How is view initialized when loaded via a storyboard? - objective-c

When view is loaded manually, developer remains in control when it comes to initializations, we choose what initializer to call, what variables to set etc.
When view is loaded from the storyboard segue ... what happens to that initializer? Where should variables be set i'd like to be available once view had been loaded?
Please help me understand the sequence here. How is instance of the class created here, who creates it and how can we intervene and help set it up to our liking?

When a view is loaded from a nib or storyboard, it's -initWithCoder: method is called. Like -initWithFrame:, -initWithCoder: is a designated initializer for UIView. If you're going to do any custom initialization for a UIView subclass, you should make sure that it happens for both these methods. One common technique is to add a common initialization method that you call from both -initWithFrame: and -initWithCoder:. See my answer to Custom view and implementing init method? for a more detailed description.
Note that the documentation for -initWithFrame: explains:
If you use Interface Builder to design your interface, this method is
not called when your view objects are subsequently loaded from the nib
file. Objects in a nib file are reconstituted and then initialized
using their initWithCoder: method, which modifies the attributes of
the view to match the attributes stored in the nib file.


Objective C: init and awakeFromNib

I've recently studied some Cocoa based open source projects. I saw that a lot of programs have all initializing code in awakeFromNib and rarely use the designated initializer. I am used to do it that way:
in the overridden designated initializer: do all non-Nib stuff
in awakeFromNib: do all Nib-related stuff
Is this approach wrong?
Yes, it's correct, all nib-related stuff should be done in awakeFromNib method. At the moment when it's called you already have initialized and loaded view from nib, so you already may configure and use it.
As concerned to initializers, please, check this question: iOS: UIView subclass init or initWithFrame:?
The designated initializer is the one that all the other initializers must call. UIView and subclasses are a little unusual in that they've actually got two such initializers: -initWithFrame: and -initWithCoder:, depending on how the view is created. You should override -initWithFrame: if you're instantiating the view in code, and -initWithCoder: if you're loading it from a nib. Or, you could put your code in third method and override both those initializers such that they call your third method. In fact, that's often the recommended strategy.

Cocoa - explanation of view handling

I'm learning Cocoa at the moment, and have followed 'generic' tutorials on getting a basic form with a button and label.
With the .xib, I've added an 'Object' (instance of NSObject subclass), and have also created a ViewController class, which I connect to my view by setting Custom Class to ViewController. I then code up my ViewController.h and .m files adding a pressedButton method, and a label (myLabel). This all works OK (ie. the label updates when the button is pressed).
My question is: what am I actually doing with this process in C++ terms (a language I'm more familiar with)? As I understood it, my 'Object' (set to class ViewController) represents an instance of the .xib file (may be wrong here), and with this set to the ViewController class, I'm able to make outlets and actions in ViewController.h/.m, but I'm still not sure what's really going on behind the scenes.
Lastly, the XCode template provides an AppDelegate class 'free'. Given I'm managing my controls via my ViewController class, what would this file/object be used for - is it for application specific things that do not relate to the view itself, or is it also used to manage the controls on the form too (like you see in some tutorials I think)?
I hope, I understood the first part of your question well. The .xib (xml verison of nib file) does not represent a class or object. It is rather used to create a view object with all its subviews (each an object) and link it properly to your view controller.
It is most common and automatically generated that way, that the underlying view within your nib file corersponds to self.view (from your view controller's point of view).
You could access each view created by the nib file by navigating though the subview hierarchy of self.view. Alternatively you could define tags within nib/IB (Interface builder) to access individual view objects more easily.
"Just for your convenience" the IBOutlets were introduced. You can define an IBOutlet in the interface of your view controller and link it using IB to the dedicated object that is created using the xib file.
I am saying "Just for your covenience" because it is not really neccessary, considering other ways of addressing your view objects. But it is more than convenient and therfore strongly recommended and stimply the standard way of doing it.
You could even add further views programmatically to a form/view that was created using IB. You can change properties of those views programmatically.
The view and the subvies are created in that very moment when your view controller is initialized with a nib file using the initWithNibName:bundle: method. Then the nib file (xib these days) is opened, its content is parsed and interpreted and all views are created and added to their superviews respectively and their properties and action: selectors etc. are set accordingly. Again, the whole process is designed for your convenience. You could even create all the views etc. programmatically - witout any nib file at all. The loadView method of your custom view controller would be the appropriate place of dong so.
Second question:
AppDelegate is designed for application wide actions etc. If you can manage everything fine within your view controllers then you would not need to change anything on the AppDelegate.
It is often used as a container for variables or functions of global character (which are then properties and members of the app delegate object). Sometimes you may see it neccessary to override some of the AppDelegates methods like application:didFinishLanuncing or applicationDidBecomeActive.
Strictly spoken, UIApplicationDelegate is no class that you subclass. It is a protocol that you implement. (Very much like interfaces within Java - sort of overcoming the lack of multiple inheritance that you are familiar with from C++).

bind the managedObjectContext outlet for a controller using Interface Builder?

