In PHPStorm 3.0, a PHP string like:
$sString = '<div><span class="someClass">test</span></div>';
has HTML Syntax / opening and closing brackets highlighting.
I would like to disable this behavior and display it as a string only.
Anyone figured out where I can change this?
Alt+Enter on the string, Un-inject Language:
It seems like IntelliJ is expecting strings to be escaped by the quote-char and not a backslash. Is there a way to change the SQL dialect here, or how can I get rid of the error squiggly in my editor?
You can right-click in the editor and select Change Dialect:
More details at
I'm new to using stackoverflow and using WebStorm quasar,and vuejs, so let me know if you need any more details or if I did something wrong.
pictures of code errors:
ESLint: A space is required after '{'.(object-curly-spacing)
enter image description here
ESLint: Unexpected whitespace between function name and paren.(func-call-spacing)
I correct these errors by adding the correct spacing, but whenever I refresh the website, I'm working on, WebStorm changes them back.
I believe its some sort of a formatting error.
I've gone into,
Settings->Editor->Code Style -> JavaScript
Settings->Editor->Code Style -> TypeScript
and clicked on spaces, and check the appropriate boxes.
spaces - before parenthesis - function call parenthesis
spaces - within - object literal braces
but the problem still persists.
You should have disabled the Spaces > Before parentheses > Function call parentheses and enabled the Within > ES6 Import/Export Braces in Settings | Editor | Code Style | JavaScript; please also make sure that you don't have the IDE code style preferences overwritten by the settings in project .editorconfig (if any)
When my cursor is after an open quote in a SQL statement in an IntelliJ database console and I press Enter, it closes the quote on the current line and adds a concatenation symbol with an open quote on the newline.
I disabled formatting the SQL code style settings but that didn't fix it for me.
UPDATE blah SET blah2 = 'something<pressed enter>' ||
Is there a way to disable this autoformatting?
This request was addressed in 2017.1 version, as a result, Insert string concatenation on Enter setting was added specifically for SQL:
This can be archived since IntelliJ 13. You simply need to wrap your code with
// #formatter:off
your code goes here
// #formatter:on
Since IntelliJ Idea 15-16(pardon if i'm wrong), you can also make permanent set up by Preferences > Editor > Code Style option
Hope it helps
Look at Eclipse:
and in Idea:
So, how can I make Idea collapse multiline String like Eclipse?
Unfortunately, it seems there are no folding options for string literals.
You could try using custom folding tags, but this could will require extra comments for every string:
To check all existing folding options go to Settings > Editor > General > Code Folding.
In notepad++ if I have the code
printf("Hello, World\n");
The whole string '"Hello, World\n"' is one color but in editors like vim '\n' is a different color signifying it's a special character. Is there to get this behavior in notepad++? It's an especially nice feature of vim to highlight some of the stranger printf syntax like '% 5.3s' or '%%'
If you don't mind editing some xml, I'm sure you could make the appropriate settings in stylers.xml where all syntax highlighting settings for Notepad++ are saved. It is usually located in %APPDATA%\Notepad++\
Here is the wiki:
Otherwise, you could try to find a theme online and import it with settings->import->import theme