Unique results from database? - sql

I am selecting all badge numbers from a database where category is equal to 1.
category | badge number
0 | 1
1 | 1
2 | 5
1 | 1
Sometimes the category is duplicated, is there a way to only get unique badge numbers from the database?
So above there is two 1's in category, each with badge number 1. How can I make sure the result only gives '1' rather than '1,1'

Use DISTINCT key word in the SELECT statement.
SELECT DISTINCT badge_number FROM Your_Table WHERE category = 1

Use the distinct keyword in your select.
select distinct badge_number from table_name where category = 1

Have you tried Select Distinct :
SELECT DISTINCT [badge number] from table
where Category=1

Select Distinct Badgenumber from table where Category = 1

SELECT DISTINCT BadgeNumber FROM dbo.TableName
Where Category = 1
Ohh, there are so many posts already .... !!


SQL query (Postgres) how to answer that?

I have a table with company id's (non unique) and some attribute (let's call it status id), status can be between 1 to 18 (many to many the row id is what unique)
now I need to get results of companies who only have rows with 1 and 18, if they have any number as well (let's say 3) then this company should not be returned.
The data is stored as row id, some meta data, company id and one status id, the example below is AFTER I ran a group by query.
So as an example if I do group by and string agg, I am getting these values:
Company ID Status
1 1,9,12,18
2 12,13,18
3 1
4 8
5 18
So in this case I need to return only 3 and 5.
You should fix your data model. Here are some reasons:
Storing numbers in strings is BAD.
Storing multiple values in a string is BAD.
SQL has poor string processing capabilities.
Postgres offers many ways to store multiple values -- a junction table, arrays, and JSON come to mind.
For your particular problem, how about an explicit comparison?
where status in ('1', '18', '1,18', '18,1')
You can group by companyid and set 2 conditions in the having clause:
select companyid
from tablename
group by companyid
sum((status in (1, 18))::int) > 0
sum((status not in (1, 18))::int) = 0
Or with EXCEPT:
select companyid from tablename
select companyid from tablename
where status not in (1, 18)
See the demo.
> | companyid |
> | --------: |
> | 3 |
> | 5 |
You can utilize group by and having. ie:
select *
from myTable
where statusId in (1,18)
and companyId in (select companyId
from myTable
group by companyId
having count(distinct statusId) = 1);
EDIT: If you meant to include those who have 1,18 and 18,1 too, then you could use array_agg instead:
select *
from t t1
inner join
(select companyId, array_agg(statusId) as statuses
from t
group by companyId
) t2 on t1.companyid = t2.companyid
where array[1,18] #> t2.statuses;
EDIT: If you meant to get back only companyIds without the rest of columns and data:
select companyId
from t
group by companyId
having array[1,18] #> array_agg(statusId);
DbFiddle Demo

if count value of the column is greater than 1, I want to print the count of the column else I want to print value in the field

I am writing a query which fetches details from different tables. In one column I want to print count value of a column. If the count value of the column is greater than 1, I want to print the count of the column else I want to print value in the field.
I want to build a query which will give me count of user_id from table 1 & 2. if the count user_id is greater than 1, then print count (user_id) else print value of user_id
| user_id |
| John |
| Bob |
| Kris |
| Tom |
| user_id |
| Rob |
query result should list count of table1 as it greater than 1. Table2 should list Rob as it is lesser than 2
You want to select user IDs (names actually) from a table. If it's just one row then show that name, otherwise show the number of entries instead. So, just use a CASE expression to check whether count is 1 or greater than 1.
You probably need CAST or CONVERT to turn the count number into a string, so the CASE expression always returns the same type (this is how CASE works).
case when count(*) > 1
then cast(count(*) as varchar(100))
else max(user_id)
end as name_or_count
from mytable
Window Functions come to mind but since your user_ids are not numbers, you'll run into an issue where you can't have two different data types in the same column. See how this works for you. Make sure to cast the varchar numbers back to integer if this script is part of a larger process.
with cte as
(select 'John' as user_id union all
select 'Bob' as user_id union all
select 'Kris' as user_id union all
select 'Tom' as user_id)
select distinct case when count(*) over() > 1
then cast(count(*) over() as varchar) else user_id end
from cte
with cte as
(select 'Rob' as user_id)
select distinct case when count(*) over() > 1
then cast(count(*) over() as varchar) else user_id end
from cte