I'm trying to set up a fairly simple view that presents a table to the user. This table is connected to an Array Controller, which I want to use to retrieve records from Core Data. For some reason, I can't seem to connect the 'managedObjectContext' outlet to anything else in my app. When I created my project, there was a property generated in my app delegate which returns the MOC I need, but I can't hook it up in Interface Builder, even after prepending "IBOutlet" to the declaration. Image below showing the available connection on both ends:
I'm sure that I'm missing some simple step here but I can't tell what piece of glue code I'm supposed to write that will allow me to hook this up more easily. For reference, I've tried dragging a line from the controller's moc outlet to every single source I could think of, and changed the "File's Owner" class to that of my application. Stumped here!
Typically in the template provided by XCode the managedObjectContext comes along with AppDelegate.
You have to bind the managedObjectContext reference of the array controller to the managedObjectContext in AppDelegate.
For this you have to make an object of AppDelegate inside the xib i.e., if its not already present.(Drag an object placeholder from your object library and make its class as AppDelegate)
This makes AppDelegate visible for binding inside that xib.
Next step is actually binding the managedObjectContext. Select your array controller and go to bindings inspector. In the parameters section select App Delegate from the drop down and check on "Bind to".
Fill the "Model Key Path" field with self.managedObjectContext. Now you will find the connection in the connections inspector also.
The process of creating a new AppDelegate object is to be done only if it is not already present in the main nib file (but the stub generated always has the AppDelegate object in the main nib file).
For a non main nib file, if we follow the above approach, a new AppDelegate object will be created which won't be the NSApplication's delegate. Even though this can be solved by connecting delegate outlet of the application object proxy provided in each nib, the AppDelegate object still won't be the same.
The result is two different managedObjectContext talking to the same store. Although this might appear to work properly when the changes are saved at each step, this is not what we want.
To get the right AppDelegate object, i.e. the one used in the main nib file:
-instead of creating a new AppDelegate object, bind the managedObjectContext of the array controller directly through the application to its delegate. In other words the object to bind to will be the application object and the key path used will be self.delegate.managedObjectContext.
The way to add objects of your entity depends on the specific logic you want to implement.
The generic and easy solution would be, binding the fields for input to the array controller like you might have done for the table and then hooking up the array controller methods to the buttons inside the sheet.
Another option is sub-classing NSArrayController and over-riding the super class methods like add: to write your code (for opening your slide sheet maybe) before calling the super class method, [super add:sender] . Don't forget to specify this sub-class of NSArrayController as the class of your array controller in the xib.

How can I initialize a custom GUI class?

I'm developing an iPad app.
Now I ran into the following problem. I created a "Custom Class" for a UIScrollView. So in my nib file I have added a default UIScrollView and set the Custom Class to MultiSelectView (which is the custom class I created). Screenshot here.
So in my MultiSelectView I have added some methods that I want to use. This works!
The issue is that I'm wondering how I can initialize certain objects that I need in these methods. It seems like - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {} is not called, and neither is - (void) viewDidLoad {}.
Thus, is there a way to initialize a custom (GUI) class?
When you unarchive a view from a .xib file, it is not sent -initWithFrame:, as you've noticed. Instead, it's sent -initWithCoder:.
So, if you've got any UIView subclass in a .xib file that needs custom initialization, you'll need to override -initWithCoder: as well as (or instead of) -initWithFrame:.
Looks like you need initWithCoder, it is called when object is loaded from NIB
Or, better, awakeFromNib. The difference is that awakeFromNib is called when all outlets are connected.

viewDidLoad, awakeFromNib, initWithCoder:...Where to init members?

Just a simple question...I'm using Interface Builder for creating my view, and I wonder where I should initialize my UIViewController's member variables (which are not IBOutlets)...viewDidLoad? awakeFromNib? initWithCoder:?
Thanks for your answers!
Use awakeFromNib if you need to do anything extra with your IB outlets before the view is actually loaded (so at the time post when the NIB is loaded), otherwise you can normally initialise member variables in viewDidLoad:
This method is most commonly used to perform additional initialization steps on views that are loaded from nib files.
In general, if you follow how Apple's samples initialise member variables you'll be fine; you only need to consider changing the location of member initialisation if it's not appropriate to do it when the view is loaded.