..

convert string literal to a date

I have a varchar2 field in my db with the format of for example -
2015-08-19 00:00:01.0
2014-01-11 00:00:01.0
I am trying to convert this to a date of format DD-MON-YYYY. For instance, 2015-08-19 00:00:01.0 should become 19-AUG-2015. I've tried
select to_date(upgrade_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from connection_report_update
but even at this point I'am getting ORA-01830 date format ends before converting the entire input string. Any ideas?
You have details upto milli seconds, for which, you have to use TO_TIMESTAMP() with format model 'FF'
select to_timestamp('2015-08-19 00:00:01.0' ,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF') as result from dual;
19-AUG-15 AM
And Date doesn't have a format itself, only the date output can be in a format. So, when you want it to be printed in a different format, you would need to again use a TO_CHAR() of the converted timestamp;
select to_char(to_timestamp('2015-08-19 00:00:01.0' ,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'),'DD-MON-YYYY') as result from dual;
Why do you store datetimes in a string???
Anyhow. To get from '2015-08-19 00:00:01.0' to a datetime with milliseconds (which is a TIMESTAMP in Oracle) use to_timestamp:
to_timestamp('2015-08-19 00:00:01.0', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff')
Then to get the desired output format, use to_char:
to_char(thedate, 'DD-MON-YYYY')
to_char(to_timestamp('2015-08-19 00:00:01.0', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff'), 'DD-MON-YYYY')
You should be specifying the format that you want in the call of to_date not the current format:
select to_date(upgrade_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY') from connection_report_update