SQL aggregate rows with same id , specific value in secondary column

I'm looking to filter out rows in the database (PostgreSQL) if one of the values in the status column occurs. The idea is to sum the amount column if the unique reference only has a status equals to 1. The query should not SELECT the reference at all if it has also a status of 2 or any other status for that matter. status refers to the state of the transaction.
Current data table:
reference | amount | status
1 100 1
2 120 1
2 -120 2
3 200 1
3 -200 2
4 450 1
amount | status
550 1
I've simplified the data example but I think it gives a good idea of what I'm looking for.
I'm unsuccessful in selecting only references that only have status 1.
I've tried sub-queries, using the HAVING clause and other methods without success.
Here's a way using not exists to sum all rows where the status is 1 and other rows with the same reference and a non 1 status do not exist.
select sum(amount) from mytable t1
where status = 1
and not exists (
select 1 from mytable t2
where t2.reference = t1.reference
and t2.status <> 1
SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM table
WHERE reference NOT IN (
SELECT reference
FROM table
WHERE status<>1
The subquery SELECTs all references that must be excluded, then the main query sums everything except them
select sum (amount) as amount
from (
select sum(amount) as amount
from t
group by reference
having not bool_or(status <> 1)
) s;
You could use windowed functions to count occurences of status different than 1 per each group:
SELECT SUM(amount) AS amount
FROM tc) AS sub
WHERE cnt = 0;
Rextester Demo

SQL - Search a table for all instances where a value is repeated

I'm looking to find a way to search a table for duplicate values and return those duplicates (or even just one of the set of duplicates) as the result set.
For instance, let's say I have these data:
uid | semi-unique id
1 | 12345
2 | 21345
3 | 54321
4 | 41235
5 | 12345
6 | 21345
I need to return either:
I've tried googling around and keep coming up short. Any help please?
To get each row, you can use window functions:
select t.*
from (select t.*, count(*) over (partition by [semi-unique id]) as totcnt
from t
) t
where totcnt > 1
To get just one instance, try this:
select t.*
from (select t.*, count(*) over (partition by [semi-unique id]) as totcnt,
row_number() over (partition by [semi-unique id] order by (select NULL)
) as seqnum
from t
) t
where totcnt > 1 and seqnum = 1
The advantage of this approach is that you get all the columns, instead of just the id (if that helps).
Sorry, I was short on time earlier so I couldn't explain my answer. The first query groups the semi_unique_ids that are the same and only returns the ones that have a duplicate.
SELECT semi_unique_id
FROM your_table
GROUP BY semi_unique_id
HAVING COUNT(semi_unique_id) > 1
If you wanted to get the uid in the query too you can easily add it like so.
FROM your_table
HAVING COUNT(semi_unique_id) > 1
Lastly if you would like to get an idea of how many duplicates per row returned you would do the following.
COUNT(semi_unique_uid) AS unique_id_count
FROM your_table
HAVING COUNT(semi_unique_id) > 1
SELECT t.semi_unique_id AS i
HAVING (COUNT(t.semi_unique_id) > 1)
Try this for sql-server

oracle - getting 1 or 0 records based on the number of occurrences of a non-unique field

I have a table MYTABLE
1 | foo |
2 | foo |
3 | bar |
where N_REC is the primary key and MYFIELD is a non-unique field.
I need to query this table on MYFIELD and extract the associated N_REC, but only if there is only one occurrence of MYFIELD; otherwise I need no records returned.
So if I go with MYFIELD='bar' I will get 3, if I go with MYFIELD='foo' I will get no records.
I went with the following query
select * from
( select count(*) from mytable where mycolumn=my.mycolumn ) as counter
from mytable my where mycolumn=?
where counter=1
While it gives me the desired result I feel like I'm running the same query twice.
Are there better ways to achieve what I'm doing?
I think that this should do what you want:
COUNT(*) = 1
You might also try the analytic or windowing version of count(*) and compare plans to the other options:
select n_rec, my_field
from (select n_rec, my_field
, count(*) over (partition by my_field) as Counter
from myTable
where my_field = ?)
where Counter = 1